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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
    Seriously... I think it was the fact that everyone was featured in it that gave it that extra umph!

    And I was pleasantly surprised to see the SG-1 of old in the frontlines. What an unexpected move on their part!
    Yup, yup, yup.

    My LJ


      Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
      Seriously... I think it was the fact that everyone was featured in it that gave it that extra umph!

      And I was pleasantly surprised to see the SG-1 of old in the frontlines. What an unexpected move on their part!
      that does make a difference.

      maybe, just maybe they're catching on.

      if they want s10 to have a broad appeal, then they GOTTA let all five kids come out and play. only focusing on 2-3 of them does nothing but turn off a chunk of the fandom
      Where in the World is George Hammond?



        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
        Sal, if you were worried by the stuff in that ad that was already filmed...

        ...wait until you read about the stuff for which they're still casting. Line In The Sand sides are up at, so spoilers will probably be coming soon. I mentioned "Sam in Peril" earlier, and these new sides definitely fit the bill... I just didn't realize it would be so immediate.

        i'm getting scared.


        i'm still scared they're going to try to find a way of 'getting sam out of the way', now that mr and mrs farscape have been given the show.

        details, please!




          Originally posted by majorsal
          i'm still scared they're going to try to find a way of 'getting sam out of the way', now that mr and mrs farscape have been given the show.



            Originally posted by Skydiver
            you're kidding me? those two are involved??????

            yeah, ok, knock my anticipation down a peg or three cause, thus far and to me, those two have been the kiss of death to any responsibility on behalf of a certain character
            Heh heh. Yeah... Did I forget to mention that?

            If it's any consolation, the four lines that were published seemed rather mild. And I'm NOT gonna be the one to kill Strix's buzz, because that's golfbooy's dutiful job.

            That said, this could go one of two ways: Sam and Cam could come out of their plight, with both characters pulling their own weight. Or McCullough's love for the lame and DeLuise's love for all things Sam/Ship, could turn this into a very bloody, very ucky episode.

            I'm gonna go with the former for the sake of my sanity.

            And Sal? Madame? I'm going to have to respectfully ask you to bite your tongue, mmkay? Thanks.

            Really, its a total of seven or eight pages of script that span across the whole episode. I don't think you have anything to worry about.


              Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
              Heh heh. Yeah... Did I forget to mention that?

              If it's any consolation, the four lines that were published seemed rather mild. And I'm NOT gonna be the one to kill Strix's buzz, because that's golfbooy's dutiful job.

              That said, this could go one of two ways: Sam and Cam could come out of their plight, with both characters pulling their own weight. Or McCullough's love for the lame and DeLuise's love for all things Sam/Ship, could turn this into a very bloody, very ucky episode.

              I'm gonna go with the former for the sake of my sanity.

              I'm seriously thinking they will only go for your first scenario. It sounds too serious to go for the second option here.
              It doesn't seem to be a light-hearted episode in the least, and ship would be so inappropriate within the seriousness of the situation.


                Originally posted by golfbooy
                All in spoilers because it's easier:

                Yeah, I'm with you. The new trailer is pretty good. I am especially enamored with the shot of the real SG-1 ascending the ramp in what I assume is the 200th episode. Despite the laughable shot of Ben Browder's mug at the end, I'm somewhat relieved that Mitchell is featured little in the ad. I'm easily beguiled, though.

                Regarding the latest batch of spoilers:

                In an erstwhile time, I would call this episode a home run right off of the bat. However, season nine has taught me some hard lessons. I foolishly believed that Stronghold and Off the Grid sounded promising. Alas, not even the indomitable Bra'tac could save them from disaster. So, for now, I'll call Line in the Sand my Stronghold for season ten. Right now, it sounds like a good episode and I'm looking forward to it. But I'm probably just setting myself up for an embarassing disappointment. The Cameron character ruins what would normally be a good episode with disturbing ease. Not only that, but this episode apparently features the monstrously successful McCollough/DeLuise combination that worked oh so well in season nine. So for now, I'll offer up a meek "Yay!?"
                McCollough/DeLuise? Oh man, that bubble didn't last long.

                Well, maybe Brad Wright got to review the script or something. And maybe McCollough has learned a little between seasons. There was this shiny ray of hope, dammit! I'm clinging!

                My LJ


                  Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                  Heh heh. Yeah... Did I forget to mention that?

                  If it's any consolation, the four lines that were published seemed rather mild. And I'm NOT gonna be the one to kill Strix's buzz, because that's golfbooy's dutiful job.
                  LOL! Spaz, you know me too well.

                  My LJ


                    Originally posted by the dancer of spaz
                    Heh heh. Yeah... Did I forget to mention that?

                    If it's any consolation, the four lines that were published seemed rather mild. And I'm NOT gonna be the one to kill Strix's buzz, because that's golfbooy's dutiful job.

                    That said, this could go one of two ways: Sam and Cam could come out of their plight, with both characters pulling their own weight. Or McCullough's love for the lame and DeLuise's love for all things Sam/Ship, could turn this into a very bloody, very ucky episode.

                    I'm gonna go with the former for the sake of my sanity.
                    I don't want to kill anyone's buzz, honest. Here, just sit back and take a nice, deep toke off of the New SG-1 bong. Go ahead, it won't hurt. The first one's free anyway. There, isn't that all better. See how much fun, fun, fun the new show is. Whoa, I don't know how those boring old characters ever held my interest before. That old dude with grey hair is nothing compared to the new guy. Did anyone else just see Cameron flying through the gate while excuting one of those gymnastic flips? Think Princess Bride here. Sweet. Pass that thing back. Hey--don't bogart that thing. It's puff....puff....give, not puff....puff....puff...puff...

                    As for your predictions, I have no problems believing that some lame Cam saves the day singlehandedly scenario is just waiting to be filmed. The ship stuff, though, I can't see happening. I don't think the writers want to touch that with a ten foot pole.


                      Wow, I haven't seen Samanda this active in ages...

                      Im hoping the spoilers are as exciting as they seem to be...

                      *sighs in complete and utter ignorance of all spoilers related to season 10*

                      I don't suposse there are any fellow Canadians who know when Season 10 is supossedly starting in Canada??? Seeing as its once again "Maybe the last season" I'm back to my fully legal "waiting till it's on TV" Policy...
                      The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                      |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                        Originally posted by the dancer of spaz

                        And Sal? Madame? I'm going to have to respectfully ask you to bite your tongue, mmkay? Thanks.

                        Really, its a total of seven or eight pages of script that span across the whole episode. I don't think you have anything to worry about.
                        i hope so...

                        i like the idea of whumpsam, but i *don't* like her paired with mitchell. anyone but mitchell.

                        also, i saw a new full page add (got from another forum) -

                        why look who's pushed up front of the cast?

                        i better stop now, since i'm about to enter into mean and snotty territory.




                          Originally posted by tsaxlady
                          There is a new season 10 trailer up on SciFi's web site with a couple of clips I have not seen on tv including this cap I was able to get today

                          to see the full trailer go to SciFi's web site here
                          Thanks Nora....tried to green ya but it wouldn't let me!!


                            Seriously.... I'm all giddy over that one. To me it would seem that someone somewhere either has a brain, or is actually paying some attention to the feedback coming out of forums like this.
                            the words "Nothing is Impossible", closely followed by a shot of the four original team members seems almost like a subliminal message from the faction behind the scenes who agree with us all
                            either way I'm most defenitely giddy!

                            Originally posted by Strix varia
                            Wow, I've gotta give them credit for producing a trailer that actually got me excited about season 10 for the first time ever. So, kudos to whoever put it together.


                              Originally posted by majorsal
                              i hope so...

                              i like the idea of whumpsam, but i *don't* like her paired with mitchell. anyone but mitchell.

                              also, i saw a new full page add (got from another forum) -

                              why look who's pushed up front of the cast?

                              i better stop now, since i'm about to enter into mean and snotty territory.

                              Oh. geez.

                              ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                                Originally posted by majorsal
                                Well... Everything HAS kinda come full circle now that they have a hunk of a male lead on both series. If you remember last year's full page ad, it was pretty much the same configuration. They pushed JF to the front, had it so you could see ALL of RL's body, iirc, the main science guy looked pensive in the back, maternal figure right behind that and to the side, and the rogue alien guy is at the back looking decidedly... roguish.

                                You'd think they'd have tried something new for the MOTHER series (and yes, I consider it a mother series - NOT a sister series - grr). I mean... seriously... Does ANYONE have a link to last season's Atlantis promo pic? It's almost identical in terms of "importance" and placement.

