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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
    As a book lover I totally get that and feel much shame, but then I get to lazy too find extra paper So yeah I suck

    Ditto on the CONGRATS!

    Its OK Isa I'm just really particular about my books. One of my books got drawn on by a little sister so I bought a new copy. I could still read it any all I just wanted a new undamanged copy. I also remember a time when I was reading a friends book and he drew on one of the pages in pen. I almost had a heart attack. Greylead is ok but anything else and I would freak out.

    Banner by Stef
    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


      Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
      Its OK Isa I'm just really particular about my books. One of my books got drawn on by a little sister so I bought a new copy. I could still read it any all I just wanted a new undamanged copy. I also remember a time when I was reading a friends book and he drew on one of the pages in pen. I almost had a heart attack. Greylead is ok but anything else and I would freak out.
      Hee. I get that way too at times, if someone eles writing in my book, well, just NO.
      banner by Stef


        I do not allow that at all but the thing is it was his book but I was reading it. Granted I was suppose to be working in a SOSE class but still....
        I also have stopped writing my name in my non-school books. Think I may have to change that.

        Banner by Stef
        Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


          Re: Roswell was anyone else feeling really bad for Vala when
          We found out everything about her two children and what they wre going to be used for? Also anyone want to guess who the father was? I think its pretty clear but wondering if anyone has any other ideas.

          Hands Open on radion atm I'm thinking of your vid Stef.

          Banner by Stef
          Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


            Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
            Re: Roswell was anyone else feeling really bad for Vala when
            We found out everything about her two children and what they wre going to be used for? Also anyone want to guess who the father was? I think its pretty clear but wondering if anyone has any other ideas.

            Hands Open on radion atm I'm thinking of your vid Stef.
            What were they used for? *intrigue* Spoil me!
            banner by Stef


              Alright if I must
              There was a boy and a girl and their sole purpose was to be used as the new hosts for Qetesh and Ra. After all the goauld has to be willing for the pregnancy to progress to birth eg Sha're.

              Banner by Stef
              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                Awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Dude I know this probably isn't the main story line, but I want to now really buy this book, purely for the Vala stuff.
                banner by Stef



                  A small break between Essay-writing...

                  Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                  Oh crap Milena would have a panic attack! *huggles MD*

                  We have fallen and bad, the Shep voters saw us get to 83 and they have fought back. Worthy opponents, I must say.

                  Let's vote guys!
                  Thanks Isa and Cat for keeping up the ads in my absence I agree, worthy...numerous opponents they are...@#$!

                  Originally posted by ValaMalduran View Post
                  Just popping in for Minx Monday.

                  LOL!!! I tried to green you ValaM but I have to spread it around first

                  Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                  My stargateficrec for the day

                  Speaking of Vala

                  Why This Must Be Read: A nice little moment between Daniel and Vala that packs a punch, most probably in early season 10. It's a short conversation about one of the more ambiguous things in Stargate, Vala's past. Daniel learns a little more about Vala's past and a little more about how hosts are treated when captured by the 'good guys'. But it's Vala that shines through revealing hard truths about her past with a quick grin, fake, sharp and full of hidden depths.
                  It's on the list...yes, I'm copying you I going to have dozens of fics to read after school lets up

                  Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                  Stef you're lucky I always have misc drabbles and half written pieces on my HD Seriously, I can not allow there to be an unhappy Fruitcake in the bunch. It is a curse.



                  Outside the apartment big fat raindrops fall like giant freshwater teardrops that splatter in the mud.

                  Inside she wraps herself in his bathrobe trying to harness and keep his smell and warmth. He’s been gone for days and while she usually fine, busy with life, doing a million and one things, the rain makes her melancholy – makes her miss him all the more. She’s tired of his side of the bed being so empty, like he had been never there to begin with when everything else in the apartment says the opposite.

                  Putting another cup of coffee looks and sits watching the rain. It’s giant water bugs going splat against the window. As the coffee tells her its ready she hears the door. It creaks and she tries not to rush to it but her footsteps hasten, faster than they have all day, and her smile grows by the second. When she gets there he’s taking off his wet jacket and turns to her.

                  They look at each other and he smiles. She smiles. He’s home.
                  Awwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwww Thanks Isa!!

                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Yeah well....I didn't want to tell you guys, it would make all the other vidders jealous But I guess TPTB saw my D/V vids and were like "Wow! We need to get that girl to make our official trailer!" Next thing you know, I'm flying off to Canada.
                  Dude, you crampin' in on my territory?

                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Okay, here's a basic wallpaper I made before bed, nothing fancy:


                  Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                  *nods with grins* Oh, yeah! OT- I'm reading crappy NCIS fic.... Le sigh. The things I do until Heroes is available.
                  Dude, I know eh? I haven't read a SINGLE good NCIS fic

                  Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                  Great, Fantastic, Bravo Idea.

                  Why don't we all vote for a fic that we will all read and then Discuss for 24 hours. We can do it like an episode discussion.

                  Someone will need to look up the questions that Stef Made for those discussions.

                  Everyone name a fic or two and then we will vote on which one we want to do first.


                  1. Misappropriation of Lives by Milena_D
                  5. ...
                  Hoh! Woah! Wey! Why? Why is mine up to bat first? I'm totally honoured! ...I think

                  Originally posted by PengYn View Post

                  I just finished reading Roswell myself. Out of all the SG novels this one has become my favourite although I'm a bit of a sucker for time travel. Vala gets a really good storyline throughout and we learn..

                  far more about Quetesh, which is something I always wanted more of and in greater detail. In the beginning everyone is a little bit "Vala shut up" but stick with it 'cause it gets better. Vala saves practically everyone at least once throughout the book.

                  Also as far as plot and Daniel/Vala go

                  Daniel is forced to leave Vala (and a mortally wounded Mitchell) back in 1908 when they accidentally cause a fire so he definitely rides the guilt train on that one. He also has to face the fact that when the rest of the team all puddle jump to 1945 his leaving her there have had some dire consequences on her future. When Daniel meets a ..somewhat altered.. Mitchell he asks about their (Cam & Vala's) relationship and Mitchell tells him nothing happened and Vala was "saving herself for Daniel". Can't remember the exact words but Daniel was a tad speechless.

                  Hey MegYn, if that's seriously how it happens I might just go out and get myself a copy

                  Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
                  Damn you Milena... and yes, I see you lurking down there... Damn you... You don't have another chap of MOL up... I was looking forward to the fair...

                  Dude...that fic has been done for a pretty long while...the fair was written and posted, where are you looking? Just go to either link in my sig and clicky on MoL

                  Originally posted by Stef View Post
                  Oh, freak that I bookmark is a index card, and I write down page numbers of moments I particularly like. I've done that in the past for some books, I just find it easier to discuss


                  Congrats on 1,500 posts Cat!!!

                  Congrats to us on 1,500 pages!

                  *sigh again*

                  I gotta get back to comparing the similarities/differences in gift exchange for Canadians and Trobrianders...see you Cakes later
                  ||My Fanfiction: & My LJ || Vala Multi-Shipping LJ Comm||

                  Banner made by Stef!


                    Originally posted by Stef View Post
                    Thornton=King of eye!sex....the intensity....the longing....the windows! Wait, what? Where am I? *fans self* Sorry, got lost in a moment...

                    Tell me what your job is and how I can get it

                    Dude! You're totally usurping the discussion plans I already suggested like 10 times in the last 3 pages! Fine, be that way.

                    Well, I don't know if I want to help you...[see above] *pouts*

                    Well I bill insurances for a pharmacy. I get my own office and play on GW in between billing claims If I had a better computer I could watch the videos no problem, but my computer is 7 years old and I usually have to reboot 2 or 3 times a day as it is.
                    Sig made by me


                      Isa seriously the whole reason I love this book is because of the abundance of Valaness.
                      OMG Mitchell in the alternate timeline....I felt so bad for him. I mean my god he is first prime to Qetesh and he is father to the children who will become Qetesh and Ra. God it is sob worthy I don't care if its completely C/V.

                      Banner by Stef
                      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                        Congrats Fruitcakes for 1500 posts!!

                        Just playing catch up here...

                        INTENTIONAL REPOST!!
                        Originally posted by DJgirl View Post

                        V: Where is everyone? I think you scared them off darling!

                        D: Me? If anyone scared them off, it would be you and your wonko ways.

                        V: Some people like my wonko ways.
                        D: What are you doing?

                        V: We do seem to have the place to ourselves. Come on...what do you say?

                        D: *looks around, then at Vala* Okay.

                        Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                        PIC SPAM!

                        Just wanted to say thanks to Wendy and Isa for tossing those up. Brought a smile, was a much needed pick me up.
                        ~sg1cat~ (aka Darryl ) | FanFics: LiveJournal



                          It might be C/V but underneath everything for what I've glean it's all Devilish Yes, that's how my brain works.

                          Okay, I think it's time for me. Night Cakes!
                          banner by Stef


                            Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                            Awesome!!!!!!!!!!! Dude I know this probably isn't the main story line, but I want to now really buy this book, purely for the Vala stuff.
                  'd be surprised just how important it is as the plot line winds down.

                            and yep you definitely need to need this book.


                            My Fiction:


                              Originally posted by sg1cat View Post
                              Congrats Fruitcakes for 1500 posts!!

                              Just playing catch up here...

                              INTENTIONAL REPOST!!

                              Just wanted to say thanks to Wendy and Isa for tossing those up. Brought a smile, was a much needed pick me up.
                              Glad it made you smile.

                              Originally posted by isabelqc View Post
                              It might be C/V but underneath everything for what I've glean it's all Devilish Yes, that's how my brain works.

                              Okay, I think it's time for me. Night Cakes!
                              Night Isa!
                              Sig made by me


                                Agree LC you don't think its important....until it is.
                                So wanting to discuss Roswell right now. Goodnight Isa! Talk to you when I get home because I know you'll be back on by then

                                Banner by Stef
                                Fruitcakes Anonymous C2

