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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
    Yep, there is many to catch up on. I have a long weekend/week/however long it will take me... ahead of me. Including your fics Milena *pokes*. And my own stuff to post and finish....

    I have much sympathy for you If it helps at all, you shouldn't feel pressured to read mine anytime soon, my first isn't that great and the rest are pretty darn long I do have a tiny ficlet if you're in the mood for empty fluff The only fic I'm really proud of atm is Misappopriation of Lives I'd love to hear your thoughts on it (in the far future I mean!!)

    And everyone, I can't remember who recommended it but I'm here to re-champion this fic: Libertine and Liberation by Literal Literary (and not just because my fic helped inspire it ). It's a great fic that deals with Vala's past and experience with Qetesh and despite this being the author's first fic, it's pretty darn amazing!

    The other fic Making Love by macisgate is a post-LITS fic including Daniel for those of us who weren't quite happy with the Vala/Tomin scenes (the abusive parts). It's amazingly beautiful!

    Huh...I probably should have saved my opinion on these for the fic-analysis week eh? Oh well
    ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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      Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
      I have much sympathy for you If it helps at all, you shouldn't feel pressured to read mine anytime soon, my first isn't that great and the rest are pretty darn long I do have a tiny ficlet if you're in the mood for empty fluff The only fic I'm really proud of atm is Misappopriation of Lives I'd love to hear your thoughts on it (in the far future I mean!!)
      Ah, MoL is still my fav. fic of the moment. It's amazing, I strongly reccomend it, Isa. I'm sure that you won't be disappointed.

      And everyone, I can't remember who recommended it but I'm here to re-champion this fic: Libertine and Liberation by Literal Literary (and not just because my fic helped inspire it ). It's a great fic that deals with Vala's past and experience with Qetesh and despite this being the author's first fic, it's pretty darn amazing!
      It was me!!
      It's really amazing and she(I assume) updates pretty fast. The characterezations are really dead-on. Besides, she got the insprition from my two favorite fic. Believe by Random, and your fic, Milena.

      Edit: I got jealous of you, guys and decided to put my fic at I've started with Days of Our Lives Now, I'm also officially a writer.
      Banner made by Stef

      Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


        Cool. Thanks guys. I'll keep it in mind.

        And I *high five* fellow writers.

        EDIT: I dunno why, but I feel like going through all my fics on LJ and more or less organizing them/reposting, then going to my fics on and reposting them there too because I've gone back on several and tweaking them a bit. And then I feel like posting all the new stuff I've been writing on my 'sabbatical from fandom'. Though it wasn't a self-imposed sabbatical, but a forced one due to my net trouble.

        And then finishing all the WIPs and catching up....

        I'm stretching my self thinner than one ply toiler paper, aren't I?
        Last edited by isabelqc; 22 September 2007, 09:44 AM.
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          Originally posted by gioia View Post
          Ah, MoL is still my fav. fic of the moment. It's amazing, I strongly reccomend it, Isa. I'm sure that you won't be disappointed.
          *blushes* Thanks!! And thanks for reviewing for Chapter 7, I'm replying now ...have you read the very last chapter sorry, I know I'm annoying but I can't wait to hear your thoughts on that one, it was my hardest chapter to write

          Originally posted by gioia View Post
          It was me!!
          It's really amazing and she(I assume) updates pretty fast. The characterezations are really dead-on. Besides, she got the insprition from my two favorite fic. Believe by Random, and your fic, Milena.

          Edit: I got jealous of you, guys and decided to put my fic at I've started with Days of Our Lives Now, I'm also officially a writer.
          YAY!!! Welcome to!!! It's so fun there
          ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

          Banner made by Stef!


            Originally posted by gioia View Post
            A fic rec: Give it a look. It's amazing.

            Argh! You made me read a WIP! Where's the rest? I need the rest!



              Hee. That's the double edged sword of WIPs... They suck you in and grab you, never letting go.

              I have many WIPs like that. And now it looks like getting to get more!
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                Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
                *blushes* Thanks!! And thanks for reviewing for Chapter 7, I'm replying now ...have you read the very last chapter sorry, I know I'm annoying but I can't wait to hear your thoughts on that one, it was my hardest chapter to write
                Cara, you're absolutely not annoying. I already read whole MoL. I've just given the feedback now. I couldn't be able to do that before, muchly because of the RL and a litle because of my laziness. But for the last chapter I've gotta re-read it for reviewing. I'm remembering its emonational part was great, but for the sake of my review I'm gonna read it again

                I think tomorrow, you'll see it
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                Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                  Originally posted by ValaMalduran View Post
                  Argh! You made me read a WIP! Where's the rest? I need the rest!


                  Don't worry, she updates pretty frequently!
                  ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                  Banner made by Stef!


                    Originally posted by ValaMalduran View Post
                    Argh! You made me read a WIP! Where's the rest? I need the rest!

                    Patience is a virtue, young padawan

                    btw, I fell in love 'gaah' gif. It's fantastic
                    Banner made by Stef

                    Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                      Originally posted by gioia View Post
                      Cara, you're absolutely not annoying. I already read whole MoL. I've just given the feedback now. I couldn't be able to do that before, muchly because of the RL and a litle because of my laziness. But for the last chapter I've gotta re-read it for reviewing. I'm remembering its emonational part was great, but for the sake of my review I'm gonna read it again

                      I think tomorrow, you'll see it



                      I mean...that sounds great
                      ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

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                        I just want to say Kales is evil. She is so lucky I love her.

                        Here that Kay! Evil, but loved. Don't make me *prod* back.....
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                          Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                          I just want to say Kales is evil. She is so lucky I love her.

                          Here that Kay! Evil, but loved. Don't make me *prod* back.....
                          Um, I don't know the all business, but I love her evilness.

                          Milena,your gifs are hilarious!!!
                          Banner made by Stef

                          Save the sexy female alien, save the SG-1


                            Originally posted by gioia View Post
                            Um, I don't know the all business, but I love her evilness.

                            Milena,your gifs are hilarious!!!
                            That the problem in one. So do I!

                            EDIT: Crap! I meant to ask: Anyone up for betaing a couple things for me? I promise you'll like them, and if you don't you have free range to prompt me!

                            *slides over plate of cookies, slyly*
                            banner by Stef


                              I'm evil?! I'm writing a Jonas Quinn fic, and it's all your fault (indirectly, by the power of your style). You're lucky I love you too, my friend

                              Ahem. Hey guys


                                All I gotta say is I have TWO oneshots on my hard drive, waiting to be posted, because of you! Actually make that three.
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