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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by poundpuppy29 View Post
    Thanks for all the pics can't wait for bounty Dala we want Dala!
    Yep still don't like Dala I don't think there will be a lot of D/V in there... but oone can always hope!


      Originally posted by Ronja View Post

      To watch her go from goofy and silly to serious and really strong to get her point across was wow...I don't think just anyone could have done that so easily... that scene and the one in the Quest have been amazing! Now I'm just waiting for these guys to have a scene together in the ep!!

      Eww... not hot... at all I've gotten used to him but that's about it...
      spoilers for the shroud and the quest part 2
      I know Claudia is an amazing actress! in the quest at the end when she didnt' want to leave him and Cam had to drag her through awww...and when she was holding him in her i need to watch that again.

      What you can just see the hottness seeping through the ugly prior...I knew as soon as he started walking up to the village it was him. Maybe it was his hand or his stance but as soon as he spoke you knew it was him lol.


      sig by chlex


        Originally posted by cute_az_can_be View Post
        spoilers for the shroud and the quest part 2
        I know Claudia is an amazing actress! in the quest at the end when she didnt' want to leave him and Cam had to drag her through awww...and when she was holding him in her i need to watch that again.

        What you can just see the hottness seeping through the ugly prior...I knew as soon as he started walking up to the village it was him. Maybe it was his hand or his stance but as soon as he spoke you knew it was him lol.

        I think I'm gonna go watch that right now actually!

        Yeah sure u could see that it was him! But still eewww no sorry Like Jack said... not his look


          YES DALA ROCKS!!!!!!!!!!!

          Here are my reasons why I love Dala:
          -the animation in this ship like in Prometheus Unbound
          -the romantical aspect of this ship in episodes Avalon part 2 (when Vala is burnt alive, just remind daniel's face and how guilty he is after that)
          in memento mori, the quest part 2

          -because they both suffered :
          vala as a goa'uld,
          vala's "fall outs" after disconnection of the superstargate(beachead),
          daniel's desire to save people,
          daniel's love past (share, sarah) makes me think that now he can find real love with her
          -this ship makes me think to clark and lois in smallville (sorry for the off topic but if you are smallville watchers you'll understand what i mean), first, they hate each other and after, feelings come to the surface!
          -and above all beause this ship is a million light years to Sam/Jack I am really fed up with the Sam/Jack thing!!!!

          I want more Cam/Sam and Dala
          Paul Mc Gillion back as regular in season 5!

          We want Farscape on M6! 538 people signed! What about you?
          March 19th 1999-March 19th 2008 : Happy Birthday Farscape !

          Stargate cast members I would like to meet :
          Ben Browder, Claudia Black, Paul Mc Gillion and Amanda Tapping


            Some nice hi-res screencaps from The Shroud:




            T.S.G.D - The StarGate SG-1 Defenders



              Okay, I totally threw this together in about 2 minutes. I don't have Photoshop or anything that cool, but I still like it and it gets my point across!!!

              Sig made by me


                Originally posted by Farscapefan View Post
                Some nice hi-res screencaps from The Shroud:




                Very nice screencaps Farscapefan!!!!
                Sig made by me


                  Geez, I go to bed and wake up to find there have been three pages of posts! Okay, so I am going to try to comment on some of them...ready? GO!

                  Kales, I totally didn't notice in "200" when...
                  ...MS was doing BB drawl. I just went back and watched it....and Thanks for mentioning that.

                  My favorite part of "200" is still this scene. It's the scene where....
                  ...everyone is a teenager. The Dala part at the end is hilarious!

                  Young Vala: I'm so sick of being treated like some object to be worshipped. I'm a real person with real feelings.
                  Young Daniel: You know, I don't think Mitchell likes me anymore.
                  Young Vala: I'm pregnant.

                  HA! "Daniel's" expression after that last bit was great

                  Maybe a little foreshadowing? He He....overactive imagination here.

                  Oh, and Kales, it's nice to see another "Firefly" fan. What was the part that made you upset? Was it...
                  Inara leaving the ship or all of the people dying in the movie? I liked how the Mal/Inara thing ended in the film with him asking her if she was leaving, her replying that she wasn't sure, then Mal saying "good answer." It wasn't mushy or overly romantic....but it was nice

                  Ronja (et al.), you're not being delusional...
                  ...I am positive that Daniel moved his hand to Vala's after she said that the Ancients didn't stop the device because they knew it wouldn't work. He was comforting her, you could tell that because his voice and expression grew noticeably, there was some shoulder movement. So it makes sense that he would reach for her hand. Whether it's romantic in nature or just a friend reassuring a friend, is based on the viewer's interpretation, I suppose.

                  Okay, I think that is all the replying I need to do for now....WHEW!

         more thing. For all of you "Farscape" fans, did you laugh at all in "The Shroud" when BB said:
                  "Sunshine's awake!" Maybe it was just me (I've been watching old episodes recently) but he says that line a couple of times on Farscape. The most memorable being in "Crackers Don't Matter" when he's captured everyone and is about to explain what's going on (and his plan). I think he pours water on Aeryn and says, crazily "Oh look everyone, sunshine's awake!"

                  Mitchell also says that somewhere else, I saw think maybe it's a BB phrase? LOL

                  Last edited by Stef; 02 February 2007, 12:48 PM.

                  PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                    He's so her lobster!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They are so meant for eachother!!!!!!!!!!!
                    DALA DALA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
                    My Favorite Scifi/Fantasy T.V. Shows, Movies, Franchises, My Sports Teams & My Fav Sitcom
                    poundpuppy29 AKA Erika = Astrology Nut, Scifi-Fantasy Junkie & Massachusetts Girl


                      when i re-watched the shroud today (for the fourth time lol) i realised something....

                      SPOILER FOR THE SHROUD
                      in some scenes where you see him only on the screen behind, he looks totally normal, the skin is not white and the clothing is different. maybe they thought noone would recognize it, or maybe the were to lazy too make the whole make-up


                        Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                        when i re-watched the shroud today (for the fourth time lol) i realised something....

                        SPOILER FOR THE SHROUD
                        in some scenes where you see him only on the screen behind, he looks totally normal, the skin is not white and the clothing is different. maybe they thought noone would recognize it, or maybe the were to lazy too make the whole make-up

                        Very good catch!

                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        My favorite part of "200" is still this scene. It's the scene where....
                        ...everyone is a teenager. The Dala part at the end is hilarious!

                        Young Vala: I'm so sick of being treated like some object to be worshipped. I'm a real person with real feelings.
                        Young Daniel: You know, I don't think Mitchell likes me anymore.
                        Young Vala: I'm pregnant.

                        HA! "Daniel's" expression after that last bit was great

                        Maybe a little foreshadowing? He He....overactive imagination here.
                        Priceless moment.

                        Oh, and Kales, it's nice to see another "Firefly" fan. What was the part that made you upset? Was it...
                        Inara leaving the ship or all of the people dying in the movie? I liked how the Mal/Inara thing ended in the film with him asking her if she was leaving, her replying that she wasn't sure, then Mal saying "good answer." It wasn't mushy or overly romantic....but it was nice
                        I'd seen the movie first.

                        "Oh, they killed Wash."

                        Then I got the whole series on DVD and really enjoyed it. So my reaction changed to:

                        "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, the KILLED Wash!"

               more thing. For all of you "Farscape" fans, did you laugh at all in "The Shroud" when BB said:
                        "Sunshine's awake!" Maybe it was just me (I've been watching old episodes recently) but he says that line a couple of times on Farscape. The most memorable being in "Crackers Don't Matter" when he's captured everyone and is about to explain what's going on (and his plan). I think he pours water on Aeryn and says, crazily "Oh look everyone, sunshine's awake!"

                        Mitchell also says that somewhere else, I saw think maybe it's a BB phrase? LOL

                        It was my first association. Gave me a good chuckle. Hey, wait! That's the wrong person you're talking to.

                        VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                          Btw since there are a lot of new people....

                          Has everyone rated this thread? If not please do so! It should be a 5 STAR thread (just like the many other threads who's been brought down by a bunch of.... )


                            Originally posted by Ronja View Post
                            Btw since there are a lot of new people....

                            Has everyone rated this thread? If not please do so! It should be a 5 STAR thread (just like the many other threads who's been brought down by a bunch of.... )
                            Yes, I voted. I actually keep trying to vote again I know it won't let me....but I keep trying anyway.

                            Originally posted by ValaMalDuran
                            I'd seen the movie first.


                            "Oh, they killed Wash."

                            Then I got the whole series on DVD and really enjoyed it. So my reaction changed to:


                            "Noooooooooooooooooooooooooooo, the KILLED Wash!"
                            I always wonder about people who saw the movie first, then the series. What did you think about the movie when you first saw it? Oh....and just imagine how I felt about that particular part...after loving the series so much.

                            Anyway....back to the topic of DV.....

                            Here's some icons I don't think I ever posted here (if I did, forgive me, I'm fairly absent-minded). A few were made as music video icons.....anyway.....


                            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                              Originally posted by sg-daniel View Post
                              when i re-watched the shroud today (for the fourth time lol) i realised something....

                              SPOILER FOR THE SHROUD
                              in some scenes where you see him only on the screen behind, he looks totally normal, the skin is not white and the clothing is different. maybe they thought noone would recognize it, or maybe the were to lazy too make the whole make-up

                              Hehe is so funny everyone keeps noticiing new things every time they watch this ep....

                              Stef you posted a cap a while back of a mirror shot of Vala ...
                              holding Daniel hand... arm... what scene is that from?


                                Originally posted by Ronja View Post
                                Btw since there are a lot of new people....

                                Has everyone rated this thread? If not please do so! It should be a 5 STAR thread (just like the many other threads who's been brought down by a bunch of.... )

                                Sure did. I rated it the first time I posted in here
                                Sig made by me

