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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by mad_gater View Post
    that was in the days before my invention of gutter nanoprobes.....but now that they're around...resistance is futile...

    *splashes around in gutter some more*


      Originally posted by starlover View Post
      Awww...I wrote that last year on the beach as well and the year before that...but yours looks way better

      Good to hear vacation is awesome Thats important!
      i took another one with me writing on the sand .. but i can't find the other memory card ... yeah the vacations were great, i was starting to hate my city and the beach here ... but soon the Brazilian carnival will start () i HATE carnival!!!! atleast we have one week to rest in the Uni.

      P.S : the thread is pretty quiet today...


        Originally posted by Rachel-Kree View Post
        i took another one with me writing on the sand .. but i can't find the other memory card ... yeah the vacations were great, i was starting to hate my city and the beach here too... but soon the Brazilian carnival will start () i HATE carnival!!!! atleast we have one week to rest in the Uni.

        P.S : the thread is pretty quiet today...
        Aww*hugs*I'm sure you will find it back soon!!!

        And carnival that bad? Oye...I like the carnival we have in here

        And it's quiet...

        Some sparkling to make it less quiet



          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

          *splashes around in gutter some more*
          - mind if I snurch? I'm gonna se if I can make it sig friendly.....


            Originally posted by starlover View Post

            And it's quiet...

            Some sparkling to make it less quiet

            You do realize that posting gifs only contributes to the quietness, right?
            It's that stare in awe thing...
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              I'm being bad and lurking!!!

              I have a few fav episodes, I can't just have one!!! Nononononononooooo!!!!!!

              1. Heroes Pts1 & 2
              2. Death Knell
              3. Moebius
              4. Divide & Conquer
              5. Window Of Oppurtunity
              6. Entity
              7. The Shroud
              8. Message In A Bottle
              9. Desperate Measures
              10. Children Of The Gods
              11. In The Line Of Duty

              Ok so it's 11, but I could keep going and going and going and going.........

              le sigh!!!!
              True love stories never have endings
              A life without love is no life at all My LJ My FanFicSig by Me!!!


                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                You do realize that posting gifs only contributes to the quietness, right?
                It's that stare in awe thing...
                But you are now talking you know...

                We could discuss the set up of the sparkles in that scene?

                How they were directed to kiss?

                How their awesome chemistry is?

                Originally posted by crazydaze View Post
                I'm being bad and lurking!!!

                I have a few fav episodes, I can't just have one!!! Nononononononooooo!!!!!!

                1. Heroes Pts1 & 2
                2. Death Knell
                3. Moebius
                4. Divide & Conquer
                5. Window Of Oppurtunity
                6. Entity
                7. The Shroud
                8. Message In A Bottle
                9. Desperate Measures
                10. Children Of The Gods
                11. In The Line Of Duty

                Ok so it's 11, but I could keep going and going and going and going.........

                le sigh!!!!
                Lol, you're not the only one with a list...I think many have one like that as well! only I miss the episode Grace Just kidding
                and threads


                  Rachel hi!! I'm happy you're enjoying your vacation! And I'm sure the carnival is not that bad!

                  I have nothing intelligent to say tonight (I never do, but still...) so I guess I'll just post a pic...

                  Because I love BtS!

                  ....or two...major thunk warning:


                  sigs by Rachel-Kree, josiane and finally me too!
                  Thank you!

                  "The true nature of a man is decided in the battle between his conscious mind and the desires of his subconscious." - Shifu, Absolute Power
                  Stargate SG.1, Sam and Jack, Sanctuary...


                    Originally posted by Ibaraz View Post
                    Alright, I'm seeking some information from anyone who's got insight into the military.

                    My question is: Is there a formal ceremony when someone is promoted from Colonel to General?

                    As an example; Sam, when being promoted from Major to Lt. Colonel, swore the oath etc., would the same/similar ceremoy be held for a Colonel to General? Or is it completely different at that rank?

                    Thanks in advance!
                    Originally posted by hedwig View Post
                    I would like to think there'd be a proper ceremony. I always thought it a bit strange that Elizabeth Weir (a civilian) told Jack he was being promoted to Brigadier General. I thought it should have come from a bit more official source - like, say, General Hammond, or somebody at the Pentagon. Though there could have been such a ceremony off-camera, which we didn't get to see.
                    There'd be a big ceremony, generally. Bigger probably than ones we've seen (but then, the ceremony to take command of the SGC would be bigger than Jack's was, too, I'd think...) Though it didn't strike me as odd that Weir told him about his promotion. People often find out about them simply from reading promotion lists... so not too strange. Her simply telling him he was being promoted, however, didn't mean he immediately was. It just meant he was going to be... it would still take a promotion ceremony to make it official.

                    Originally posted by UhSir View Post
                    Threads never resolved it for me. Maybe I'm too thick-headed but the body language in that scene tells me
                    You've actually got the wrong scene... it's the one from Moebius in which he is REALLY relaxed (and the scene in Threads of course never happened) but even that one screams resolution for many of us, I admit, especially after the events and the tension earlier in Threads.


                      I gotta go for now



                        The Inaugural parade... the Air Force folks are marching past the Obamas right now. Obama saluted them at they went past... just saying They look very bundled up and cold.
                        Neep, NZBG, Eileen!

                        Made with love and chocolate brownies by Spacegirlnz

                        Pooh-Bah/Ko-Ko FTW!


                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          Aww*hugs*I'm sure you will find it back soon!!!

                          And carnival that bad? Oye...I like the carnival we have in here

                          And it's quiet...

                          Some sparkling to make it less quiet

                          Brazil is the land of Carnival but i don't like it .... i'm already sick to see and wacth it... i'm sure if you watch it you gonna think like me: this is WACKO and NUTS... it is like a lot of womans dacing in the street dacing samba called 'Sambodromo' and half naked ppl may i say... but the most part of the party only happen in the Rio de Janeiro city ... sometimes i LOVE living so far away from there

                          Originally posted by crazydaze View Post
                          I'm being bad and lurking!!!

                          I have a few fav episodes, I can't just have one!!! Nononononononooooo!!!!!!

                          1. Heroes Pts1 & 2
                          2. Death Knell
                          3. Moebius
                          4. Divide & Conquer
                          5. Window Of Oppurtunity
                          6. Entity
                          7. The Shroud
                          8. Message In A Bottle
                          9. Desperate Measures
                          10. Children Of The Gods
                          11. In The Line Of Duty

                          Ok so it's 11, but I could keep going and going and going and going.........

                          le sigh!!!!

                          *sigh* *sigh*

                          my fav episode is Heroes too i love that ep... poor Janet *sob* i still miss her ....

                          ((((Domina Temporis)))) *hugs* to you my friend... and YES it is come with your parents this time and i'll show ya


                            More nothin' much to say, so .......


                              Originally posted by Rachel-Kree View Post
                              Brazil is the land of Carnival but i don't like it .... i'm already sick to see and wacth it... i'm sure if you watch it you gonna think like me: this is WACKO and NUTS... it is like a lot of womans dacing in the street dacing samba called 'Sambodromo' and half naked ppl may i say... but the most part of the party only happen in the Rio de Janeiro city ... sometimes i LOVE living so far away from there
                              I know it is....and I've seen it(on tv though and pics of my mom/dads vacation) but half naked people, dancing etc...doesn't sound to some form we have it in here as well(won't go into detail)

                              To bring it back on topic...
                              Do you think Sam and Jack celebrate parties and all?(perhaps even holidays included) Or do you think they don't care a lot about them?


                                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                                I know it is....and I've seen it(on tv though and pics of my mom/dads vacation) but half naked people, dancing etc...doesn't sound to some form we have it in here as well(won't go into detail)

                                To bring it back on topic...
                                Do you think Sam and Jack celebrate parties and all?(perhaps even holidays included) Or do you think they don't care a lot about them?

                                parties??? hummm like a private carnival???

                                but seriously i don't think they care a lot about it ... but for anniversary or special occasions with their friends or so ... good question btw.

