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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by Stef View Post

    Now why did I just have a flash of BB saying, "You would just have to be on this side of my life to understand how frellin' insane that is!"

    Why do I understand that so perfectly...
    banner by Stef


      No idea Although, I am jumping up and down right now cause I just found the most adorable John/Aeryn pictured and used it to make a Farscape banner Although, looking at it...kinda begs for a little photoshopping to make it more relevant to this thread...


      PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


        Aww yay for both J/A banner and said photoshopping of said pic for Devilish.... though now you make want new pretty J/A too. Evil! *points*
        banner by Stef


          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          You know what I think, Darryl? I think you play dumb.
          I don't have to play dumb! I'm the real thing!!

          *pauses, blinks*


          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          That's right, my finely tuned intuition (yes, intuition can be tuned!) says this to me.
          tuned huh? What stations do you get on that thing? Can you get AM and FM? How about the new-fangled satellite stuff??

          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Shaaame on you! Taking advantage of us poor, gullible shippers.
 sooo don't want me to go there...

          Originally posted by Stef View Post
          Wow, that's...that's soo deep. Go ahead, Darryl, tell them how deep you are! You'll be lucky if you even understand this!

'll be lucky if I understand how deep I am...?

          Wait, I'm confused...

          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          *turns to Darryl expectantly* Well?
          well water?

          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          Was this Darryl playing innocent??? I think it waaaasssss.....

          Was this us buying it??? Noooooo......

're questioning my sincerity??

          Isa, I'm shocked!! How could you???

          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
          The question is, do you? *eyebrow*

          ...maybe not...

          you'll just have to guess....

          ...say, why is that the question, anyway??
          ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



            Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
            I don't have to play dumb! I'm the real thing!!

            *pauses, blinks*

            See, there you go again. *looks pointedly*

            Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
            tuned huh? What stations do you get on that thing? Can you get AM and FM? How about the new-fangled satellite stuff??
            I actually get XM Satellite Radio. I'm all about "Oprah & Friends." Totally helps tune my intuition.

            Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
  'll be lucky if I understand how deep I am...?

            Wait, I'm confused...
            I'm sorry, the correct answer is: "My depth is immaterial to this conversation." And then I counter with "Oooh! So deep!" Gosh, Darryl! Get with it!!


            PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


              Hello, I've got a question for the fic writers who use fanfic net. You know you've got fifteen boxes for chapters. What happens when you fill them all up?

              Clueless. I have looked but can't find the guidance re this.



                Sorry, Mag, can't say I've ever had to deal with that issue so I have no idea.

                Anyway, I think I'm going to head off to bed. See y'all later!


                PHOTOBUCKET // WEBSITE // LIVEJOURNAL---------------------------------------------------------


                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  I'm sorry, the correct answer is: "My depth is immaterial to this conversation." And then I counter with "Oooh! So deep!" Gosh, Darryl! Get with it!!


                  Originally posted by Magnecite View Post
                  Hello, I've got a question for the fic writers who use fanfic net. You know you've got fifteen boxes for chapters. What happens when you fill them all up?

                  Clueless. I have looked but can't find the guidance re this.

                  Don't worry hun, you just click on the Add Chapter option when you want to load your next one.
                  banner by Stef


                    Thanks Isa, I got up to fifteen, that's because I've got two stories running at the same time and they're both reasonably long. When I filled up all the boxes it said something about only being allowed fifteen and to condense to stories or something. Anway, at that time I had a couple of chapters on their twice because I reposted. So can I just Add Chapters forever then. There must be a way round it, because some of you guys write well over fifteen.



                      Originally posted by Odakota_Rose View Post
                      Yeesh.. Haven't these Replifruitcakes ever heard of cellphones? Oy.
                      Must improve communication between individual replicators...

                      My Fanfic


                        banner by Stef


                          Originally posted by natalia View Post
                          Last Memento Mori Tag is posted

                          thanks to some quick beta-ing from Erin

                          check it out HERE

                          And the other two parts are
                          In The Back Room and then The Warehouse

                          I told myself I would go to bed...then I wanted to get this up for y'all but NOW i head to bed. Let me know what you all think of it though!!

                          Read and reviewed. Another great story.
                          Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                            Originally posted by Scarym1 View Post
                            Read and reviewed. Another great story.
                            I got your reviews Thanks again so much for leaving them *HUG*

                            and the same goes for everyone, I can't seem to say this enough! I LOVE hearing back from you all, it really makes my day! And reading all your reviews only makes me want to write more!

                            mmm fruitcake love all around
                            My Fic: LJ &


                              Originally Posted by Tonttu
                              After a long time I'm editing with AviSynth again

                              Here's my newest video edited with AviSynth:
                              Maybe Tomorrow is a Better Day

                              Great Vid Tonttu. /
                              Sig by the Multi Talented KASS. : )


                                *waves at fruitcakes*

                                Hi all! Just stopped by to tell anyone interested in knowing that I've posted a new chapter for City of the Lost. It's a little dark and intense. Kinda PG13-y. But it will eventually lead to Devillishness, which can only be a good thing, right?

                                The City of the Lost-Ch 9

                                Any feedback would be wonderful...Or just read for fun That would make me happy too.

                                Hey Scarym1! Any new vids to share?

                                ~My FanFiction~

