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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Still going through

    Originally posted by Stef View Post
    Hey, there's no harm in doing it again! Besides, the last few times we just asked what they liked, not any kind of explanation (and we've never asked least).

    Mine would be (explanations are a little long, so I'll put them in spoiler-tags):

    1. Memento Mori:
    This is the episode that made me a shipper. I remember liking them when I'd seen the first few episodes of season 9 way back when, but the "showdown" irreversibly converted me! I loved the date/non-date. I loved Daniel's little speech at the table. I loved Daniel talking about the parallel feelings between losing Vala to the Supergate and losing Vala to Athena. And I love, above all, the confrontation at the end. That scene is my favorite scene of the entire series (granted, I haven't watched it all...but still). The vulnerability of BOTH characters was so moving.
    I loved MM. Everything about it was perfection. I have said many times, I was a shipper from the second she took off that mask in PU, and I had waited quite a while for an ep like this. It is obvious that there are feelings on both ends( I still stand by my previous post in that Vala didn't really know the extent of her feelings until TQ2), and it just made my heart all a flutter!! The date was great, the hug, Daniel acting truly concerned. Just a great ep all around!!

    3. Avalon Pt.2:
    What can I say? This episode kind of defines their relationship for me. On the one hand, you have the bickering, back-and-forth exchanges that they're known for...on the other, you have the soft, tender moment after Vala's resurrection that speaks to the underlying emotions/feelings that are present in their relationship. The episode showed many different facets of their relationship...and it was probably the first time we saw the deeper connection between them.
    ITA Stef. This was the beginning of seeing a true connection. Neither knew the extent of it at the time. I think at this point, Daniel was beginning to see her as a friend and starting to develope friendship feelings for her. I still think TPTB is when there was a click in his head, and his "crush" began.

    5. The Shroud/Unending:
    Okay, okay, technically these are two episodes...but I had to give an honorable mention to Vala & Daniel's talk in "The Shroud." It is one of my favorite scenes between said so much about their relationship. Out of all of the people Daniel talked to, only Vala was able to get to him....only she was able to hurt him with her distrust....and only she was able to make him doubt his plan. It showed how Vala as a character has matured, but it also showed how much Daniel cares about here opinion.
    The Shroud....Their talk was amazing!!! Every aspect of it spoke volumes for their relationship. Him being comfortable with her sitting on his lap(not that he had a choice, but it didn't look like he minded), her sitting on his lap, even though he was a Prior. The trust is just so completely there in those few minutes. One of my favorite scenes of the season!!

    "Unending," well, figure out why I like that one I know there were a lot of DV fans who were not thrilled with how things came together, but I thought it was the only way it could have been done, as painful as it was for me to watch. It's one of the few scenes that I can sit and dissect all day was just so complex and the emotions and motivation were wonderfully multi-layered! TPTB could have just had a nice scene where they say how much they care, but they didn't do that. They brought up their checkered history, they brought up all of the issues and emotional baggage between them, and Daniel even brought up Sha're. It addressed so many things at once, while showing the character's fears, insecurities, and vulnerabilities. It was AMAZING!
    At first, reading the spoilers for this scene as people were telling them back in March, I kept thinking WTF, how could he do that to her. It wasn't until later that night when I watched the episode, that I truly understood what was going on. It really was a very Daniel thing to do. Just like you Stef, I loved how he brought up the fact that he is an emotional wreck, scared of letting someone get that close to him again. The poor man spent so much time looking for his wife, only for her to be killed in front of him, it was no wonder it took so long. But then popped in fun, wonko Vala, and there was light at the end of the dark tunnel for him. He was scared. I loved the speech. I actually just watched it about 4 times in a row last night before bed(I know, I need to get a life). I can't get enough of that scene.

    SIDE BAR:I think this makes post 800 in here for me
    Sig made by me


      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
      Where is this Who Posted Count? I am now curious!
      It's on the main sections of each area where the threads are listed. It says the view count and reply count. If you click on the reply count number, it will show you who's posted and how much in each thread It's very interesting. I always like to know what threads I'm dominating So far, that only includes this one.

      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
      It seems they make D/V more antagonistic after the really emotional ones. I think it's because it's Daniel and Vala are pulling away slightly, as if they're scared to admit that they are getting closer.
      I like that interpretation....and "Unending" is a prime example of how Daniel reacts when he gets scared Vala gets flippant when she's scared, which only reinforces Daniel's fear that she isn't taking things seriously, so he reacts in his usual way. Yes, I like this theory very much. It's not poor continuity on the writers' part, it was meant to convey their fears of getting to close

      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
      Family Ties: I liked it, but I was disappointed becase of the potential of it! So much that could of been done that wasn't... *le sigh*
      That's one of the worst things about the episode..that there was so much potential wasted there. Plus, there were little glimmers of a good episode in there....which makes it worst.

      Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
      Company of Thieves: I loved BB in this, the way he played everyone and got away with it had me rolling on the floor!
      Yeah, he was great in that episode. I dare any Mitchell nay-sayers to watch that episode and belittle his character's actions. He was cool, calm, and smart. He played them all beautifully, I especially liked how he asked for the territories of the guy that Netan shot. Perhaps there's a bit of a smuggler in him somewhere? He was almost too good

      Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
      *running in*

      Hey everybody, just coming in to drop off a drabble that came to me in response to all the I love you talk that we had going on before


      Two Words

      When Vala said the words, they were whispered. A murmured secret infused with the cherry of her gum. She leaned behind; her arms wrapped loosely around his waist and rested her chin on his shoulder.

      The words were soft and invisible but they covered him, a warm blanket a mother uses to soothe her child.

      She then did nothing. No kiss. No tease. She just moved away, her warmth remaining, and did nothing. His eyes followed her and smiled. He knew the words were whispered for a reason. Secret words for him to keep, not to act on. Just knowledge. Only for him. To keep until they were ready.

      And for the rest of my fics, cuz LC asked, well I have stuff written I´m just waiting for my internet craziness to end, then you guys will be sooo fraking spoil with fic, that you just might OD. All I´m saying is Noir is finished, Chains has been a going good, and Unending, fluff, team ficness, and comedy galore. *cue evil laughter*
      Wonderful little snippet I can't wait for all of these goodies you're promising us!! Is Chains the AU fic? I'm dying for the next chapter in that one!

      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      Still going through
      The Shroud....Their talk was amazing!!! Every aspect of it spoke volumes for their relationship. Him being comfortable with her sitting on his lap(not that he had a choice, but it didn't look like he minded), her sitting on his lap, even though he was a Prior. The trust is just so completely there in those few minutes. One of my favorite scenes of the season!!
      I know, it was great. Non-shippers think that we shippers always want big, grand romantic gestures...but as long as the scene between the two characters says something about their relationship, I don't need it to be a grand gesture, I don't need them to dominate the episode. That's one of my favorite DV moments and it was just a short, honest scene. And from what I remember after it aired, people didn't seem to be bothered by it

      As for the content of the scene itself, that's what I love about these two, and specifically Vala. One minute, they're being playful, the next, they're having a serious discussion. Vala came across so insightful in that moment, and I love seeing her being written so smartly...and that's something that RCC seems to do consistently (which makes me all the more pleased that he is writing the first movie).

      Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
      At first, reading the spoilers for this scene as people were telling them back in March, I kept thinking WTF, how could he do that to her. It wasn't until later that night when I watched the episode, that I truly understood what was going on. It really was a very Daniel thing to do. Just like you Stef, I loved how he brought up the fact that he is an emotional wreck, scared of letting someone get that close to him again. The poor man spent so much time looking for his wife, only for her to be killed in front of him, it was no wonder it took so long. But then popped in fun, wonko Vala, and there was light at the end of the dark tunnel for him. He was scared. I loved the speech. I actually just watched it about 4 times in a row last night before bed(I know, I need to get a life). I can't get enough of that scene.

      SIDE BAR:I think this makes post 800 in here for me
      Congrats on 800!! And if you need to get a life, what does that say about me? I probably watched that scene in "Unending" 50 times the night it aired!! I like to tell myself that it's for research...I have to keep watching these episodes so that I know what is good material for my music videos Seriously, this season is so re-watchable. That's why I have no reservations about the DVDs. I usually sit and argue with myself whether or not it's worth it to buy a season of something...whether I'll watch it enough for it to be worth the expense. That's honestly never come up with season 10 That's a good sign!

      Okay, I think I might be heading to bed for the night...okay, it's early evening....almost 6pm. I guess that's what happens when you wake up at 4am to start your day.


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        Originally posted by Stef View Post
        3. Company of Thieves:
        Part of the reason I am not a huge fan of the DV in this episode is because it followed MM. I was riding on such a high from finding a new ship, so when it seemed as if the progression in their understanding of one another disappeared into thin air, I was a bit miffed. If this episode had come anytime before MM, I probably would have enjoyed it more (although, I wasn't fond of the way they killed off that guy on the ship....I still think it was pointless and poorly written, edited, and/or directed).
        I gotta say, even though I thought Daniel's behavior in this episode sucked, it made perfect sense to me. I mean D/V was a hard ship to sell right up until Unending so did you really expect TPTB to give us what we wanted? Here's what Company of Thieves said to me, as far as D/V...Daniel had just spent two weeks on the edge, constantly worrying about Vala and as Michael Shanks said in the AOL preview for MM, Daniel came to realize some things about his deep connection to Vala, and hello...this is Daniel we're talking about so NATURALLY he would back off and become colder to protect himself. Not to mention the fact that in COT, Vala employed some of her less than reputable contacts to get the SGC what they needed, which clearly upsets Daniel.

        I mean when you think about it, doesn't COT actually speak volumes about his feelings for her, and the ship in general? Daniel cares about her so much that he goes completely irrational, doubting her intentions (where earlier he had begun to trust her), and actually getting angry at her for being able to help in the way that she did. I mean if you remember the short convo in the cargo ship where Daniel accuses Vala of pocketing some of the naquada the SGC gave her, she really did seem shocked and hurt at his accusation because it was so out of place for them at the time. As much as we don't want it to be the case, Daniel is probably going to continue to protect himself for a while with Vala because he seems to be that afraid of being hurt. No one has said much about the way he treated her in 200 or Bad Guys either, but those both pop out in my head as other circumstances when he was needlessly impatient with her.

        COT for me makes the Unending rant completely reasonable (although still mean ).

        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
        *running in*

        Hey everybody, just coming in to drop off a drabble that came to me in response to all the I love you talk that we had going on before


        Two Words

        When Vala said the words, they were whispered. A murmured secret infused with the cherry of her gum. She leaned behind; her arms wrapped loosely around his waist and rested her chin on his shoulder.

        The words were soft and invisible but they covered him, a warm blanket a mother uses to soothe her child.

        She then did nothing. No kiss. No tease. She just moved away, her warmth remaining, and did nothing. His eyes followed her and smiled. He knew the words were whispered for a reason. Secret words for him to keep, not to act on. Just knowledge. Only for him. To keep until they were ready.

        Awesome drabble Isabel, I can't wait for more of your fics soon.

        edit: Oh and I forgot to add this: in the favorite ships episode picture thread some folks are posting Unending pics and counting them for Dominion. As much as I love this ship, I don't want to cheat, so be careful guys.
        Last edited by iheartvala; 11 July 2007, 01:56 PM.


          Originally posted by iheartvala View Post
          I gotta say, even though I thought Daniel's behavior in this episode sucked, it made perfect sense to me. I mean D/V was a hard ship to sell right up until Unending so did you really expect TPTB to give us what we wanted? Here's what Company of Thieves said to me, as far as D/V...

          Interesting interpretation. I can kind of see what you're saying, but I still think it was poor continuity But that might just be my lack of faith in television writers in general. Here's the thing, I wasn't really expecting much to change in their relationship after MM (I'm a realist, I know that they weren't going to get them together), but I expected to at least have Daniel be less antagonistic. Your theory about Daniel being defensive and scared makes sense, but I really don't think that was intention...I think that's what we would like to believe I want to believe it, I do.....but I just....I don't know. One of the things that this episode, as well as FT, brought up is how much Daniel hates that scrappy part of Vala. It's not like she's doing anything bad....she was just buying them a ship, or getting into her missing father's apartment, but he acted like she was stealing treasure or a precious valuable from someone. I just wish he didn't react that way, this is who Vala is....and I like that resourcefulness about her.

          As for BG, I did notice Daniel's annoyance (my friend picked up on it quicker than I did). I guess I felt better about it because it was only little looks....and I can just assume that there was something in those missing 22 minutes of footage that explained it. Plus, Daniel was annoyed at everyone in that episode. In regards to "200," he was annoyed at her? I know that he made a couple of faces, but I never got the sense that he was annoyed at her.

          Wow, I really sound like I am down on DV right now, don't I? I'm not, I love them beyond what is healthy, but I'm also able to admit that the progression of their relationship hasn't been perfect (in my opinion). There have been missteps as well as amazing shippy moments

          Okay, seriously, going to bed now.


          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            Originally posted by Stef View Post
            One of the things that this episode, as well as FT, brought up is how much Daniel hates that scrappy part of Vala. It's not like she's doing anything bad....she was just buying them a ship, or getting into her missing father's apartment, but he acted like she was stealing treasure or a precious valuable from someone. I just wish he didn't react that way, this is who Vala is....and I like that resourcefulness about her.
            Hopefully you'll see this tomorrow, but how about this...Daniel is obviously very passionate about people being honorable and trustworthy. He's gotten into more than one heated argument with Jack because of it, and even put himself in a few compromising positions because of his morality, so that in and of itself is one reason why he disapproves of her "scrappyness", but consider this also: if Vala can flip so quickly between SGC personnel helping save the galaxy, to con artist and swindler, could she not also flip so quickly between being in love and not? Well of course not, but we know that and Daniel doesn't. I genuinely believe that he still thinks there's a chance she'll just up and leave and never come back (he still doesn't know how much she cares about him at this point), and in my shippy little heart I believe he has the same worries about Tomin and Adria.


              Originally posted by djay View Post
              Ok, it's finished. My latest wallpaper called "Farewell"
              Hope you like it.

              Originally posted by djay View Post
              So much for not making any wallpapers today! Ever had one of those days that just disappears on you?!

              Anyway, I made this classic Sg1 Wallpaper looking back on ten years of SG1.

              Ooh, those are both really good, DJAY!!

              Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
              *Waves* Hello everyone!

              Welcome Erin! Great to have someone else around!
              Thanks Kath Pup, *waves back*



                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                I mean, I understand why they had Daniel be that really did set up the end of the episode...and it provided a nice contrast to the final scene in the infirmary, but I still didn't care for it. Again, maybe it's timing. This episode was right after TPTB. They've done that twice now, put two episodes with HIGHLY antagonistic, almost annoyed interactions between DV right after emotional episodes where Daniel and Vala reach a supposedly deeper level of understanding in their relationship. Besides, I understood Daniel's annoyance in all of the previous it seemed there was a missing scene that we never saw where Vala annoyed him. The worst part though is that they seemed to be having fun at the beginning of the episode, flirting almost, and then there's this unprovoked about-face on Daniel's part.

                Maybe you've hit the nail on the head here, Stef. The writers and producers put two antagonistic episodes right after emotional ones. Maybe, (and I haven't thought this all the way through yet) Daniel isn't exactly sure of his feelings for Vala between TPTB and "Beachhead" and MM and CoT so he reverts to something he does understand - snippiness. Maybe it's the fear of being too vulnerable in front of woman who could tear his heart out. We viewers see her growth and immediately we fall in love with her, but maybe we should put ourselves in his shoes... he laid it out for us in "Unending" ... "the idea of being hurt that way again." How do you love after having lost? I have no idea. I'm not even sure if his behavior seemed very 'real' to me in Beachead and CoT but maybe it was.

                That's my two cents. I might have another two cents later, gotta read some more posts.


                Edit, looks like iheartvala already said most of this stuff... wish I could get on the internet at work...
                Last edited by ErinB; 11 July 2007, 03:29 PM.


                  Interesting reading this morning, girls! You've been busy! I'm not awake yet to say anything more on the epis. The fun thing is that I haven't even seen all the season ten epis, so I have something to look forward to. (well, only a couple I missed like Insiders and the sleepy one?)
                  And of course there are the ones I watched multiple times! Like Dominion, The Quest, The Shroud and Unending.

                  Oh, and I'm fifth on the post list with the "evil" number so I gotta make it 667 on this thread.

                  He's her Lobster!
                  LTS: Life's too short


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    I feel like I should be doing something...oh, that's right, packing up for my big move on Saturday. Eh, I'll just do that tomorrow-Saturday. Besides, I have no boxes anyway. Time to go to the liquor store.....for boxes

                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Ah, a woman after my own heart! That's pretty much what I do. I figure that I'll sort it out later....or I'll just dig through it when I need something. I have a box sitting in my room that has been unopened for an entire year....I've gotten stuff out of it, but I didn't feel the need to properly unpack it. Now it's all ready to go (it's the only thing ready).

                    I moved into my house three years ago and I still have boxes that I haven't been through yet... ah, you'll find your stuff when you need it, no hurry

                    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                    *running in*

                    Hey everybody, just coming in to drop off a drabble that came to me in response to all the I love you talk that we had going on before
                    Aaah, Isabel, so sweet... That's what Daniel needs, someone to just love him. (um, at least, if I interpreted that right)



             was playing...heard this song....discussion of Daniel....great song...

                      "Falling For You" by JEM
                      Said there'd be no going back
                      Promised myself I'd never be that sad
                      Maybe that's why you've come along
                      To show me, it's not always bad

                      Coz I can feel it, baby
                      I feel like I'm falling for you
                      But I'm scared to, let go
                      I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so

                      It's true I've become a skeptic
                      How many couples really love
                      Just wish I had a crystal ball
                      To show me, if it's worth it all

                      Coz I can feel it, baby
                      I feel like I'm falling for you
                      But I'm scared to, let go
                      I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so
                      Yeah I can feel it, baby
                      I feel like I'm falling for you
                      But I'm scared to, let go
                      I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so

                      And I've got to be sure
                      Coz it's been so long
                      And I cannot take the pain again
                      If it all goes wrong

                      Coz I can feel it, baby
                      I feel like I'm falling for you
                      But I'm scared to, let go
                      I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so
                      Yeah I can feel it, baby
                      I feel like I'm falling for you
                      But I'm scared to, let go
                      I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so

                      I want you so much
                      I need you so much
                      I want you so much
                      I need you so much
                      [believe me my love
                      believe me my love]

                      ...I should make video....


                      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
               was playing...heard this song....discussion of Daniel....great song...

                        "Falling For You" by JEM
                        Said there'd be no going back
                        Promised myself I'd never be that sad
                        Maybe that's why you've come along
                        To show me, it's not always bad

                        Coz I can feel it, baby
                        I feel like I'm falling for you
                        But I'm scared to, let go
                        I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so

                        It's true I've become a skeptic
                        How many couples really love
                        Just wish I had a crystal ball
                        To show me, if it's worth it all

                        Coz I can feel it, baby
                        I feel like I'm falling for you
                        But I'm scared to, let go
                        I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so
                        Yeah I can feel it, baby
                        I feel like I'm falling for you
                        But I'm scared to, let go
                        I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so

                        And I've got to be sure
                        Coz it's been so long
                        And I cannot take the pain again
                        If it all goes wrong

                        Coz I can feel it, baby
                        I feel like I'm falling for you
                        But I'm scared to, let go
                        I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so
                        Yeah I can feel it, baby
                        I feel like I'm falling for you
                        But I'm scared to, let go
                        I'm scared coz my heart has been hurt so

                        I want you so much
                        I need you so much
                        I want you so much
                        I need you so much
                        [believe me my love
                        believe me my love]

                        ...I should make video....

                        *uses Jedi Mind Trick, waves hand* Yes you want to make this video
                        Sig made by me


                          A new wallpaper all about Vala.
                          This one came about following our discussion about Vala opening herself up to Daniel and showing her vulnerabilities, being honest and taking a risk. Even if she meant she may get hurt.

                          It's called "Open Arms" (the Journey song. I love this song!)

                          The Wallpaper:

                          He's her Lobster!
                          LTS: Life's too short


                            Originally posted by djay View Post
                            A new wallpaper all about Vala.
                            This one came about following our discussion about Vala opening herself up to Daniel and showing her vulnerabilities, being honest and taking a risk. Even if she meant she may get hurt.

                            It's called "Open Arms" (the Journey song. I love this song!)

                            The Wallpaper:

                            Bravo djay!!! That is beautiful. I love that song. It is sooooooo fitting
                            Sig made by me


                              Originally posted by iheartvala View Post
                              I gotta say, even though I thought Daniel's behavior in this episode sucked, it made perfect sense to me. I mean D/V was a hard ship to sell right up until Unending so did you really expect TPTB to give us what we wanted? Here's what Company of Thieves said to me, as far as D/V...Daniel had just spent two weeks on the edge, constantly worrying about Vala and as Michael Shanks said in the AOL preview for MM, Daniel came to realize some things about his deep connection to Vala, and hello...this is Daniel we're talking about so NATURALLY he would back off and become colder to protect himself. Not to mention the fact that in COT, Vala employed some of her less than reputable contacts to get the SGC what they needed, which clearly upsets Daniel.

                              I mean when you think about it, doesn't COT actually speak volumes about his feelings for her, and the ship in general? Daniel cares about her so much that he goes completely irrational, doubting her intentions (where earlier he had begun to trust her), and actually getting angry at her for being able to help in the way that she did. I mean if you remember the short convo in the cargo ship where Daniel accuses Vala of pocketing some of the naquada the SGC gave her, she really did seem shocked and hurt at his accusation because it was so out of place for them at the time. As much as we don't want it to be the case, Daniel is probably going to continue to protect himself for a while with Vala because he seems to be that afraid of being hurt. No one has said much about the way he treated her in 200 or Bad Guys either, but those both pop out in my head as other circumstances when he was needlessly impatient with her.

                              COT for me makes the Unending rant completely reasonable (although still mean ).

                              Awesome drabble Isabel, I can't wait for more of your fics soon.
                              Okay first of all you guys...ARRGGHHH....why are we having these fascinating conversations NOW in the middle of the week WHEN I can barely find any alone time to respond to everything that has been said, instead of on the weekend when I've got time to waste...yeah, yeah I know...people who actually have lives do interesting things on the weekend in the summer.
                              Second...everything said above I agree with 100%
                              Everytime something happens that makes him see his...what was the line from the from the AOL preview for MM?..."increasing personal connection", he pushes her away big time...sometimes I wonder if the extra snippiness is almost like a test..."if I show you my worst behaviour will you leave?"

                              Her resourcefulness means she doesn't need him.

                              I have some theories about BG.

                              1)Let's think about the timeline here and what has gone before.

                              Shroud: 'Affect-what'...a faint hope that just maybe Vala has real feelings for him.
                              The rest of Shroud: she is straight and honest about her reasons for doubting him. She can actually be serious and honest.

                              "Bounty": I always thought it was interesting that there was no mention of her going to the library with him....I'd hoped that she understood that he needed some downtime to himself and she didn't hassle him too much about his going alone.
                              Please also recall Vala's comment to Darrell: 'supposed to tell you that I'm married...."SUPPOSED TO"...I'm not reading anything into this phrase that isn't in the dictionary people....somewhere along the line there is the expectation that she honour her commitment to either this is her expectation of herself OR SOMEONE ELSE's expectation,even if it's only been alluded to.??????????????
                              HOWEVER the only person(Cam) around who can atest to whether or not she honoured the commitment never hears her say the words to Darrell because..well he's having his own good begin with anyway, all Cam can say afterward if the topic comes up is that Vala was flirting with Darrell and then they showed up back in the gym together and they had been drinking...with her history...what's a guy to think?(this comes up in my 'first day' series)

                              So we come to BG and the first thing she does is shoot down his comment about 'being stuck'....almost considered not taking his comment seriously?
                              Then of course there's whole eye thing going on because of the two people making out in the dark....that's not eye!sex going on people...that's Daniel begin annoyed because she's doing the 'flirty' thing again.
                              And she's the one to find the way to power the 'gate(albeit with some problems along the way)...there's that resourcefulness again.

                              As for '200'...I don't consider it an actual part of the plot arcs, so whatever way he was acting towards her was just part and parcel of his impatience with having to waste time with Marty.
                              And that's all the rambling I can do for now...must shower,wash dishes and doing shopping list...don't know if I'll be back.
                              (ISA...great piece...looking forward with bated breath to anything you want of offer.
                              Erin...did get you email the other day...will be getting back to you soon I hope...first impression...not bad.)


                              My Fiction:


                                Did you girls catch the latest news on Claudia Black?

                                There is a preview on YouTube but she is using an American accent. (Why!??)

                                He's her Lobster!
                                LTS: Life's too short

