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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by LOL4JACK
    SB, thanks for posting this, I specially liked this comment
    “It’s a potential movie script,” Tapping said. “We’ve been assigned to sort of go through the script and see if it’s plausible. So we make fun of everything. We send up every single concept that’s ever been introduced on Stargate, or by our fans or by our producers. It’s very funny.”

    If as we know the fans, specially the shippers have asked for Sam in a wedding dress and a wedding, that means that TPTB have been reading our thread.

    We know that Joe was always around and we kept asking and asking and asking... so I think that if that is even there, it has to be for some reason.

    I know that you can go one way or another with it is or it is not... but I'm just going to enjoy it and think about all the screen caps that will come after that... I'm squeeeeeing
    yeah i'm not going to get my hopes up for anything, because its all very ambiguous.
    we know that there will be something in terms of a wedding sequence suggested for the film, but whether it ends up being positive or negative for us, and in terms of how its reacted to amongst the characters, thats another thing completely. we don't know, and we almost certainly won't know until it earns.

    in fact, we may not know even after it airs!

    what i do find curious though is that the only RDA episode that we have no idea of what it is or is about is his second appearance on SG-1. i really hope its a big role and that he plays a big part in the show. and that there will be a nice cute s/j moment implying that they are together now.

    (not entirely spoilers there, more like thoughts based on vague spoilers)

    i'm not really optimistic, or pessimistic, or mistic. wait, no thats not right. i'm oddly anxious. which is a bad thing because its just a tv show and world war 3 is about to break out so i really shouldn't have time to think about whether some tv show producers are going to screw over some fans.


      Originally posted by Oma-1

      Great post! and I think it deserves an extra special medal!

      But photobucket is offline right now so you'll have to wait for it a little ....
      Yeah! Photobucket is back up and running .... and so am I

      One special medal coming up for Nickatell

      And cos Ship Nana and Mala gave them to us in the first place ...



        Indeed Rogue.This is what happens when you drag something out for 10 Years.I have to say I never really thought Sam was pining for Jack.I do not remember seeing any episodes where Sam was telling Janet I wish I could be with Jack or Sam telling that to Teal'c or Daniel.I think the pining is just an excuse like the Regs.


          Welcome cronan1013

          What do i have to do to get a SHIPPER MEDAL OF PATIENCE?


            Great post nickatell.When JM
            was on the forum I mentioned TPTB could have had Jack turn bad or Captured in Moebius instead of all that AU nonsense IMO.TPTB could have introduced the ORI and had Jack become a prior.JM mentioned they did not want to do that because they did not know if RDA would return.Does anyone really think RDA was never going to appear again? I knew RDA would be back.I always thought Jack would have had to been dragged to DC or promised he could be with Sam before he took another desk job.I see no way for Sam and Jack to not be in a relationship after Threads.


              And cos I was bored while waiting for photobucket I made one for everybody who signed up

              I'll put the links for them in a spoiler tag to save space. Just scroll down to you and clickety click

              Ya know, it took me longer to post them than it did to make them

              The list was up to date when I made them, but if I've missed anyone I'm sorry! *begging for mercy*

              Oh, and if I spelt anyone's name wrong - just slap my wrist and I'll do it again
              Last edited by Oma-1; 21 July 2006, 07:44 AM.


                Originally posted by Terrah

                What do i have to do to get a SHIPPER MEDAL OF PATIENCE?

                Just click here


                  Originally posted by stargate barbie
                  welcome cronan1013. and 1013? someone's an x-files fan.

                  um. while i'm here, someone (i think prion) posted this link on the forum (* ) and told us about it in samanda. here's the direct link to the site with the report though;


                  it contains a brief mention of ship, but its worth a read for those who are still reading interviews. its basically about "200" and the party for it in california last week, so it does contain season 10 spoilers, but nothing you don't already know if you've been following spoilers.

                  if a debate is potentially going to break out over any of the actors or anything like that as a result of this report, i'm deleting this post immediately, and i request that any quotes of it be deleted too.

                  i'd request that if you don't like this post or what's said in the report, that you just ignore them, but if not thats fine, and i'll still delete the post.

                  thanks shiplets. happy shipping.
                  I must be missing my memos, because I didn't realise that you can post links to articles in the thread, but then tell us what we can and can't discuss.

                  As to the article, there's nothing new in it. It's just the same old stuff we (the folks who read spoilers) already know.
                  My problems are with TPTB, especially with articles like this one from Cooper.


                    Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                    I must be missing my memos, because I didn't realise that you can post links to articles in the thread, but then tell us what we can and can't discuss.

                    As to the article, there's nothing new in it. It's just the same old stuff we (the folks who read spoilers) already know.
                    My problems are with TPTB, especially with articles like this one from Cooper.
                    i simply made a request because i don't want to be the cause of another argument in here. and i don't like to see actor bashing. all i said was that if it was going to cause a fight or controversy then i would delete it, because i don't want to be the bringer of such things.

                    i never told anyone what they could or couldn't do, just made a request and stated that if badness were to come of my post, i would erase the cause.


                      Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                      I must be missing my memos, because I didn't realise that you can post links to articles in the thread, but then tell us what we can and can't discuss.

                      As to the article, there's nothing new in it. It's just the same old stuff we (the folks who read spoilers) already know.
                      My problems are with TPTB, especially with articles like this one from Cooper.
                      I find this article extremely informative of tptb's attitude. While it does make for great stories and character progression and a lot of the things we love about Stargate ...

                      It's one of those give with one hand

                      "You have to respect what's come before."

                      And make you worry with the other.

                      At the same time, try not to make each episode overly reliant on the past. Realize characters will change.

                      I forsee more



                        Originally posted by AmberLM
                        Lol you know how I was joking about that line of Jack Sparrow's from the new Pirates of the Caribbean movie and how it could've been O'Neill's? Lookie what I just found...


                        Check out the top left cartoon

                        - gotta LOVE Leah Rosenthal's startoons! Have a look at the rest there are some pretty shippy ones!
                        Amber, --thanks! I had seen one of those cartoons in the past, but never knew where they originated. Tee-hee!!!


                          Originally posted by chelle db

                          If you guys don't mind..I took the liberty to replace one of majorsal's names with LA Doyles seeings how she's away and I put sal's name in when it was already there! Hope that's ok...if not...growl at me tomorrow...I'm too tired tonight to grovel for forgiveness!!
                          thanks, hon. i was too lazy to say or do anything.




                            Originally posted by R. Cooper
                            4. Move forward and be willing to accept change. Once you have a hit show in your hands, instill in your writers the willingness to accept change. This way, they'll avoid burning out or repeating plot lines. Resist the idea of a formula. We bring this thought process to our creative team of Stargate SG-1. After 200 episodes, you can't reset to zero. You have to respect what's come before. At the same time, try not to make each episode overly reliant on the past. Realize characters will change. A fresh take can make each episode different and engaging.
                            I wish he took his own advice. As far as I'm concerned, now they have all the 'fun' new characters to play with they are totally ignoring everything that happened in the last eight years. I just hope that they don't forget to resolve the ship.


                              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
                              I must be missing my memos
                              I have a solution to Jack missing his memos

                              He can have Carter rig up an in-tray that automatically yells at him and simutaneously sends a text to his mobile saying "Your memo is coming!" (cos lets face it, he might be flying a desk now, but that doesn't mean it's in his office ).

                              Just a silly thought I know. You can blame it on my 2 year old who wanders around the house yelling that ringtone "Your text is coming!" everytime she hears a phone ring.


                                What's up shippers? Thought I'd pop my head in and see if any good news was coming our way.

