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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by sugarshaker
    That's a tough one. Probably Threads
    for the scene in the infirmary where she's caressing his hand
    but D & C is right up there as well. Then there's the Window of Opportunity kiss, the Moebius kiss, the Heroes'
    , the Beneath the Surface and Metamorphosis head on shoulder, and Oh My! Look what you've gone and started! For me, though, I think the ultimate shipisode is Threads.


    OOPSY i really didnt meant to go and start anything honest, its got nothing to do with me being bored and needing some inspiration on what episode to watch.


    United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
    honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


      Originally posted by scjon
      You make some really interesting points here, UhSir. I know exactly what you mean, but had never thought of it before. I suppose your point is epitomised in Ripple Effect
      With PDL directing parts of the episode as if at least one of the Cam/Sams were in a realtionship. That wasn't what Joe Mallozzi had intended at all.
      I was quite shocked about that when I read what JM wrote and it reinforced my vow to myself to not read that stuff. So now I just pretend I never read it and that way it never happened.

      When an episode is both written and directed by nonshippers, I know I will not see any ship. I do still watch and I do still expect the story to be good.

      I’ve found that if the writer is a nonshipper and the director is a shipper, there is sometimes a sweet little treat for us. The other way around though, it’s usually shipless even if we can tell by the dialog or story that it should have been shippy.

      It’s gotten to where I can pretty much tell what to expect depending upon who wrote and directed, but this season nine has blown all of that completely away. It’s a complete free-for-all with the character (lack-of) development. I’m sticking with it because I’ve devoted eight years to this show and I still have faith that it will work out right. I’ve got my fingers crossed. (toes and eyes too, for extra support)


        Originally posted by sugarshaker
        And Happy Birthday and Happy Valenship to you, Misstweedledee!

        Thanx sugarshaker, and a happy valenship day to you, and to all the family


        United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
        honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


          Happy birthday misstweedledee!

          And as to favourite shipisode. For me it's a dead heat between Divide and Conquer and Threads!
          always and forever
          My LJ
          My History Website


            Originally posted by misstweedledee

            OOPSY i really didnt meant to go and start anything honest, its got nothing to do with me being bored and needing some inspiration on what episode to watch.

            I meant that it was a GOOD thing you started. One can't have too many good suggestions for shippy episodes, can they?

            s u g a r s h a k e r


              Originally posted by scjon
              Happy birthday misstweedledee!

              And as to favourite shipisode. For me it's a dead heat between Divide and Conquer and Threads!

              Thanxs scjon, i must admit im leaning in the general direction of threads,
              i think its got something to do with it being more recent and it was like re-confirming what we know is tru


              United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
              honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                Originally posted by sugarshaker
                That's a tough one. Probably Threads
                for the scene in the infirmary where she's caressing his hand
                but D & C is right up there as well. Then there's the Window of Opportunity kiss, the Moebius kiss, the Heroes'
                , the Beneath the Surface and Metamorphosis head on shoulder, and Oh My! Look what you've gone and started! For me, though, I think the ultimate shipisode is Threads.
                Julie one choice not the whole 8 seasons! Just kidding! What about Divide and Conquer!


                  Originally posted by sugarshaker
                  I meant that it was a GOOD thing you started. One can't have too many good suggestions for shippy episodes, can they?

                  they definatly can't ive just been explaining the whole concept of ship to one of my friends and i'm, now going to subject her to the visual aswell.

                  i'll make a shipper out of her yet !!!!


                  United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                  honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                    Originally posted by misstweedledee
                    Hey *waves*

                    Right everyone seeing as its valentines day n all i want to know:

                    What is your ulltimate sam/jack ship eppisode???

                    misstweedledee xXx

                    my fav of all time would ave to be 'divide and conque' but theads comes in a very close second if not a draw hehe
                    the best formular
                    proud member of ship ship hooray special Ops team


                      Originally posted by trupi
                      Julie one choice not the whole 8 seasons! Just kidding! What about Divide and Conquer!
                      I can't help but get carried away when the subject is ship!

                      s u g a r s h a k e r


                        Originally posted by true_romance
                        my fav of all time would ave to be 'divide and conque' but theads comes in a very close second if not a draw hehe
                        Another one of my favs is the first fishing invite in Nemesis. She SO wants to go with him.

                        s u g a r s h a k e r


                          Originally posted by sueKay
                          Just realised that I'd forgotten to share this link with you all


                          I recommend - Music Videos -> Sam/Jack -> Sam/Jack trailer
                          Chills! Goosebumps! Melanies' videos are so good!


                            Happy birthday, Miss Tweedledee.

                            My favorite shippy episodes are Beneath the Surface and Threads


                              Happy Valentine's Day Jack


                                A great shippy sode is on tonighton Sci-Fi. Solituedes is on at 10 est. Sidearm my a*#.

