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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
    fine, you can get the dues and give them to me, and i can revoke your card. k?
    No way, once the dues have been paid to me, they stay with me...just try getting it back

    my fanfic


      I think I've started something...To quote Jack:



        Originally posted by Mandybleep
        No way, once the dues have been paid to me, they stay with me...just try getting it back
        oh you'll pay through your nose!!

        sneak preview for C7: now we get dues paid and that gets bigger.

        yes, i have now offically crossed the OTT point.

        on a slightly more serious note, does DEM have an avatar? cuz it's not loading for me and i'm not sure what to put in it's place on the card.
        "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
        Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


          Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
          oh you'll pay through your nose!!

          sneak preview for C7: now we get dues paid and that gets bigger.

          yes, i have now offically crossed the OTT point.

          on a slightly more serious note, does DEM have an avatar? cuz it's not loading for me and i'm not sure what to put in it's place on the card.

          Ahem, I'll let you know when you make C7's banner (to quote PDL) Bigger

          my fanfic


            Originally posted by Mandysg1

            Ahem, I'll let you know when you make C7's banner (to quote PDL) Bigger
            hmmm....hey wait!! why should i care about DEM's av?! it's one less card i have to make! forget it!

            did anyone see the new 200 pics?
            vala as dorothy?!?! as dorothy in leather?!!? what the heck?? that's SAM'S job (yes, the leather too)!! and mitchell as scarecrow. i want the REAL Oz reference, sam can be Mary Poppins () for mitchell's skit.
            "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
            Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


              Originally posted by Mandysg1
              LM, I have noticed something recently,

              *Puts on white coat, picks up clip board, and uses best German accent I can muster*

              Now LM, I’m not a doctor, but I’d like to play one on TV

              I have a few questions for you. *Ahem*

              1. Zo, how long have you been talking to yourself?
              2. Do you find yourself answering yourself?
              3. If yes, do you ever get into arguments? If zo, who vins?

              Now for a little test.

              When you dream, do you dream of



              Oops how did that get in there

              Um? Nope that’s not the one either
              Now where did I put that photo?
              Oh here it is
              Even since I learned how to talk.
              I always win!

              Ok about the dream.

              A: Yes all the time!
              B: No....
              C: Hell no!



                A: no duh.
                B: uh...what exactly are you trying to imply here?
                C: how could you misplace that pic?!

                i cave. at least now i know i should never work for the IRS.
                here ya go C7

                don't tell me you didn't think that was going to be something else.
                "Out of the Abyss" (SJ Angst)....................Best New Author.................."Else Close the Wall Up" (Sam)
                Hic Comitas Regit. Welcome to Samanda.


                  Originally posted by trupi
                  Maybe he has a crush on Claudia????
                  Maybe? you say that as if it's in question. The writers definitely have a crush on her. Now a crush on AT, on the other hand, would be totally acceptable.


                    Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                    i know. i was teasing you, because you have to pay your dues for the card to ME, not HER. and i don't have any fancy software either, i probably wouldn't be able to use it if i did. Paint and Word all the way!

                    AS IF Paint and Word. PHOTOSHOP 4EVA.

                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      Originally posted by ParadoxRealities
                      hmmm....hey wait!! why should i care about DEM's av?! it's one less card i have to make! forget it!

                      did anyone see the new 200 pics?
                      vala as dorothy?!?! as dorothy in leather?!!? what the heck?? that's SAM'S job (yes, the leather too)!! and mitchell as scarecrow. i want the REAL Oz reference, sam can be Mary Poppins () for mitchell's skit.
                      I'd rather see
                      Sam as Glenda the Good Witch. She'd be much prettier in the big poofy dress with the crown

                      Thanks for the card!


                        Originally posted by Agent_Dark
                        You know, I'm not really sure why there needs to be a constant degrading of Mitchell (and to a lesser extent. Vala) here. If you dont like the character, thats fair enough, but this is the Sam thread. I get pissed off by certain Daniel fans always posting crap about Sam, and I'm seeing the same thing here except its now Sam fans doing it about Mitchell. Posting about how Mitchell is a crap character doesnt make Sam a great character....
                        Good Reminder Agent Dark. Can't rep you. It's very easy to go over the edge from complaining that Sam isn't getting her just due into bashing other characters. I may have been guilty of that myself on occasion. But that's not something we're generally known for here. Besides, remember that Sam (and AT) would be the last people to trash someone else to make themselves feel important.
                        Hic Comitas Regit.


                          Guys i'm thinking about making a Sam thunk thread. But I need to know I have your support. So will you support such a thread? I mean everybody else has one why not sam


                            I think there was one at one time, but everyone came over here.


                              Originally posted by jckfan55
                              I think there was one at one time, but everyone came over here.
                              hmmm... Ok... but i still think we need one


                                Originally posted by Lord_Minister
                                Guys i'm thinking about making a Sam thunk thread. But I need to know I have your support. So will you support such a thread? I mean everybody else has one why not sam
                                I'd rather discuss and appreciate than thunk but each to their own...if you want a thunk thread, you should go ahead.
                                Women of the Gate LJ Community.
                                My Stargate Fanfiction. My LiveJournal.

