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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by minigeek
    Very cool MB

    I may be recalling this incorrectly, but if memory serves, I remember reading a person's comments somewhere that said the notion of Claudia being offered a full season's contract came from "Solutions". Isn't that one of the other stargate websites? Or is that the same as Abydos Gate? I'm not up on my website-owerships in the fandom.
    That's a good question. All outlets of false/misleading "news" stories need to be nipped asap.


      Originally posted by minigeek
      Very cool MB

      I may be recalling this incorrectly, but if memory serves, I remember reading a person's comments somewhere that said the notion of Claudia being offered a full season's contract came from "Solutions". Isn't that one of the other stargate websites? Or is that the same as Abydos Gate? I'm not up on my website-owerships in the fandom.

      No mini that's The Alpha Gate. On the Solutions homepage I think its way at the bottom.


        Originally posted by Strix varia
        Of course you can!

        They are one of my very favorite friendships anywhere...two very strong, capable women with great big hearts and big honkin' guns...

        ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
          You know, I have a desire to write DDL and GS and what ever actor that received the ire from shippers because of role that they played on television and apologize on our behalves.

          DDL was was GS and their scenes with Amanda were really well done. They didn't do anything wrong. They were given a script and they acted to the best of their abilities and provided very cute when Pete proposed and he made the comments about dating a superhero and how she should consider spandex and a cape or the scene in Narim's house where Sam hears her voice echoing through the hallway. In all incidents, the men were funny and sweet and Amanda (as Sam) did a great job communicating how amused she was with both situations.

          I get a little disturbed when people mix fantasy and reality. I mean I love to do that in FUN, but when it's taken seriously and actors just doing their job are fussed at for a fictional set of events...that's
          EXTREMELY well said. Thank you for saying exactly what I have been feeling. I tried to green ya, but the system is mad at me.....for a change.
          On fighting:
          Farrah: "A swordsman does not fear death, if he dies with honor."
          Dr. Who: "Then he's an idiot."


            Originally posted by Lida
            EXTREMELY well said. Thank you for saying exactly what I have been feeling. I tried to green ya, but the system is mad at me.....for a change.
            Meh. Ooburness is green enough already. She can't get much greener.

            Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
            ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
              Okay I contacted Abydos Gate about their assertions regarding contract statuses and JM's blog...and they wrote back the following:

              Hi Mary Beth,

              Thanks for your note, I asked our news editor to check where he got that
              info from and pulled that particular piece until he gets his sources

              Thanks for visiting and taking the time to write,

              Have a great day,

              You're a star for this Uber. I await to see what transpires

              However the fact that TPTB had already decided what they wanted from Vala and had aked CB to come back and issued a contract sounds to me like the direction of the show is geared far more to Vala than it is to Sam - who they were left wondering what to do with. Wondering what to do with and they have decided what to do with Vala - just think about that!!! You would tend to sort out who you think are your most important chatacters first right!!! Or is that just me??

              I'm telling you the writing is on the wall. If a seaon 11 transpires my guess is that Sam won't figure in it at all apart from guest appearances perhaps.

              Oh hark at the grim reaper eh - I'm just in that mood today!!


                Coley, your prophecy frightens me!

                Oh, and as if Uber could get any greener.


                  Originally posted by Coley
                  You're a star for this Uber. I await to see what transpires

                  However the fact that TPTB had already decided what they wanted from Vala and had aked CB to come back and issued a contract sounds to me like the direction of the show is geared far more to Vala than it is to Sam - who they were left wondering what to do with. Wondering what to do with and they have decided what to do with Vala - just think about that!!! You would tend to sort out who you think are your most important chatacters first right!!! Or is that just me??

                  I'm telling you the writing is on the wall. If a seaon 11 transpires my guess is that Sam won't figure in it at all apart from guest appearances perhaps.

                  Oh hark at the grim reaper eh - I'm just in that mood today!!
                  Ah Coley, in that case we'll just have to make up for her absence by writing lots of Sam-centered fanfiction. I haven't lost hope yet, though.

                  My LJ



                    I would REALLY appreciate it if Spazzy and the Geekster would kindly STOP telling people to refrain from GREENING me.

                    I was a System Lord once until one spring morning I was unceremoniously dethroned...thanks to either a coup led by my now OH SO FORMER first prime or a change in the rep system (take your pick)...and now I'm merely a lowly loyal advisor once again... *whimper*

                    So please...give a former System Lord a break, will ya???? I'd like to reclaim my kingdom sometime before Carter's a Four Star serving as a Joint Chief of Staff you know.


                    ...You're ALWAYS Welcome in Samanda: Amanda's Community of New Fans and Old Friends...


                      I like Abydos Gate a lot. If they have a bias, it's towards strong female characters in general. Very Sam / Janet friendly.


                      My LJ


                        CG thanks for the great con report.

                        On the DDL story the first time I heard AT talk about this she said that while David received the worse of the fan mail, she had also received some really ugly letters saying how she was not being true to her character by being in a relationship with Pete.
                        My View From The Peanut Gallery


                          Originally posted by Strix varia
                          Ah Coley, in that case we'll just have to make up for her absence by writing lots of Sam-centered fanfiction. I haven't lost hope yet, though.
                          yes Strix, cough, I seem to remember asking if you've written or are writing any more Samfic - did I get an answer???

                          I think kick ass Carter is required in spades!!


                            Originally posted by tsaxlady
                            CG thanks for the great con report.

                            On the DDL story the first time I heard AT talk about this she said that while David received the worse of the fan mail, she had also received some really ugly letters saying how she was not being true to her character by being in a relationship with Pete.
                            How could anyone send ugly mail to Amanda? Errr shouldn't it be the writers who these people are haranging if the have issues with the character???

                            Now sending ugly email to RC on the other hand Just Kiddin'


                              Now swicth to mote lighthearted GABIT news and I'd just like to report that the Court Jester was on fine form. Tears rolled down my cheeks most of the weekend. Here are some snippets - courtsey of the Jester's daughter for the first

                              Jester with daughter in hotel room: I don’t know about you, but I find a lot of these British accents very hard to understand. [gestures to news show on hotel TV] Oh, now her accent’s heavy.

                              daughter: That’s German, Mom.

                              Louise: You certainly hit it off with John.

                              Jester: Oh, I like John. I’ll do John all weekend.

                              In response to discussing the oranged themed disco the Jester whipped out her newest purchase - an orange and white silk scarf (hardly withit):

                              Jester: For a disco, it might just work fine. Then I’ll give it to charity.

                              Oh there's more, much more, but I go and see if there's money to be had!!


                                Originally posted by Coley
                                How could anyone send ugly mail to Amanda? Errr shouldn't it be the writers who these people are haranging if the have issues with the character???

                                Now sending ugly email to RC on the other hand Just Kiddin'
                                I hear 'ya. I would never send any off them ugly/hate mail. Expressing you opinion good or bad that's one thing but being ugly - well I think that is unnecessary. After 9 years you can bet they have all received some pretty bad/ugly mail.
                                My View From The Peanut Gallery

