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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Okay, so I was just randomly capping the episode and I caught this....

    Pay close attention to the video screen in the background. Is that Vala holding a bound Daniel's hand? Gosh, I hope so


    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


      Originally posted by Kales View Post

      Stef, I am but the apprentice, with mere chicanery and tricks to disguise how untidy I am with the cutting tool ...

      ... You are the master to whom I humbly bow and to whom I owe my constantly changing desktop

      Don't make me write a poem about how wonderful your desktops are, it would just be painful for us both

      kay x
      Geez, now we'll both be blushing Hey, I wouldn't mind a little bit of poetry, lol. As for the's good to know someone's putting them to use. I sometimes feel a tad too obsessive...and I question whether anybody actually needs that many desktop choices (except for me, because I have no attention span).

      Last edited by Stef; 30 January 2007, 09:10 PM.

      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        Allow me a second to say these few words. They are directed of course at Kales, Stef and Ronja. Now these words, sentences, paragraphs, whatever you wish to call them may shock and disturb you greatly, but you'll just have to get over it for they need to be said. You don't know me very well (shame, really) but I mean every word, and I'm sorry to have to be the one to say them to the 3 of you, but you need to hear them....

        *deep breath*

        *clears throat*

        DID YOU EVER KNOW THAT YOUR MY HEROOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!! YOUR EVERYTHING I WOULD LIKE TO BE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        I COULD FLY HIGHER THEN AN EAGLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
        CAUSE YOU GAVE THOSE SHROUD PICS TO ME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

        Okay not to me alone, but it had to rhyme. THANK YOU ALL SOOOO MUCH!!! Seriously, made my very bad day so so so so so so so so so so much better.

        Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

        My StarGate Music Vids:


          Oh, it was worth it just to hear you "sing" that


          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


            Haha you would not believe the grin I have on my face right now, Padfoot. I was feeling crappy earlier, but you've made me happy and Speckle over in Sparky-land's made me calm and zen. Seriously, people pay for this kind of therapy

            As I've implied before, SG-land is my current escapism from a rotten spell in RL, so just the fact that I can *grin* and over-analyse to my heart's content (and have someone say thank you for it ha!) makes every minute screaming "Why won't you select the pixel just under his nose?! Damn yoooooo photoshop!" worth it.

            Stef, squeee!

            She's holding his hand or patting his wrist!

            kay x


              Thanks for all the caps!

              I'll read all your thoughts about the eps when I'm back from work.

              that must be the most innocent sitting on someone's lap moment I've ever seen. Don't know what's the big deal (for people who say it's over the top).

              VALA - COOL, FUNNY, SEXY, SMART


                Originally posted by Kales View Post
                Haha you would not believe the grin I have on my face right now, Padfoot. I was feeling crappy earlier, but you've made me happy and Speckle over in Sparky-land's made me calm and zen. Seriously, people pay for this kind of therapy

                As I've implied before, SG-land is my current escapism from a rotten spell in RL, so just the fact that I can *grin* and over-analyse to my heart's content (and have someone say thank you for it ha!) makes every minute screaming "Why won't you select the pixel just under his nose?! Damn yoooooo photoshop!" worth it.

                Stef, squeee!

                She's holding his hand or patting his wrist!

                kay x
                Hey, someone's gotta make our crappy days better. You's made mine better, only fair that I return the favour.

                Thinking of pic spam, brain not working for captions, okay fine, happy pics


                He he, good to see adults play dress ups too.

                Thanks Stef for the great banners!!

                My StarGate Music Vids:


                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Well, that's always nice to hear, lol. Glad I can help out.

                  And yes, Matt Damon is sexy in that movie.....but better than our sweet, desperately-in-love-with-Vala Daniel? Doubtful. Although, Matt Damon does show off some impressive muscles. Well, that and the Starbucks I'll be getting, will just have to do for now. Afterall, it could be worse...I could be watching an Adam Sandler movie (sorry to all of you die-hard Adam Sandler lovers ).

                  Oooh, and I'm a "death glider pilot" now. Sounds sexy.


                  Congratulations on 350 posts!

                  Originally posted by Padfoot_001 View Post
                  Wow, I think we have like 2 starbucks in the whole of Newcastle. All our Uni has is a subway that desperatly needs staff. LOL! I dont go to Uni though, not that smart.

                  Oh and step daddy hey ... lets see how that would go down:



                  Daniel: Lets Get Married


                  Vala: Absolutly ... although I'm not to sure how Adria's going to feel about you being her step dad and all. I don't think she'll take it very well.


                  Daniel: She'll be fine Vala, I don't know why you're so worried.


                  Vala: I told you she wouldn't take it well.

                  Daniel: She even broke the wall (shrugs, I dunno, he was looking in the opposite direction, had to do something with it.)

                  Adria: I will make him a prior for this!

                  Very cute and funny!

                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Okay, so I was just randomly capping the episode and I caught this....

                  Pay close attention to the video screen in the background. Is that Vala holding a bound Daniel's hand? Gosh, I hope so


                  It certanly looks like it.

                  Thanks Kay for the spoilers, and Ronja and Stef for the caps. It does a poor deprived Aussie good.


                    Thanks, hopalong

                    I somehow feel more powerful, now that I am a "death glider pilot." It's funny considering that 350 is probably on the lower end of the scale for this board. I've never been on a board with so many enthusiastic posters (and I watched soaps!).

                    Anyway....I promised a wallpaper, didn't I? Well, I've been having some creative difficulties. The main problem being that the wallpapers I keep ending up with reflect nothing of the joys of "The Shroud." *sigh*

                    Here's what I came up with tonight. You be the judge...maybe I'm just too critical (that's what my art teacher and dad always told me). I'll try again tomorrow, hopefully I'll be inspired

                    Last edited by Stef; 30 January 2007, 10:45 PM.

                    PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                      It's shiny, Stef. I love the Supergate layer, and the mirror angles between the individual pics of D and V is great.

                      I have this folder in my My Pictures folder called "OtherPeopleDV" which I may as well retitle StefWalls But I love it, because I also have a short attention span when it comes to my desktop.

                      kay x
                      PS. Haha, took my first foray into photospam over on the Sparky wall. You guys never told me it was so much fun


                        Originally posted by Stef View Post
                        Thanks, hopalong

                        I somehow feel more powerful, now that I am a "death glider pilot." It's funny considering that 350 is probably on the lower end of the scale for this board. I've never been on a board with so many enthusiastic posters (and I watched soaps!).

                        Anyway....I promised a wallpaper, didn't I? Well, I've been having some creative difficulties. The main problem being that the wallpapers I keep ending up with reflect nothing of the joys of "The Shroud." *sigh*

                        Here's what I came up with tonight. You be the judge...maybe I'm just too critical (that's what my art teacher and dad always told me). I'll try again tomorrow, hopefully I'll be inspired


                        I'm taking this for a desktop. Love it
                        thanks Stef

                        Thanks Wendy


                          Question for you all before I go ahead ... Do you want

                          a) A full transcript, that i will put on my blog then link

                          b) Limited to only DV relevant bits, which I can then post here

                          Kay x


                            Well from what I've heard...

                            there wasn't a whole lot of D/V interaction in it. There was one moment when Vala sat on Daniel's lap when he was strapped to the chair but she was just being all cutesy from what I hear. I think she probably would have acted the same way if it was Sam in the chair, or Teal'c, or Cam (thinking back to that hug she gave Sam in The Road Not Taken... and the moment she practically jumped on Teal'c in Line in the Sand)

                            I did hear there was lots of Jack/Daniel interaction which I'm glad about. It's one thing that I really missed in the show (well besides the other stuff I've been flapping my gums about nonstop lol ).

                            Sadly I did not get my wish for Sam/Daniel interaction. I think someone said she put her hand on his head to see if he was okay when he turned back... but again it's something that bugs me cause all we've seen is Sam caring about Daniel and not the other way around. I guess beggars can't be choosers though.


                              OMG, I haven't posted in here in what a month and a half LOL. Well just wanna give you all a new Banner I just made and a shout out to Ronja and Poundpuppy and valaCB and to Marg. and everyone else that I missed while I was gone. Also to welcome you all to a new site at it’s a great place where we all come together and talk, have fun (esp. with the Ka-thunking thread). So check it out. Please be warn that this site doesn't allow rude or cruel people/comments so if you join be considerate of one another. That’s all; See ya on the flip side!

                              So here is the new banner

                              If used please give Credit to Moi....Nefertiti


                                Originally posted by Stef View Post
                                Well, it looks like Ronja beat me to the screen captures. Well, I say the more the merrier Here are my caps:


                                No you certainly can't have to many caps!!!

                                I made the whole ep now... so for those who want... Follow the yellow brick road

