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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by AGateFan
    Crusher was the only Star Trek reference.

    Lt Commander Susan Ivonova was a awesome character on Babylon 5 for S1-4.
    Ripley... Ellen Ripley the great Alien killer from the Alien movies.

    EDIT: A year or so back someone in one of those TV mags did a Best Women in Scifi feature. Sam Carter was #1 and Ivonova was #2.

    I remember that too. Two of my favorite Scfi characters in the top five.


      Originally posted by ChopinGal
      A bit OT but while I'm here, has anyone posted yet at the new Save Stargate SG1 website? I'm asking because I had a moment to read some of the first posts there and no one brought up the opinions that many of us shared here about "lack of respect for the original cast" and the whole way the transition to S9 was handled. No one except a fan called "grammadebbie". Her post caught my attention. However, before I added my own thoughts and feelings I decided to come back here and check if my fellow Samandans are going to add their opinions at the "Save" board.

      I know Astro and I have tossed this around a lot in private emails, but we both feel strongly that Stargate SG1 shouldn't and cannot be saved. If the show returns, name it correctly: SGC. It will never be SG1 again - they threw the baby out with the bath water in S9 and S10 and that contributed to the slide in ratings (in our humble opinions).

      So is it valid to post these kinds of opinions at a website that is conducting a "save the show" campaign?

      I still applaud "grammadebbie" for her post though. She's probably going to be a voice crying in the wilderness and totally lambasted by the fans who are quite happy about the current show and eager to maintain the new status quo.

      Personally, I'm happy that AT will now be able to flex her acting muscles elsewhere. I'd love to see Amanda doing an "Indiana Jones" movie or telemovie, but I'm hoping it would be a female Indiana Jones as the starring role rather than a sidekick to another alpha male.
      I haven't read through the thread, this working stuff gives me very little time for Samanda, dangit. But I really feel like I need to say something here.

      I'm going to be really honest and say I hope you don't post such messages over there. That board is specifically for people who want to save SG1-as hopeless as that might seem to most of us. They're gathering to support one another; and to share ideas and hopes. And to share why they love the show.

      Who are we to come dump on their parade? And really, what would be the point?

      It would be like someone coming here to specifically say why they don't like Carter and/or Amanda Tapping.


        Amanda as a female Indiana Jones.

        Indimanda Jones.

        Me likey.

        Does she get to use a bullwhip too?

        *visualizes scarimor, AD, TJ and Myrth et al losing consciousness at the mental image*

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          I'm going to pimp "my" story too. It's great, and I swear whoever wrote it has to know me. She included aspects in the story I didn't even ask for.

          With Great Power

          I have no idea who wrote any of the stories, except for those I helped beta. Of course, I've only been able to read a handful so far.


            Just over thirty hours to go for the celeeb competion. Amanda is holding the lead - and she's passed the eighty thousand vote mark - but she needs votes badly. Let's see if we can't have her win two months in a row.

            Please help.


            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


              Originally posted by Deejay435
              I haven't read through the thread, this working stuff gives me very little time for Samanda, dangit. But I really feel like I need to say something here.

              I'm going to be really honest and say I hope you don't post such messages over there. That board is specifically for people who want to save SG1-as hopeless as that might seem to most of us. They're gathering to support one another; and to share ideas and hopes. And to share why they love the show.

              Who are we to come dump on their parade? And really, what would be the point?

              It would be like someone coming here to specifically say why they don't like Carter and/or Amanda Tapping.
              You make a valid point, Dee.

              But I believe the question being asked there is what did contribute to the drop in ratings? That would seem to invite all fans' opinions and grammadebbie respectfully made her point which resonated with me. However, I don't plan to go there to post and understand that there will be many fans wanting to keep the show as it is now. I'm just not one of them.

              I cannot support the demotion of Sam as a viable option to the "new and improved" SG1.

              Peace, CG


                Originally posted by majorsal
                it's so hard for me to do this, even though i'm relieved it's been canceled. (i literally go into every epsode now, waiting to see what damage they will do to sam carter. this started in season 9)

                with sam carter, there's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many more stories to tell with her! my god, if WE could write the sam character....

                i totally believe that something happens to writers of long running shows. i think they can't see the forest for the trees anymore. look what the star trek next gen guys did to the star trek franchise.

                i really don't know what else to say, other than *something* has got to change.

                The good news is that we all have this new Sam Carter fic site to enjoy! These writers seem to understand Sam.

                Thanks to all of you who have contributed your stories. I just sampled a couple and the writing is excellent. Kudos! What a gift for Samanda!


                  yes, i've been enjoying the fic off and on all day

                  all in all, there are 44 wonderful sam stories, and i think a little something for every taste
                  Where in the World is George Hammond?



                    Originally posted by jckfan55
                    I'm with you. SG1 was really over at the end of S8. What we got in S9 & 10 IMHO was not the "real" show. As much as I've enjoyed some great AT moments, the show has been a shadow of its former self--in large part b/c of the way the original cast/characters were treated.
                    I can't speak to how the cast were treated, or how they felt about said treatment, but I do have very strong reactions to how the original veteran characters were handled in Season 9 and 10.

                    For me,
                    SG-1 was the Original Four. RDA left. Fine, OK, sad, but still OK, because it was his choice.

                    New characters would come in and join SG-1 - I was excited about the series' potential in Season 9+.

                    But then they brought in the New Guy and made him the team leader and wrote a backstory of SG-1 being disassembled in order to pave the way for the new guy to have SG-ME.

                    Add in all of the other changes, new cast and new storylines and, for me, it wasn't SG-1 anymore.

                    For me, SG-1 still has potential. SG-1 as Carter, Jackson and Teal'c with a newbie or two - newbies who are junior in experience and command level to the three veteran characters. Newbies who are there to truly learn from the best - instead of commanding the best.

                    I am *so* disappointed that we didn't get to see the character growth for Carter, Jackson and Teal'c that would have shown them mentoring those with less experience - commanding them and leading them. Where was the bright, fresh young new hotshot linguist to work with Daniel? To challenge him and to learn from him? Where was the episode that showed Daniel making a major mistake in a translation... one that costs people lives? Where were the scenes showing him dealing with the ramifications of his mis-translation? Where was the episode that showed more to Teal'c's homeworld mythos and culture (beyond Jaffa honor/dishonor)? Now that the Goa'uld were basically gone, an episode that showed the Jaffa of his homeworld rediscovering their personal culture and roots - and deciding which aspects of that culture that they wanted to explore or continue or revive. Where was the episode with Teal'c counseling young Jaffa - who question him as to his long years spent with the Tauri, instead of with the rebel Jaffa? And, of course, the episodes showing Carter mentoring, leading, and becoming more and more comfortable and competent in command.

                    Where were the episodes exploring the Ninth Chevron? Where were the episodes that took the Stargate itself into new areas (of scifi potential)?

                    So, I still see the original characters as viable and interesting.

                    Unfortunately, others did not. And they created SG-ME, Season One (9) and Season Two (10). They brought in new characters and sidelined the veteran characters rather abruptly.

                    The New SG-1 *isn't* SG-1 to me because of the way it was done. I was looking forward to new characters - and new members of the team. But I can't handle the way that they brought the new characters in 'over the top of' the veteran characters.

                    Do I want SG-1 to continue? Yes - for the SG-1 of Carter, Jackson and Teal'c with a junior newbie or two or three. No - for the SG-1 where Carter, Jackson and Teal'c are subordinate to the new character(s).

                    So, I'm torn.

                    I do not want the show to continue with the direction that they chose at the beginning of Season 9.

                    If I had hope that they were going to correct it somehow, I'd be campaigning loudly and profusely for the show to be continued. Unfortunately, I think that if they did continue the show, that they would continue with the direction that they set off on at the beginning of Season 9 - and that makes me sad.

                    It also makes me sad that if there were to be an SG-1 movie, that it probably wouldn't contain the Original Four (although they might have bit parts), but would rather feature the new characters - under the name of SG-1.

                    Do I wish that they'd ended the series at the end of Season 8? No. But I also wish that they hadn't chosen the direction that they did for Season 9 and beyond.

                    However, if they *had* ended the series at the end of Season 8, then any movies would have had a much higher likelihood of featuring the Original Four as SG-1 - instead of new characters.
                    And then I read a few more posts, and I find that majorsal has said it rather succinctly:

                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    and btw, *this* rendition of sg1... no. the old-school sg1 (sam, daniel, teal'c, and some jack hopefully)... YES! i'll work to save *that*.
                    And then I read further, and Sally is posting more of my thoughts!
                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    see, i have no doubts whatsoever that sg1 still has life in it, i just don't want this rendition with mitchell and vala. i'm hoping that the ptb see this, and use the winning and popular formula (sam-daniel-teal'c-jack) with the movies or mini series. when i can find out what the ptb have in mind for their future... i'll only work to save it if it's the sg1 of seasons 1-8. that's it.

                    if there's movie(s), i'm realistic that mitchell and vala would 'have' to be in the first one, but just the first one. or if they continue, make 'them' the supporting players.

                    and i swear, if scifi is butting heads with mgm just so they'll lower their price, and we get that season 11 anyways...
                    And *another* one... Sally's really on a roll!
                    Originally posted by majorsal
                    it's so hard for me to do this, even though i'm relieved it's been canceled. (i literally go into every epsode now, waiting to see what damage they will do to sam carter. this started in season 9)

                    with sam carter, there's soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo many more stories to tell with her! my god, if WE could write the sam character....

                    i totally believe that something happens to writers of long running shows. i think they can't see the forest for the trees anymore. look what the star trek next gen guys did to the star trek franchise.

                    i really don't know what else to say, other than *something* has got to change.

                    Last edited by astrogeologist; 30 August 2006, 06:13 PM.


                      Happy Birthday SamFan13!!!


                        Originally posted by ChopinGal
                        I cannot support the demotion of Sam as a viable option to the "new and improved" SG1.

                        Peace, CG
                        Perfectly stated.

                        So many other avenues were available for the incorporation of new characters.




                          I've given myself thirty minutes to read some good fic at the sam ficathon.

                          To quote Ford: This is gonna be huge!


                            i was going to post these on the occaision of AT's b-day, but I never got there. But now, for your viewing pleasure ladies and gentlemen...I present iconage!

                            Thank you for 10 years of Sam Carter, Amanda Tapping!
                            My LJ "I Live in a Sci-Fi World"
                            My Stargate (Mostly Sam Carter) Icons
                            My Stargate Videos
                            It's meant to be!


                              thirty minutes huh???? might get through 2-3 of them

                              what i did? i c/p all of htem into word. and i've started with teh short ones and i'm working my way up to the really long ones
                              Where in the World is George Hammond?



                                Originally posted by LtColonelSamC
                                i was going to post these on the occaision of AT's b-day, but I never got there. But now, for your viewing pleasure ladies and gentlemen...I present iconage!

                                i envy your your skill.

                                I try to come up with cool icons, but just can't quite do it.

                                so i settle for ones with quippy sayings and go for the laugh
                                Where in the World is George Hammond?


