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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Despite the confusing nature of multi-post replies, I don't want to take up a whole page with my posts, so here I go...

    Originally posted by ErinB View Post
    Stef, these are gorgeous!! I liked that wedding dress on Aeryn way better than the strapless one in the rest of the dream. And is that a tiny picture of Sam in the middle? Sortof on Daniel's shoulder? Interesting.
    Thanks Yes, that is Sam. There was no sinister reason behind it, I just wanted to overlay something over the image to give it a little something extra. Plus, I kind of wanted a show that Daniel wasn't the only one looking for a very small way (because it is a DV wallpaper!). You can probably even spot Teal'c somewhere as well.

    Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
    Okay, I have finally written my first tiny fic *squees* It can be found here: No More

    No spoilers on plot, may contain character death, and it is of course Daniel Vala.

    You have to let me know what you think. The fate of me writing more fics rides on this one
    I'll read it once I finish playing catch-up on all of the threads. I'm sure it will be great! Welcome to the world of D/V fic. We can both wet our feet in it together.

    Originally posted by djay View Post
    WooHoo! Claudia Black won a Constellation Award!:
    # Best Female Performance in a 2006 Science Fiction Television Episode - Claudia Black, “Memento Mori”

    and another SG1 winner!

    # Best Male Performance in a 2006 Science Fiction Television Episode - Ben Browder, “Company of Thieves”
    That's awesome!! I know this isn't some huge award, but it's nice to see her getting the recognition. According to the stats, she beat Katie Sackhoff (Starbuck, BSG) by a mere 1%. With KS in the race, I'm surprised CB won. Just goes to show that Vala is more popular than people think.

    But I'm confused, because it says that BB came in third...David Tennant (Dr. Who) came in first

    Interesting tidbit, SG-1 came in 5th (only beating SGA) in "best show" but "200" came out the winner in "best episode." That's been happening a lot lately....

    Originally posted by djay View Post
    Still laughing at the cool kids reference! (we are more the Geeks or Nerds!) but love it anyway!

    I find it to confusing when someone replies to all the posts at once. May as well up your post count.
    I guess that I kind of feel like there'd be a little too much of Stef if I had to reply in more than one post. It makes me feel like perhaps I'm a little too obsessive. At least if I can confine it to one post, I don't feel as much of a geek.

    Originally posted by djay View Post
    Ok, it's finished. My latest wallpaper called "Farewell"
    Hope you like it.

    Lovely. I like how you have a quote from each person in there


    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


      *Waves* Hello everyone!

      Welcome Erin! Great to have someone else around!

      And a great big *SQUEE* to all the fics and wallpapers and things that have been posted. It's all great and I'm going to have so much fun catching up, I can tell!
      Banner by Stef.

      The Daniel/Vala Drinking Game Grab your passion fruit martinis and join in!

      HELP! HELP! I'M BEING REPRESSED! Vala meets Monty Python.


        Originally posted by Kath Pup View Post
        *Waves* Hello everyone!
        Hello, dear!
        It's good to see you again. It's been long

        Courtesy of Wendy
        I'm doing a pic run.

        (I'm soo loving this pic)

        Banner made by Stef

        Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


          Originally posted by gioia View Post

          (I'm soo loving this pic)
          Makes me laugh every time. You don't need a dirty mind to enjoy that pic


          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            eheh of course not, Stef.
            It left little to imagination..dirty or not
            It's all in there
            Banner made by Stef

            Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


              For regarding Daniel/Vala relationship(not just romantic), I've been lurking in the episodes threats for some time and I realized that I have got something say about the episodes. still..unbelievable. But I don't really like hanging out anywhere but my little happy thread so I'm putting them here.
              At first I wanted to speak about episodes but how about doing a list of our favorites episodes(like five), shippy or friendship wise and make a list of the least favorite ones too. There are a few episodes I'm not really happy with. They don't have to be full episodes but a scene will do it too, as we're doing it regarding Daniel and Vala's relationship. I know that we've already done that to death but I've kinda figured out that there's no real harm doing it again

              Ok. So my list.

              I'm not putting anything after spoiler bars.

              My favorites episodes and Dala moments.

              1) Power That Be: It's not really popular in shipdom but I really like that episode and their interaction. It was the first time I see Vala as a real human being, caring, having remorse and came forward about her past. After seeing a few episode in which we've seen her past and character develepment, I think it was the best of them. We saw her actually growing, not just a cartoon, not just act. I do like the way they did it. It wasn't forced on us, it was a natural progress of her arc and her link to Daniel. She first at that planet for selfish reason and she saw her own wrong doings and she came forward and along the way we saw really powerful scenes between her and Daniel. I can't express how I love their conversion in the cell and the moments between them regarding healing device and her unableness of using it. Even before that episode I really liked her (I can say from the start when she walked over to Daniel, giving us one of the most hilarous scenes of history of Stargate, I like her. Imo, she brought something into SG-1, someting missing from some time in the show, a new breath, a new kind of exciment, maybe life. Lol, too long sideway note) but after PTB I fell in love with her. Another good things about that episode, as whole I think it rocks. There is mythology, character development, good humour. I like that episode as whole too. It's very important to me because I can't say it for all of the episodes.

              2) Counterstrike: Another episode I absolutely like as whole and their interaction. We have two strong scenes between them and for Vala's character development, I think this episode the most powerful one about Adria's and Vala's relationship. And plus, it was the only episode I found Adria as a menacing, dangerous villian. Daniel's confession about Sha're was really important and powerful, and I'm verry happy that the way they did and her reaction to it. It was really good to me seeing Daniel opening up to her in his own terms, not being forced to open up and not in a cheesy way. And I liked their interaction how they play with themselves, how they complete each other. The scene between them and Jaffa over the radio was adorable and daniels comments(not so oral) about her sturbness. Those moments are like golden.

              Lol, it's gonna be longer than I anticipated.
              I'm dividing them in posts.
              I hope I'm making sense because I just wrote things above without any editing. I don't feel doing editing right now
              Banner made by Stef

              Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                3) Quest P 2: Ahh, another good episode as whole. and having better D/V interaction. With that episode I knew for sure Vala has geninue, deep feelings for Daniel. Maybe after a long time, she was worried about another person's well-beings.

                4) I kinda got divided between Beachead and Dominion for that place but in the end I've decided Dominion. Vala's hurt of their betraying was too raw. And it got really good moments between Daniel and Vala.

                5) And of course Unending. Like so many times I stated I really like that episode and don't find any OOCness in Daniel's speech. That scene was too dangerous to play and it would have gone into horrible ways but props to CB and MS amazing acting, at the end it was totally awesome. We needed to see some closure, some understanding between those two and we got it. And it wasn't AU. They were our D and V. I think that's the most important aspeect of it. And at the end, in the gate room, when she said life is too short, the looks between them is telling tales. Totally love dit.
                Banner made by Stef

                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                  Hey, there's no harm in doing it again! Besides, the last few times we just asked what they liked, not any kind of explanation (and we've never asked least).

                  Mine would be (explanations are a little long, so I'll put them in spoiler-tags):

                  1. Memento Mori:
                  This is the episode that made me a shipper. I remember liking them when I'd seen the first few episodes of season 9 way back when, but the "showdown" irreversibly converted me! I loved the date/non-date. I loved Daniel's little speech at the table. I loved Daniel talking about the parallel feelings between losing Vala to the Supergate and losing Vala to Athena. And I love, above all, the confrontation at the end. That scene is my favorite scene of the entire series (granted, I haven't watched it all...but still). The vulnerability of BOTH characters was so moving.

                  2. The Powers That Be:
                  Not much to add on from gioia's post, but I loved how we finally got to see not only a snippet of Vala's past, but also legitimate character development. We saw a side of her that wasn't wrapped up in money or sex, a side that was a lot more complex than a lot of Vala-naysayers would give her credit for. We also saw that there was a legitimate closeness developing between her and Daniel. That's when I think I realized that it was the vixen-persona Daniel didn't care for, not Vala...because he genuinely seemed to care about her when she was being genuine.

                  3. Avalon Pt.2:
                  What can I say? This episode kind of defines their relationship for me. On the one hand, you have the bickering, back-and-forth exchanges that they're known for...on the other, you have the soft, tender moment after Vala's resurrection that speaks to the underlying emotions/feelings that are present in their relationship. The episode showed many different facets of their relationship...and it was probably the first time we saw the deeper connection between them.

                  4. The Quest Pt.2:
                  It was so nice to see Vala worrying over Daniel for once! We saw him worrying about her in Avalon, TPTB, Beachhead, Counterstrike, and MM but this was the first time I really felt we got Vala being concerned for Daniel. I think this episode was amazing at showing how deep their relationship runs. Vala's concern is sooo beyond "just friends," and it's heartbreaking when she thinks she's lost (or is losing) him. Plus, there also seems to be an easy companionship throughout the first half of the episode...with them just sitting and listening to Merlin, sharing knowing looks. They didn't even have to say anything to each other, they just knew what the other was thinking. Oh, and not a moment of Daniel annoyance! Plus, Daniel pushing Vala out of the way at the end, facing off against Adria was kind of heroically romantic

                  5. The Shroud/Unending:
                  Okay, okay, technically these are two episodes...but I had to give an honorable mention to Vala & Daniel's talk in "The Shroud." It is one of my favorite scenes between said so much about their relationship. Out of all of the people Daniel talked to, only Vala was able to get to him....only she was able to hurt him with her distrust....and only she was able to make him doubt his plan. It showed how Vala as a character has matured, but it also showed how much Daniel cares about here opinion.

                  "Unending," well, figure out why I like that one I know there were a lot of DV fans who were not thrilled with how things came together, but I thought it was the only way it could have been done, as painful as it was for me to watch. It's one of the few scenes that I can sit and dissect all day was just so complex and the emotions and motivation were wonderfully multi-layered! TPTB could have just had a nice scene where they say how much they care, but they didn't do that. They brought up their checkered history, they brought up all of the issues and emotional baggage between them, and Daniel even brought up Sha're. It addressed so many things at once, while showing the character's fears, insecurities, and vulnerabilities. It was AMAZING!

                  Last edited by Stef; 11 July 2007, 09:47 AM.

                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    The least favorite ones:

                    1) Family Ties: Nope. I don't like this episode, neither as a whole nor as Dala aspect. I got really disappointed with it because I was expecting much much more. It failed me in every aspects. I wanted to see Vala's past, but more than learning she has the most ridicilous human being in the world as father, I didn't learn nothing new about her. Her decision about staying here and being a part of something, something normal, her decision to stop running, we already knew that. I'm not against the filler episodes, I even like Bounty but it was worse because it had strong potential for being an good episode and as I said before I was expecting more. Daniel and Vala in that episode seemed to me too forceful, isn't believable. I kinda hate the conservation between them at his office. I knew it from the start where he said 'take a seat'. I felt like throwing something at him as he began his speech of her refusing the temptation of returning her old ways. Ok, hands down, when I heard it first, it was an aww moment and after the first time it really made me mad. You can say things like these only one time, after that it became something really annoying and it annoyed me much. I was expecting different interaction between them regarding her dady issues. In the end, it disappointed me.

                    2) Memonto Mori. I'm very very conflicted about that episode. as a shipper I of course voted that episode in the fun games, loved their not-a-date, their final confrontation, Daniel's angst after Vala, his need to find her, his confession to Cam about her disappear into super gate. I really LOVED each of them, but as whole I don't kinda like that episode. Those moments are golden, so important to me but as a whole I found that episode like one of my fanfics. Yes, it was really good to see Vala as waiter but whatelse? Like Family Ties it had great potential and like Family Ties it didn't manage to explore her past, her chacarter deeper. I think when our expectation run high, the disappoinment run higher too.

                    Himm, that's all. I really enjoy the other ones. Surely not all of them are soo awesome but in the end, I think i wasn't expecting them to be awesome. So I enjoyed them much. I only have problems with those two. Even if I really like one of them much

                    Edited: 3) Company of Thieves: Check post below
                    Last edited by gioia; 11 July 2007, 10:41 AM.
                    Banner made by Stef

                    Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                      Originally posted by Stef View Post
                      1. Memento Mori
                      This is the episode that made me a shipper. I remember liking them when I'd seen the first few episodes of season 9 way back when, but the "showdown" irreversibly converted me! I loved the date/non-date. I loved Daniel's little speech at the table. I loved Daniel talking about the parallel feelings between losing Vala to the Supergate and losing Vala to Athena. And I love, above all, the confrontation at the end. That scene is my favorite scene of the entire series (granted, I haven't watched it all...but still). The vulnerability of BOTH characters was so moving.
                      Yes, all of these moments are awesome but other than these I found the that episode mediocre. It was funny and entertaining, but as i said before so many times, I was expecting much, much more.
                      Banner made by Stef

                      Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                        Multi-Post here I come...LOL

                        Originally posted by djay View Post
                        Ok, it's finished. My latest wallpaper called "Farewell"
                        Hope you like it.


                        WOW that was great DJAY!!

                        Originally posted by gioia View Post
                        Read and commented, my co-queen.
                        It was absolutely heart breaking. loved it much
                        So when will we read a smut fic from you?
                        You're co-queen of Dala gutter, you must write one

                        Wow!! That's amazing.
                        Congrats both CB and BB!!
                        They totally deserved it.

                        I'm snurching them too.

                        ehheh, juust snurched one.

                        Amazing. You're getting better and better.
                        Snurch away. I have fun screencapping, so snurch all you like!!!

                        As for a gutter fic, there is one brewing in my mind. Since I got such positive feedback on my first go(I am still in awe people liked it) then I will make the effort to start writing all these fic ideas that come to mind(I have had TONS)

                        Originally posted by djay View Post
                        So much for not making any wallpapers today! Ever had one of those days that just disappears on you?!

                        Anyway, I made this classic Sg1 Wallpaper looking back on ten years of SG1.


                        You used one of my Puddle of Good pics!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!You know the kind that totally makes you melt the second you see it. It is the bottom left pic, with him and the gun from The Quest!!!!!!!!!! I am soooooooooo snurching that WP!!!!!

                        Originally posted by gioia View Post
                        Hello, dear!
                        It's good to see you again. It's been long

                        Courtesy of Wendy
                        I'm doing a pic run.
                        Lovely picture run. Make sure you check out my season 9 page. I have hundreds and hundreds of pics in that one. I think I got 238 from Crusade alone, and well over 700 for both the Avalons

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Makes me laugh every time. You don't need a dirty mind to enjoy that pic


                        You sure don't
                        Sig made by me


                          My least favorites (although I still enjoyed the episodes):

                          1. Family Ties:
                          The whole vibe between Daniel and Vala was off. Part of it was the way the scene in his lab was written, part of it was that I don't think MS knew how to play it. It's one of the only times that I didn't like his acting choices. Overall, that one scene ruined a lot of my enjoyment of the episode (not that it was a particularly good episode). It just seemed as if Daniel was her teacher and lecturing her. It came across as very condescending. As a whole, it's my least favorite episode of the season, but as I have said before, there were still parts that I loved....even if those parts weren't DV.

                          2. Beachhead:
                          Again, I just didn't like the angry/annoyed Daniel vibe. I know he'd been snippy to Vala in all of the previous 5 episodes, but here he seemed to be deliberately mean. It's the only time I felt like Daniel was being purposefully hurtful...not to mention a jackass!

                          3. Company of Thieves:
                          Part of the reason I am not a huge fan of the DV in this episode is because it followed MM. I was riding on such a high from finding a new ship, so when it seemed as if the progression in their understanding of one another disappeared into thin air, I was a bit miffed. If this episode had come anytime before MM, I probably would have enjoyed it more (although, I wasn't fond of the way they killed off that guy on the ship....I still think it was pointless and poorly written, edited, and/or directed).

                          Like I said, I did enjoy EVERY episode from this season to varying degrees. Even if the story was weak, there were usually still great moments that kept me from disliking it entirely. Heck, I've probably seen FT 20x

                          Last edited by Stef; 11 July 2007, 09:53 AM.

                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                            Originally posted by DJgirl View Post
                            As for a gutter fic, there is one brewing in my mind. Since I got such positive feedback on my first go(I am still in awe people liked it) then I will make the effort to start writing all these fic ideas that come to mind(I have had TONS)
                            Heehe, can't wait to see your dirty mind at work

                            Lovely picture run. Make sure you check out my season 9 page. I have hundreds and hundreds of pics in that one. I think I got 238 from Crusade alone, and well over 700 for both the Avalons
                            Wow!! I'm so doing another pic run with also them
                            thanks, dear.
                            Banner made by Stef

                            Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                              Originally posted by gioia View Post
                              Yes, all of these moments are awesome but other than these I found the that episode mediocre. It was funny and entertaining, but as i said before so many times, I was expecting much, much more.
                              I guess to each their own I happened to have liked seeing Vala off on her own...doing something different. I love gate-travel, but I really enjoy the stories that take place in the real world. I felt like it was a great Vala episode that showed both her humor and her depth. I know a lot of people love this episode or hate it....I guess that I am on the "love" side. Of course, I usually pick unconventional episodes ("Irresistible" and "Bad Guys" being two others).

                              But expectations can play a major role in how we perceive episodes. Like I just talked about, I probably would have liked CoT more if it hadn't been right after MM. I was expecting much more than what got from that episode. I, however, went into MM with no expectations and was pleasantly surprised

                              Notice where the pics in my banner come from


                              PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                My least favorites (although I still enjoyed the episodes):

                                1. Family Ties:
                                The whole vibe between Daniel and Vala was off. Part of it was the way the scene in his lab was written, part of it was that I don't think MS knew how to play it. It's one of the only times that I didn't like his acting choices. Overall, that one scene ruined a lot of my enjoyment of the episode (not that it was a particularly good episode). It just seemed as if Daniel was her teacher and lecturing her. It came across as very condescening. As a whole, it's my least favorite episode of the season, but as I have said before, there were still parts that I loved....even if those parts aren't DV.
                                A big fat ITA about everything you mentioned. Like you I really think too MS didn't know how to play in that scene. It felt to me too unnatural.

                                2. Beachhead:
                                Again, I just didn't like the angry/annoyed Daniel vibe. I know he'd been snippy to Vala in all of the previous 5 episodes, but here he seemed to be deliberately mean. It's the only time I felt like Daniel was being purposefully hurtful.
                                I remember that there was a lot of debating about that episode and Daniel's behavior. funny thing I really didn't find him being purposefully hurtful. I don't even find him too mean. He was of course too much antagonistic but their relationship was kind of always antagonistic and I *whisper* enjoyed them
                                but at the end, I think it served well for a purpose, her going doing her stupid hero act alone and I doubt she would have done it if Daniel hadn't ignored her that much.

                                3. Company of Thieves:
                                Part of the reason I am not a huge fan of the DV in this episode is because it followed MM. I was riding on such a high from finding a new ship, so when it seemed as if the progression in their understanding of one another disappeared into thin air, I was a bit miffed. If this episode had come anytime before MM, I probably would have enjoyed it more (although, I wasn't fond of the way they killed off that guy on the ship....I still think it was pointless and poorly written, edited, and/or directed).
                                I'm having same problems with that episode like you. After MM it dropped so flat. But I didn't expect it being more than that. The continutity in the tv series is a little wacky But again I like the antigonistic aspect of Dala.
                                Banner made by Stef

                                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1

