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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
    Great post, Gatetrixer! And as to those authors, who were they trying to convince? The most successful sci-fi franchise in history, Star Trek, was built on human emotions. It laid the foundation for everything we enjoy now, and it was rooted in how humanity interacts and responds to what's new and untested. So, if some writers got together and wrote a manifesto like this, well, they failed to calculate the success of the Roddenberry formula.

    Just sayin'.
    Thank you for those kind words. I probably should have said that these guidlines were about print Sci-fi, but it would apply to any aspects of it.


      Originally posted by nell
      Gotta love The Man!!! He is so keeping Sam giggling, don'tcha think??!!
      Y'know, there have been a lot of times on SG where I thought Jack was trying to intentionally sound dumb, but this was the only time I thought he made a legitimate mistake. There's just a sparkle in his eyes when he's snowing them, and it wasn't there this time. And I also always get the feeling that the others - especially Sam and Daniel - know when he's doing an Archie bunker and it shows, whereas this time, it looks like they're legitimately amused at his error, but wouldn't tell him and embarrass him.
      - Mary
      SG1 needs it's Fifth Man - Why should we settle for less? Bring back Jonas Quinn!
      Jack O'Neill would die for any member of his team. But there's only one he'd live for: Samantha Carter.


        Originally posted by trupi
        Gate Angel just posted this poll that Scfi channel is posting today to see the views from the fans on the future for Stargate-Thanks Marla:

        Don't know how long this has been up on their news site and since this is Sunday the poll will probably change tomorrow.

        But it asks what you would like to see as the next incarnation of Stargate (and the current precentage of votes)

        New Stargate SG1 Feature film - 45%

        New Stargate SG1 TV Movie - 23%

        New Stargate Movie Unrelated to SG1 - 8%

        New Stargate TV Series Unrelated to SG1 - 24%

        i chose new stargate sg1 tv movie.

        i wish there'd have been the option of 'mini series' or 'series of tv movies'.




          Originally posted by Buc252
          Awwww, thank you!!

          How many posts do I need to get a custom avatar? I don't think I'll *ever* get there.
          2000 posts. Around 500 to go. You can do it Mary!


            Originally posted by majorsal
            i chose new stargate sg1 tv movie.

            i wish there'd have been the option of 'mini series' or 'series of tv movies'.

            Picked that one also but doesn't look to be the most popular choice!


              Originally posted by SamO'Neill
              Hmmm.... don't you get more avatars after reaching 800?

              I can't seem to find them...
              I'm quoting myself because I really cannot find the new avatars...

              Please help!
              my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                Originally posted by nell
                I took a peek in the 'what do you think will be the season 10 finale thread' Some folks were talking about series, movie, whatever following the series' finale. Someone suggested that Jack and Carter's son (adult) would lead a team with Teal'c as a member (remember Teal'c has a loooong life span) in a new series set in future years. 'Jack's and Carter's son!'

                but how about sam and jack's DAUGHTER? grace o'neill.




                  Originally posted by majorsal

                  but how about sam and jack's DAUGHTER? grace o'neill.


                  I love reading that comment. The person is obviously a casual watcher of stargate. Not obsessed with a certain couple. They just know that Jack and Sam ending up together makes perfect sense.
                  my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                    Originally posted by JenniferJF
                    Sure, no problem. And I actually agree with a lot of what you said. I *personally* think they are making a big mistake. I just can understand why they think they are doing the right thing. Make sense?

                    Slightly OT, I'm currently in the process of reading through a mystery series and last night I suddenly realized that, during the course of almot 20 books, the guy has met the girl, fallen in love, gotten married, and had a kid. Strangely enough, he has managed to continue solving crimes despite having a life. Now, I assume since these books have been regularly republished throughout the English speaking world for almost 100 years, the obvious ship can't have hurt sales too much! This happens a lot in literature. Why is it that ship can be allowed to progress so nicely through a series of books but it is considered death in many circles for it to progress on TV?

                    Amen, and then some. Of two classic mysteries, Margery Allingham's Albert Campion got married, Dorothy Sayers' Lord Peter Wimsey married (then she quit writing mysteries, though) . I just read a modern mystery-- in the latest book in the series,the female detective gets married. In another one a female detective is engaged and I can't wait for the next book. In comic strips even Dr. Morgan finally married June and they had a kid. It's the bogus curse of Moonlighting for TV, I guess. 100 years? Wow. I'd be interested to hear what series that is.


                      Originally posted by trupi
                      Someone another thread said something real interesting about Quest I:
                      The knife that Ba'al didn't want to give up looks like the knife he tortured Jack with in "Abyss". Was that comment about holding sentimental memories have to do with torturing Jack?

                      some fans think it's 'not' the same knife. personally, i don't think it is, but i'm only guessing.




                        Originally posted by Lesleyp

                        Told yas, it get's her eveytime.

                        Seriously guys, just poppin in outta habit. Really think it's important to clarify. I'm not deserting the family. And my planned Hiatus has nuthin to do with the discussion of yesterday. One of our members was havin a bad day I think and needs a little love and understandin is all.

                        The reason is that I'm tryin to write you guys two They're both pretty intense, action, with shippy stuffage. And I keep getting drawn into conversations and away from my stories. Really, I try not to. Just not working for me.

                        So that's it. I'll be lurkin from time to time. I'm not gone,completely. Just trying to write, raise my kid, and work . Feel free to email if ya want.
                        I'll be back when I'm ready to start postin chapters.

                        I love S/J just way too much to go for good. And love hearin what you guys have to say.

                        As for the grits incident, I'll try to be brief:

                        Ya, brief. I like brief.

                        We have a breakfast cereal up here called "Cream of wheat". Cdns now know where I'm going with this...roflmao.
                        It looks very much like grits, but it's made, obvioulsy with wheat, not corn, and is not as coarse as grits.

                        It is eaten with milk, sugar, (I like brown sugar on mine) and I'll add maple syrup if I have it. Grits I learned in Kentucky is eaten with butter and perhaps salt and pepper.

                        So I'm at the Pancake House with their lovely breakfast buffet. Scoop up a nice bowl of "Cream of Wheat" - how lovely of the place to offer it...and well now you know. And they taste the same, with grits just a tad lumpier, which was fine with me, cause that's how I make my cream of wheat

                        Apparently I'm not the first Cdn to have done this at the lovely establishment as the waitress knew right off...I was Canadian...

                        So embarrassing.
                        I thought it was cute.

                        Sings"Cream of Wheat is so good to eat that we have it everyday."
                        La la la lalalalalala!
                        Hubs likes it and also Maltomeal. Since he makes it himself 'sokay by me. If I have hot cereal, it's oatmeal. BTW, Maltomeal is made in Jack's state.
                        Last edited by Gatetrixer; 24 September 2006, 06:45 PM.


                          Originally posted by majorsal
                          some fans think it's 'not' the same knife. personally, i don't think it is, but i'm only guessing.

                          I just posted it because I didn't even think in that direction but it was original idea.


                            Spoiler for The Quest:


                            I want to do something like that, only a bit longer. What do you all think?
                            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                              Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                              I'm quoting myself because I really cannot find the new avatars...

                              Please help!
                              They changed it to 1000.


                                Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                                Spoiler for The Quest:


                                I want to do something like that, only a bit longer. What do you all think?
                                **goes off to read it**

