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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Sally-I don't know if this is any good or the right size-and it's very simple...but I tried!
    In spoilers so no one will laugh at my attempts!

    Here is a lighter version
    Gah! They both stink! Don't use 'em Sally! Find someone with talent!
    Last edited by L.A. Doyle; 04 October 2006, 07:24 PM.


      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
      But soooo worth it. Man those guys can clean up well! The superficial side of me would like this pic poster-sized, to be perfectly honest...
      Just for you Spaz
      Jack & Daniel

      Although I slightly edited the original.


        Originally posted by Skydiver
        and now, i guess they realize that the sex kitten isn't popular, so i guess they're youthifying her with those damn pigtails and thinking that'll show us
        In a "You think that was bad? Just you wait - we're gonna give you something to complain about!" way, I take it?

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          Originally posted by ForeverSg1
          Just for you Spaz
          Jack & Daniel

          Although I slightly edited the original.

          Great one Kat

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by majorsal
            i had this idea in the back of my mind (it's a scary place back there ) where pete never actually existed. he was created by the aliens in 'grace', and was all in sam's mind... there was a lot of evidence to work with this, all the way up to 'threads'.

            That could make for an interesting fanfic.

            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by Mandysg1
              I would Sal, if I could, but like you, I don't know how to

              Will someone please make Sal the avitar she wants?

              there 2 posts are better than 1
              oh, mandy...

              *hugs and squeezes sweetie mandy*

              i could 'try' to make one for myself, but all i've got is 'paint' and amanda's and rick's heads will come out all warped and squashed... i can't do this to them.




                Originally posted by majorsal

                and how many shows do this too? like, EVERYONE that's picked a one-true-love pair and has to sustain it for a time.

                I'm sure someone else will come up with something better, but here's a few I made quickly.

                Here's a plain one just in case you are like me and prefer to not have your pretties covered up with wording.

                Hmm, I forgot GW icons can't be 100x100. What's the size here again?

                Last edited by ForeverSg1; 04 October 2006, 08:55 PM.


                  They look nice FSG1. Now I have mine already planned. That is if gateworld's still around by the time I reach 2000 LOL.
                  I'll have the pic of AT skipping out with Carmen at Shore leave LOL!! Just the head shot LOL!! I still giggle whenever I look at that pic
                  Last edited by SG1Poz; 04 October 2006, 08:32 PM.


                    Originally posted by chelle db
                    Yeah...I mean a kettle is a kettle right?? Or do you call it a jug or a pot??? Or is it just a bit weird that Daniels putting the kettle on??
                    As for the others...a jumper is a sweater...a tannoy is a speaker...a trolley is a shopping's not that hard to understand...or is it???
                    Not all Yanks are backward. I own both a kettle and a teapot. I love my teapot. And now I buy loose teas. I'm sure they aren't nearly as good as what you Brits drink though.

                    Nothing better than a teapot and a good book (with my feet on the radiator) on a cold winters day.

                    Frankly I know most of the other words from reading Harry Potter. Now I can't keep a straight face when people talk about losing their pants.

                    tannoy? I've never seen that one.

                    Mourning Sanctuary.
                    Thanks for the good times!


                      I hate the Mary Poppins comment. I really hate it, but I can't help but thinking of the line "Practically perfect in every way" in relation to Sam. You just got to love that character and she is practically perfect!

                      On the whole Pete/Laira thing, I don't like either of them. I didn't like Laira from the start. She was bound and determined to get her paws on Jack before they even knew the planet was in danger, and IMO Jack was a little rude to Sam in that star gazing scene. I did however like Pete for the first twenty minutes, but after his fit in the bedroom followed by the whole stalking love for Pete. Sorry, my inner shipper is comming out now, but I don't think I'd have liked him even if I weren't a shipper. The story line did too much damage to Sam's character, and that isn't acceptable to me.


                        Originally posted by ForeverSg1
                        Just for you Spaz
                        Jack & Daniel

                        Although I slightly edited the original.
                        LOLOL! Why thank ya, ma'am!

                        Hey... it's totally canon.

                        ETA: Oh man... The hawtness of the avatars! Nice job on that end, too.

                        Sky... I've tried matching your avatar to the pics originally posted on that site, but I can't find the one that looks like yours...?
                        Last edited by the dancer of spaz; 04 October 2006, 10:13 PM.


                          Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
                          She "knew" in her heart and her reasoning that the gate was _gone_ She even told Jack so. She couldn't have known how strong the gate was; even the more knowledgable Gen Hammond at first theorized that the gate must have been destroyed. For Laira, the gate was destroyed, like the village had been, and Jack's fruitless digging must have reinforced her belief.

                          Sam's idea was revolutionary, even for her tech-savvy Earth peers. No one from Edora could have possibly expected her to come up with such a solution.

                          Laira had no hope of imagining how or why she was hearing Sam's voice over the mysterious box Jack kept on his jacket. There was absolutely nothing in Sam's short communiques to hint at the idea - absurd as it would be for someone of Laira's background - that someone from another planet was underground and digging his way up. When she thought of Earth, she'd logically look skywards as Sam would have taught her about planets in space, not groundwards.

                          When she heard the voice, Laira looked, not down at the ground, as though she thought the gate was buried, but around her, as though she expected to see Sam, herself. That was a logical, natural response for someone in her position with no experience whatsoever with technology. (It was also good acting, I thought.)
                          Coming in late to the convo and still with pages to read but ...........

                          what struck me as odd was she didn't do anything when she heard Sam. Now, I know everyone seems concentrated on the relationship with Jack but what about the rest of her villagers!! They were last seen heading off with Sam - wouldn't you want to know if your friends and relatives were safe??


                            Originally posted by RealmOfX
                            Coming in late to the convo and still with pages to read but ...........

                            what struck me as odd was she didn't do anything when she heard Sam. Now, I know everyone seems concentrated on the relationship with Jack but what about the rest of her villagers!! They were last seen heading off with Sam - wouldn't you want to know if your friends and relatives were safe??
                            Playing devil's advocate just for kicks... It's possible she didn't want to get everyone excited, after just recently getting over it and celebrating, in the event that they didn't make it home...

                            I said earlier that I don't hate Laira. I think she's OK as far as one-ep characters go. Prolly wouldn't have been able to take it if she'd turned out pregnant, or had to be featured in multiple eps, though...

                            I have to admit that my n00b S/J shipper heart WAS tainted by all the Laira-Hate when I first joined the fandom, because it was still very prevalent even four years after the ep had aired (and that's why I'm not terribly surprised by how Pete has been discussed). And I do see questions like the ones you asked to be quite relevant, RoX. Why the heck DIDN'T she spring to action, in some way?

                            <<Warning... Late-Night Tangent Ahead...>>

                            Though I wonder if we could analyze all of the details to death and never truly find an answer that fits. Half the time, I don't think TPTB put ALL that much thought into the characters' motivations. That's not necessarily bad, either. I don't expect them to always think about that, because they clearly don't. But when the directors do certain things - direct an actor to make a certain expression or move, frame a shot that's deliberately ambiguous... Well, I don't blame them for being creative, but in instances like with Laira, and also with what's truly "canon" S/J ship, a lot of it has been the director playing with the audience when the writers weren't doing so. And when it's left up to interpretation like that, it can be a bit confusing. And irritating.

                            But that's art, I suppose.


                              Originally posted by minigeek
                              ... She thought a white picket fence, a house with a yellow kitchen, a perfect 9-5(ish) husband, etc., normalcy would make her happy - she realized she was wrong about that.
                              Hmm. I saw Pete wanting those things, and choosing that life for her, and buying a house for them without letting her see it first. She wanted a loving relationship, sure - that's part of a "normal" life; and then she got a sudden revelation when the guy in question chose stuff for her without even asking.
                              Last edited by scarimor; 05 October 2006, 02:01 AM.


                                Originally posted by Tok'Ra Hostess
                                Originally posted by Skydiver
                                and no, i doubt the writers put that in there. I don't think they think that much. i think sam's lack of emotionality came first from brad writing sam as a member of the team first, woman second. then it just developed as a part of her
                                So... Brad writing, followed by bad writing. Got it.
                                Writing Sam as a member of the team first, woman second was the right way to go, imo. It's when they didn't do that - most noticeably in season 7, that things went off.

