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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
    Now I soo want to see this ep *be strong and watch all eps in the right order*
    I was weak ...couldn't resist watching the eps out of order ...seen all of season 9 now ...can't wait for season 10!!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by nogigglingmajor
      OH.MY.GOD! I just watched Ripple effect!!!!! *faints* And she....then he...and the face... and then they.... AGHHH
      OH MY GOD! It was so good, and excellent, my head was like exploading from the realities and theories! And the humour from Sam and Cam was great. One thing annoyed me though, and that was everytime someone was about to say who Sam was married to, they always get oh so conviniately interrupted. I mean TPTB never had a problem openly showing a SJ relationship in AU's in other eps, but they just couldn't bear to do it in this ep could they? Oh and i cried when i saw Janet but had to sit on my hands for the almost-kiss. Though I saw Sam suddenly come back to herself just before. Now I know this culd've been becuase they just noticed the asgaurd. but somehow I think it was Sam realising this wasn't right. BTW, love the Asgaurd! Who was that guy? So hilarious. Oh and the 'stupid question' comment by Cam. All in all, a hilarious ep. Oh and when Martouf first walks in on all the Carters. And there they are all looking between Martouf and our Carter with oh so innocent expressions. Oh they so knew what was going on! Oh and all the blue jello! Sorry, I'm on such a high after watching this.
      Thanks for the ep I asked about, I'm off to watch that before continuing season 9.
      I agree with your delight. Personally, I really enjoyed the ep and thought it was extremely well done. In many ways I think they more successfully did in that ep with a lot of more subtle injokes what they were trying to do in 200 with a sledge hammer. One thing I found interesting about the other AUs:

      It seems in the reality in which Martouf and Sam had a relationship, Sam and Jack actually got together EARLIER than they did in our reality. Now, Martouf was, I believe, intended as a speed bump for Jack and Sam. Little ironic joke, there, I think, directed at us. If S&M had gotten together, S&J would be parents by now (together)..



        Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
        Just assumes is even better!! I'll wait and see for the rest of S8.
        And Jen, have you even been to bed today?
        Uh, yeah. I crashed last night at about 730 pm our time, so I'd actually been asleep for almost 6 hours when I woke early this morning.. fell back asleep for a couple hours... My schedule is still off from College/Army/preggo/infants.... <sigh> But it gives me lots of quiet time to read/write/and watch what I want on TV, so its not all bad.

        It's just the way it is.



          Good night ship family...I'm off to spend some time with hubs...need a little bit of ship time of my own...been working all weekend so now we need to catch up!!
          Congrats to all the know who you are!!
          Hope you all have an awesome day/night!!
          Sweet shippy dreams all!!

          EDIT: Just changed my avatar...that's my 2 angels...Tom and Niki!! Just thought I'd let you know!!
          Night all!!
          Last edited by Chelle DB; 01 October 2006, 04:14 AM.
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by chelle db
            I was weak ...couldn't resist watching the eps out of order ...seen all of season 9 now ...can't wait for season 10!!!
            It's getting harder to stay strong!! I have S1-9 on DVD and I'm only in season 2 and now an Teal'c ep is up and I am not really interested in those, but feel like I have to watch it. Luckily most eps are teameps anyway.
            Ah and I have seen and read lots and lots of spoilers!
            And of course the little EDM movie from Terrah is my favourite spoiler atm SQUEEEEEEE!!!!!!

            Good shippy night Chelle!!


              Originally posted by Terrah
              I love that episode, has everything I love about SG1, The Team, Dad, Humour (Daniel: The great and powerful OZ) Whumping (Poor Teal'c) S/J shipiness, S/D sibblingship (Is that a word?) and Big explosions.

              ...And Jack with his head on Sam's belly...

              Edit. Thanks for all the kind comments about my sig, guys.


                Originally posted by hopalong
                ...And Jack with his head on Sam's belly...

                Edit. Thanks for all the kind comments about my sig, guys.
                My favorite moment is when Dad lets Jack fly the ship. Jack looks like such a kid at Christmas, Really? Me? Another of those hints Jacob really thinks more highly of Jack than he generally admits.

                We need some Dad emoticons...



                  One thing for ripple effext though,
                  When the AU Cam talks about cutting the green one. I firts thought he was genuine but then there was that smirk as he turned around. So was he being truthful , or was it pay back? I'm really not sure . Also, they acted like they had no idea what he was talking about. But logic would be a first guess at a wire. It might not be, but that was my instant thought.

                  ! All Aboard The Shipper Train!
                  I Heart ! Proud Member of Thunk For Club!
                  Don't wait for your ship to come in. Swim out to it.


                    Originally posted by Gate gal
                    Too funny! Replicartertje and I were talking a few weeks ago and I accidentally burned some of the rolls. I lost track of time, but hubby didn't care. He's just glad I have someone to talk Sam/Jack ship with besides him. Speaking of which, we've been on different schedules lately Eve. We need to fix that.
                    Yeah well I am making a reputation here If you want no food..go to me and you will have food that is burned

                    and yes we really need to fix has been more than a week since I talked to you I am online tonight though...will you be on??? If not PM me and say when you will be on than we have the change to talk again...just saying


                      Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                      Here's what I make of that phone call.....


                      Sam has just arrived at the SGC from Washington, where she and Jack just finished purchasing a condo in Georgetown.....

                      They've already discussed the fact that she needs to go back to Colorado to help the team...and they've planned to play a little joke on Jack's old friend, Hank. She calls him from the corridor phone....

                      All right, Jack, I'm here.

                      I miss you already...

                      I miss you too, but we agreed this is important.....


                      I can be in General Landry's office in about 30 seconds.....

                      Wait a minute! I gotta do the set up! It won't be any fun if he finds out you're there before I make him think you're not coming!

                      All right. How much time do you need?

                      Two minutes.....

                      Two minutes it is.....and if I can sneak in to hear what he's saying, I will.

                      Ok. I'll call you tonight.....Love you, Mrs. Lt. Colonel O'Neill.

                      Love you too, General O'Neill....

                      They hang up, Jack starts dialing, and you saw the rest on TV.....
                      I Like this idea...and it looks something Jack really should do...and Sam would really play along too...I especially like the Mrs. Lt Colonel O'Neill SQUEEEEEEEEE

                      And (((Melissa))) hope RL gets a bit less hectic for you this week... So you can make more of those litte smiley-stories


                        Originally posted by hopalong
                        I don't really want to be spamming the thread, but I decided to try my hand at making sig pics. I thought I would see what you think.

                        So, what do you think?
                        that isn't spamming!!! and if it is...Keep spamming I would say
                        I loved your banner sig...I think it is great...I love the sparkles...makes it very mysterious...really well done!!!!!


                          Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                          Somebody getting any fanfics ideas These are so cute! Thanks Lizlove!
                          They kinda look alike too!!!!


                            We were talking about Solitudes not too long ago. Here (first one) is a funny movie of it really really funny

                            *thanks to chocdoc for posting the link in the Sam's a great character thread*


                              Gateseeker was looking for a pic of Jack with the kids...well with a little manipulating ----- here's what you get "Waiting For MOM"


                                Yes, I am in the right thread.

                                I did this little manip today. I posted it in Sams thread accidentally (forgot I had been lurking there)

                                I'm sure they won't mind.

