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Daniel Jackson/Vala Mal Doran Ship/Discussion/Appreciation Thread

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    Originally posted by kamiikiteiru View Post
    Aww you are so sweet!

    I haven't been around. School is kickin my bum at the moment and I just don't seem to have time to do anything. But I caught a bit of Powers That Be on my break at work on Friday and remembered I have a cyber social life HA. Have ideas for DV vids, but I have to finish my vid to Aeryn Sun's death to Children of Dune's Inama Nushif first. Other than that not much goin on. Started a new diet which I am really into (enjoying a lovely parfait at the moment) so that I can look nice in a wedding party in January and then Dec 08. And someone thinks I'm getting married...getting calls from these places saying I and my wedding (May 08 apparently) were submitted to them. And I'm rambling. Sorry...sleep deprived and study...opposite of deprived.

    What about you all?
    Whoa Aeryn Sun dies??????? {snip} is that a major spoiler?
    Thanks for the update on Renny Susan I miss her Oh well 4 more days and all that.
    Last edited by TameFarrar; 06 November 2007, 08:06 PM.

    Banner by Stef
    Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


      Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
      Whoa Aeryn Sun dies??????? God damn it is that a major spoiler?
      Thanks for the update on Renny Susan I miss her Oh well 4 more days and all that.
      Well, yes and no.....


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        Originally posted by Milena_D View Post
        Okay, written about half the essay now, just needed to reply

        Sounds like fun!

        That's the kind of optimism I want to hear!

        Excuse me while I squeal with glee...



        Sorry...and thank you!

        Thanks!! ...but that is chapter found it? I know chapter 9 is on my LJ but it might not have been properly labelled, I'll go check it out.

        Nat!!!! *hugs* Glad to hear things are clearing up for you, that will be my situation in about 2-3 weeks

        Awww, well done LC!

        Have read
        Are reading

        Haven't but intend to
        Haven't read, still debating whether I want to read the heavy C/V

        Add your name as need be.
        Oh no,'s not heavy C/V at all. Most of the action is centred around the other four finding their way through time. The entire scene where Jack is trying to fly an Asgard escape pod off a flat-bed Army truck is worth the entire price of the book! Hilarity ensues!
        Almost everything that C/V go through is explained after the fact once the six encounter each other in the New York in the 1940s, which is almost the end of the book. We see almost nothing of C/V's marriage and the children are only mentioned because of the terrible situation that Cam and Vala have found themselves in.

        (glad you liked my 'proposal segment')

        My Fiction:


          Originally posted by LittleMissJigsaw View Post
          For anyone left, I post this... I just wrote it... very depressive, so if you want cheery, STAY AWAY... you are warned...

          Black Christmas

          The house is cold, empty, silent, dead. There is no laughter echoing from one of the three bedrooms, there is no boiling kettle in the kitchen, as Daniel gets too absorbed in his work, to remember that he put the water on for his tea in the first place. There are no squeals, as the girls race through the halls at warp speed, slipping in their socks, and ramming into the occasional wall, as they attempt to 'kill' eachother with pillows. No Daniel, shouting for the girls to settle down, when he hears a particularly loud crash, generally signaling the end of one of his more fragile aritfacts.

          The pieces of the last case the girls had broken still lay in the trash bin, still with droplets of blood, from where both girls had cut their feet on the glass.

          Shattered pieces, and blood drops. That's all that is left. No laughter, no kettle, no pillow fights, no Daniel, no October, no Eden... Vala is the only one left, and she hates it.

          The glass in the bin brings back memories. Ones she wished would vanish, as she wraps herself in one of October's favorite blankets, and curls up on the couch with Eden's favorite toy, a mug of Daniel's favorite tea on the table in front of her. The glass. There had been alot of it, that night. Glass, and blood. Sirens, and flashing lights. Vala chokes back a sob, burying her face against the stuffed patchwork rabbit she holds. It still smells like flowers... Eden had sprayed the toy with an entire bottle of perfume, once, and it had smelled like flowers since. Vala screams, as memories hit her again, the rabbit muffling the sound. She looks at the mug on the table, and suddenly, as if it is the tea's fault, she slams her hand into the ceramic, and sends the mug crashing into the wall, hot liquid instantly staining the pale carpet on the floor. She doesn't care.

          How... Why... Cameron had often spoken of a higher power... A so-called God, who was supposedly so kind, and forgiving, and loving. Even if Vala had ever believed in such a god, she would, no longer. Not after that night. What God like that would have taken everything that Vala loved... Everything, and left her to live with it? Left her with no more than a few bumps and bruises, while everything else, shattered. She had shouted those very words at Cam, when he had tried to tell her that his grandma would say that there was a better place...

          Bull<snip>!, Vala had screamed, That's bull<snip> and you know it! There is no better place, Cameron. Only higher planes of existence... And they didn't go to one of those... They are dead! Do you hear me?! They are <snip> dead, and no mount of <snip> faith is going to bring them back! So <snip>, and <snip> your so called God, and get the hell out! Just GET OUT!

          She hasn't seen Cam, or Samantha, or Teal'c, since... No doubt Cam had warned his friends against trying to talk to her, for a while. Fine. <snip> the world. Everything else is <snip>, anyway. It has been since that night...

          The shattered mug still sits on the floor, the glass in the bin....

          The glass cuts into her skin, when she tries to move.... When she tries to see what had happened to everyone else...

          The blood still stains the shards... still stains the floor of the hallway...

          Blood. Lots of it, everywhere. She can't hardly see the faces of her girls, or Daniel, through all the blood...

          The house is silent... Still.... Nothing moving.

          October is still, not moving, not breathing, blood matting her brown hair, running into her open grey eyes. Eden is still, as well, no breath, black hair sticky with blood, blue eyes staring lifelessly at the world.

          A floorboard creaks, and Vala prays, and hopes... But nothing comes of it...

          Daniel is the only one moving. He tries to reach for the girls, to check on them. Vala stops him. The girls are gone. He would join them, soon... Vala allows herself to hope, to pray that maybe, just maybe he won't.

          The silence is broken, by the sound of the kettle, as it signals fresh water, for a new cup of tea...

          Sirens wail, lights flash. Vala doesn't notice or care, for just as they do, Daniel lets out his last breath. Vala holds Daniel, Eden, and October, as close as she can, considering, body shaking with sobs.

          The doorbell rings. Vala doesn't want to answer. She doesn't want to talk to anyone. The only person she'd seen since shouting at Cam had left her afraid to open the door...

          Mrs. Jackson? I... You don't remember me... I was in that accident...I-I heard about your family... I'm so sorry. If... If I hadn't... Christ... I was being stupid... Your little girls... five years old...God, I'm sorry...

          Apologies from the woman who'd killed her family wouldn't bring them back... So Vala had slammed the door shut on the woman, and hadn't opened it since. She knew all to well how idiotic the woman had been, and the dire consequences.

          Mrs. Jackson, the woman in the other vehicle... she was only driving a mile or so above the speed limit... But, the ice on the road...

          The doorbell rings again. Vala sighs, and reluctantly goes to open the door, with a glance at the christmas tree that still stits in the corner, still decorated, still with bits of wrapping paper shredded, under it, and wayward bits of tape, and ribbon. She opens the door, to find Cam on the other side. She doesn't ask what he wants, she just lets him in. He doesn't speak either. He doesn't want an apology, he wants to know that his friend is okay. What ever okay means, anymore.

          He, and the rest of the team feels the loss, too... Sam and Teal'c, and even General O'Neill... They had known Daniel for fifteen years. They'd all had a hand in raising Eden and October, in some way. They all loved them...

          But, it can also be argued that they hadn't loved Daniel, or the girls, like Vala had, and did... Because they hadn't.

          The house is still silent, still still, still dead, still dark, save for the lights on the tree... Vala is not okay. Vala will not be okay. Things will never be okay after this.

          Stories often said, that if you were bad, Santa would only leave you a lump of coal on Christmas day. Vala Jackson can only guess that her past sins had caught up with her, that year. That "Santa" hadn't thought a lump of coal would be sufficient, for now, everything was gone, shattered, dead, all taken away...

          All on a black Christmas day.

          EDIT: Anyone who wants to read the un-"censored" version, or the one that has correct spelling all around, just go to my fics... you'll find it
          Ok so I just went back and found this and can I just say AH. emotional! I don't even have the words. I said to myself ok depressing I can take depressing *is knocked flat on back* maybe not. I really liked it, is basically my point.
          My Fic: LJ &


            Originally posted by natalia View Post
            Ok so I just went back and found this and can I just say AH. emotional! I don't even have the words. I said to myself ok depressing I can take depressing *is knocked flat on back* maybe not. I really liked it, is basically my point.
            Hahaha... Yeah... when I said depressing, I meant depressing... I am no longer capable of writing happy oneshots... People always assume it's because I, myself am depressed.... I just get tired of nothing but happy, fluffy, stuff...

            And thanks, glad ya liked it


              Originally posted by Stef View Post
              Well, yes and no.....

              Gee don't be too vague Stef

              Originally posted by RinggoldGate
              Kami, just remembered that as soon as Wendy gets her Season One of Farscape we are going to start watching the whole series in order starting at Episode ONE. I can't wait. We will do a Off Topic behind Spoilers discussion of each episode. I can't wait. I know that Cat and some of the others are going to join in on the Farscape Fun.
              Defintely joining in for sure!
              Actually was going to start on Friday as I finally have a day off. Wendy how long until you get them?

              Banner by Stef
              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                Kami, just remembered that as soon as Wendy gets her Season One of Farscape we are going to start watching the whole series in order starting at Episode ONE. I can't wait. We will do a Off Topic behind Spoilers discussion of each episode. I can't wait. I know that Cat and some of the others are going to join in on the Farscape Fun.
                I have nothing against OT conversation, it's pretty much my bread and butter, but "spoilers" only cover so much OT-ness....there are threads devoted entirely to Farscape. It's fine talking about it here, but I'm not sure about daily discussions per episode....this is after all a Daniel/Vala thread....let's try to remember that....


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                  11 fruitcakes and no chatter? What has happened to the oven?


                  yeah ok I got nothing either
                  My Fic: LJ &


                    Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                    Kami, just remembered that as soon as Wendy gets her Season One of Farscape we are going to start watching the whole series in order starting at Episode ONE. I can't wait. We will do a Off Topic behind Spoilers discussion of each episode. I can't wait. I know that Cat and some of the others are going to join in on the Farscape Fun.


                    Went and watched this Farscape Video again. Just love the feeling I get when I watch this one.

                    Farscape: At the Beginning

                    I just adore the part "How our dreams will come true. Now here we stand, not afraid of the Future."
                    Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                    Gee don't be too vague Stef

                    Defintely joining in for sure!
                    Actually was going to start on Friday as I finally have a day off. Wendy how long until you get them?
                    I just won Starburst number 3 last night on eBay. I would assume it will be shipped in the next day or so.

                    If we are starting at the very beginning that is okay because I have the first half of season 1 already, so I should be good to go.
                    Sig made by me


                      Excellent Wendy that sounds good. I see what you mean Stef I know its way OT but I suppose if we don't go nuts over it that should be okay?
                      Working all of this weekend god damn it but have Friday free and Saturday and Sunday night free so hopefully will be able to watch. Want to get over season one so I can get to the greatness of season two.
                      Also I know a few months ago we did the episode by episode of D/V but maybe in a month or twon we should repeat, especially with the newbies?

                      Banner by Stef
                      Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                        Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                        Whoa Aeryn Sun EDITED by kami??????? God damn it is that a major spoiler?
                        Thanks for the update on Renny Susan I miss her Oh well 4 more days and all that.
                        Well, you have to ask yourself...does she...or am I making it look like she does by clever editing? I'm actually really sorry I said that now. For me having watched it when it aired...I don't even think about you guys not watching it and having no idea what I am talking about. Sorry...I shouldn't type when sleep deprived. I edited it from my post so if everyone else could ignore I said that. And no one else will have to wonder on if she does or doesn't. That would be greeeeat.

                        Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                        Chelle, Powers that Be is one of my favorites. Glad it reminded you of your life here with the Fruitcakes.

                        "my vid to Aeryn Sun's EDITED by kami to Children of Dune's Inama Nushif". Kami, you have missed my obsession with Farscape lately. I needed you around for my Farscape fixes. I have been watching the older Farscape videos and have even added a Farscape Playlist at FruitcakesAnonymous. I remember that your video At the Beginning is listed on this Playlist.

                        Diet... No cussing around here girl....LOL
                        Diet is a cuss word? bad...uh...I'm Living-it or something.
                        I'll have to check out the vids and see what you have. I have a hundred or so favs saved on disc so I'll see if i can find the really good ones to share with ya.

                        Okay now that I have completed my dumb moment of the day I retreat to the books and shame that is my life. Sigh...
                        by: SerenaSerenity


                          Originally posted by RinggoldGate
                          Found it.

                          Farscape Season 1 Premiere
                          I see at least the first 5 episodes.

                          Everyone can join in this weekend. What do you think Wendy?

                          Edit: Sounds great Wendy.
                          Thanks for finding that Susan. If I still have my houseguests, I may be watching it on the computer instead of the tv.

                          Sounds like fun to me.
                          Sig made by me


                            Originally posted by CrazyLikeaFox View Post
                            Excellent Wendy that sounds good. I see what you mean Stef I know its way OT but I suppose if we don't go nuts over it that should be okay?
                            Working all of this weekend god damn it but have Friday free and Saturday and Sunday night free so hopefully will be able to watch. Want to get over season one so I can get to the greatness of season two.
                            Also I know a few months ago we did the episode by episode of D/V but maybe in a month or twon we should repeat, especially with the newbies?
                            Like I said, I love a good OT discussion, but my fear is that that's ALL people will talk about this weekend. I LOVE Farscape to death, but while discussing it casually on occasion is fine, I hesitate to discuss it with any depth or regularity. I just don't want this weekend to become an ALL-FARSCAPE weekend in the D/V thread, you know? There are plenty of other places to discuss this stuff with no restraints (ie the entire Farscape section of GW).

                            Again, I'm fine with some casual discussion....but knowing our zealous, talkative fruitcakes like I do, I'm not sure a small discussion is possible You gals do like to talk! (I am including myself in this of course)


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                              Alright maybe we should promise that for every Farscape related post we make on the weekend we MUST make a devilish post? The only reason I'm hesitant to go to the farscape thread is I'venever been there before and I know its probably very different from the Oven.
                              Chelle don't worry about spoiling I've actually bought PKW so I kinda know some of the things that happen

                              Banner by Stef
                              Fruitcakes Anonymous C2


                                I'm out guys... night

