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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ReganX
    That's a pity.

    I've only got four of my votes in - I'm starting with the categories with fewer or shorter stories.

    Who's nominated for what among Samandans?
    I can put together a list if those nominated would state the title of their fic and what category it is in, please be specific as there are a lot of categories

    my fanfic


      spoilers for 'uninvited'

      Originally posted by SamO'Neill
      I enjoyed seeing that Sam was er... 3IC of the base? Anyways, she is obviously higher up in the command than Mitchell, otherwise he would have had to stay at the SGC, instead of Sam.

      Like my logic?
      didn't landry say to mitchell something like, 'and colonel carter can't join us until reynolds returns and she can relinquish command to him'? i know that's not the exact wording, but i do remember the word 'relinquish' being used, which gave me the impression that sam couldn't leave until someone equally qualified was there for sam to hand over command to. meaning, we don't know if sam's 2ic or 3id or whatever. we don't know if reynolds outranks her, seeing as it wasn't stated that way.




        Originally posted by Mandysg1
        I can put together a list if those nominated would state the title of their fic and what category it is in, please be specific as there are a lot of categories
        Just A Number is nominated for Best Team Story.
        Three Men And A Little Theoretical Astrophysicist is nominated for Best Humour Story.

        Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


          What the heck is up with Random Image it doesn't recognize my email address

          my fanfic


            i know i have the max of 10 nommed, but i can't recall where. i know they're in gen or ship

            i'll have to go look and see where they ended up being put
            Where in the World is George Hammond?



              Originally posted by Skydiver
              i know i have the max of 10 nommed, but i can't recall where. i know they're in gen or ship

              i'll have to go look and see where they ended up being put
              Sky's got some homework to do

              my fanfic


                Originally Posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                I was excited when I was able to announce that I was one of MANY Samandans who was nommed for an SG Fan Award.

                But...if you were considering voting for me, you'll note I'm no longer listed.

                It seems my video has been disqualified because it was not SG-centric, but rather was focused on Amanda herself. Even though there are lots of SG clips, there are also lots of non-SG clips in it.

                Oh well.

                At any rate, thanks for whoever nommed me. It was fun while it lasted.

                Are you kidding me???????? That is one of my favorites! I can't tell you how many times I've watched that and how many I sent to watch!
                Oh that ticks me off they eliminated it. *Bummer....
                Last edited by SG1Poz; 12 August 2006, 07:51 PM.


                  that is a bummer
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Wheeeeeee! I have finished my ficathon fic! It ended up a little shorter than I had feared-only about 8900 words. For a while there, I thought it might be monsterous!

                    My first SG1 fic.
                    My first Samcentric fic.


                    Now I just have to wait till the last 7 pages get back from my beta, make final edits, re-read a final time, and send it on in!

                    And thanks Mandy, for being an ear to bounce so many things off today!


                      whee, more fic!!!

                      i realy need to start my ficathon one.
                      Where in the World is George Hammond?



                        ok, first ther's a thread in fanfic for folks to list all thier nominations. and the rules for posting in that thread as well

                        my list of noms are:

                        Au Secrets Trilogy
                        Angst, Sam - No Turning Back
                        Angst, Other - Tentative Gestures
                        Drama - Midwinter's Nightmare
                        Tag - Stages
                        Humor - Maktel Shree lotak Meta Setak Oz
                        HC - Burdens - written with Adi

                        AA - So Shall it Be
                        Humor - Unas Wooness
                        Pre-ship - One More Revelation
                        Series - Trinkets
                        Where in the World is George Hammond?



                          So, I've been reading all of the posts about the latest ep 'Uninvited' and the 'generally' positive remarks here on this thread, led me to actually go and read through the actual episode thread... I usually don't read too many threads outside of Samanda, but this one was a refreshing change...


                          There were lots of positive comments regarding Carter's role and characterization. Many folks also commented on the great character moments between Sam & Teal'c and Sam & Vala and the overall character interaction.

                          Many folks comments on how great it was to see Carter in command, in charge of the SGC - and what I found cool was that there were all sorts of posters whose 'call signs' were unfamiliar to me, but they were posting about how wonderful it was to see Carter in charge. There were also names and call signs that I am familiar with seeing here on the SaGC thread, and it was great to see everyone posting on the episode thread too - becaues I think there is a much higher likelihood that a PTB would read the episode thread (than the SaGC thread).

                          Here are some of the comments posted in the 'Uninvited' Thread

                          I really liked the "Holy Hannah!" comment... brought me back to one of my favorite characters. - posted by Ace

                          I really liked that Sam was in charge of the base and the team working together. – posted by SMEAGOL2

                          It looks as if Sam can hold her own. She did a great job running the SGC. She also got a chance to show off her skills when she determined where the bugs were coming from. – posted by Gate Girl

                          Good Ep, nice to see Sam in command and to learn a bit more about Landry.
                          - posted by sixbrownsnakes2

                          Loved Sam running the SGC & being her usual brillant self. Wished she would have sat in the General's seat. 10 years saving the universe --she deserves it.
                          Lot of Sam/Vala moments. Love them both so it was all good with me
                          Teal'c/Vala moments also good.
                          Landry/Cam moments kind of boring to me.
                          Like the doctor lady better then Lexa Doig's character. They should keep her!
                          POKER GAME=Priceless!!! Loved it. Made the episode for me.
                          - posted by trinity23

                          Sam actually taking command at the SGC was really nice to see, she looked a lot more like a leader than in previous episodes. I wish she was promoted again just so she could lead. – posted by Dromag67

                          I definitely feel that there is great team chemistry between everyone. Heck, even Landry fits in well with them all. Carter was great leading the SGC, Teal'c and Vala were awesome together, and the scenes between Landry and Mitchell were so funny.
                          – posted by the fifth man

                          Carter was wonderful this week. It is nice to see that her brain, which departed last week, has returned. She was back to her wise, skilled, and in command self. I agree that she needs to get over her fear of the chair, but some time with Vala might fix that. I was much happier with her in this episode.
                          The poker game was simple amazing. – posted by MasySyma

                          Tonight was great.

                          It wasn't a fantastic episode, no, but the character interactions finally made me care about the new characters. Team moments in Season 10, yeah! Plus there were some great one liners/scenes.

                          Hank and his duck call. Whodathunkit?

                          Samantha had her brain back!

                          "The only thing they've learned is Mitchell's got a case of sleep apnea" probably getting even for the Fat kid in a candy store comment.

                          Sam making sure Vala didn't put her feet on Landry's desk. Plus the comment about Weir was a reminder to Vala that she doesn't know everything about the SGC. Though I have to admit that while they have toned Vala down (Thankfully, else it would be Valagate), I don't know why nobody tells her to shut up.
                          - posted by qksilver99

                          I thoroughly enjoyed the interaction between Teal'c/Vala, Vala/Sam, and Vala/Sam/Tea'l'c. Especially the scene where Teal'c uses the word 'ironic' in a sentence.

                          I really loved seeing Sam in command of the SGC. After last weeks faux pas, I had almost given up that the writers could still write Sam as intelligent and in command. Maybe there still is hope for the series.

                          I loved the poker scene, though it saddens me that they never really allowed SG-1 to have more scenes like that when Daniel and Jack were around. I really would have loved to see them just being able to relax and have fun with one another.

                          Overall, if I ignore the cheesy monster plot, it was probably one of my most favorite episodes of the past two seasons.
                          - posted by ForeverSG-1

                          i enjoyed this ep. i REALLY, REALLY enjoyed sam being in charge!!!

                          i've always liked landry, and i've always thought beau was a great choice. he 'feels' like a commander.

                          vala was fine tonight. i think her and teal'c have a nice 'thang' going on.

                          mitchell, toned down and all, is still MY weak link in this show. but at least he acts like someone that would be on an sg team.

                          uh, where did jack's pond go? maybe jack has more than one cabin?

                          the poker game was fun to see. BUT... i missed jack. ((( )))

                          did i mention how much i LOVED seeing sam in charge?!?!?

                          - posted by majorsal

                          I enjoyed this episode. It was character driven, and we needed a character driven episode for the new people. I loved Sam in charge of the SGC!!!! I thought there were some really funny moments between Sam/Vala, Vala/Teal'c, and Sam/Teal'c. I loved every one of them (especially the poker game)! – posted by Gate gal

                          Teal'c said some extremely funny things this episode without appearing like an alien ignorant of Earth cultures. The little jabs between him and Sam really showed their easy friendship with each other. We get shown their friendship, yes, but never the lighter side of it. Teal'c/Vala scenes are worth a mention as they are the only ones I liked of Vala this episode.

                          Sam was Sam again! She was in charge! She was efficient and commanding and got things done. Well, she always do do those things.. but last episode [Insiders] really soured me of her character. So I'm glad that, as far as I am concerned, her behavior in 'Insiders' was just a plot device to advance the overall arc. She shouldn't have been used that way, but at least it was just a one time thing. I hope.

                          The poker scene was great. Another light hearted team moment that we rarely get to see. Loved the good natured jabs between Sam and Teal'c. They are so great together but they are hardly ever paired up. Too bad. – posted by nyxlily

                          Did I hear correctly? Damian Kindler wrote this episode? Damian Kindler wrote a Carter-heavy episode in which Carter's characterisation didn't suddenly and inexplicably veer into the twilight zone? I've seen it all!

                          Seriously, this ep wasn't bad. I'd give it about a 6.5/10. Definitely the ep I've enjoyed most this season; even though it wasn't particularly newsworthy.

                          Beau Bridges amused me. First time I've like him as Landry in .... well, since I can remember.

                          Carter, Teal'c, and Vala were fun together. However, as has been the case with Vala since her introduction, Kindler went to the well once too often. The writers just don't seem to know when enough is enough, and Vala ends each episode where she began: a caricature.

                          Who is that new doc? I've just seen that actor in something else, but I can't place her. It's bugging me.

                          Of course, the big news was Carter in charge of the SGC. Speaks for itself.

                          ETA: Ah, I forgot something! Sherriff Wayne got the bus treatment! bwah! But I also felt bad for him! A random guest star! They keep this up, I might start liking this show again.

                          One Last Last thing: During the poker scene, I saw the "a true warrior" line coming a mile away and around the corner, but it I laughed out loud nevertheless.

                          - posted by DEM

                          It was absolutely wonderful seeing Sam in charge. I guess we have to take what we can get. If she can’t be in charge of the team then why not the base. Carter rocks in this episode. I really wish we could see her take charge more often – posted by yowo

                          I liked that Sam got her scientific mind back and that she was left in charge of the SGC in Landry's absence. I liked the bluff at the poker game. – posted by Kliggins

                          Good episode, I really liked the end. The poker scene was funny. – posted by Morgania

                          Poker! Hah! Sam going all in! - posted by AgentDark

                          I got to say I love this episode! Teal'c/Vala moments were funny! And I love that Sam was put in charge of SGC. Landry/Mitchell moments were funny as well. Especially the bird call scene. – posted by Sasusc

                          Really enjoyed this one. Vala was hilarious(as always), I liked the twist on the Sodan cloaking technology(better than having a generic Ori plague/weapon). Sam running the SGC was great. I liked the Mitchell/Landry scenes alot too, though they got a bit repetitive after a while. The poker scene at the end was funny too. Looking forward to next week. – posted by Famous

                          It was great seeing the air force and scientist Sam again - and running the show at the SGC to boot!

                          How about Teal'c saving the day by zatting the creature. He has some funny lines/scenes. – posted by Mesenet

                          Last night was the first episode that I have seen this season, for many reasons I stopped watching. I knew last night was supposed to answer the leadership questions so I dared to watch. I have to say that I actually enjoyed it. Sam was in command of the SGC, which was wonderful!!!! Although, it does appear from Landry that the co-leadership is what they are going to stay with, which is okay as long as Sam does get to be in charge some too like last night! THe Sam and Teal'c moment at the end while they were playing poker was too funny. I loved that it showed Teal'c picking on Sam about her lack of poker skills. THen she bluffed him! Shows their ten year friendship at its best! THey were both very comfortable with the other.

                          I thought that Mitchell being so uncomfortable around Landry was funny. I thought Vala was even funny without being over the top. The way Sam and Mitchell kept rolling their eyes at her and Teal'c's, Sam and the other SG team's reluctance to have her around was fitting for the character, which in my opinion finally makes the Vala character the comic relief instead of all the overtly sexual comments.

                          So in all I was surprisingly happy to see a semblance of the old SG-1 back. I was happy to see Sam in command!! I'm glad they have toned Vala down. I think the ten years Teal'c has been on Earth seems to have relaxed him little more. - posted by annsgc_fan

                          I didn't think that Sam was trying to push Vala off on Teal'c. I think she wanted to get out of going to Landry's cabin and Vala did have a point that they should check things out. I loved that Sam didn't want to go on this retreat. She doesn't strike me as a person who wants to go on a retreat with Landry--she wants to be working or riding her motorcycle!

                          Good episode in general. Loved that Sam was in command at the SGC. She handled everything beautifully. Also loved Sam/Vala interaction---more please, but with a more substantive storyline for these two. And of course, please more Sam/Teal'c. They are fantastic together---and their friendship shined through last night.

                          Also liked Sam/Vala/Teal'c together--they had a number of good interactions with each other---they work well together.

                          Two other great moments: Sam's Holy Hannah! and the poker scene with all of them together---a nice scene that I needed to see for this team.

                          - posted by chocdoc

                          ...continued in next post (because this one went over the character limit just a tad... )
                          Last edited by astrogeologist; 12 August 2006, 07:40 PM.


                            Here's the list so far



                            Just A Number++++++++Best Team Story

                            Three Men And A Little Theoretical Astrophysicist ++++Best Humour Story

                            Skydiver aka Denise

                            Secrets Trilogy+++++++++++++++++++++Gen Au
                            No Turning Back++++++++++++++++++++Gen, Angst, Sam
                            Tentative Gestures++++++++++++++++++Gen, Angst, Other
                            Midwinter's Nightmare++++++++++++++++Gen, Drama
                            Stages+++++++++++++++++++++++++++Gen, Tag
                            Maktel Shree lotak Meta Setak Oz+++++++Gen, Humor
                            Burdens - written with Adi+++++++++++++Gen, HC

                            So Shall it Be+++++++++++++++++++++++Ship, AA
                            Unas Wooness++++++++++++++++++++++Ship, Humor
                            One More Revelation++++++++++++++++++Pre-ship


                            Shades of Grey: The Aftermath +++++++++SG1/Atlantis/ship/ Best Crossover Story: Other
                            What’s In a Name ++++++++++++++++++++Gen, Best Humor Story
                            Getting to Know You++++++++++++++++++=Gen, Best Action/Adventure Story

                            my fanfic


                              (continued from previous post)

                              Spoilers for 'Season 10's 'Uninvited'
                              Sam and Teal'c are clearly the big winners in this one. Their interactions and easy friendship is a joy to watch. All of the nuance of relationship that was missing from the original character's stoic interplay last season is illustrated here in all its glory. Can there be any doubt that these two have been friends and fought side by side every day for the last ten years? In particular, Teal'c's fold (you know he had her beat ) during the poker game at the end was delightful. More please, with some Daniel and Jack thrown in, too – posted by golfbooy

                              Very good and enjoyable episode. Hey, I for one always love it when the writers give use some character meat to go with the action gravy. And this episode was very meaty indeed. I thought the Mitchell/Laundry storyline was very well done – loved that Mitchell never really seemed comfortable around Landry, and they touched Agent Barrett and on the chain-of-command issue which was nice. There was more than just the vaguest of nods a past episodes here and I appreciated it as it has really been lacking (IMHO!) I also liked the way that Vala//Teal'c/Sam interacted on the base. I liked that they didn't just 'bam!' know what the problem was but had a bit of a mystery to figure it out. Having read spoilers for the episode I was pleasantly surprised by the complexity of this story line. I like details and logic – this was a good thing for me.

                              The poker scene of course was the perfect ending. I loved Teal'c's comment about Sam's poor poker skills and then, after seeing the SciFi commercial with Teal'c, I especially enjoyed seeing Carter bluff him out. It was great! – posted by Maj Cliffhanger

                              A pretty good episode with Sam taking the lead as second in command of the SGC with Landry gone. She was great and I enjoyed watching her sitting at the head of the table. – posted by Sela

                              I like that in her own way, like Teal'c, Sam doesn't let Vala get to her and really Vala is pretty toned down around Carter. I think you're right, that she respects Carter.
                              I thought there was a bit too much time spent on Landry & Mitchell, but I did like that acknowledgement that Cam came to *learn* from SG1 as he said in his first appearance.
                              I liked that this episode was not part of the whole Ori arc--I like stand alone episodes mixed in--but that it did acknowledge the past. I just wish we'd get a conversation between Vala and Sam about Jolinar & using gouald tech or something. Or really any actual conversation between those 2. I've read that they had one but it got cut. - posted by jckfan55

                              I've really enjoyed this season so far and this episode has continued the winning streak for me. I have a few minor nitpicks but overall it was a great character episode. It's the first time that we really got to see anything from Landy other than him being the general and him and Mitchell were great together. I LOVED LOVED LOVED seeing Sam in command at the SGC and I'd like to see it again. Soon. The poker game at the end was fantastic though it wasn't quite whole without Daniel there. – posted by Shipperahoy


                                Now that we are working on the Season 9 Best AT Acting Scenes Poll, we are almost done with a poll for each season, so I thought I'd set up a run-off poll between the top episodes from each season.

                                Here's the list that I have from the poll results:

                                Season 1: Singularity
                                Season 1: Solitudes

                                Season 2: In The Line of Duty
                                Season 2: The Tok'ra
                                Season 2: A Matter of Time

                                Season 3: Joliinar's Memories
                                Season 3: The Devil You Know
                                Season 3: Foohold

                                Season 4: Entity
                                Season 4: 2010
                                Season 4: Divide and Conquer
                                Season 4: Upgrades

                                Season 5: Ascension
                                Season 5: 2001
                                Season 5: Meridian
                                Season 5: Desperate Measures
                                Season 5: 48 Hours
                                Season 5: Revelations

                                Season 6: Nightwalkers
                                Season 6: Paradise Lost
                                Season 6: Metamorphosis
                                Season 6: Redemption
                                Season 6: Unnatural Selection

                                Season 7: Grace
                                Season 7: Heroes
                                Season 7: Death Knell
                                Season 7: Lost City

                                Season 8: Moebius
                                Season 8: Threads
                                Season 8: Gemini
                                Season 8: New Order
                                Season 8: Reckoning

                                Season 9: Ripple Effect
                                Season 9: The Scourge

                                Does anyone have any episodes that they feel are sorely missing from this list - and should be included even though they didn't get top votes in the polls?

