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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Gate gal
    Hey shipper family! I was over on Samanda a few minutes ago, and they are discussing It's Good to Be King.
    Someone said that Sam grabbed Jack's sidearm.

    Hubby is on line with me tonight, and neither of us remember that. Was it shippy or just survival? We don't have the s8 dvds yet, so we can't rewatch. Please tell me I didn't miss a shippy moment. There were way too few of them during the "Pete nightmare" as it was.
    Here is Sam grabbing Jack's firearm!

    I love this moment, and it was so natural for her to reach for the gun. They are obviously very comfortable with each other.


      Originally posted by Buc252
      That's so great!!! All the angles on the faces are perfect! (And bonus points for including Jonas, even if he is the dog. <g>) Now *this* is a team photo.
      Glad you like.

      PS: Jonas might be a dog, but look at Sam she's fondling his...fur.
      *evil grin*

      WARNING: MANIP ahead: Wizard of Oz - Stargate Style
      Last edited by zuz; 19 July 2006, 11:18 AM.
      "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
      Colonel Jack O'Neill


        Hi If we want to occure on the celeb voting site we need to support RDA. Amanda has almost 10,000 vote advantage over RDA. But he has only about 500 vote advantage over the person in 3rd. So please help. Here is the link.



          hey all!! im a BRAND NEW member- just joined today. im very excited cuz ive been a shipper for a LONG time now and LOVE chatting w/ other shippers! i love the rants and agree 110% with them! i cant wait for season ten! i missed the premiere though! any shippy mentionings?!?!


            Originally posted by cronan1013
            hey all!! im a BRAND NEW member- just joined today. im very excited cuz ive been a shipper for a LONG time now and LOVE chatting w/ other shippers! i love the rants and agree 110% with them! i cant wait for season ten! i missed the premiere though! any shippy mentionings?!?!
            Welcome cronan1013!!!!


              Originally posted by Oma-1
              the Love Boat pic RCjte

              I also loved the ingenuity of the Wizard of Oz pic and adored the wedding dress posted recently.

              Unfortunately though, I think I need to repeat a post of a couple of weeks ago ...

              I know some people have made some really wonderful pics, and they show no disrespect to the actors/characters. However, in the past some (lets call them "not-so-respectful") pictures have emerged, which led to GW putting a ban on all manips of that type.

              Don't let me stop your creativity though! You can still make them, and upload them on to your own websites / friends websites and paste a link to them here. They just need to have a warning that they are manips.

              I hope I don't come off as a "wannabe Mod", that's the last impression I want to make! I just think that a healthy dose of respect for the forum rules is what makes this thread such a pleasure to be a part of. The piccys are just a small part of the rules, but we can't pick and choose which rules to follow. Unfortunately.
              Oops. Sorry I didn't know.
              THANKS for update on the rules, Oma.
              "Y'know, I can be as diplomatic and open-minded as anyone."
              Colonel Jack O'Neill


                welcome cronan1013. and 1013? someone's an x-files fan.

                um. while i'm here, someone (i think prion) posted this link on the forum (* ) and told us about it in samanda. here's the direct link to the site with the report though;


                it contains a brief mention of ship, but its worth a read for those who are still reading interviews. its basically about "200" and the party for it in california last week, so it does contain season 10 spoilers, but nothing you don't already know if you've been following spoilers.

                if a debate is potentially going to break out over any of the actors or anything like that as a result of this report, i'm deleting this post immediately, and i request that any quotes of it be deleted too.

                i'd request that if you don't like this post or what's said in the report, that you just ignore them, but if not thats fine, and i'll still delete the post.

                thanks shiplets. happy shipping.


                  I was thinking about our poor friends on dial-up. I love posting images (who doesn't?) but perhaps I should put them into spoiler tags so that they don't have to download them if they don't want to? That way, the majority of the stuff would be text, and faster loading. Or am I being overly cautious?
                  Love Ship:

                  Wedding dress:




                    Lol you know how I was joking about that line of Jack Sparrow's from the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie and how it could've been O'Neill's? Lookie what I just found...


                    Check out the top left cartoon

                    - gotta LOVE Leah Rosenthal's startoons! Have a look at the rest there are some pretty shippy ones!
                    Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                    My fanfic


                      Leah's 'toons are always great. The gal's got loads of talent.


                        Originally posted by Nolamom
                        Leah's 'toons are always great. The gal's got loads of talent.
                        Nola I can't see what's in two of the spoiler tags in you previous post. Is it just my computer?
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          BTW you guys should check out UhSir's music videos if you haven't already; they're amazing!


                          I especially love 'Don't Let Go' by Sarah McLachlan and Bryan Adams
                          Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                          My fanfic


                            Wecome, Cronan 1013!!

                            On another subject, there's simply no point worrying about what hasn't happened YET! If we don't get what we all want in "200," then there's that next episode with RDA (Whenever and whatever it's called!)
                            And what about the season finale? If in fact there is: (a) a movie, (b) a new spinoff tv series, or (c) BOTH, you have to wonder what happens to bring these things about. S/J Ship might serve as the "bridge" to these new projects.
                            By the way, has anyone read RDA's comments on his website RE: his 2-parter on Stargate Atlantis? It sounds like fun. Check out under "what's new."


                              Originally posted by stargate barbie
                              welcome cronan1013. and 1013? someone's an x-files fan.

                              [snip] just for space

                              thanks shiplets. happy shipping.
                              SB, thanks for posting this, I specially liked this comment
                              “It’s a potential movie script,” Tapping said. “We’ve been assigned to sort of go through the script and see if it’s plausible. So we make fun of everything. We send up every single concept that’s ever been introduced on Stargate, or by our fans or by our producers. It’s very funny.”

                              If as we know the fans, specially the shippers have asked for Sam in a wedding dress and a wedding, that means that TPTB have been reading our thread.

                              We know that Joe was always around and we kept asking and asking and asking... so I think that if that is even there, it has to be for some reason.

                              I know that you can go one way or another with it is or it is not... but I'm just going to enjoy it and think about all the screen caps that will come after that... I'm squeeeeeing

                              Proud Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
                              Interviews with The O'Neills: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4, Part 5, Part 6, Part 7, Part 8, Part 9, Part 10
                              Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild


                                Welcome cronan1013
                                Welcome JMD (I missed you earlier)

                                Amber - it must be your computer, I have no problems with them coming up. Is anyone else not seeing the pics in the spoiler tags? They're the same ones we've had up over the last couple of days, just in one spot.

                                On another subject, there's simply no point worrying about what hasn't happened YET!
                                You're spot on there mate. Don't look for troubles. Enough find us! BTW, the cast/crew have been contracted for both season/series 10 AND 11 at the same time. I will have to look for the interview (I think it was Brad Wright) where he mentioned this bit.

