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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
    Am I the only one who doesn't like how Sam's face looks in this pic? Maybe it's the long hair, but I just don't like it.
    I like that is a
    wedding pic
    of course!

    EDIT: and after looking at the pic again I don't really like how Jack looks also.

    Sorry for being a bad shipper
    I agree!
    The way the veil is just doesn't look right. However, since it's all we have... it will do until we get to see the actual wedding!

    my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


      Originally posted by CamandVala
      I agree...They both look a little odd. I really liked the wedding pic from Point of View...I'll have to go find a pic *runs off*
      EDIT: Here it is
      I love that picture! They're totally relaxed and it's so sweet.

      my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


        IMHO, You know what beats The Point of View wedding reception pic?

        Because we get to see Sam join Jack to exchange their wedding vows! We see her walk towards Jack and his eyes are fixed on his bride as she approaches. We hear Sam finally call him Jack!


          Originally posted by dipsofjazz
          I've posted these pictures before, but I thought you may be interested in them. When I was at Gabit last year, Legends were selling the wedding dress that Amanda wore in Point of View. On it was attached another picture of AT and RDA.

          *click to make them bigger*

          The big smudge across their faces was on the picture, and not my bad photography....honest.
          Ooh, I loved those pictures! Especially the picture INSIDE the second picture... so sweet!!
          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


            Originally posted by GateSeeker2
            and maybe...
            they took the time to play out a scene or two so that we could use as a flashback in a later epi
            Well we all know they did...
            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


              Originally posted by JenniferJF
              And of course, remember the scene was located...

              in the DC area. So I'm sure Sam had a really good night the night before and was in a really good mood that morning.

              Gee, do I really have to go to Maryland, General Landry??

              This had not occurred to me. What lovely thinking, Jennifer!!!!!


                Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                Ask RepliCartertje, I'm not much of a multitasker Yesterday I was making pancakes for dinner and PMing with RCtje, and of course the last pancake for hubbie went bad, and he said: you shouldn't be internetting and cooking at the same time. Oops.

                And, I'm watching Message in a Bottle Right This Minute too!!!

                And I'm typing this. Can multitask (a little) after all!
                Too funny! Replicartertje and I were talking a few weeks ago and I accidentally burned some of the rolls. I lost track of time, but hubby didn't care. He's just glad I have someone to talk Sam/Jack ship with besides him. Speaking of which, we've been on different schedules lately Eve. We need to fix that.


                  Originally posted by CamandVala
                  I really liked the wedding pic from Point of View...I'll have to go find a pic *runs off*
                  I like this version.....because it's mine that ChopinGal got autographed for me at GABIT last year!!!

                  Last edited by sg-1fanintn; 30 September 2006, 10:42 PM.


                    Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                    I like this version.....because it's mine that ChopinGal got autographed for me at GABIT last year!!!

                    Love it! Reminds me of the "O'Neill loves Carter" pic....
                    my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                      Originally posted by hope leslie hermnharry
                      WOW!!!I just watched Ex Deux Machina
                      When Sam tells Barret "NOT EXACLY" after he says "So, now you're single?" Did you guys hear the little Sam & Jack song in the back ground??? It just blew me away...not the words, no sirry, the MUSIC did it for me! SHE IS SOOOOOOO WITH JACK
                      ...Oh yeah...I BELIEVE!!!
                      NO WAY! I didn't catch that the first time!
                      Is it THE MUSIC, as in the music they play at shippy moments? Wow, knowing that a year ago would have made season 9 so much better!


                        Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                        Well, I, for one, apologize. RL took so much out of us this week that Hubby and I actually turned in early last night. Some people may have been off drowning their sorrows that it's October and the hiatus has begun.

                        Also.....the threads tend to be a bit slower from mid-fall through the holidays. At least, they were last year. I think this is the busiest time of year for most folks, with all the holidays, ball games and family commitments. But I try to be here every day, at least for awhile.
                        I did miss my new SG1 last night, but it was nice to go out with the family and not rush back home on time to watch my favorite show. Hubby is absolutely floored that we have to wait until March for new episodes. I figure he'll be sitting beside the computer with me when the spoilers come in for England (and Canada?). Of course, he is a bit more interested in the space ships than the relationships, but he wants us to get our ship resolution, too.


                          Congrats to all milestones and welcome to any newbies!

                          Shippy dreams to all!


                            what do u people think of the possibility of a tv movie?
                            would u prefer a big budget released cinema movie, eg fight the future, or something else?
                            i think with the brilliant effects they already use for the series a big budget movie could be amazing, and it may even draw in a bigger audience ...and shippers
                            although a tv movie would mean they would have time and money to do more than just one....
                            and then again s11 could also be excellent...but ONLY if RDA is a HUGE part of that!!

                            my two cents worth!
                            "Imagination is more important than knowledge"

                            sig by RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by SamO'Neill
                              So... I just finished watching 'Beachhead'.

                              What do you all make of the phone call Landry gets from Jack right before Sam shows up?

                              I've always wondered about that....
                              Here's what I make of that phone call.....


                              Sam has just arrived at the SGC from Washington, where she and Jack just finished purchasing a condo in Georgetown.....

                              They've already discussed the fact that she needs to go back to Colorado to help the team...and they've planned to play a little joke on Jack's old friend, Hank. She calls him from the corridor phone....

                              All right, Jack, I'm here.

                              I miss you already...

                              I miss you too, but we agreed this is important.....


                              I can be in General Landry's office in about 30 seconds.....

                              Wait a minute! I gotta do the set up! It won't be any fun if he finds out you're there before I make him think you're not coming!

                              All right. How much time do you need?

                              Two minutes.....

                              Two minutes it is.....and if I can sneak in to hear what he's saying, I will.

                              Ok. I'll call you tonight.....Love you, Mrs. Lt. Colonel O'Neill.

                              Love you too, General O'Neill....

                              They hang up, Jack starts dialing, and you saw the rest on TV.....


                                Originally posted by sg-1fanintn
                                Here's what I make of that phone call.....


                                Sam has just arrived at the SGC from Washington, where she and Jack just finished purchasing a condo in Georgetown.....

                                They've already discussed the fact that she needs to go back to Colorado to help the team...and they've planned to play a little joke on Jack's old friend, Hank. She calls him from the corridor phone....

                                All right, Jack, I'm here.

                                I miss you already...

                                I miss you too, but we agreed this is important.....


                                I can be in General Landry's office in about 30 seconds.....

                                Wait a minute! I gotta do the set up! It won't be any fun if he finds out you're there before I make him think you're not coming!

                                All right. How much time do you need?

                                Two minutes.....

                                Two minutes it is.....and if I can sneak in to hear what he's saying, I will.

                                Ok. I'll call you tonight.....Love you, Mrs. Lt. Colonel O'Neill.

                                Love you too, General O'Neill....

                                They hang up, Jack starts dialing, and you saw the rest on TV.....
                                Love it! It's as though our ship is subtly addressed in two back to back episodes, then DROPPED....
                                my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover

