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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    I have a fanfic recommendation. A Personal Favor by iamdragonrider

    All the women will love this story, it's the funniest thing I've ever read However the guys might just runaway and hide.

    my fanfic


      My View From The Peanut Gallery


        Need A Little Help With Scanning Your Signature Into The Computer?

        So, how does your handwriting get from that blank piece of paper onto the poster we're going to give Amanda?

        Hopefully I can help clarify. The best thing to do is to write in a dark, legible color (though any color will work), use your normal writing and sign it legibly in your normal signature style. Both the color and the style of your writing will appear exactly as you wrote it out on the final poster. You have approximately 3 inches by 3 inches of space, square, to write in.

        Once you have the paper, you can:

        1) SCAN IT into a scanner connected to your computer.
        - use 300dpi
        - keep it in color if you want the ink color to appear as you wrote it
        - save it as a JPG or TIF or BMP and attach it to your email for sending.

        2) PHOTOGRAPH it with your digital camera (should be at least 2 megapixels or higher).
        - use your BEST QUALITY setting
        - download the file to your computer and attach it to an email ready to send.

        3) TAKE your paper to your local COPY CENTER (or Photo Lab) and have them scan it for you.
        It should be very inexpensive, a couple of dollars at most, and they'll put it on a CD for you.
        - Bring the CD home, download the file to your computer and attach it to your email for sending.

        Why I'd rather not use computer generated FONTS...

        Really, the idea is to have handwritten signatures. It's supposed to look as though the poster itself was hand-signed by all of us. It's more personal that way. However, if for some reason you cannot write or would really rather not, you may ask a friend to do so for you (on your behalf). I'd volunteer, but I think I'd get carpel tunnel doing signatures for a lot of people, so if you can find a SAmandan buddy willing to write for you and scan your message in, it'd be better (and they'll all look different that way too).

        If you cannot find anyone to help, I'd be happy to assist in that case.

        Remember, the email address to send submissions to is: [email protected]

        I've got two signatures already, but I'll be collecting for a while so don't worry if you want time to think about what to say, or if you want to get some friend(s) to help. There's plenty of time, so have fun with it! (Yes you can draw little smilies, etc., if you so wish). Anything goes, in your little bit of real-estate!

        Big Hugs To All,

        Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
        ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


          Originally posted by Coley
          Hi, I've not managed to keep up with the last couple of days posts, but CG has briefly described Minigeeks idea for GABIT.

          I just want to add my comments - which I feel quite strongly about.

          I think it is a great idea. I would love to do something for Amanda to show her how much support she has and it would be great if we could do something as a group.

          However I feel very strongly that I do not need anything back from Amanda. I do not really want to make a big thing of giving this to her. I do not need any big public show of thanks or glee from Amanda. It is something we are doing for her and I hope we are not seeking some special sort of attention from it. I would feel better if the gift was given to her quietly by Mini in the autograph line - hopefully she can say it is something from Samanda - and leave it at that.

          I'm afraid I would be very embarassed if something "special" was organised for us. Give freely is what I say!!
          I agree Coley. No pomp and circumstance. It's not really a gift so much as it is a kind of a thank-you-card. From all of us. It's also not the getting something back from Amanda that I think some of the people were talking about so much as it is just to be able to be part of letting Amanda know they care, and they thank her for her character, and the imact she's had, etc., There's no more to it than that. I wouldn't say we need to give it to her in a dark room with the lights off, but you're right, neither was the intention to make a spectacle out of it. Just to be inclusive in the sense that SAmanda is one voice where that thank you is concerned. Does that make any sense at all? No need to be embarassed. I don't think anyone has/had any ulterior motives at all beyond that single sentiment.

          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


            Originally posted by minigeek
            I agree Coley. No pomp and circumstance. It's not really a gift so much as it is a kind of a thank-you-card. From all of us. It's also not the getting something back from Amanda that I think some of the people were talking about so much as it is just to be able to be part of letting Amanda know they care, and they thank her for her character, and the imact she's had, etc., There's no more to it than that. I wouldn't say we need to give it to her in a dark room with the lights off, but you're right, neither was the intention to make a spectacle out of it. Just to be inclusive in the sense that SAmanda is one voice where that thank you is concerned. Does that make any sense at all? No need to be embarassed. I don't think anyone has/had any ulterior motives at all beyond that single sentiment.
            Well said Mini, and I think that 2 people should be used so they can support each other, in case 1 person get tongue tied.

            my fanfic


              Guys, I don't have to be a presenter, either. I have absolutely no problem with the forum electing two other ambassadors (or even just one) to hand off the poster. So please don't feel that it has to be that way, truly. I really mean that. I wouldn't be hurt or offended in the slightest, I promise.


              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                I was the geeky, gawky girl who never really fit in anywhere.

                At least I'm consistent.
                (((((((((((OOOOOOOBer)))))))) You'll always fit in with me.
                I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                  Originally posted by Mandysg1
                  I was the invisible girl, never picked for a team. I tell you even in gr. 8 when I tried out for the school baseball team the only 2 girls that didn't make the team were the ones who were unpopular (yes I was one of the 2) and it was the teachers doing the picking
                  i always used to get picked last for everything. When i started playing ice hockey it was my ambition not to be a liability to the team anymore.

                  Took me several years to score a goal, but It was a great boost when I started getting picked in the first few people.

                  The funny thing about my team is there is another SG fan on it ( lucy). When she joined the team we sat next to each other ( I tend to take care of the newbies) and we were talking about flight prices and I mentioned how expensive the flight to vancouver were and I didn't go for the skiing. so lucy says, so what do you go for? I quietly and simply explained I went for a stargate convention.
                  " I knew I knew you from somewhere!" she exclaimed.
                  She recognised me ( becuase of the quilts) from a UK Sg convention but hadn't made the connection.

                  Then we discovered one of the goalies was a fan too... then the other goalie got into it cos her boyfriend liked it...

                  My husband (who coaches the ice hockey team) isn't a fan of SG or any sci fi and he didn't come to GABIT so we'd get quite a bit of stick from him (although as expected he's mellowed since he actually met Amanda on our recent trip to Whistler).

                  The rest of my family ( mumsey, big bro and Dadsey - rest his soul) are all SG nuts so at least I don't have to fight the entire world alone!

                  Geeky? at school I was good at everything although there was another kid who was super dupour smart and absolute top at everything. So I was second at everything except spelling.. where I was errm considerably less adept that everyone else. I am dyslexic you see and that's how it presents.

                  I can write novels, just don't expect everything to be spelt correctly first tme round!

                  So geeks of the world untie (that was deliberate BTW)

                  I love the poster idea I'll see what Julia has arranged with you when she gets back from her dinner.



                    Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                    I worked out that I'm about 5"6 ish, so not very tall at all. Don't worry, you're not alone!
                    Oh puhlease....I'm 5' 1 3/4" (I shrank - I use to be 5' 2". ) so now who's "not very tall at all?
                    I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                      Originally posted by Skydiver
                      there is no way to hide poll results, so i couldn't do that and y'all will see the tally.

                      the only other way to do that would be to do it via pm or e-mail....and then y'all would have to trust me to count things, so let's just go wtih the poll


                      y'all havea week. it closes in 7 days, so don't delay to head on over and cast your ballot on whether or not MG should be oneo f the presenters.

                      No one can see how you voted, so be honest.
                      this is a group project in a way and i think all of samanda should have a chance to get their .02 in
                      I voted.
                      I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                        Originally posted by becky_preen

                        So geeks of the world untie (that was deliberate BTW)

                        I love the poster idea I'll see what Julia has arranged with you when she gets back from her dinner.

                        LOL Yes we geeks do seem to congregate.

                        When I read the hockey part, I thought Oh, you must be from Canada! Woops guess I was wrong (But since you play hockey we can make you an honorary Canadian)

                        my fanfic


                          Originally posted by Mandysg1
                          LOL Yes we geeks do seem to congregate.

                          When I read the hockey part, I thought Oh, you must be from Canada! Woops guess I was wrong (But since you play hockey we can make you an honorary Canadian)
                          Yeah cool, way to go! How Zit Goan, Eh? Here's your touque, Becks!

                          Jeeeeez-looeeze it's cold out today. Better go hide my two-fer!

                          40 SIGNS THAT YOU MAY BE CANADIAN:

                          1. You stand in "line-ups" at the movie, not lines.
                          2. You're not offended by the term, "Homo Milk"
                          3. You understand the phrase, "Could you please pass me a serviette,
                          I just spilled my poutine"
                          4. You eat chocolate bars instead of candy bars.
                          5. You drink pop, not soda.
                          6. You know what it means to be on pogey.
                          7. You know that a mickey and 2-4's mean "Party at the camp, eh!!"
                          8. You can drink legally while still a 'teen.
                          9. You talk about the weather with strangers and friends alike.
                          10. You don't know or care about the fuss with Cuba,
                          it's just a cheap place to travel with good cigars
                          and no Americans.
                          11. When there is a social problem, you turn to your government
                          to fix it instead of telling them to stay out of it.
                          12. You're not sure if the leader of your nation
                          has EVER had sex and don't want to know if he has!
                          13. You get milk in bags as well as cartons and plastic jugs.
                          14. Pike is a type of fish, not some part of a highway.
                          15. You drive on a highway, not a freeway.
                          16. You sit on a couch not a chesterfield - that is some small town in Quebec!
                          17. You know what a Robertson screwdriver is.
                          18. You have Canadian Tire money in your kitchen drawers.
                          19. You know that Thrills are something to chew and "taste like soap".
                          20. You know that Mounties "don't always look like that"
                          21. You dismiss all beers under 6% as "for children and the elderly".
                          22. You know that the Friendly Giant isn't a vegetable product line.
                          23. You know that Casey and Finnegan are not a Celtic musical group.
                          24. You participated in "Participaction".
                          25. You have an Inuit carving by your bedside with the rationale,
                          "What's good enough protection for the Prime Minister
                          is good enough for me". (And you know who the Inuit ARE!)
                          26. You wonder why there isn't a 5 dollar coin yet.
                          27. Unlike any international assassin/terrorist/spy in the world,
                          you don't possess a Canadian passport.
                          28. You use a red pen on your non-Canadian textbooks and fill
                          in the missing 'u's from labor, honor, and color.
                          29. You know the French equivalents of "free", "prize"
                          and "no sugar added", thanks to your extensive education
                          in bilingual cereal packaging.
                          30. You are excited whenever an American television
                          show mentions Canada.
                          31. You make a mental note to talk about it at work the next day.
                          32. You can do all the hand actions to Sharon,
                          Lois and Bram's "Skin-a-ma-rinky-dinky-doo" opus.
                          33. You can eat more than one maple sugar
                          candy without feeling nauseous.
                          34. You were mad when "The Beachcombers" were taken off the air.
                          35. You know what a toque is.
                          36. You have some memento of Doug and Bob.
                          37. You admit Rich Little is Canadian and
                          you're glad Jerry Lewis is not.
                          38. You know Toronto is not a province.
                          39. You never miss "Coaches Corner".
                          40. Back bacon and Kraft Dinner are two of
                          your favourite food groups.
                          Last edited by minigeek; 14 February 2006, 11:59 AM.

                          Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                          ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                            That was great mini, let's put our touques on go grab some poutine, but make sure you get enough serviettes becaues if the gravy spills it may change the colour of your jeans. You can bring the 2-4 and I'll bring the pop then we can sit on the couch to watch Stargate

                            my fanfic


                              Originally posted by Mandysg1
                              That was great mini, let's put our touques on go grab some poutine, but make sure you get enough serviettes becaues if the gravy spills it may change the colour of your jeans. You can bring the 2-4 and I'll bring the pop then we can sit on the couch to watch Stargate
                              Ha ha! We soo have to have a Stargate get together some time, hun. You're only about an hour away from me, too. Have to work on that, maybe some time this summer when it's nice outside again, we can get a little SG-1 Season 10 premiere party goin' on!

                              Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
                              ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


                                Originally posted by minigeek
                                Ha ha! We soo have to have a Stargate get together some time, hun. You're only about an hour away from me, too. Have to work on that, maybe some time this summer when it's nice outside again, we can get a little SG-1 Season 10 premiere party goin' on!
                                Sounds like fun mini.

                                my fanfic

