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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by zuz
    WOW! Very, very nice.


      Originally posted by docker22
      okay im being lazy here, as i could go and look this up elsewhere on the net. but i wonder if someone wouldn't mind clearing up an argument im having with a friend. i say serpents venom is season four and she says season five.
      im almost certain its four... isn't it?
      414 Serpent's Venom

      And the similar titles:

      121 Within the Serpent's Grasp
      201 The Serpent's Lair
      218 Serpent's Song

      Hope it helped.
      "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
      Colonel Jack O'Neill


        Originally posted by Lizlove
        How can everyone expect to be greened when they're here everyday with new manips?
        Oh no! I hope you didn't think that! There's just so much to green. Vids, Fics, Pics, Manips, Posts, Poems, funny things...I wish we did know how much was the maximum green you can give in 24 hours...that was a REAL problem on Ship Day.


          Originally posted by zuz
          414 Serpent's Venom

          And the similar titles:

          121 Within the Serpent's Grasp
          201 The Serpent's Lair
          218 Serpent's Song

          Hope it helped.
          yeah thanks . i always used to get serpent's song, and serpent's venom confused in my mind.

          sig made by Samjackshiplover


            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
            We were talking about Solitudes not too long ago. Here (first one) is a funny movie of it really really funny

            *thanks to chocdoc for posting the link in the Sam's a great character thread*
            Sorry to be quoting myself but am I the only one who found this movie just to funny? Really if you haven't watched it yet, please do so, cause it really put a smile on my face and on my hubbies face AT is such a fun person. And RDA is in it, so does belong on this thread right?


              Originally posted by Nolamom
              Oh no! I hope you didn't think that! There's just so much to green. Vids, Fics, Pics, Manips, Posts, Poems, funny things...I wish we did know how much was the maximum green you can give in 24 hours...that was a REAL problem on Ship Day.
              Oh noes! Didn't mean it like that. Generally I want to green everyone but those who post first have the advantage. I wish I could green for ever but sadly I can't and that's a big problem on GW. That you have to alternate is very good but that you have a select times to green is dumb

              Aha! CS2 is there *grins madly*

              Sorry for OT-ness


                Originally posted by zuz
                Oops, here's one of mine.

                It seems so real! And like it's the most natural thing in the world which it is these days of course, only we don't get to see it


                  Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                  Sorry to be quoting myself but am I the only one who found this movie just to funny? Really if you haven't watched it yet, please do so, cause it really put a smile on my face and on my hubbies face AT is such a fun person. And RDA is in it, so does belong on this thread right?
                  No you're not the only one . i love this blooper its a lot of fun. my only negtative comment is that the screen is so dark. but its still a great bit of fun.
                  Edit: if i remember rightly, someone posted a comment about this blooper, sorry i can't remember who it was a while ago. but apparently the director told Ammanda to have some fun on the set as it was so cold . and she came up with that blooper. but afterwards she worried she might have offended RDA, and when she questioned him about it he gave her a hug and told her not to worry. can someone tell me if they have heared this as well and im not just dreaming it.
                  Last edited by docker22; 01 October 2006, 01:03 PM.

                  sig made by Samjackshiplover


                    Originally posted by docker22
                    okay so after much of this , i've made my second music vid. its called everything i do, and its by bryan adams. heres the link: hope you enjoy.
                    Had to do some backtracking to find the original post, hehehe. Loved the vid. Keep it up! Have some green.


                      Originally posted by Lizlove
                      Just for your personal pleasure!


                      And just for Jack Angst

                      Both kids have a clef in their chin like Jack
                      Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
                      My Stories zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Artwork by Mala


                        Originally posted by Nolamom
                        I can't tell you guys how many times in the last couple of weeks I've read someone's post apologizing about not being able to green someone because they have to spread it around some first. Okay, going into teacher lecture mode here for a moment: spread it around Go to other threads, visit, see some of the amazing things that are happening elsewhere and compliment folks with green. Then you'll have green available for when you want it for the vids and fics that are near and dear to your heart. It's amazing how good you'll feel when you green a newbie for their first few posts - and they're not shippers! - just as encouragement. It works online just like it works in real life. Okay, off soap box now.

                        I am on dial-up, so I can't browse as much as I would like to. That's why I spend almost all my time on-line here with the shipper family or in the Gutter (RDA Thunk thread).

                        So there are times when something great appears here either a fic, a pic, some really cool music video or just an opinion and I'm out of the "green ammunition". It's really annoying. ;(

                        So I'm trying to at least let the people know that I like their work to post an appreciation of their work. Cause I know that it makes you feel really good and encourages you to keep on working, writing, trying to do something for the whole shipper family here. I'm extatic when people make the effort and write that they liked some of my silly manips.

                        Oops, sorry for the rambling. I'm done now.
                        "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                        Colonel Jack O'Neill


                          Well, bedtime for me. It's been a busy weekend.

                          I've written the first of the Season 2 Aftershocks and then watched In the Line of Duty to start in on that one tomorrow. I feel emotionally wrung out! It always gets me how well acted ILTOD is by everyone but especially AT. And its so shippy

                          Well, have fun Shippers! See you tomorrow.
                          Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                          My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.


                            Originally posted by SamJackShipLover
                            It seems so real! And like it's the most natural thing in the world which it is these days of course, only we don't get to see it

                            Here's the original pic if anybody is interested:


                            It's a behind the scenes pic from Urgo.

                            "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
                            Colonel Jack O'Neill


                              Originally posted by Rachel500
                              Well, bedtime for me. It's been a busy weekend.

                              I've written the first of the Season 2 Aftershocks and then watched In the Line of Duty to start in on that one tomorrow. I feel emotionally wrung out! It always gets me how well acted ILTOD is by everyone but especially AT. And its so shippy

                              Well, have fun Shippers! See you tomorrow.
                              I watched ItLoD last week and I actually made a post on the Sam's a great character thread (which I don't do much) because I thought AT was great in it. She sais it all with a look. I posted these caps:

                              Good night Rachel!


                                Originally posted by zuz
                                wow awesome .... had to delurk to say that .... more please Zuz

                                avatar and sig by flidget

