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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Stef, I know. I think I actually cried (I was younger at the time lol and devastated by the loss of Farscape, which was my Stargate before I was so heavily into Stargate).

    I'm just seriously hoping for CB and MS to do something together...and I wouldn't mind a little Ben Browder action. I could totally see him as MS' brother in something. They should make a sci-fi sitcom/ would at least be different
    Third Rock Behind the 'Gate? Reminds me of that "interesting if limited gene pool" quote from Vala...

    MS would be interested and the chemistry's electric...

    Interview clips of him gushing about CB, spoilers for size...


    “I think the addition of Claudia Black to the show, on a selfish personal dynamic, has, with Rick stepping aside, given me someone who is a wonderful partner to play with for those same reasons he and I had,” Michael Shanks says as his face lights up with a huge smile which reflects the delight he has found on a professional level in working with Black.

    Claudia Black’s character, the beautiful, conniving, and irrepressible Vala Mal Doran, first appeared on Stargate: SG-1 in season eight’s ‘Prometheus Unbound’. Black and her character of Vala returned in season nine to become a dedicated ally to SG-1 and an enchanting thorn in Daniel Jackson’s side. “Claudia [Black] is a wonderful person who understands the rhythms, has the same professionalism and is very in tune with the same process thing that Rick and I had,” Shanks waxes poetic about working with Claudia Black whom he describes as having a willingness to improvise, change, and adjust. He enjoys working with Black, saying she has a pure energy that she brings to the character, which in turn energizes his portrayal of Daniel Jackson. “Again, having a character that is a perfect foil for Daniel in itself has been the biggest positive change that I can imagine that has happened on the show.”

    Shanks talks about Memento Mori...

    "Daniel legitimately cares about Vala and has seen some sort of redemption in her and wants that process to continue. He's proud of the headway she has made and there's a strong bond of trust and friendship growing between them. During the search for Vala in this episode, Daniel is dealing with all these feelings he's having for this person who was once such a pain in the ass to him. While I think it was fun to play the absolute antagonism between these two people, the fact that we're seeing their relationship develop into something more says a lot about the characters."


    At this point, Shanks lapses into moment of laughter over what he is about to say in regards to Daniel Jackson. Composing himself, he continues. “There is a bit of some sort of romantic entanglement that happens there and Daniel kind of pushes that aside as well [He's talking about the Adria kiss]. Then in the episode right after it, which is “Bounty”, where a beautiful girl pretty much propositions Daniel point blank and he lets that go by too."


    kay x


      AHHHHHHHHHH, ack, eep!!!!!!!! No, no other girls! Lol, sounds gooooooooood! I can't wait for Bounty. It's gonna be great I can feel it.

      Oh and I noticed something in the commentry of, I think it was "The Powers That be," this doesn't need spoiler tags I'm sure.

      But, who ever it was that was doing commentry at the time said there was just such natural chemestry between them. So much so that Claudia Black actually stayed at Michael Shanks place for like an extra week after they finnished shooting "Promethius Unbound". It was something like that anyway. And I think the fact that there such good friends it's going to keep showing no matter what, so we're never going to be disappointed.

      And if you go back and listen to that commentry, listen to the scene where Daniel and Vala are on the steps, you know the "you can do this" "I'm not so sure" scene. When I heard them discussing it saying "Oh listen to her lines here, there hilarius" I thought WHAT THE? Shes supposed to be serious, but then BAM they ruin that scene for me forever, LOL. Just listen to them, its actually quite funny!

      Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

      My StarGate Music Vids:


        Hmmm....who was doing the commentary for "The Powers That Be", Padfoot_001?

        I've never actually listened to any of the SG-1 commentaries (mostly because I don't own any of the DVDs). I REALLY want to watch the one for "Prometheus Unbound" to see what CB has to say about the episode. I know that when season 10 comes out, I'll be snapping that one up I really hope we get some commentaries from good people for that....maybe some MS/CB? *crosses fingers* Hey, I'd settle for CB and anyone (it'd be interesting if she had one with AT ).

        Thanks for the little tidbits, Kales. MS does seem to enjoy working with CB, doesn't he? That bodes well for future projects with them

        As for that last comment about "Bounty," I am going to choose to interpret it as meaning that he only has eyes for Vala. Some may call that delusional or wishful thinking but...well...okay, maybe it is...don't rob me of my dreams!

        So, I totally never knew that those little green squares actually said something if you put your mouse over them, lol. Apparently, I am ready to take a human host. Sounds sinister....yet awesome. Okay, well, time for a nap.


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          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Hmmm....who was doing the commentary for "The Powers That Be", Padfoot_001?

          I've never actually listened to any of the SG-1 commentaries (mostly because I don't own any of the DVDs). I REALLY want to watch the one for "Prometheus Unbound" to see what CB has to say about the episode. I know that when season 10 comes out, I'll be snapping that one up I really hope we get some commentaries from good people for that....maybe some MS/CB? *crosses fingers* Hey, I'd settle for CB and anyone (it'd be interesting if she had one with AT ).

          Thanks for the little tidbits, Kales. MS does seem to enjoy working with CB, doesn't he? That bodes well for future projects with them

          As for that last comment about "Bounty," I am going to choose to interpret it as meaning that he only has eyes for Vala. Some may call that delusional or wishful thinking but...well...okay, maybe it is...don't rob me of my dreams!


          I just watched the commentary for PU for the first time last week. It was fun to listen to CB. She talks about how greaet MS is. There are lots of other things she says but they are escaping me at the moment. I do remember finding the whole thing interesting and entertaining. It is worth the watch!!!!!

          I was going to say the same thing about Bounty. Much like Sam dismisses people because of Jack, Daniel is doing the same because he has Vala!!!!!!
          Sig made by me


            Yeah, the commentry for "Promethius Unbound" is one of the most entertaining I've ever come across aside from "Jackass," lol.

            In "Powers that be" the commentry's done by (waiting for dvd to start) ... um: William Waring (director of episode) and Martin Gero. The first like half hour he blabs on about atlantis, but that step scene is really roll on the floor hilarius, I couldn't believe it! Ha ha.

            Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

            My StarGate Music Vids:


              Originally posted by Stef View Post

              Oh, and that finale for Farscape, Kales...yeah....I think I sat there for 20 minutes, staring at the TV with a gaping mouth.

              Are you kidding me? I threw my shoe at the TV! AUGH! If it wasn't for PKW, I would've strangled someone!


                As for that last comment about "Bounty," I am going to choose to interpret it as meaning that he only has eyes for Vala. Some may call that delusional or wishful thinking but...well...okay, maybe it is...don't rob me of my dreams!
                Haha me too. I mean

                Vala's also going to get chatted up at the reunion. They're pretty. It's to be expected when you look like them. Also, Vala's going to a party. Do we really expect her to dress down?! Remember what she wore to the IOA meeting in The Ties That Bind...

                I'm choosing to believe it's a move by the writers in preparation for 'shipping them - 1) showing they're not interested in anyone else, 2) showing that they're equally attractive (and by god aren't they pretty together...).

                In fact, I bet the two scenes will be either very close together or interspersed in terms of structure of the ep. And there will be confused looks and clear thinking of *someone else,* and then when they meet up at the end/ are rescued, there will be cute awkwardness. I'm probably wearing my shippy glasses but if right I reserve the right to say 'I told you so' in size 7 letters lol.

                Oh totally about MS and CB. I remember reading an interview about how the Vala arc in S9 and 10 was one of the things that revitalised his interest in the show. And they clearly both raise their game when acting with the other. He gushes about her at the slightest question

                Do you think they read these threads? I know AT said she used to log on and check how eps went down with forum fans. Probably not, but just in case ... *deep breath*


                We, the rabid fanship of 'that' contingent, DEMAND MORE DALA

                Kay x


                  Originally posted by Kales View Post
                  Haha me too. I mean

                  Vala's also going to get chatted up at the reunion. They're pretty. It's to be expected when you look like them. Also, Vala's going to a party. Do we really expect her to dress down?! Remember what she wore to the IOA meeting in The Ties That Bind...

                  I'm choosing to believe it's a move by the writers in preparation for 'shipping them - 1) showing they're not interested in anyone else, 2) showing that they're equally attractive (and by god aren't they pretty together...).

                  In fact, I bet the two scenes will be either very close together or interspersed in terms of structure of the ep. And there will be confused looks and clear thinking of *someone else,* and then when they meet up at the end/ are rescued, there will be cute awkwardness. I'm probably wearing my shippy glasses but if right I reserve the right to say 'I told you so' in size 7 letters lol.

                  Oh totally about MS and CB. I remember reading an interview about how the Vala arc in S9 and 10 was one of the things that revitalised his interest in the show. And they clearly both raise their game when acting with the other. He gushes about her at the slightest question

                  Do you think they read these threads? I know AT said she used to log on and check how eps went down with forum fans. Probably not, but just in case ... *deep breath*


                  We, the rabid fanship of 'that' contingent, DEMAND MORE DALA

                  Kay x

                  Hallowed are Daniel and Vala!!!!!!!!

                  Sig made by me


                    Yeah I thought they balanced it pretty well too, as dumb as it may sound I was afraid it would just be D/V interacting and nothing else, but there was D/V, Jack/Daniel, Cam/Daniel, Daniel/Sam, Cam/Vala, etc. So I was not very disappointed. It was good to see


                      I'll 2'd that....

                      HALLOWED ARE DANIEL & VALA
                      THEY ROCK!!!


                        HALLOWED IS THE DALA.

                        (I'm so making a sig with that on it ... )

                        So sitcom. Ideas. What situation packed full of jam-comedy would we place them in? Preferably something they can milk to death in comedy shenanigans. The universe is an open book. Any sitcom scenario we feel would give these two room to shine...

                        Daniel ends up on a sentient ship- Sorry. Am I channeling my deep and buried grief? Next Daniel will be a space pirate on a ship with a motley crew and graceful, beautiful companion who is beloved but unattainable....

                        Kay x

                        PS. Watching Avalon Pt. 1 again. I adore how Vala arrives and turns the place upside down in oh, five minutes. And the pillow throwing! Brilliant! Teal'c and Cam's faces - haha... Classic Dala moment


                          Oh oh!!!!! I like the space pirate idea, I've been writing a fic about the space pirates dan and vala actually, its a pirates of the carribean spoof, lol. But thats always fun.

                          I always wondered what SG1 would be like in a "Friends" type thing, lol. All living in the same appartment, OMG, it would be chaos. Or like a "Seinfield" thing. Could almost picture Vala as like a Cramer, always walking in without knocking, lol, na. I dunno.

                          Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                          My StarGate Music Vids:


                            Originally posted by Hybridbabe View Post
                            Are you kidding me? I threw my shoe at the TV! AUGH! If it wasn't for PKW, I would've strangled someone!
                            I think I was in shock. If we hadn't gotten PKW, I don't think I would have ever recovered. Years from now, the memory of it would come back and I'd have a breakdown, lol.

                            I like all of this Dala sitcom talk. Maybe if we come up with an idea and push it enough, someone will listen or be sparked with an idea I can hope for that anyway....

                            Hallowed are the ori.


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                              Originally posted by Farscapefan View Post
                              February page of my Vala and Daniel calendar:

                              How do you like it?
                              Hey Farscapefan, your calender looks very professionally done, good work.

                              I was very happy after watching the Shroud, it was not what I expected and much much better than I feared.
                              I loved the Daniel and Vala scene and as others have mentioned, it seemed very important to him (to the point he wasn't even going to question it at all) that Vala believed him and I loved that Vala wanted him to understand why she had any doubt about him
                              Last edited by Sprinkles; 02 February 2007, 06:35 AM.


                                Ooh... Farscape fan, c'est jolie...

                                Haha I know. PKW saved our sanity. Evil networks.

                                You know we're all going to be pretending we're watching Farscape in Bounty, right? I know some people have been dissing it already but I love that it's a focus on the two 'new' characters (who I feel - especially after the Shroud aren't really new anymore), letting them carry a whole ep before the show ends seems like an affirmation of them fitting in.

                                Oops. Hehe, my space pirate comment was a thinly-veiled and highly bitter Firefly/Serenity ref, which also utterly broke my heart. Sorry for any confusion caused.

                                But as a sitcom, Vala would have to be the space pirate. She finds a shiny artefact. She kidnaps Daniel to translate it. Then won't let him go. Then he begins to not want to go... Okay, so it doesn't have that much of 'legs'. Can anyone do better?

                                Kay x

