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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Rachel500
    I always find it fascinating that its Jack who raises the subject by asking him direct 'who is he?' - and she is very quick to confirm 'it isn't serious.'
    The discussion is very quick but everything has been said. I think that at the moment she still wants to hide it because it's not super serious yet and she tries to lessen to pain by saying so but Jack knows it would last a bit. You just have to see her face to see she's happy. He saying 'Good luck' is a proof of that.

    Conversation just because it's fun: spoilers because not everyone likes the scene.

    Sam enters the lift with Jack. She starts humming the Stargate theme tune.

    Jack: Humming?

    Sam: I am?

    Jack: You are.

    Sam: Sorry.

    Jack: What's his name?

    Sam: No one.

    Jack: Humming.

    Sam: Pete.

    Jack: Pete?

    Sam: Pete Shannahan, he's a cop.

    Jack: Speeding again are we?

    Sam: He's from Denver, he's a friend of my brothers.

    Jack: Set-up.

    Sam: Pathetic, I know.

    Jack: No, it's great.

    Sam: Really?

    Jack: Isn't it?

    Sam: Well it's not serious or anything.

    Jack: And yet it is humworthy.

    Sam: But Sir..

    Jack: But Carter it's none of my.. business. I'm just happy that you're happy about something else then.. quarks.

    Sam looks at Jack.

    Jack: Not bad with quarks huh?

    Sam: Excellent.

    Jack: A bit uncomfortable isn't it?

    Sam: Yeah, a bit.

    The lift doors open and Jack walks out.

    Jack: Good luck.

    Sam: Thank you Sir.


      Originally posted by Rachel500
      I'm in the middle of writing a TAG for that right now and the ANGST! It's very ANGSTY. Opening sentences give you a clue as to how angsty it's going to be...


      He had failed her. He had failed her and she had almost died. The thoughts kept repeating in Jack O'Neill's head like an endless broken record. His warm brown gaze was pinned to Samantha Carter's sleeping form as he simply watched her breathe. In and out. Alive. He thanked a God he hadn't prayed to for years and kept watching...

      For me, it's the moment in the infirmary though when Jack KNOWS; when they're trying to save her and he has to wipe away a tear. I think in the locker-room, he's still struggling to come to terms with it all and with the fact that he's going to have to face her. And, for me, its not until that moment in the infirmary that he realises what its going to mean to him to really one hundred per cent lose her; how much its going to cost him personally.

      Interestingly this is the first of the Teal'c comforts someone in the locker room moments...maybe I should start another list

      You are such a tease! Arghhhh...
      And I'd had the same thought about the locker room. I think it's interesting that Teal'c seems to assume in the infirmary that Jack is going to stay with Sam. That's our shipper boy

      Though in the infirmary, IMHO, I think there's more hope there. Because she's fighting. And he *is* praying... Though this does set the pattern for his angsty uselessness. He even brings Cassie to cheer her up because he thinks its beyond him.

      Doncha just wanna hug the poor boy?


      Jennifer -- off to rewatch Secrets to buck up for my funeral scene


        Originally posted by docker22
        lesley you crack me up.
        Lesleyp: Thanks. It's what a do...IT'S what I's WHAT I do

        Give it a rest

        Lesleyp: Sorry, I was just imitat...

        I know whatcha you were doin. Now give it a rest. Wasn't funny then, not funny now

        Lesleyp: Sheesh! Sorry.

        Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
        Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
        Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


          Originally posted by Rachel500
          I'm in the middle of writing a TAG for that right now and the ANGST! It's very ANGSTY. Opening sentences give you a clue as to how angsty it's going to be...


          He had failed her. He had failed her and she had almost died. The thoughts kept repeating in Jack O'Neill's head like an endless broken record. His warm brown gaze was pinned to Samantha Carter's sleeping form as he simply watched her breathe. In and out. Alive. He thanked a God he hadn't prayed to for years and kept watching...

          More please
          Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
          Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
          Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


            Originally posted by docker22
            is that from chimera? i have an aversion to chimera and i can't seem to get past the lift scene. (sad isn't it). do you have any caps of those scenes?would love to see them.
            EDIT: excuse my stupidness. thats part of the lift scene. its awhile since i watched it so i forgot.
            Here's what I've done. Having relatively few seasons on DVD, I've had to video tape the rest. And in my shipcentric view of the Stargate universe (I know, y'all are shocked) I've got Grace, Chimera, bits of Affinity, bits of Gemini, Threads, bits of Moebius, and bits of Avalon, Origins, Beachhead, and Ex Deus on one tape together.

            Seriously, watched like that, Chimera seems like a necessary means to a good end. And not like having a root canal. Although, come to think of it, maybe exactly like having a root canal...



              Originally posted by JenniferJF
              Here's what I've done. Having relatively few seasons on DVD, I've had to video tape the rest. And in my shipcentric view of the Stargate universe (I know, y'all are shocked) I've got Grace, Chimera, bits of Affinity, bits of Gemini, Threads, bits of Moebius, and bits of Avalon, Origins, Beachhead, and Ex Deus on one tape together.

              Seriously, watched like that, Chimera seems like a necessary means to a good end. And not like having a root canal. Although, come to think of it, maybe exactly like having a root canal...

              Ya, now ya know how I felt standin in that elevator
              Oh come on, wasn't that bad
              was so

              well you could've said something
              I did
              and that was supposed to mean
              I was taken off guard, what are you doing, can't you see how this is affecting me
              I was supposed to get all of that out of one word
              Well, I am a man of few words
              Sig. made by RepliCarterje just for me
              Get RDA on Canada's Walk of Fame: Click this link to find out how
              Love dogs? Have it in your heart for a big barrel of love? Go to


                Originally posted by Lizlove

                Amanda face.

                Amanda face - LOL - so true


                  Originally posted by Lizlove
                  The discussion is very quick but everything has been said. I think that at the moment she still wants to hide it because it's not super serious yet and she tries to lessen to pain by saying so but Jack knows it would last a bit. You just have to see her face to see she's happy. He saying 'Good luck' is a proof of that.

                  Conversation just because it's fun: spoilers because not everyone likes the scene.

                  Sam enters the lift with Jack. She starts humming the Stargate theme tune.

                  Jack: Humming?

                  Sam: I am?

                  Jack: You are.

                  Sam: Sorry.

                  Jack: What's his name?

                  Sam: No one.

                  Jack: Humming.

                  Sam: Pete.

                  Jack: Pete?

                  Sam: Pete Shannahan, he's a cop.

                  Jack: Speeding again are we?

                  Sam: He's from Denver, he's a friend of my brothers.

                  Jack: Set-up.

                  Sam: Pathetic, I know.

                  Jack: No, it's great.

                  Sam: Really?

                  Jack: Isn't it?

                  Sam: Well it's not serious or anything.

                  Jack: And yet it is humworthy.

                  Sam: But Sir..

                  Jack: But Carter it's none of my.. business. I'm just happy that you're happy about something else then.. quarks.

                  Sam looks at Jack.

                  Jack: Not bad with quarks huh?

                  Sam: Excellent.

                  Jack: A bit uncomfortable isn't it?

                  Sam: Yeah, a bit.

                  The lift doors open and Jack walks out.

                  Jack: Good luck.

                  Sam: Thank you Sir.

                  I liked the idea of her trying to hide it. First thing I thought is how well this ties into Threads, when she is STILL trying to hide how serious it is, by ignoring s phone call (like the wedding invitations don't give it away ) and how upset she gets at Jacob for rubbing Jack's face in it.

                  And Jack's poor pained expression... Meanwhile he woke up with you-know-who that morning... Denial and Egypt etc.

                  Y'all have put me in a remarkably angsty mood, today. <sigh>

                  Jennifer -- Jacob should have knocked their thick skulls together back there under that old bomb!


                    Originally posted by AmberLM
                    Hi another fly-by post! Technically I'm not supposed to use the Uni computers for non-urgent stuff since the demand for them is so high so apologies for not being around here much - I miss you guys! :'(

                    Anyways, I just thought I'd let you know that my biology lecturer keeps showing clips of the 'Shipper Penguins' in our lectures!!! (U know, the one that one where one penguin hits another one and pushes him into the water?)... yeah my new lecturer is cool!

                    I've (hopefully) sorted my bank stuff out today so I should be able to order my laptop in about a week's time. Then it takes about 10 days for delivery so hopefully in a few weeks I should have my Internet back and be able to watch videos and read fanfic again (which I can't do on these computers because the Internet is so damn slow!!! Argh!) - I can't wait!

                    RepliCtje: Thank you soooo much for making my music video, as I've said I'll be unable to watch it until I get my laptop (which I want to get ASAP so that I CAN watch it!) but I promise as soon as I'm online again I'll e-mail, PM or YahooIM you to let you know I've got my Internet back... seriously, I'm having withdrawl symptoms, I've NEVER been this long without regular Internet access!

                    TTFN and keep up the great work ship family! xx
                    Glad things are going well up in Aberdeen. Hope you get your laptop soon.

                    The shipper penguins are everywhere!

                    *penguins stolen from Mala*


                      i've never actually watched chimera (and judging from the transcript... im not sure i wanna) but i read the transcript i read the.... my first thought was "quarks!!!!!!! hahahahahah what does that mean?" and my second was "ewww sammm? that is just wrong on SO many levels."

                      so yeah thats my humble opinion... the rambling kind... i'll stop now.
                      THANKYOU so much annelies!!! (samjackshiplover)


                        Originally posted by JenniferJF
                        I liked the idea of her trying to hide it. First thing I thought is how well this ties into Threads, when she is STILL trying to hide how serious it is, by ignoring s phone call (like the wedding invitations don't give it away ) and how upset she gets at Jacob for rubbing Jack's face in it.

                        And Jack's poor pained expression... Meanwhile he woke up with you-know-who that morning... Denial and Egypt etc.

                        Y'all have put me in a remarkably angsty mood, today. <sigh>

                        Jennifer -- Jacob should have knocked their thick skulls together back there under that old bomb!
                        Maybe this'll make you feel better?


                          Originally posted by Lizlove
                          Maybe this'll make you feel better?

                          ok 1 minute later...I really love that is really one of the hottest kisses....

                          You know I really can not stop looking at it...

                          thanks Stef for posting it...But now the thread will die because everyone is looking at it lol

                          oooh wait I did not just quote it did I


                            That's the very scene I was talking about. Thanks for posting the pictures.


                              Originally posted by docker22
                              is that from chimera? i have an aversion to chimera and i can't seem to get past the lift scene. (sad isn't it). do you have any caps of those scenes?would love to see them.
                              EDIT: excuse my stupidness. thats part of the lift scene. its awhile since i watched it so i forgot.
                              Yes, that's part of the lift scene.
                              I'm like you because I hate watching this episode. I also dislike the lift scene as I feel uncomfortable because Sam and Jack are uncomfortable, if you see what I mean. In fact, I just cringe through the whole episode.


                                Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                                That's the very scene I was talking about. Thanks for posting the pictures.
                                My pleasure

                                Eve? Why did you quote it?!? Bad girl! No we have to reanimate everyone!

