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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by SunKrux
    Oh puhlease....I'm 5' 1 3/4" (I shrank - I use to be 5' 2". ) so now who's "not very tall at all?
    Me, too! I used to be 5'2' and now am 5'1 1/4". I used to leave gifts for the Goddess of Tall, but at this point in my life, I've given up.
    In the Kingdom of Hope, there is no Winter

    Life is too short for drama & petty things,
    so kiss slowly, laugh insanely, love truly & forgive quickly!

    Attendee of Shore Leave28, AT2 and AVALON
    Proud Member of the Sam is a Great Character Thread
    Hic Comitas Regit
    Member of the Ship, Ship Hooray Special Ops Team
    Member of Gategrrlz Gone Wild (proud Shore Leave 28 attendee).


      Originally Posted by SunKrux
      Oh puhlease....I'm 5' 1 3/4" (I shrank - I use to be 5' 2". ) so now who's "not very tall at all?
      Originally posted by LadyJeep
      Me, too! I used to be 5'2' and now am 5'1 1/4". I used to leave gifts for the Goddess of Tall, but at this point in my life, I've given up.
      Due to gravity pulling us down (I'm 5'1 1/2) we have 2 choices to get some height back.
      1. Go up into space, may even gain an extra inch
      2. Hang upside down so gravity will work in the opposite direction

      my fanfic


        look at it this way, if you trip you have less space to fall

        < speaks the 5'3" person>

        i should sue the city for putting the sidewalks too close to my ass
        Where in the World is George Hammond?



          Originally posted by Strix varia
          Clearly, I am not Canadian. But are you an Okie?

          (And sadly, I have had that conversation...)
          I was an Okie from Mu... Altus. All of those were true. Parking in the shade is still true!


            Originally posted by MajorSam
            Buahaha, that's what I was just thinking actually... I think I know what some of the wanted to believe... hah. *goes back to humming the Chimpanzee Postcard song they do* la la la "A goin' fishing chimp..." heh, that's my fave one...

            Well all none-Canadians... what DID you think the Bare Naked Ladies were!?
            The absolute best group ever! Must now power up my playlist which is full of BNL. Alcohol and It's All Been Done Before so rock my world. Ed Robertson so rocks my world. And, they're Kurt Browning's favorite group, so they get extra cool points. Kurt is the second best male figure skater ever, to me. (Brian Orser is first.) Plus, they....they got BANNED for their name once. In Canada no less. How funny is that? Some city council type person actually thought there would be bare naked ladies!

            Oh I could go on. Instead I listen to Alcohol and love.

            Then again, maybe my close proximity to Canada makes me less non-Canadian than others. I've always called it a couch, and think /everyone/ knows Canadian beer is better than that American drivel, and I LOVED the Friendly Giant. And Mr. Dress-Up and Casey and Finnegan. (Okay, I'm forty, and I STILL watch Mr. Dress-Up sometimes.)

            And we call it pop here, too.

            ETA: That sounded really gushy, didn't it? Oh well. I do love BNL, and Kurt Browning, and Mr. Dress-Up, and The Friendly Giant, and Brian Orser muchly so I won't try to tame it, even if it does sound a wee bit insipid.


              Originally posted by Mandysg1
              Hey Major Sam, do you think the non-Canadians know that the Bare Naked Ladies are a singing group of men! Or do you think some of them thought there were naked women on the game show
              non-Canadian speaking
              I LOVE Barenaked Ladies!!!! I've seen them in concert twice now.

              "Haven't you always wanted a monkey?"

              For what it's worth to all Non-US folks, not all of us "Americans" like or enjoy the fact that our culture and ideals are basically shoved down the rest of the world's throats.
              I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                Originally posted by Mandysg1
                Due to gravity pulling us down (I'm 5'1 1/2) we have 2 choices to get some height back.
                1. Go up into space, may even gain an extra inch
                Who cares about the height issue when in space?

                2. Hang upside down so gravity will work in the opposite direction
                And get a headache from hezmana? NO thank you! I've actually been quite happy with my height. We vertically challenged people don't have to worry about smackin' our heads on door jams and we can get out of tight jams much faster/easier than tall people.
                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                  Originally posted by Skydiver
                  look at it this way, if you trip you have less space to fall

                  < speaks the 5'3" person>

                  i should sue the city for putting the sidewalks too close to my ass
                  heehee good one sky!
                  I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                    Originally posted by Deejay435
                    The absolute best group ever! Must now power up my playlist which is full of BNL. Alcohol and It's All Been Done Before so rock my world. Ed Robertson so rocks my world. And, they're Kurt Browning's favorite group, so they get extra cool points. Kurt is the second best male figure skater ever, to me. (Brian Orser is first.) Plus, they....they got BANNED for their name once. In Canada no less. How funny is that? Some city council type person actually thought there would be bare naked ladies!

                    Oh I could go on. Instead I listen to Alcohol and love.

                    Then again, maybe my close proximity to Canada makes me less non-Canadian than others. I've always called it a couch, and think /everyone/ knows Canadian beer is better than that American drivel, and I LOVED the Friendly Giant. And Mr. Dress-Up and Casey and Finnegan. (Okay, I'm forty, and I STILL watch Mr. Dress-Up sometimes.)

                    And we call it pop here, too.

                    ETA: That sounded really gushy, didn't it? Oh well. I do love BNL, and Kurt Browning, and Mr. Dress-Up, and The Friendly Giant, and Brian Orser muchly so I won't try to tame it, even if it does sound a wee bit insipid.
                    Well that earns you the beloved touque

                    my fanfic


                      Originally posted by Mandysg1
                      Well that earns you the beloved touque
                      Whee! That made my night!


                        Originally posted by SunKrux
                        For what it's worth to all Non-US folks, not all of us "Americans" like or enjoy the fact that our culture and ideals are basically shoved down the rest of the world's throats.
                        First of all, I'm not sure questioning the concept of an American is effective in this context.

                        Secondly, this isn't the appropriate venue to attempt a debate of the dynamics of globalization, but I can't allow such a gross oversimplification and inadequate characterization of a complex process to pass by without comment. To casually make such a statement as if it were axiomatic is, I think, intellectually dishonest and does nothing to increase understanding.


                          Originally posted by LadyJeep
                          Me, too! I used to be 5'2' and now am 5'1 1/4". I used to leave gifts for the Goddess of Tall, but at this point in my life, I've given up.
                          So I guess being 5’10 &#189;” wont get me into this club?

                          Originally posted by Deejay435
                          Then again, maybe my close proximity to Canada makes me less non-Canadian than others. I've always called it a couch, and think /everyone/ knows Canadian beer is better than that American drivel, and I LOVED the Friendly Giant. And Mr. Dress-Up (Okay, I'm forty, and I STILL watch Mr. Dress-Up sometimes.)

                          And we call it pop here, too.

                          ETA: That sounded really gushy, didn't it? Oh well. I do love...Mr. Dress-Up,

                          Hahah, i've never had US beer but i'm glad Canadian's better I must say our beer commercials (especially the ones which show during Hockey Night in Canada) can be bloody amazing... lol. as in funny usually... seriously!

                          And Mr. Dress Up was my childhood IDOL... *sniff* to go back to those innocent days... is he still playing on TV!?!?!

                          Originally posted by Mandysg1
                          Well that earns you the beloved touque
                          Oooh, I want a toque, I want a toque

                          It’s ok, I already have one almost exactly like that in black
                          The Von MajorSam Family Singers debut CD... Coming soon

                          |||Official Member of the Chevron Guy Fan Club||


                            Originally posted by SunKrux
                            For what it's worth to all Non-US folks, not all of us "Americans" like or enjoy the fact that our culture and ideals are basically shoved down the rest of the world's throats.

                            we don't shove our stuff down the rest of the world's throats... everyone just loves us SO much that they want to emulate us.




                              I feel rather marginalised here Not only have I been deemed "not short", but I'm not Canadian, American or Australian and therefore have very little to add on any of the current subject here.

                              Anyone want to comment on the merits of English Breakfast Tea over Earl Grey? Or are you more Darjeeling people, yourselves? And as for orange juice... bits or no bits?
                              Yepp, it's blank down here.


                                Originally posted by minigeek
                                A CALL FOR SIGNATURES!

                                Ladies and gents,

                                Some of you know (and some of you don't) that I'm something of a sketch artist in my er... ample spare time? (whenever I'm not making models of space ships or absent water bottles as the case may be! ).

                                In any case, I'm working on a little GABIT project which I'm hoping to have okay'd by the GABIT crew (I have yet to approach them because I want to see if it'll work first), whereby I'm going to professionally print a poster-sized comic-book type sketch of Lt. Colonel Samantha Carter, decked out in full SG-1 gear (similar to one you may have already seen by me). Around this sketch, I would love to have SAmandan signatures, accompanied by a small note of accolade or encouragement for Amanda - and by small, I mean 250 characters or less (not words mind you, characters).

                                Amanda always signs autographs for her fans, I thought it'd be super cool to give her something signed by all of US for a change. Also something she could keep and that would remind her of how much we've all loved watching her play Sam Carter for the past decade or so.

                                If the GABIT folks say it's okay, I thought it'd be really neat if we were able to present the poster to her with all the signatures and little messages on it, some time during GABIT itself. Then have it couriered back to her in Canada (so she doesn't have to carry it in her luggage). If it's not okay with the GABIT folks, I suppose we could always try to just send it to her somehow, but I'm really hoping they'll say yes. It's just a poster-sheet, after all.

                                So... how will all the fan signatures end up on the actual poster, you may ask?? Good question!

                                I'd want them to appear *EXACTLY* as they were written. Choose your message. Choose your pen color (mind you don't use a giant marker, I won't be able to give anyone more than about 300 pixels width so use a pen, ok?).

                                Sign a WHITE PIECE OF PAPER as though you were signing a group birthday card, for example. Then ... have your paper SCANNED into the computer as an image. Set the DPI at 300 - if you don't know how, you can have it done at a local copy-centre, or ask a friend!

                                You've only got about this much space:

                                Once you have your image (signature/message), save it as a (JPG - 300 DPI ) Again, if you need help, ask a friend or have your copy centre do it for you.

                                Then... email it to me at:

                                Use the subject header "SIGNATURE FOR AT"

                                I will be filtering mail that way, so if you don't use that subject, your signature may be lost. We've got some time to do this so don't panic. Think about what you want to say (and how to say it in 250 characters or less!). Obviously I will be reading these before I put them on the poster and censoring rude, crude, personal or otherwise inappropriate comments - which won't even be an issue since this is SAmanda and who here would even think of saying something inappropriate!? My recommendation would be to keep it light and happy, you only have about 250 characters after all.

                                I was thinking of keeping this in the SAmanda family - a SAmandan project since this is a place I've come to view as very special since I was welcomed here a few months ago. However please also feel free to pass this on to anyone else you might feel would want to participate. Even if that's on another group. We're all friends, right?

                                I hope to contact the G4 about this as soon as I know whether it will work and see if it's doable. It could be really awesome if it works out well.

                                Thanks guys so much ... love and hugs to you all !!


                                Ooh, this sounds really good mini. I don't know, but I reckon it would be just the kind of thing Amanda would appreciate.
                                I'd like to be a part of this, but I don't have email . Unless I could PM you with a link to my JPEG image uploaded on photobucket, I have no way of being involved. Sorry.

                                ...deepspace is a PROUD MEMBER of the Sam's A Great Character Thread...

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT!

