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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by L.A. Doyle
    AD, I love your sig. It always makes me smile.
    Yeah...but check out Myrth's!!! Aren't we clever!!!
    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
    ~Amanda Tapping


      Originally posted by astrogeologist
      My guess is
      that Carter is going to 'moved to the side' somehow - they'll write something that puts her in a 'different' position than simply a member of SG-1. Then, whether he gets promoted or not, Mitchell will be in command of SG-1. Landry will point out to Mitchell that he is now in clear command of SG-1 and Mitchell will shrug it off with the comment that Daniel is a civilian and Teal'c is a Jaffa... don't know if he'll mention Vala, but she's not Air Force either.
      I think the scene will establish Mitchell as the official CO of SG-1, but it will be tempered a bit by Mitchell acting like it's no big deal, not something he was after, and not something that means much anyway.
      What they are going to do with Carter... I haven't got a clue!
      Maybe it has something to do with Jack. Heard rumours about Sam wearing a wedding dress!! I don't want to see Mitchell lead SG1..even though I actually like the guy...and I definitely don't want to see Sam moved to the just wouldn't be the same without her and I think the PTB know this...can't see them making such a big screw up like that!!
      "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
      Hug Your Loved Ones!!
      ~Amanda Tapping


        Originally posted by Gate gal
        I've read everything you guys wrote, and I think you have valid concerns. However, I refuse to think anything but positive thoughts for s10. I am going to try really hard to like the whole team this year. I like all of the actors already, and I think I can make myself suck up that point if it isn't resolved my way. If s 10 isn't as good as I hope, I will move to an AU where Reganx is head writer and I am going to Gammit!
        WTG gate gal!!! Very interesting reading here today and some very valid points made. Keep thinking positive thoughts..I will cos it's gonna be a while before I see it anyway!
        "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
        Hug Your Loved Ones!!
        ~Amanda Tapping


          Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
          Amanda Tapping will be the only current cast member present, and Carmen Argenziano and Corin Nemec will be there as well. If someone has the guts to do it (and I have no doubt in my mind that someone will), it should be pretty interesting...
          Heck...if I was going I would have no problem doing it!! I'd shout it out!! I'd even hold up a banner with the question on it!! Anything for an answer!!! I just want the answer to be honest...not vague and sugar coated!
          "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
          Hug Your Loved Ones!!
          ~Amanda Tapping


            Originally posted by astrogeologist
            The whole
            Mitchell in command thing is still bothering me. And the possibility that Mitchell will get promoted... wasn't there talk about a cabin scene with Landry where Mitchell makes a comment about the makeup of SG-1 being such that there aren't (or weren't) military subordinates for him to order around... something about Daniel being a civilian and Teal'c being a Jaffa...? If Mitchell got promoted then Sam would have to call him 'Sir'... gack!

            When asked if the leadership issue was going to be resolved in Season 10, didn't AT respond 'yes, there will be a scene with Landry and Mitchell' (or something along those lines)? So if the leadership issue is going to be resolved, and Carter isn't even in the scene...
            That's what I'm not looking forward to. Season 9 left me expecting much less than the best. I feel like I'm watching a car wreck on the freeway. Someone might pull their steering wheel over and stomp on the brakes and everyone might be fine... but it sure doesn't look like that's what's going to happen...
            they cant promote him. id be really annoyed if they did. i hate the idea of sam having to call him sir. i just cant understand what tptb are playing at. if i was in sam shoes and mitchell was promoted i wouldnt be happy. she's spent years working with the gate, has saved the plant loads of time (i've lost track of how many times), and is in a nutshell miles better than mitchell. its not that i mind mitchell being in the show, just seems like he's take over and now everyone else is just in the background. its sad. sams a really great character and i think that there is so much they could do with the character.

            i started out feeling really optamistic about season 10, cause it sounded like we were going to see more sam scenes but now im starting to get a bit worried. i wont see the episode until its shown in the uk so could someone let me know if its bad and then i can decide whether ill watch it or not. to be a bit more positive, AT and Sam are still awesome. Thankfully that hasnt changed.

            sig by starlover1990


              Originally posted by chelle db
              Heck...if I was going I would have no problem doing it!! I'd shout it out!! I'd even hold up a banner with the question on it!! Anything for an answer!!! I just want the answer to be honest...not vague and sugar coated!
              lol a banner. it would be interesting though to see what was said. i feel like we need an answer one way or another now from the tptb.

              off topic i was in a shop today and the had m&m (you know the chocolate) star wars figures. m&m's dressed up as the characters. sorry i thought it was quite funny (maybe thats just me and my strange humour ).

              sig by starlover1990


                *sigh* I think I was channeling TPTB this morning


                I have a horrible feeling that Cameron acting the hewo and rescuing Sam will be used as an extraordinary act that gets him promotion.
                Yepp, it's blank down here.


                  Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                  *sigh* I think I was channeling TPTB this morning


                  I have a horrible feeling that Cameron acting the hewo and rescuing Sam will be used as an extraordinary act that gets him promotion.
                  Noooooo!!! That would be a horrible injustice to the shows credibility IMHO!!
                  The sad thing is..we have to just wait and see...and I really really hate waiting!!
                  "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                  Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                  ~Amanda Tapping


                    I'm off to bed...Good night everyone!!
                    Don't forget to keep voting for's a bit quiet over there at the moment!

                    "Live Peace - Speak Kindness - Dwell in Possibility"
                    Hug Your Loved Ones!!
                    ~Amanda Tapping


                      Originally posted by ReganX
                      I'd kill to be in charge of writing that episode (and the one after it). Basically, Landry sees that the team dynamics are dysfunctional and decides that the problem is the confusion over leadership, no ship can have two captains, after all. He tells Mitchell that he is going to be moving Sam to head her own team. When Daniel and Teal'c hear this, they immediately ask to be transferred to Sam's new team and Landry agrees.

                      SG-1 now consists of Mitchell, Vala and two eager newcomers*. SG-Pick-A-Number consists of Sam, Daniel, Teal'c and an empty slot that everyone in the SGC wants to fill.

                      Mitchell makes a huge mess of "SG-1's" first mission together, charging off into battle and leaving the two newcomers to charge after him. They get shot and mortally wounded as a result. As soon as Mitchell, Vala and the deceased newcomers return to the SGC, a terrified Vala races off to find Sam and begs to be allowed transfer to her team, swearing on her mother's grave that she will refrain from harassing Daniel and making suggestive comments. Sam, being a sweet, compassionate individual, agrees.

                      Despite the disaster of his last mission, Mitchell is eager to get back to work with a new team... only to find that nobody wants to join and that Landry isn't cruel enough to force them to. He decides to cut his losses and ask if he can join Sam's team. Sam agrees to put him on probation and see if it works out.

                      As there is no longer anybody on SG-1, SG-Pick-A-Number are renamed SG-1.

                      *Note: Newcomers will not live long enough to need names.
                      Oh man. Why can't you be writing for this show?


                        Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                        *sigh* I think I was channeling TPTB this morning


                        I have a horrible feeling that Cameron acting the hewo and rescuing Sam will be used as an extraordinary act that gets him promotion.
                        I might have to hurt you for that.


                          Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                          *sigh* I think I was channeling TPTB this morning


                          I have a horrible feeling that Cameron acting the hewo and rescuing Sam will be used as an extraordinary act that gets him promotion.
                          No, no, a billion times no!

                          Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                            Originally posted by KatG
                            Oh man. Why can't you be writing for this show?
                            I'm not male and I don't worship Mitchell and Vala.

                            I think I'm disqualified.

                            Sig courtesy of RepliCartertje


                              Originally posted by scarimor
                              I might have to hurt you for that.
                              Sorry Hopefully it was just the after effects of the alcohol I had last night and nothing to worry about
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                                Amanda Tapping will be the only current cast member present, and Carmen Argenziano and Corin Nemec will be there as well. If someone has the guts to do it (and I have no doubt in my mind that someone will), it should be pretty interesting...
                                Don't expect a straight answer. Personally, I think AT is hoping no one uses the "L" word. She knows by now how this handing-over-of-command-to-Cam-while-Sam's-away played itself out for many of her loyal fans. There are those of us who think that TPTB have disrespected not just the character but the actor herself.

                                I don't think she wants to go there in a public forum. She is collecting a paycheck and working hard to deliver whatever comes across her plate. As a strong woman who really believed in setting the bar high for her character, I'm sure she wants better opportunities for Sam in S10 but she is now part of a new corporate mission and mindset.

                                It's great that she and Carmen and Corin will have a weekend together among their fans! Hope all you lucky ticket holders share the Sam love with pictures and reports!

                                Jester is now humming "Those were the days my friend, we thought they'd never end" ... sigh.

