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Sam Carter/Jack O'Neill Ship Appreciation Thread

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    Ooooooooooh That's yummy.

    Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post

    *stares more*

    My eyes are beginning to hurt (but I don't care! )


    *happy shippy sigh* I love the slow-mo!
    Pol My Blog | My Fanfic | My FaceBook__ Sam: "Jack...please."


      Originally posted by Aveo_amacus View Post
      Exactly it's the whole "perception is 100% of Reality" arguement isn't it,
      Jack felt guilty for what happened to Sam, not to mention his hesitation with the Zat - you can argue whether he would have hesitated for Daniel or Teal'c or not - so he saw his feelings as a threat and acted on them. Whether or not they were the real cause for Sam's abduction, Jack acted as though they were. And when it comes to the feelings between these two, that's what counts

      to sum up: *nods*
      How, HOW, I ask you, after all that beautiful angst discussion, did that bolded little comment send me into the gutter

      *shakes head and mutters about Jann's evil ways*



        Originally posted by starlover View Post
        That's wrong on so many levels!
        don't let bekki or claudia hear you say that...

        Originally posted by Bekki View Post
        How, HOW, I ask you, after all that beautiful angst discussion, did that bolded little comment send me into the gutter

        *shakes head and mutters about Jann's evil ways*

        mwahahahaha.......our queen is very powerful.....all will eventually succumb to the temptations of the gutter...resistance is futile....
        Last edited by mad_gater; 14 September 2008, 07:04 PM.


          Drat! This looks like such a good discussion...and I can't stay.

          I've been away most of the weekend and was just wondering whether gater62 had checked in since the hurricane went through south Texas...

          We're thinking of you, Amy!


            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
            LOL. I've read a surprising amount of fics where Pete and Kerry end up together!
            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            That's wrong on so many levels!
            Really? I think it's cute. Personally, I don't truly hate Pete or Kerry, and I think that there's someone out there for everyone, so what better way to get rid of the roadblocks in Sam and Jack's life?
            The Return of King Arthur
            Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
            acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


              Originally posted by sg-1fanintn View Post
              Drat! This looks like such a good discussion...and I can't stay.

              I've been away most of the weekend and was just wondering whether gater62 had checked in since the hurricane went through south Texas...

              We're thinking of you, Amy!
              I was wondering the same thing. Hope everything's okay.

              Time for bed for me, folks. Tomorrow's Monday, which means the start of another week of school and tests and homework. What fun!
              The Return of King Arthur
              Trust in the Lord with all your heart; lean not on your own understanding. In all of ways
              acknowledge him, and he'll make your path straight. Proverbs 3:5-6


                Originally posted by SamJackShipper93 View Post
                I was wondering the same thing. Hope everything's okay.

                Time for bed for me, folks. Tomorrow's Monday, which means the start of another week of school and tests and homework. What fun!
                She is okay apparently cause Ike didn't pass her, check shipperlounge for more info...LAD and Brooke posted about it.

                And she also posted earlier on the Lounge about Amy/Amber and gater62 and gater88. Or did I dream that lol


                  Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                  She is okay apparently cause Ike didn't pass her, check shipperlounge for more info...LAD and Brooke posted about it.

                  And she also posted earlier on the Lounge about Amy/Amber and gater62 and gater88. Or did I dream that lol
                  Yes she is fine. I was the only Texas shipper in Ike's path!


                    Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                    See I loved Pete and how Sam reacted to Pete, It is nice to see the team outside of the base and I think Pete was a good choice. To be honest he isn't bad looking at all. Granted not my type but I can see how Sam saw something in him.
                    i think he was dull, in more than one way. i guess because *i* felt zero sparkage for him, it was hard for me to imagine sam feeling that.




                      Originally posted by majorsal View Post
                      i think he was dull, in more than one way. i guess because *i* felt zero sparkage for him, it was hard for me to imagine sam feeling that.

                      I agree, Sally. He was just so 'blah'. Sam could have dated someone SO much cooler. Although, he would never have been Jack...


                        Originally posted by JackandSamAddict View Post
                        I agree, Sally. He was just so 'blah'. Sam could have dated someone SO much cooler. Although, he would never have been Jack...
                        Am I the only one who thinks he has something... I mean granted not my type but he isn't bad looking either...
                        Can you believe that it almost was BB...that would have been cool

                        And if it was someone cooler and sexier, I think most shippers would have been totally crazy cause they would want to thunk him but couldn't... what a debate eh


                          Originally posted by RepliCartertje View Post
                          Am I the only one who thinks he has something... I mean granted not my type but he isn't bad looking either...
                          Can you believe that it almost was BB...that would have been cool

                          And if it was someone cooler and sexier, I think most shippers would have been totally crazy cause they would want to thunk him but couldn't... what a debate eh
                          Yes! Talk about the angst! I wish it were BB! At least he'd be prettier (IMHO) to look at!

                          And I don't know...I just don't think Pete was too good looking. I don't know...that is just MHO.






                              If Pete weren't Pete, i (ooh, i just broke my I key right off my keyboard...oops) think I would have liked him a lot. Hot or not hot, he's a goofy kind of guy who seems to make Sam equally as goofy when she is with him. I like those kind of guys

                              ...but then, there was that whole stalking thing, I guess...


                                Some pre-work spam (and then off to work...obviously)

                                Naked Spam

                                Hippy Spam

                                Six-loving spam (a dear cousin to the six-grabbing epidemic ((((Bren))))...wherever she is)

                                Wedding Spam

                                Ear Glances Spam

                                Hungry Spam

                                The other kind of Hungry Spam

                                Hilariously Captionable Spam

                                'Why is this even in my PB account' spam

                                'Would be slow-motion if it wasn't a picture' Spam

                                Thunk Spam

                                Fangirl Spam

                                Spam Spam

                                ...the end...

