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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
    A little shippy poster...

    Thanks for the hugs...I go back to the doctor tomorrow to remove things and see how I'm progressing...I'm doing well I think Other than exhausted and sore
    Wonderful poster, Nolamom!

    I can't believe how blue AT's eyes look in that pic... very pretty.
    my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


      Originally posted by nogigglingmajor View Post
      BTW, is it just me or is the alert system on FF down yet AGAIN?
      I think the alert system is broken more often than not. So annoying.


        Originally posted by starlover1990 View Post
        I'm going to bed now..i have to get up early again...and it's good to be home again
        So shippy dreams!!!
        and one last thing, i've the episode now...i'm going to watch it tomorrow!
        Enjoy the episode Starlover, glad you managed to download it!

        Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
        Posting this quicklier,(hehehe) and then going to go back and watch the clips....
        Awww Nolamom, so cute together

        Originally posted by docker22 View Post
        omg!!! thank you, for posting that.
        of course he really meant, next time,bring mrs o'neill with you

        tehee, corrupter of the already corrupted.
        ROFL yeah you know it, I think we corrupt each other in here

        Originally posted by trupi View Post
        Heading out tomorrow for Avalon. Wish me luck because the weather is pretty bad here and we might get grounded but hopeful that it will blow itself out by the time my flight is scheduled to leave.
        Happy Thanksgiving Shippers!
        Hopefully will get some good pictures to share with everyone. Stay safe!
        Originally posted by docker22 View Post
        Have a safe journey, and have a great time. i'll be very impaitiently waiting for any news HAPPY THANKSGIVING. TO ALL SHIPPERS FROM ACROSS THE POND!!
        Happy Thanksgiving from across the pond And hope you have a great time at Avalon Trupi

        Originally posted by Goddess View Post
        Chapter 3 of Memories is up! Please go check it out!
        Yay! Thanks for that Goddess

        I have just finished watching 200, and oh my, I was laughing from start to finish, and at the shippy moments I was totally going SQUEEEEEEEEEE!!

        Avatar Signature by eLouai,
        TekTek, & Gaia Online


          Originally posted by Goddess View Post
          I just
          put the clip of Jack saying bring Carter on photbucket and I'm in the middle of putting the retirement discussion up there (cause in my mind that's shippy too) Here's the link for anyone who's interested:

          Edit: the second clip is up now as well
          Thank you.
          Thank you.
          Thank you.
          Thank you.

          Maybe I'm just assuming too much, but,

          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


            Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
            Thank you.
            Thank you.
            Thank you.
            Thank you.

            Maybe I'm just assuming too much, but,

            I don't think you were assuming too much!
            We were all squeeing quite a bit over that little snippit!


              Originally posted by ses110 View Post
              It sounds silly but I like the idea of Sam/Jack being together and not Sam off on Atlantis.I would like to see Sam Jack Daniel and Teal'c go off into the sunset together and not have one of them off to Atlantis.I think Sam and Jack have done enough.It's there time to be together.IMO it does not fit that Sam and Jack would want to be seperated any longer.
              Well, I'm pretty sure that Sam wouldn't MOVE to Atlantis. As I said before, they've got ways to get there and back now. Besides, she's still got the Ori to fight. Like the SGC is going to let her slip away to Atlantis for good. I wouldn't worry. When we find out how many episodes AT will be in, then we can determine better what her role will be. 3 biggie...20 appearances...something's up and it might not be good for the ship. We'll just have to wait and see. But really, Atlantis is not much further away from DC than the SGC, if you think about it. Not when you have a McKay-Carter(Carter-McKay) Intergalactic Bridge.


                Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                the episode Starlover, glad you managed to download it!
                Awww Nolamom, so cute together
                ROFL yeah you know it, I think we corrupt each other in here
                Happy Thanksgiving from across the pond And hope you have a great
                time at Avalon Trupi
                Yay! Thanks for that Goddess
                I have just finished watching 200, and oh my, I was laughing from start
                to finish, and at the shippy moments I was totally going
                Thanks! Hope the trip is painless! and

                Happy Birthday SG1POZ!!


                  Originally posted by Rachel500 View Post

                  Feeling all warm and fuzzy now.
                  Me too. *shippy sigh*

                  Everyone going to Avalon have fun fun fun!! And be safe!

                  Thanksgiving is tomorrow! *is excited* I'm gonna eat until I'm sick. But I'll be happy!


                    Originally posted by docker22 View Post
                    omg!!! thank you, for posting that.
                    of course he really meant, next time,bring mrs o'neill with you

                    tehee, corrupter of the already corrupted.
                    I think that's exactly what he meant. And Weir knew it.
                    my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                      LMAO @ Sam O'Neill's great, big, fat humungous SQUEEEEEE!! I nearly had my eyes poked out by that squeee

                      You're welcome Trupi! I don't mind travelling, even long distance, so long as I can keep my mind occupied. Ooh and thank you for the green too

                      Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                      TekTek, & Gaia Online


                        Originally posted by L.A. Doyle View Post
                        I keep watching it...and squeeing...well, not out loud, but on the inside....and it's so great...*squee* I just LOVE how he says Carter. I just love Jack. *thunk* Thanks so so so so much for that clip! And you know, Jack and Liz share that knowing look. are soooooooo together!!!
                        I do too! It's just so wonderful, and subtle, and WHY CAN'T WE GET SHIP ON OUR SHOW!?!?


                        Yay. SQUEE!!
                        my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                          Originally posted by Shesmetet View Post
                          LMAO @ Sam O'Neill's great, big, fat humungous SQUEEEEEE!! I nearly had my eyes poked out by that squeee

                          You're welcome Trupi! I don't mind travelling, even long distance, so long as I can keep my mind occupied. Ooh and thank you for the green too
                          Your eyes poked out? Hmmm....

                          I haven't squeed like that since the '200' promos...
                          my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                            Originally posted by Goddess View Post
                            Chapter 3 of Memories is up! Please go check it out!
                            Wonderful chapter. Interesting new development. I wonder how it's going to play out for S&J....
                            my lovely avatar is courtesy of Lies, SamJackShipLover


                              ROFL you squee as big as you want Believe me, I was jumping up and down on the sofa watching that particular scene in 200 (and I'm a 32 year old woman, it wasn't a pretty sight ) Good job my man couldn't see me, he'll be on the phone tomorrow, and I'll get a big kick out of winding him up! Btw, I told him I'll convert him into a S/J shipper yet, he's starting to come 'round to the idea, but won't admit it hehehe

                              Avatar Signature by eLouai,
                              TekTek, & Gaia Online


                                Originally posted by SamO'Neill View Post
                                Wonderful chapter. Interesting new development. I wonder how it's going to play out for S&J....
                                Thanks! I'm not getting any reviews for that chapter so I'm glad to hear a positive reaction. It may be partly because the alerts are down though. That site drives me up the wall!

                                Okay happy thoughts! Hmmm,

                                It'd been more than two pages since somebody posted that so I felt the need. LOL

