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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    What a wonderful letter on Amanda's site! I'm glad her work schedule has eased up a bit. Wow! Looks like she's working 4 days out of what is typically 7 (?) shooting days. That's a much lighter schedule.


    Last edited by suse; 24 January 2007, 02:34 PM. Reason: Misread AT's message. Correcting
    Mourning Sanctuary.
    Thanks for the good times!


      On TRNT:

      Regarding the whole dress deal... I agree with the stupidity of needing that kind of attention after certain ages, and marketability bla bla bla, but I usually like to exclude Amanda from all this. Because of the fact that yes, you can just look at a casual pic and see how beautiful she is, i'm not about to see her in a few more revealing dresses and start jumping into discussions about "is it her choice or not" I just calmly say "oh, look what she's wearing today, she looks great" and continue on with life. If it isn't really her choice, then i'm sure she'll be subtly saying "hey buddies" if she loves working the glam, then good on her

      Regarding the rest of the ep... I personally loved it. The politics of it elicited many "BAH"'s from me, but hey, politics always do. I loved how we saw her smushing people around again, being ex-wife to McKay, being uncomfortable as the "poster girl" coming home and being so... I'm not sure what's the word, but I LOVED the last scene, (yes, the vala/sam hug of course aww )

      And one last note... Did anyone else notice the black boots she was wearing for several scenes? They were GORGEOUS!! I've been on a black-boot hunt or MONTHS, as sad as that may sound, and those ones she was wearing are EXACTLY PERFECTLY THE ONES I IMAGINED IN MY MIND So all's i've gotta do is break into SG's costuming room and nab 'em! Wish me luck

      I think in the last few eps we've got some faaantastic stuff out of Amanda, and can only hope we continue to get some!

      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
      So if you get a chance you might swing by there to check out the latest message from AT.

      Thanks for the headsup! It was great to hear of what's all going on with her, i'm so glad she's all pumped for Atlantis, and the 2 movies, and her "new thing" and... lol, wow, busy girl. I'm glad that she did mention that she's actually getting MORE time with her family though, she deserves that! Poor Abbie though.. But yeah, i'm very excited to see all the stuff she puts out this year, I think it's gonna be a great year for her, she just keeps gettin' better and better!
      The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

      |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


        flyby post:
        I loved Amanda in the dress, she's stunning, but I agree women shouldn't be made to wear things that make them feel uncomfortable because its not what someone wears that matters, its what's on the inside that's important, that's why Amanda shines bright in whatever she wears IMHO

        night night Samanda I'm off for shippy dreams lol, take care, have fun and talk to everyone tomorrow


        Night guys!

        Thanks to Ambermoon for the wonderful Avatar Sig by: Me


          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post
          One thing I think AT's got going for her is the fact that she really doesn't seem to go for all of that flashy, "Oh look at me" fashion on a regular basis. The intrigue about her, the qualities that draw people to her, go far deeper than the more superficial aspects of her character. To me, she is the iconic archetype of "The Girl Next Door" kind of beauty. It's only recently, since she's been going to the various awards shows and events, that we've seen way more of her than perhaps we anticipated... to put it mildly.

          I'm not a fan of women having to wear certain things to maintain popularity, but it would seem that that's how women - particularly women over some lame, designated age - maintain their marketability. It's ridiculous and pathetic, and it's obvious that you only have to look at AT in her casual attire to see how naturally beautiful she is, but I'm not surprised that that's the route she's taken - whether she had to or not.

          Hopefully those moments are few and far between, and, if she's uncomfortable with recent wardrobe choices, perhaps she'll be given a bit more control over what she wears in the future. AT has acknowledged that she's a role model, and that she's behaved accordingly. But I think a few moments in time - that happen to be at the height of her popularity amongst her colleagues - is OK.
          i've written/erased, written/erased so many times, because i can't really figure out how to say this.

          i guess i really don't know what the big deal is in sam/amanda wearing this dress. the dress is sexy. amanda is sexy. the dress might make her feel sexy. so what... amanda's not a nun, for crying out loud.

          sorry if i'm coming off a bit hard, but i feel like defending amanda a bit. (and this isn't aimed at you, spaz, per se, just a few posts that i'm getting uncomfortable vibes from)




            Originally posted by majorsal View Post
            i've written/erased, written/erased so many times, because i can't really figure out how to say this.

            i guess i really don't know what the big deal is in sam/amanda wearing this dress. the dress is sexy. amanda is sexy. the dress might make her feel sexy. so what... amanda's not a nun, for crying out loud.

            sorry if i'm coming off a bit hard, but i feel like defending amanda a bit. (and this isn't aimed at you, spaz, per se, just a few posts that i'm getting uncomfortable vibes from)

            Spoilers for those who are tired of the convo.

            I can't speak for anyone else but me, but I've always been really happy that AT has such a great body, and never had to flaunt it for you to know it. Her femininity and strength exudes off of her just fine no matter what she's wearing. But man, she can definitely pull off those dresses, can't she?

            AT's wardrobe won't change my opinion of her character (it'd take a lot more than that anyway - and it wouldn't be something that superficial), but that doesn't mean I think people should just be totally OK with it should she decide to do it on a regular basis (and I doubt very highly that she will).

            It all comes down to values. And just because people here may not agree with what she's wearing, that doesn't mean they don't respect her. But defend away... I don't blame you for feeling like you need to do that either. I know the feeling.

            I also don't agree with double standards... For instance, if there are people here who freaked out that Vala was so underdressed during S9, but think it's OK that Sam is wearing something so revealing. Stuff like that irritates me about certain Daniel fans, too, and I cannot help but point it out when I see it - even if it's on Samanda.
            Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 24 January 2007, 04:38 PM.


              Originally posted by majorsal View Post
              i've written/erased, written/erased so many times, because i can't really figure out how to say this.

              i guess i really don't know what the big deal is in sam/amanda wearing this dress. the dress is sexy. amanda is sexy. the dress might make her feel sexy. so what... amanda's not a nun, for crying out loud.

              sorry if i'm coming off a bit hard, but i feel like defending amanda a bit. (and this isn't aimed at you, spaz, per se, just a few posts that i'm getting uncomfortable vibes from)

              I don't think anyone is saying anything about Amanda and her choice (or lack of choice) about revealing dresses. No one is bashing her. It's just people's preferences as a general rule. And AT usually is covered. Unless she's been asked to wear one like that Charity Benefit.

              Chill! No one's atracking Amanda!

              Mourning Sanctuary.
              Thanks for the good times!


                I think I understand where some of the posts are coming from; that society's overall impression that lots of flesh is sexy isn't necessary right, morally or in terms of truth. Yes, no flesh can be more attractive than lots and no, women shouldn't feel they have to wear revealing clothes in order to feel sexy and appealing.

                At the same time, some women like to wear revealing clothes. Knowing that a lot of men DO find revealing outfits attractive can often feel quite empowering, I suppose. It's all about comfort levels. If you want to look good and you think that the best way for you to look good is to wear a revealing dress like that, then, in the right circumstances (ie at a ball or dinner party and NOT in the workplace), what is the harm?

                I think in this context and this situation, there was no harm. Yes, it could have been a high necked dress and could have been just as elegant. But, Amanda is on record as saying that it's "all about the boobs" so if she's comfortable with that, then fine.

                What I object to is firstly the pressure put on women by society that means they feel obliged to dress in a certain manner to feel sexy and appealing. I'm not talking about fashion, because fashion has always existed. What I am talking about is more the fact that women feel forced into wearing things they feel uncomfortable in, forced out of their comfort zone and THAT is wrong.

                My other problem would be when there is gratuitous nudity, cleavage and flesh. In this context, it was entirely appropriate. Lots of women wear revealing dresses to dinner parties, it really isn't anything unusual. However, shrunken SG uniforms for missions? Tiny, midriff showing outfits for aliens when it adds no extra meaning, in some cases actually detracts from the culture being portrayed?

                I don't have a problem with flesh. In the right context.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane View Post
                  I think I understand where some of the posts are coming from; that society's overall impression that lots of flesh is sexy isn't necessary right, morally or in terms of truth. Yes, no flesh can be more attractive than lots and no, women shouldn't feel they have to wear revealing clothes in order to feel sexy and appealing.

                  At the same time, some women like to wear revealing clothes. Knowing that a lot of men DO find revealing outfits attractive can often feel quite empowering, I suppose. It's all about comfort levels. If you want to look good and you think that the best way for you to look good is to wear a revealing dress like that, then, in the right circumstances (ie at a ball or dinner party and NOT in the workplace), what is the harm?

                  I think in this context and this situation, there was no harm. Yes, it could have been a high necked dress and could have been just as elegant. But, Amanda is on record as saying that it's "all about the boobs" so if she's comfortable with that, then fine.

                  What I object to is firstly the pressure put on women by society that means they feel obliged to dress in a certain manner to feel sexy and appealing. I'm not talking about fashion, because fashion has always existed. What I am talking about is more the fact that women feel forced into wearing things they feel uncomfortable in, forced out of their comfort zone and THAT is wrong.

                  My other problem would be when there is gratuitous nudity, cleavage and flesh. In this context, it was entirely appropriate. Lots of women wear revealing dresses to dinner parties, it really isn't anything unusual. However, shrunken SG uniforms for missions? Tiny, midriff showing outfits for aliens when it adds no extra meaning, in some cases actually detracts from the culture being portrayed?

                  I don't have a problem with flesh. In the right context.
                  The alien thing is hang-on from the Star Trek era and prior-which is such a shame in the case of that particular show, when it could give so much to the perception of women on one hand and yet take it away with the other.
                  I have slightly bizarre views on this. I believe wholly in the comfort zone theory. If I may be allowed to use a personal example, a lot of other women don't seem to get the way I dress because they personally would not find it comfortable- whereas with my particular shape and size, etc- wearing skirts which are above knee length, heels and the occasional low cut-top actually suits me better than covering up and is indeed more practical. I also think that a lot of it is to do with a strange sense of inadequency- that somehow I will judge them on their dress, because it is more 'sensible', or that I will be perceived as better somehow. Again, not the case.
                  I also believe in the freedom to show flesh- as long as it is evenly distributed between the genders. Because then it becomes less about 14 year old boys and more about how people actually are. And it's good to see a different side to Sam, once every three seasons or so (the dress in 'Chimera' startled me a little at first- I was all:
                  "Breasts? Since when has she had those?"- because the black tops slim that region down I'd never noticed

                  Courtesy of smurf, as always


                    What a fantastic message from Amanda. It reminds me (again) why I continue to adore that woman.

                    She just seems to be so well-rounded and so balanced in her life and thinking. As sad as I was for her that she lost her brother, I am pleased that she was able to experience a measure of joy and comfort from meeting the people who Steven's life touched and I'm thankful she shared that with us via her site.

                    I'm also so sad to hear about Abbie. I know what it's like to lose a beloved four-legged family member. That being said, I am delighted for her that they have a new member of the family...GEORGE!!! Okay. Does anyone else want to see a snap shot of this little cutie or is it just me? Anyone??? Anyone??????

                    And then of course we get to her professional life...which is so exciting I just can't even begin to express my glee as a fan: The SG-1 movies, the project that it looks as though she'll share more about soon (although we've figured out bits and pieces) and of course her move to the Pegasus galaxy.

                    Well, okay, Amanda's not moving to the Pegasus galaxy...but Carter is.

                    I love how she read what she said and realized it sounded like a cold and totally less than enthusiastic response...or worse...that it was something she was potentially dreading. I'm glad she clarified her position on this matter.

                    See...I'm in complete agreement with what she said about moving to SGA with one minor exception. "Atlantis isn't her show"...yet. Carter is obviously first and foremost known for her 10 year run on SG-1...but Atlantis is a whole new adventure for her...and when she goes, she'll become a part of their adventure too. Sam will experience a rebirth of sorts, being in a new place with new responsibilities and new relationships...and that's exciting. So sure, for the moment, it's not her show...but soon, she will become a part of that tale, and I think it can only mean good things for the show, for the character and for Amanda herself.

                    On a side note...I think the fact that she's nervous about her being there adds weight to my belief that Carter will be going to
                    lead the Atlantis expedition.
                    Otherwise, what need would there be for her trepidation? It looks as though they do have something specific in mind and have had so for quite some time...and now with SG-1 off the air, they now have a chance to tell it.

                    I end with this...I boundlessly respect her for being so incredibly sensitive to the feelings of fans who believe she's trouncing on their territory. She'd never want that and even though she knows some people will feel that way regardless, she's still the type of person who will come out and say just the right thing, giving insight into the true depth of her humility and grace.

                    One thing's for certain...that woman has class oozing out of her pores.

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post

                      On a side note...I think the fact that she's nervous about her being there adds weight to my belief that Carter will be going to
                      lead the Atlantis expedition.
                      Otherwise, what need would there be for her trepidation? It looks as though they do have something specific in mind and have had so for quite some time...and now with SG-1 off the air, they now have a chance to tell it.

                      I end with this...I boundlessly respect her for being so incredibly sensitive to the feelings of fans who believe she's trouncing on their territory. She'd never want that and even though she knows some people will feel that way regardless, she's still the type of person who will come out and say just the right thing, giving insight into the true depth of her humility and grace.

                      One thing's for certain...that woman has class oozing out of her pores.
                      I agree Amanda has always been very gracious and classy one of the reason I admire her...

                      However I disagree with you about her reasons for going to Atlantis.
                      I still don't think she will be leading the atlantis expedition...becuase I think there is so much more for her to do then leading the base... I assume that is what you mean by leading the expedition... no I'm not taking anything away from Weir I like that character!

                      I think her nerviousness may stem from developing chemistry between some of the actors on Atlantis.... obviously she is very comfortable with McKay and has great chemistry between him. I think it's like any job ... we do the same work, but it's new bosses (new showrunners), new co workers, new set...

                      I still think her coming to Atlantis on "her ship" has something to do with it... I would love to see Sam commanding a ship. Or perhaps replicarter makes an appearance she was on her own ship before she disappeared. Or something else we haven't ever thought of yet...

                      I don't know what she will be doing... If she were to lead the Atlantis base, then where would she fit into the SG-1 movies? I don't want her role on Atlantis to be an excuse for tptb to cut back her role as an important part of the SG-1 team! We have had two (or so I've heard and yet to watch) great Sam episodes! and the Quest had some great Sam moments too! Which is all wonderful news after the character was pushed to the background in s9! I don't want that to happen again! And no I don't want the movies to be all about Sam, I want it to include the ENTIRE TEAM where no one is pushed to the background and all of them including Sam has some juicy material to work with...

                      So I guess it's just a different views of the same which I am sure many more will pop up until S4 airs. I am glad she will have more time with her family!!


                        something that i found kind of weird about TRNT;

                        in our universe, we've had some indications and hints that sam and cam have known each other since before he was assigned to the sgc, and even before he was injured in antarctica. in the AU in this episode, cam shows no hint of recognition for sam. as far as i can tell, the universes didn't split until the invasion of earth by anubis, so this shouldn't be the case if they actually knew each other before in our universe.

                        which for me makes the beginning of season 9 even less credible than i found it before. why would they appear to be so friendly and as though they had some pre-anubis invasion history if they hadn't met before?

                        its all very odd to me. and if its odd to me then its either perfectly normal, or very very odd.


                          Yay! I finally got to see TRNT.

                          Sam rules!! and we got such a marvelous range of things from Amanda - more on that later after I have rewatched it. Oh, I'm a very happy chappy finally 2 episodes that I will happly rewatched

                          Originally posted by kir_fect View Post
                          Please more. Please some more. Please smores.

                          Spoilers are our friends. Spoiler are our friends. Spoilers are our friends. I can feel the inner harmony already. What a second that is not in harmony that is gas from macaroons.
                          LOL another one is quickly converted to the darkside

                          Originally posted by JennyJ View Post
                          Hello there!

                          Just jumped here to bring some pics but they are spoilery...

                          I must tell you I LOVED Amanda's act in the new episode And the older she is, the more beautiful she is


                          Nods, in full agreement

                          Originally posted by Coley View Post
                          I think everyone knows my view on gratuitous use of cleavature on TV. I've been uhappy with that aspect of Sam Carter ever since Chimera and continue to be so.

                          On the "if you've got it flaunt it" thinking I can't think of anything much worse than attaining attention because your putting your cleavage on display. I'm quite happy to gain attention (or not) for more meaningful reasons. But each to their own (and don't even think about mentioning the pyjama incident 1speed - that was an accident as well you know)

                          On the topless men issue. I have no desire whatsoever to see the men topless. Beefcake turns me off so the "more" I see of Teal'c the less I'm interested. All RDA has to do is smile - that's sexy!!
                          Yup, I must admit RDA does have a sexy smile. Hey we also got to see some great Sam grins with sparkly eyes and dimples this ep

                          Originally posted by ShimmeringStar View Post
                          *nudges RoX with elbow*

                          You're not alone.

                          *passes cookie plate to Rox* Would a spoiler cookie help though?
                          *snags a cookie*

                          Thank ye kindly. I'm really happy now I've seen the ep and now have cookies

                          Here, would you like a chocolate (my cure all)

                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                          What a fantastic message from Amanda. It reminds me (again) why I continue to adore that woman.

                          spoilerised for space
                          She just seems to be so well-rounded and so balanced in her life and thinking. As sad as I was for her that she lost her brother, I am pleased that she was able to experience a measure of joy and comfort from meeting the people who Steven's life touched and I'm thankful she shared that with us via her site.

                          I'm also so sad to hear about Abbie. I know what it's like to lose a beloved four-legged family member. That being said, I am delighted for her that they have a new member of the family...GEORGE!!! Okay. Does anyone else want to see a snap shot of this little cutie or is it just me? Anyone??? Anyone??????

                          And then of course we get to her professional life...which is so exciting I just can't even begin to express my glee as a fan: The SG-1 movies, the project that it looks as though she'll share more about soon (although we've figured out bits and pieces) and of course her move to the Pegasus galaxy.

                          Well, okay, Amanda's not moving to the Pegasus galaxy...but Carter is.

                          I love how she read what she said and realized it sounded like a cold and totally less than enthusiastic response...or worse...that it was something she was potentially dreading. I'm glad she clarified her position on this matter.

                          See...I'm in complete agreement with what she said about moving to SGA with one minor exception. "Atlantis isn't her show"...yet. Carter is obviously first and foremost known for her 10 year run on SG-1...but Atlantis is a whole new adventure for her...and when she goes, she'll become a part of their adventure too. Sam will experience a rebirth of sorts, being in a new place with new responsibilities and new relationships...and that's exciting. So sure, for the moment, it's not her show...but soon, she will become a part of that tale, and I think it can only mean good things for the show, for the character and for Amanda herself.

                          On a side note...I think the fact that she's nervous about her being there adds weight to my belief that Carter will be going to
                          lead the Atlantis expedition.
                          Otherwise, what need would there be for her trepidation? It looks as though they do have something specific in mind and have had so for quite some time...and now with SG-1 off the air, they now have a chance to tell it.

                          I end with this...I boundlessly respect her for being so incredibly sensitive to the feelings of fans who believe she's trouncing on their territory. She'd never want that and even though she knows some people will feel that way regardless, she's still the type of person who will come out and say just the right thing, giving insight into the true depth of her humility and grace.

                          One thing's for certain...that woman has class oozing out of her pores.
                          What Oooober said!!

                          Well except for the
                          "lead the Atlantis expedition" thing
                          though it is a possibility, I have very mixed feelings about that. Being a Liz fan and a Sam fan has me torn in two.

                          Well, I'm off to rewatch TRNT soon.


                            Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                            On a side note...I think the fact that she's nervous about her being there adds weight to my belief that Carter will be going to
                            lead the Atlantis expedition.
                            Otherwise, what need would there be for her trepidation? It looks as though they do have something specific in mind and have had so for quite some time...and now with SG-1 off the air, they now have a chance to tell it.
                            A couple of thoughts and questions

                            Why would they put Sam in charge if they know there is a possibility that Amanda may not be available for the following season if her new project takes off??
                            If they were going to militarise the expedition anyway I can see it as a possibility but I can see other possibilities as well.
                            I know they have always planned for Amanda to move over but I REALLY want to know their plans (and right now too )
                            *stomps foot with impatience*

                            Another thing - does anyone know if DH's writing a show is going to affect his Atlantis schedule? Is it possible we may have less McKay and more Sam because of this?


                              Originally posted by stargate barbie View Post
                              something that i found kind of weird about TRNT;
                              in our universe, we've had some indications and hints that sam and cam have known each other since before he was assigned to the sgc, and even before he was injured in antarctica. in the AU in this episode, cam shows no hint of recognition for sam. as far as i can tell, the universes didn't split until the invasion of earth by anubis, so this shouldn't be the case if they actually knew each other before in our universe.
                              I'm not sure that's right, SB.
                              There were too many differences, I think, to pinpoint a divergence. McKay was a dotcom billionaire who was never involved with the program; Carter & McKay had time to get married and divorced; Landry's career path was divergent enough that he was in position to run for president several years ago, etc.

                              Amanda Tapping Rules.


                                Originally posted by RealmOfX View Post
                                A couple of thoughts and questions

                                Why would they put Sam in charge if they know there is a possibility that Amanda may not be available for the following season if her new project takes off??
                                If they were going to militarise the expedition anyway I can see it as a possibility but I can see other possibilities as well.
                                I know they have always planned for Amanda to move over but I REALLY want to know their plans (and right now too )
                                *stomps foot with impatience*

                                Another thing - does anyone know if DH's writing a show is going to affect his Atlantis schedule? Is it possible we may have less McKay and more Sam because of this?
                                Lots of "ifs" there.

                                Remember, this is just my thinking right now...doesn't mean I'm right or that I have some special insight into the mind of TPTB. *scary thought*

                                Your questions are's what I believe.
                                TPTB are putting all of the franchises eggs into the SGA basket. They need SGA to continue on for a while if they have any hope of continuing SG-1/SGA movies or getting that third series. They're pulling out all their big guns and trimming off what they believe might not be working or will not work in the future.

                                I believe that a part of the story will result in the necessity to militarize Atlantis.

                                From a character perspective, the most logical choice to me is Carter. She has not only the experience as the galaxy-saver of the SGC, but she also has the demeanor, political viability and the ability to manage both military and civilian assets...which Caldwell lacks.

                                From a show/franchise perspective, who better to put onto Atlantis to help boost the ratings and get SG-1 fans than Amanda/Sam?

                                And SG-1? I think they'd mesh it to work somehow. It's a valid point but I think they'd figure it out.

                                Regarding Amanda's perspective...this is my speculation. If this gambit works, she's set. She'll be able to write her own ticket and negotiate with a real position of power so that she can work on whatever projects she wants while being able to continue to enjoy the security of a regular paycheck.
                                Please don't get me wrong. I like Liz...but I think she's in over her head and I further believe that with what we know is coming by way of threat to the city, I think it's wishful thinking on the IOA's part to believe the command can be maintained by civilians.

                                Sorry you asked, aren't you?

                                ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...

