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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Yeah, I need to make a pan of brownies for tonight. It will be so nice to settle in to a new episode - even without ship (not in this first one!). Hopefully there will be plenty (or at least SOME) later in the season.


      Hey all!!
      If you happen to have broadband, AOL has a sneek peek available for the first 1min, 57 seconds of tonight's SG-1 stuff, I can't wait!!!



        I probably won't be here for the new ep tonight, so I'll say now I hope it's brilliant and everyone enjoys it!! It's that time of year again!! Squeeeeeee!!!!


          O.K. my cake still needs decorating, my jello is in the fridge, and I have about an hour before I need to put in my chicken. I had to see what was happening here on the boards. Looks like we are all excited! I feel so bad for our shippers to the north and across the pond. We will give you a play by play in spoiler tabs, so you won't have to wait for everything. I have a quick note about my jello that Nana will like. I couldn't find any blue jello at the store, so my little girl and I added blue food coloring. The lemon jello that my kids wanted turned great shade of blue, but my husband and I chose peach jello. It turned purple!!!!! That has to be a hint that this is the season of the ship.


            Originally posted by waterfall
            Hey all!!
            If you happen to have broadband, AOL has a sneek peek available for the first 1min, 57 seconds of tonight's SG-1 stuff, I can't wait!!!


            Arrrrrggggghhhhhh!!!!!!! October is such a long time away!!
            Thank you for posting that!!


              Originally posted by sueKay
              Piccy of AT and Olivia and someone else
              That child is BEAUTIFUL!!


                Hi all
                Just a quick post to say Hi and welcome to all the newbies
                I'm only on 56k while i'm on holiday so I thought I would wait until I get home before I have a good look around at whats been going on.
                I did sneak a peak at the photos sueKay posted, they look great.

                Oh and to the US, have fun watching SG1.


                  Originally posted by chelle db
                  Wow...congrats faith!! Well done...61lbs...that's fantastic...and I bet you feel great too!
                  I've lost a total of 18kg and coming up to 19kg...and I feel great!! My job has also been great to me too...started with only 5 days work for every fortnite but now I have 8 days...more money to put towards our own home....and extended hours too! Life's good!!
                  Huh. And here was me thinking I'd done great to lose 17lbs.


                    Originally posted by trupi
                    Take plenty of pictures this weekend. We want to meet our fellow shippers from across the pond! Have a great time!
                    LOL! I will, and I'll even try not to break the camera


                      Originally posted by waterfall
                      I have sofar read every spoiler I could get my hands on, and I'm really looking forward to this season!!
                      Why you ask??

                      Major season 10 spoilers ahead, don't click if you don't want to know!!!!
                      one word, Adria.
                      I believe that the Ori used the link between Daniel and Vala to create her.
                      Those bracelets used DNA to link two individuals together therefore Daniels DNA was present in Vala at the time she went through the wormhole to the Ori galaxy.
                      I think somehow Daniel finds out that Adria is really his daughter and she has all this knowledge because Vala had been a host to a Goa'uld and Daniel had all the Ancient knowledge in his subconscious and the knowledge of both parents was passed on by genetic memory.
                      Daniel suposedly becomes a Prior later in the season probably because he goes to see Adria to try to sway her against the Ori and somehow the lines get blurred for him or she brainwashes him into it.

                      So how does all this bode well for Sam/Jack ship??
                      if genetic memory worked in a child between Daniel and Vala, so would it for a child between Jack and Sam because Sam had a Tok'ra die in her and I believe Jack still carries the Ancient knowledge in him like Daniel does,subconsciously.
                      (Remember the second time Jack had the download it worked much faster than before and he was able to do more, like heal people,so I think it was still in there. )
                      So where am I going with this??
                      Actually this whole line of thinking is a plot for a fic that I don't have time to write called "Bloodlines".
                      The rest of the plot is Sam and Jack have a child that also has genetic memory and perhaps the Asguard could clone the kid and grow her to an adult, or there could be time travel involved so it could be Adria against Grace in a battle for the universe!!
                      Geez, just think of the angst on this plot, friend against friend,in the ulitimate battle for the universe between those who consider each other family......muhahaha

                      So whadya think of my little scenario??
                      If anyone wants to use it, be my guest. I'd love to read it!!

                      Evil, truely evil.

                      So, anyone gonna write it?


                        Originally posted by scifi_girl
                        dancer of spaz just posted a link to now playing magazine in the sams a great character website and theres a bit there on the sam/jack relationship, small bit but still. i thought i'd post a link here to dancer of spaz's post if someone wants to use the link from there to look at the article.

                        You know what my two new most hated words are? "Sort of"!!!!

                        In the words of the Mutant Enemy guy, "Grrrrrr, Arggghhh!"

                        When, oh when will this rollercoaster end?!? My sanity can't take any more "teasers"

                        *Stomps off to check into the JM Shipper Rehab unit for the next few weeks*
                        Last edited by AmberLM; 14 July 2006, 02:25 PM.
                        Sam and Jack... Still the best romance on TV in years!

                        My fanfic


                          Originally posted by scifi_girl
                          dancer of spaz just posted a link to now playing magazine in the sams a great character website and theres a bit there on the sam/jack relationship, small bit but still. i thought i'd post a link here to dancer of spaz's post if someone wants to use the link from there to look at the article.

                          Thanks for the link!!!

                          Here's the pertinent bit for shippers ....
                          Fans will also be glad to hear that the long-suggested romance between Carter and O’Neill, who returns for a two-part episode, will be addressed this season. Sort of. “They’ve hinted at it for a long time,” she said. “We kind of resolve it in the 200th, and yet we don’t. It’s one of those little teasers for the fans. I have people come up to me on the street. ‘Are you going to get together with O’Neill? Are you going to get together with O’Neill?’ I don’t know. I think they keep me blissfully unaware because they know I’d be a terrible spy.”

                          Half of me is jumping for joy , the other half (oh no, not again!)

                          *shakes head*

                          I'm probably gonna love it


                            Originally posted by waterfall
                            Hey all!!
                            If you happen to have broadband, AOL has a sneek peek available for the first 1min, 57 seconds of tonight's SG-1 stuff, I can't wait!!!



                            *sob sob sob sob sob sob sob* (you can take that either as me crying or yelling s.o.b. - either way works for me )

                            I gotta wait til OCTOBER to see the rest! I don't know if I can wait that long ....


                              Originally posted by Gate gal
                              O.K. my cake still needs decorating, my jello is in the fridge, and I have about an hour before I need to put in my chicken. I had to see what was happening here on the boards. Looks like we are all excited! I feel so bad for our shippers to the north and across the pond. We will give you a play by play in spoiler tabs, so you won't have to wait for everything. I have a quick note about my jello that Nana will like. I couldn't find any blue jello at the store, so my little girl and I added blue food coloring. The lemon jello that my kids wanted turned great shade of blue, but my husband and I chose peach jello. It turned purple!!!!! That has to be a hint that this is the season of the ship.
                              It sure as heck does

                              Yummmmmm - Purple Passionberry is my favourite


                                Ok just noticed something, probably you allready noticed it but I find it really worthy of mentioning it...
                                Oma-1: your location is just to cool. So did you already get them??? so do we get a wedding??

