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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by Sg Gato View Post
    Forgive me if I haven't noticed this before, but I think we lost a star

    Sam: Those are the new numbers, huh?
    Daniel: Anubis must be in the works again.


      Originally posted by parsifal View Post
      Atlantis S4 spoilers:

      I'm hoping this isn't true. There couldn't be a much worse situation for Amanda.
      Some musings about the news

      I just wonder if they plan on SGA going on to S5? Because from what we have heard, Amanda is obligated to the show for this year (s4) With the project she has in the works, I really don't see her signing up for s5

      my fanfic


        Originally posted by parsifal View Post
        Atlantis S4 spoilers:

        I'm hoping this isn't true. There couldn't be a much worse situation for Amanda.
        Yikes. I'm hoping that's not entirely true.

        And dang peeps! Where are the spoiler tags? (Not that I care)


          Originally posted by Mandysg1 View Post
          Some musings about the news

          I just wonder if they plan on SGA going on to S5? Because from what we have heard, Amanda is obligated to the show for this year (s4) With the project she has in the works, I really don't see her signing up for s5
          In response to your SGA musings:
          I think they are indeed planning to continue on. I think bringing Amanda on board is a big indication. They are shoring up their fanbase to strengthen the show.

're right. She's only obligated at this point for one season. However, if things go well, she'll be in a very strong negotiating position where she might be able to have her cake and eat it too.
          That's my story and I'm stickin' to it.

          ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


            Possible Spoiler for Atlantis s4
            If Sam is a Full Bird Colonel that would be awesome for the SG-1 Movies!!! I still don't see this as her taking over the Atlantis base...Jack was promoted to General when he took over at the SGC... so I still don't see it has her taking over for weir! I don't see where that is coming from! I do feel bad for Amanda and the entire backlash because of what everyone fears tptb will do to the show. It's all speculation and tptb really do love to get the fans up in an uproar good or bad...
            Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 15 January 2007, 12:36 PM.


              I don't like the way that article is worded at all (at savestargatesg-1). As a news source it seems deliberately to be trying to "stir" things up. Fans are already in a tizzy. This makes it sound as though they have reason to riot. There are a lot of ways to present news objectively, and what I read on that website didn't qualify. Especially these passages...


              We also reported that Stargate SG-1’s leading lady Amanda Tapping was in as Samantha Carter, Atlantis’ leading lady Torri Higginson was out as Elizabeth Weir.
              Now Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis creators, executive producers and writers Brad Wright have confirmed the heavy presence we were predicting for Tapping in Season 4 of Atlantis: the studio has exercised the option on her contract and she’s in for 14 episodes. Look to see Carter promoted early in the season to full-bird colonel [necessary for her to outrank Sheppard] and taking on the leadership of the Atlantis mission in Weir’s place. The Season 3 finale will lead to an early departure for Weir in S4, but it’s good news for fans of the character that she’s not being killed off and may return later in the season.
              Last edited by minigeek; 15 January 2007, 12:46 PM.

              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan View Post
                Full. Bird. Colonel.

                *faints DED away*
                Iiiiii knowwww.

                Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                  Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                  Possible Spoiler for Atlantis s4
                  If Sam is a Full Bird Colonel that would be awesome for the SG-1 Movies!!! I still don't see her taking over the Atlantis base...Jack was promoted to General when he took over at the SGC... so I still don't see it has her taking over for weir! I don't see where that is coming from! I do feel bad for Amanda and the entire backlash because of what everyone fears tptb will do to the show. It's all speculation and tptb really do love to get the fans up in an uproar good or bad...

                  Unintelligble little rant ahead...

                  It irks me to no end that they didn't know what to do with AT when they had her contracted for two years' worth of Stargate SG-1. That's 35 episodes that were essentially squandered because they were so in love with their shiny new, fool-proof storyline. And now history is repeating itself with MGM/SciFi/Bridge taking what looks to be preventative measures, by bringing on a character who may or may not belong in the fold.

                  So now, whether there's evidence to prove it or not, it looks like AT is coming on board for Atlantis, and two other actors are leaving in the process. I have no doubt that AT had nothing to do with these changes, and I'd like to think that there are other reasons for Paul McGillion and Torri Higginson leaving. The theory that they were not utilized to their best potential definitely holds a lot of water. And the idea that their leaving isn't wholly voluntary will only fuel the fires of rage for many Atlantis fans. And understandably so.

                  Any way you slice it though, AT will now be walking into a hostile situation with this role. She may never see or hear as much about the backlash as we do, of course, and I hope that's the case. But it doesn't change the fact that, rather than utilize the actor on the show she helped develop for 10 years, they put all their focus on Cam, Vala, the Ori, etc.. I've never expected them to put Carter in the spotlight, because I've always been a fan of the team, and I like it when the team interacts. However, having Carter go from wallpaper on SG-1 to this driving force on Atlantis is so incredibly backwards.

                  It's just frustrating to me, because I am an Atlantis fan, and I have no doubt that I'll enjoy AT's presence on Atlantis. But I'm only one fan, and there are others whose enjoyment may be hindered because of the production politics. If given the chance, had the circumstances been different, I'm sure fans wouldn't have had such an issue with an SG-1 character/actor crossing over. Now, however, thanks to some unidentified "logic," people are going to be predisposed to dislike anything and everything Carter does. They'll resent her from the get-go, just like people here resented Cameron and Vala from the beginning, and they'll never give the character a chance. What's the point of bringing in a character that way, when she no hope of being received by some camps?

                  All of this is just coupled with my continued annoyance with how TPTB continue to alienate their most loyal group of viewers - the online fandom. They may be able to justify their decisions, by saying that most of the naysayers aren't from the U.S., so it won't matter. But making decisions based on that reasoning is foolish. These are the fans who will buy DVDs, merchandise, convention tickets, etc., without fail, and pretending like the online fans and their opinions are inconsequential to the franchise's success is idiotic. So, too, is bringing in a popular, talented individual to make up for their creative shortcomings. They did it with Ben Browder and Claudia Black, and it only got them so far as well.

                  I just hope they tread lightly with their decisions from here on out, and learn from their mistakes.


                    Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                    I don't like the way that article is worded at all (at savestargatesg-1). As a news source it seems deliberately to be trying to "stir" things up. Fans are already in a tizzy. This makes it sound as though they have reason to riot. There are a lot of ways to present news objectively, and what I read on that website didn't qualify. Especially these passages...


                    We also reported that Stargate SG-1’s leading lady Amanda Tapping was in as Samantha Carter, Atlantis’ leading lady Torri Higginson was out as Elizabeth Weir.
                    Now Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis creators, executive producers and writers Brad Wright have confirmed the heavy presence we were predicting for Tapping in Season 4 of Atlantis: the studio has exercised the option on her contract and she’s in for 14 episodes. Look to see Carter promoted early in the season to full-bird colonel [necessary for her to outrank Sheppard] and taking on the leadership of the Atlantis mission in Weir’s place. The Season 3 finale will lead to an early departure for Weir in S4, but it’s good news for fans of the character that she’s not being killed off and may return later in the season.
                    It's a fans opinion... that's how I read it! It's not a reliable source, only a fan voicing his opinion and putting his spin on the news ...
                    Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 15 January 2007, 02:02 PM.


                      Originally posted by ann_sgcfan View Post
                      It's a fans opinion... that's how I read it! It's not a reliable source, only a fan voicing his opinion and putting his spin on the news to meet his own agenda...
                      So they're not a news source? They say that they are. And they're promoted at the top of - that lends them credibility as such.

                      Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                      ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                        Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                        So they're not a news source? They say that they are. And they're promoted at the top of - that lends them credibility as such.
                        When they first started it was someone's website (much like GW). Then they started the save SG-1 campaign... and it became a popular place... they said in the beginning they had no affiliation with SciFi execs. or the SG franchise. It was just an opinion poll that they were hoping to get in the hand of SciFi execs... Now unless that's changes it is still a fan based website...

                        The "New Source" is from Brad Write & Robert Coopers interview that Tsaxlady pointed us toward and transcribed for us yesterday. the person that posted the "news" is putting his own spin on it!!
                        Last edited by ann_sgcfan; 15 January 2007, 01:05 PM.


                          Originally posted by minigeek View Post
                          So they're not a news source? They say that they are. And they're promoted at the top of - that lends them credibility as such.
                          Meh. Gateworld is the only website I trust. Their caution shows prudence. Even though savestargatesg1 is promoted on Gateworld, they published the false information that Shanks was approached to star in the third series, based on an insider of another website. That was a big mistake, and I don't think their credibility has quite recovered yet. Or maybe that's just me.

                          Based on how the article was designed, the last paragraph sounds like the writer was editorializing. Or maybe that's just wishful thinking.


                          I don't mind Sam being promoted to full bird (though that seems way early, right?), but the idea of her really, truly taking Weir's place would not bode well at all. Besides, I can't see Sam leading a base for another ten years.


                            Originally posted by the dancer of spaz View Post

                            I don't mind Sam being promoted to full bird (though that seems way early, right?), but the idea of her really, truly taking Weir's place would not bode well at all. Besides, I can't see Sam leading a base for another ten years.
                            I don't think that's it. Atlantis has personnel from lots of different countries. I imagine there'd be tears and tantrums if the expedition was to be commanded by a US military officer.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by ReganX View Post
                              I don't think that's it. Atlantis has personnel from lots of different countries. I imagine there'd be tears and tantrums if the expedition was to be commanded by a US military officer.


                              Hasn't there been some suggestion that there will be a heavier military presence on Atlantis. Michael Beech will be playing a military officer who's an adversary (not new for Atlantis, I know). It would make sense if the SGC is closed down, or if its funding is reduced in some capacity, for the US government to make a stronger military front, right? I'm just trying to figure out what the SGC will be doing, and if it'll even exist, once SG-1 ends. It would seem that that would determine how they'd write Carter into the series in the first place.


                                Just my 2cents worth.

                                Save Stargate SG-1 is co-owned by Alison of Stargate SG-1 Solutions, Darren of GateWorld, Nathan of Stargate Game and Dan of Stargate The site is administed by Alison, Darren, Nathan and Dan.

                                That being established, the news article starts with a bullet point summary by Michelle from Solutions Site - it is a nice summary of RC & BW's new interviews on MGM's site.

                                The problem that I have is with the end of the article.

                                Now Stargate SG-1 and Atlantis creators, executive producers and writers Brad Wright have confirmed the heavy presence we were predicting for Tapping in Season 4 of Atlantis: the studio has exercised the option on her contract and she’s in for 14 episodes.

                                Not much of a problem with this as BW & RC did state AT would be in 14 episodes. Wording as heavy presence well that is the writer of the articles spin.

                                Look to see Carter promoted early in the season to full-bird colonel [necessary for her to outrank Sheppard] and taking on the leadership of the Atlantis mission in Weir’s place. The Season 3 finale will lead to an early departure for Weir in S4, but it’s good news for fans of the character that she’s not being killed off and may return later in the season.

                                This the part I have trouble with - I have watched each of the interviews a couple of times and nowhere in them did I hear anyone say Carter would be promoted and taking over the leadership of Atlantis from Weir. Could it be true and they have talked with one of TPTB maybe. But until I hear it from directly in an interview with one of TPTB I will take this statement with a grain of salt. In other words I will fully believe it when I hear some working at Bridge confirm it. It may be true but I will not get upset without hearing confirmation.

                                Lisening to MW's interview and the spoilers he gives for the end of the season I do easliy see Weir in major peril when S3 ends.

                                Bottom line only time will tell what is really going to happen.
                                Last edited by tsaxlady; 15 January 2007, 01:37 PM.
                                My View From The Peanut Gallery

