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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
    I just gotta say:


    Now, if you could just get them out of those BDUs and into something else.....
    Something else? Oh, um, yeah........**nell grins** LOL!!!


      Originally posted by SamO'Neill
      Why is our thread so dead?
      Well, I, for one, apologize. RL took so much out of us this week that Hubby and I actually turned in early last night. Some people may have been off drowning their sorrows that it's October and the hiatus has begun.

      Also.....the threads tend to be a bit slower from mid-fall through the holidays. At least, they were last year. I think this is the busiest time of year for most folks, with all the holidays, ball games and family commitments. But I try to be here every day, at least for awhile.


        Originally posted by GateSeeker2
        I'm sorry but what is EDM?
        Ex Deux Machina...


          Originally posted by nell
          Something else? Oh, um, yeah........**nell grins** LOL!!!
          So, nell, you gave us that nice synopsis of 200 from Skiffy's site earlier. What do you think is
          on the other side of the gate? I think it's Jack's retirement party. Maybe he'll propose to Sam during it, and we'll finaly get our BHK!!!!!


            Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
            Ex Deux Machina...
            AAAhhh yes...didn't see that one when it first aired...just later on a friend's video... so when I see the epis out of sequence I don't seem to remember the titles as well...and you're saying that there was shippy music in that one? But I didn't think/recal Jack being in that epi.
            This is great.
            I told ya.
            I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
            Well, let's not dwell.


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
              You can still see the wedding cake in the original picture.

              Speaking of wedding cakes
              in 200 there is a multi-tiered wedding cake and what looks to be a champagne fountain on a table behind the seated wedding guests. I have been wondering that if they went to that much trouble for these items, that maybe they took some wedding reception photos? Remember and look on the above link, The Point of View wedding photo was at the reception. After all, in 200 there were several photos of Sam and Jack together as the bride and groom or husband and wife as it were. Maybe there are other photos not yet released.
              C'mon, a girl can hope, can't she?!


                Originally posted by nell
                Speaking of wedding cakes
                in 200 there is a multi-tiered wedding cake and what looks to be a champagne fountain on a table behind the seated wedding guests. I have been wondering that if they went to that much trouble for these items, that maybe they took some wedding reception photos? Remember and look on the above link, The Point of View wedding photo was at the reception. After all, in 200 there were several photos of Sam and Jack together as the bride and groom or husband and wife as it were. Maybe there are other photos not yet released.
                C'mon, a girl can hope, can't she?!

                and maybe...
                they took the time to play out a scene or two so that we could use as a flashback in a later epi
                This is great.
                I told ya.
                I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                Well, let's not dwell.


                  Originally posted by GateSeeker2
                  and maybe...
                  they took the time to play out a scene or two so that we could use as a flashback in a later epi
                  I love that idea! **fingers crossed**


                    Originally posted by GateSeeker2
                    AAAhhh yes...didn't see that one when it first aired...just later on a friend's video... so when I see the epis out of sequence I don't seem to remember the titles as well...and you're saying that there was shippy music in that one? But I didn't think/recal Jack being in that epi.
                    See my earlier post...This is what I discovered last night as I watched that ep for the first time...

                    Originally Posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                    WOW!!!I just watched Ex Deux Machina
                    When Sam tells Barret "NOT EXACLY" after he says "So, now you're single?" Did you guys hear the little Sam & Jack song in the back ground??? It just blew me away...not the words, no sirry, the MUSIC did it for me! SHE IS SOOOOOOO WITH JACK

                    ...Oh yeah...I BELIEVE!!!


                      Originally posted by nell
                      I love that idea! **fingers crossed**
                      HOW I WISH!!!!!!


                        Originally posted by Nolamom
                        Just look at those big blue eyes...okay, it's not Grace, she's my real life granddaughter, but she's soooooo beautiful...
                        Very cute munchkin!


                          Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                          WOW!!!I just watched Ex Deux Machina
                          When Sam tells Barret "NOT EXACLY" after he says "So, now you're single?" Did you guys hear the little Sam & Jack song in the back ground??? It just blew me away...not the words, no sirry, the MUSIC did it for me! SHE IS SOOOOOOO WITH JACK

                          ...Oh yeah...I BELIEVE!!!
                          Yes.....that was the high point of Season 9 for me!!!


                            Originally posted by GateSeeker2
                            and maybe...
                            they took the time to play out a scene or two so that we could use as a flashback in a later epi
                            Wouldn't that be just the best????? I so hope it's what happens!!!


                              Originally posted by Nolamom
                              I'd better hit the hay too (or the TempurPedic, hehehe). Morning will be around in a few hours and I should get a bit of sleep before then. Tomorrow is SHOPPING! And lunch out and a play in the fun fun.

                              Goodnight shipper family...sweet shippy dreams
                              So, Nolamom...what did you get on your shopping trip? So Hubby will appreciate you more when he gets back from his fishing trip with his buddy?

                              I bought new shoes tonight.....


                                Originally posted by Nolamom
                                Just look at those big blue eyes...okay, it's not Grace, she's my real life granddaughter, but she's soooooo beautiful...
                                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                                Very cute munchkin!
                                Yes...very cute!

                                Hey...can someone snag the pic of Grace from "Grace" and the pic of Charlie from "Cold Lazarus" and put them side by side. I'd love to see Jack's kids together!
                                This is great.
                                I told ya.
                                I can't believe we didn't do this years ago.
                                Well, let's not dwell.

