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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by RinggoldGate

    Momento Mori in the Oven

    Sunday 8PM

    Eastern Standard Time.

    Come ready to watch and discuss.
    I won't be able to join in this time *sobs* stupid midterms. I'll be at the library as per usual *headdesk*

    but I hope y'all have fun

    and Erica I hope you're not away too long and that everything works out!!

    *to bed with me*
    My Fic: LJ &


      I vote for Unending next.
      thanks Stef

      Thanks Wendy


        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
        Wow Maeve, Unending is a wonderful one. We will do that one hte next Sunday night March 9th.
        You know as soon as I hit post I realized that I won't be home for the discusion on it if y'all do it and I want to be around for Unending. (I'm going down to Sacramento that friday and am coming back on Sunday and I'm not sure when I'll be home but I'm sure it won't be in time for 5 pm rewatch.)
        thanks Stef

        Thanks Wendy


          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
          Hey girl, That's easy. We will move Unending one week later to March 16th. So March the 9th is up for Grabs for someone to pick an episode.

          Maeve, is this better for you?
          Much better. Thanks. From now to middle April I think I'll be around every other weekend or so. (Seriously I'm booked solid through the end of May with dates through Spetember beging to be planed.)
          thanks Stef

          Thanks Wendy


            Unfortunately Susan I will never be able to do discussions on Sundays, as that is Monday afternoons for me. I am at university from 8am to 6pm so guess I'll have to catch up.

            Banner by Stef
            Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


              Goodness! someone is in an angsty, whumpy mood around here! Is it safe to come into the oven?

              Click here daily to give free mammograms

              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                Frustration!!!!!! Somebody take over, I'm doing horribly. Oh yeah, take over my whole life too. All is folly.
                NONE OF THAT *HUGS*

                and thanks for all the vids sweetums! they rock!
                My Fic: LJ &


                  Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                  Hey, Is it safe? *looks right, looks left*. I found something to lighten the mood.

                  An upbeat Video Break:

                  A jazzy instumental to Daniel and Vala clips. Fun is to still be had in the oven. People jump in before I sink the ship.

                  Minor Swing
                  I LOVE THAT ONE. that song is great.

                  ...i mean i'm going back to studying now?
                  My Fic: LJ &


                    and i'm on another study break...soooo

                    Pic run for susan of random DV goodness:

                    My Fic: LJ &


                      possible entertainment for any interested fruitcakes...

                      ...little [unedited] fluffy tidbit from the chapterfic i have in progress...

                      Mitchell chuckled as well “Alright Princess it’s not a critter. What would you like me to call it? What’s its name?”

                      Vala looked to Daniel, clearly realising she had never asked this question herself. “Does he have a name?” she asked curiously.

                      Daniel ran a hand through his hair and replied, “You know I don’t think I ever really gave him a name. If I did I've forgotten it now. Why don’t you name it?” he offered without really thinking.

                      Her excitement at the prospect of naming this little toy flashed in her eyes and Daniel had to wonder just how much or her childhood had been stolen away by Quetesh. He was catching glimpses now of the innocent child who had been taken, and broken, by an evil sex goddess. This was a look at Vala before that terrible experience – a young girl, clearly stubborn and strong willed, as the Vala he knew certainly was, but also openly emotional and innocent. She sat quietly for several long moments contemplating an appropriate title for the giraffe, obviously treating this responsibility with great importance. The rest of the group waited quietly while she pondered.

                      “I think I’ll just name him Daniel.” She said finally.

                      “How creative” Mitchell snorted.

                      Vala fixed him with a glare “I think it suits him.” She went back to stroking the animal’s back thoughtfully. “Besides I can call him Danny for short. That way you won’t have to worry that might confuse your teammate with a stuffed animal, Cameron” she added with a roll of her eyes.

                      At the mention of the nickname ‘Danny’ Daniel – the person - groaned, “You’ve been talking to Jack haven’t you” he said to Vala.

                      “We may have had a quick chat last time he was in the area,” she replied, winking in his direction but not offering any more details.

                      The group went quiet after that, turning their attention back to the screen. Vala moved from the middle of the floor, to settle back against Daniel’s armchair, still cradling the newly christened Danny in her lap. Daniel had to consciously resist the urge to run his fingers through her hair, which in its loose state had fallen dangerously close to his lap as she sat back, her warm body leaning against his outstretched legs. This was going to be a long movie…

                      mmm giraffe fic...silly quest extended scenes you just had to plant ideas in my head....
                      Last edited by natalia; 29 February 2008, 10:57 AM.
                      My Fic: LJ &


                        Originally posted by natalia View Post
                        possible entertainment for any interested fruitcakes...

                        ...little [unedited] fluffy tidbit from the chapterfic i have in progress...

                        Mitchell chuckled as well “Alright Princess it’s not a critter. What would you like me to call it? What’s its name?”

                        Vala looked to Daniel, clearly realising she had never asked this question herself. “Does he have a name?” she asked curiously.

                        Daniel ran a hand through his hair and replied, “You know I don’t think I ever really gave him a name. If I did I've forgotten it now. Why don’t you name it?” he offered without really thinking.

                        Her excitement at the prospect of naming this little toy flashed in her eyes and Daniel had to wonder just how much or her childhood had been stolen away by Quetesh. He was catching glimpses now of the innocent child who had been taken, and broken, by an evil sex goddess. This was a look at Vala before that terrible experience – a young girl, clearly stubborn and strong willed, as the Vala he knew certainly was, but also openly emotional and innocent. She sat quietly for several long moments contemplating an appropriate title for the giraffe, obviously treating this responsibility with great importance. The rest of the group waited quietly while she pondered.

                        “I think I’ll just name him Daniel.” She said finally.

                        “How creative” Mitchell snorted.

                        Vala fixed him with a glare “I think it suits him.” She went back to stroking the animal’s back thoughtfully. “Besides I can call him Danny for short. That way you won’t have to worry that might confuse your teammate with a stuffed animal, Cameron” she added with a roll of her eyes.

                        At the mention of the nickname ‘Danny’ Daniel – the person - groaned, “You’ve been talking to Jack haven’t you” he said to Vala.

                        “We may have had a quick chat last time he was in the area,” she replied, winking in his direction but not offering any more details.

                        The group went quiet after that, turning their attention back to the screen. Vala moved from the middle of the floor, to settle back against Daniel’s armchair, still cradling the newly christened Danny in her lap. Daniel had to consciously resist the urge to run his fingers through her hair, which in its loose state had fallen dangerously close to his lap as she sat back, her warm body leaning against his outstretched legs. This was going to be a long movie…

                        mmm giraffe fic...silly quest extended scenes you just had to plant ideas in my head....

                        That is all


                        PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                          Okay, so I am a little disappointed with all of you.....did nobody else notice what page we reached today?!

                          1900 PAGES!!!

                          There, do you think I used enough of the smileys on our PB account?


                          PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                            Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                            Hey, Is it safe? *looks right, looks left*. I found something to lighten the mood.

                            An upbeat Video Break:

                            A jazzy instumental to Daniel and Vala clips. Fun is to still be had in the oven. People jump in before I sink the ship.

                            Minor Swing
                            thanks for all of the awesome video recs RinggoldGate. it's such a nice thing to come home to after a horrifically long day at school.
                            thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                              StargateHero, what is your nickname or name you want to be called? StargateHero is so long. You can call me Susan.

                              Out for the Weekend? TGIF, right?

                              So glad you like the vids. I have been skipping around with moods of the vids today but Let me find another fun one since it is Friday Night.!!!!!!

                              OH yeah, I love this one. So much fun. I just love RollerSkating Vala.


                              hi Susan, everyone can just call me Nicole. thanks for the other video rec too, and i love rollerskating Vala, it's adorable!! now whenever i see rollerskates, i think of stargate.
                              thanks to Pandora's_Box for the siggie!


                                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                                banner by Stef

