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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ForeverSg1
    I'd rather people tell Amanda how much they are backing her regardless of what happens in S10 and how disappointed they were that she was in so few scenes in season 9, but how great she was in them. At least that's what I will be saying when I get the chance to talk with her briefly.

    Lovely Kat


      Hi everyone. This is the first time I've posted in this thread although I've been lurking around for a while. I got hooked on the celeeb voting so you might recognise the name. Anyway, thought it was about time I delurked and said hello!
      AT/Sam are the reason I started and continued to watch SG1 but last year I found it difficult to get excited. During seasons 1-8 there was a natural growth and development (ok with the odd blip along the way) and IMHO think that AT is by far the best actor in the show. So with the character missing at the beginning of S9 I found it hard to be inspired / interested in the changes and my attention moved to SGA. Even when Sam/AT came back, the balance of S9 was all about establishing the new characters and enemy and I dont think TPTB really had any idea how to fit continued development and involvement of the character into that scenario.
      With what I've seen in the spoiler stakes and plot outlines for S10 though, I'm actually quite excited that they may now be ready to allow us to get back to something more interesting. Its the strength, intelligence and beauty of the character (which I firmly believe comes mostly from AT herself) that I love. Wouldnt we all love to be like that!

      So anyway, just wanted to say hello to all and thanks for all the interesting posts and conversation that go on in here. Great fun reading it all. Hope I can contribute from time to time.

      So I'm back off to cast a few votes more!


        Originally posted by Kazan
        Hi everyone. This is the first time I've posted in this thread although I've been lurking around for a while. I got hooked on the celeeb voting so you might recognise the name. Anyway, thought it was about time I delurked and said hello!
        AT/Sam are the reason I started and continued to watch SG1 but last year I found it difficult to get excited. During seasons 1-8 there was a natural growth and development (ok with the odd blip along the way) and IMHO think that AT is by far the best actor in the show. So with the character missing at the beginning of S9 I found it hard to be inspired / interested in the changes and my attention moved to SGA. Even when Sam/AT came back, the balance of S9 was all about establishing the new characters and enemy and I dont think TPTB really had any idea how to fit continued development and involvement of the character into that scenario.
        With what I've seen in the spoiler stakes and plot outlines for S10 though, I'm actually quite excited that they may now be ready to allow us to get back to something more interesting. Its the strength, intelligence and beauty of the character (which I firmly believe comes mostly from AT herself) that I love. Wouldnt we all love to be like that!

        So anyway, just wanted to say hello to all and thanks for all the interesting posts and conversation that go on in here. Great fun reading it all. Hope I can contribute from time to time.

        So I'm back off to cast a few votes more!
        Hi Kazan

        Great post and I'm right there voting with your for the next few mins!!


          Originally posted by Kazan
          Hi everyone. This is the first time I've posted in this thread although I've been lurking around for a while. I got hooked on the celeeb voting so you might recognise the name. Anyway, thought it was about time I delurked and said hello!
          AT/Sam are the reason I started and continued to watch SG1 but last year I found it difficult to get excited. During seasons 1-8 there was a natural growth and development (ok with the odd blip along the way) and IMHO think that AT is by far the best actor in the show. So with the character missing at the beginning of S9 I found it hard to be inspired / interested in the changes and my attention moved to SGA. Even when Sam/AT came back, the balance of S9 was all about establishing the new characters and enemy and I dont think TPTB really had any idea how to fit continued development and involvement of the character into that scenario.
          With what I've seen in the spoiler stakes and plot outlines for S10 though, I'm actually quite excited that they may now be ready to allow us to get back to something more interesting. Its the strength, intelligence and beauty of the character (which I firmly believe comes mostly from AT herself) that I love. Wouldnt we all love to be like that!

          So anyway, just wanted to say hello to all and thanks for all the interesting posts and conversation that go on in here. Great fun reading it all. Hope I can contribute from time to time.

          So I'm back off to cast a few votes more!
          Welcome, and what a great post. I think you just sayed everything what we all think in one post But be carefull with the excitement, you can be dissapointed when you see the episode. I am one of the few who try not to be that excited than when I see the episode I can be plezantly surprised.
          And be sure to post from time to time.
          And keep on voting for amanda tapping:


            Originally posted by RepliCartertje
            But be carefull with the excitement, you can be dissapointed when you see the episode. I am one of the few who try not to be that excited than when I see the episode I can be plezantly surprised.
            Thanks for the welcome everyone
            Have no fear, my excitment is tinged with a healthy dose of cynicism (or is that realism?), when it comes to TPTB and spoilers!!
            What I am pleased about really is that there actually seems to be some point to the character this year and something for her to do and a part to play in the plots. Too many times in S9 Sam just seemed to be part of the scenary with no real involvment. So honestly I'm just happy (and hopeful) that seems to be changing although I will reserve final judgement until we see each episode!!


              Lotta peeps lurking at the moment!

              Feel free to post!


                Originally posted by ChopinGal
                Gosh, I thought she was just a VP but this is even worse if she is the chief honcho! I'm glad you brought this up as I was thinking about it for awhile. I know she was at the big 200th celebration party and thought to myself: how come a professional woman at the top of her game is not promoting the idea of another professional woman/character achieving success in the world of sci-fi? I don't know the woman's background. Does she even have history with the show? If she knew the Sam Carter of the first eight seasons, then she could understand why the new direction was not doing justice to the character.

                Sad and unfair and probably fairly common once you manage to break through the glass ceiling - which goes to show that highly successful women should become mentors for other women out there and promote talent.

                Enough on the soapbox. Great post, spaz. Thanks.
                Yeah, but it's *sci fi* which is usually treated as a stepchild. I have to wonder if BH even has watched the show. She might think the SG1 team is "the crew" like TV guide often describes them.

                (Yes, I'm back yet again in between votes)


                  Originally posted by ReganX
                  If they don't think what they did was sexist, all they have to do is to honestly consider whether or not they would have done the same had Sam been male and Mitchell female.
                  or if both characters were male.


                    Originally posted by Skydiver
                    yeah, i'm also not fond of Kiddie Orlin. Or if they had to have him a kid, lose the 'intimate relationship' bit.

                    it was just...wrong.

                    Hammondnever woulda said that. Never even insinuated it.

                    Orlin as a kind woulda worked if they'd just left out the insinuations
                    But think of how fun it is to see AT play Sam as "uncomfortable". I personally thought it was good that Orlin came back as a child. It took the whole ship thing out of the equation, and we got to see Scientist Sam at work.


                      Originally posted by Kazan
                      Thanks for the welcome everyone
                      Have no fear, my excitment is tinged with a healthy dose of cynicism (or is that realism?), when it comes to TPTB and spoilers!!
                      What I am pleased about really is that there actually seems to be some point to the character this year and something for her to do and a part to play in the plots. Too many times in S9 Sam just seemed to be part of the scenary with no real involvment. So honestly I'm just happy (and hopeful) that seems to be changing although I will reserve final judgement until we see each episode!!
                      Very true! S10 looks much better for Sam!


                        Originally posted by Gate gal
                        But think of how fun it is to see AT play Sam as "uncomfortable". I personally thought it was good that Orlin came back as a child. It took the whole ship thing out of the equation, and we got to see Scientist Sam at work.
                        See, AT playing Uncomfortable Sam is always fun(ny) to watch, but in this case, I just think it was too damaging to a character that was already marginalized last season.

                        Anyone who was just watching the show at S9 would have thought that:

                        1.) Sam had some sort of sexual (or, at the very least, romantic) relationship with Orlin.

                        While they were trying to lean that way, the two never did more than walk in a park together. And he went glowy on her. And I believe Sam cared about him, of course. But that's as far as it got. Unfortunately, thanks to the writing, it seems like there was much more to "Ascension" than there was.


                        2.) There was a possibility that Sam still had feelings for Teen Orlin.

                        Instead of having her set them straight - therefore setting newcomers straight - they had her almost justify what she "had" with him. Her awkwardness, I think, could've easily been misconstrued as more than simple embarassment over past deeds. It could've been interpreted as embarassment over feelings she still had. The fact that they wrote Landry/Lam looking so smug over the prospects, and Sam being on the opposite side of the room looking/sounding almost sheepish was just ridiculous.

                        It was making a joke out of something that didn't happen, it was making false suggestions about a character and it was all for a cheap laugh. "See! He's a boy! And she was 'intimate' with him a few years ago! And he's back! Haha! Funny, eh?"

                        I'm just sick of them rewriting history/canon with sick humor.


                          Originally posted by ChopinGal
                          TR: "My gosh, you are leading the pack at"

                          AT: "Yes, don't ever take Sam fans for granted. They are a powerful group! At least I'm leading something."
                          Woot! She deserves it! (((Amanda)))


                            Originally posted by Coley
                            Oh if everyone is wondering why I'm talking about Ben leading SG1 - Just about every sci fi mag in this country has stated in one interview or another "Ben Browder Leading SG1 into Season 10" "Ben Browder Takes the Lead" etc!
                            *clamps hand over mouth to prevent self from saying mean things*


                              Originally posted by Kazan
                              Hi everyone. This is the first time I've posted in this thread although I've been lurking around for a while. I got hooked on the celeeb voting so you might recognise the name. Anyway, thought it was about time I delurked and said hello!
                              AT/Sam are the reason I started and continued to watch SG1 but last year I found it difficult to get excited. During seasons 1-8 there was a natural growth and development (ok with the odd blip along the way) and IMHO think that AT is by far the best actor in the show. So with the character missing at the beginning of S9 I found it hard to be inspired / interested in the changes and my attention moved to SGA. Even when Sam/AT came back, the balance of S9 was all about establishing the new characters and enemy and I dont think TPTB really had any idea how to fit continued development and involvement of the character into that scenario.
                              With what I've seen in the spoiler stakes and plot outlines for S10 though, I'm actually quite excited that they may now be ready to allow us to get back to something more interesting. Its the strength, intelligence and beauty of the character (which I firmly believe comes mostly from AT herself) that I love. Wouldnt we all love to be like that!

                              So anyway, just wanted to say hello to all and thanks for all the interesting posts and conversation that go on in here. Great fun reading it all. Hope I can contribute from time to time.
                              So I'm back off to cast a few votes more!

                              You already have!! Excellent first post! Welcome to Samanda!


                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                                Anyone who was just watching the show at S9 would have thought that:

                                1.) Sam had some sort of sexual (or, at the very least, romantic) relationship with Orlin.

                                While they were trying to lean that way, the two never did more than walk in a park together. And he went glowy on her. And I believe Sam cared about him, of course. But that's as far as it got. Unfortunately, thanks to the writing, it seems like there was much more to "Ascension" than there was.
                                I agree that the attempt at humour was gagatrocious, but I don't agree that history was re-written. For one thing, people can be emotionally intimate -- in an 'adult' way -- without having done any deeds. For another thing, we have no idea what transpired between Carter & Orlin in the 9 days between the "you like me" park scene and Simmons' alien-snatching op. IMO, it seems more likely than not that those crazy kids had some something-something during that time. MMV.

