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Sam Carter/Amanda Tapping Discussion/Appreciation

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    Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
    So...non-shippers...antishippers...Jack/Sam shippers...Blue Jello/Sam shippers...WHOEVER...As Sam fans of all ilks, we all need to support the idea of some sort of onscreen followup with Jack now because TPTB clearly went that direction and chose to go down that road...and Carter needs to be portrayed as the strong character she is who weathered an emotional storm and came out the other end intact.

    If they ignore it forever, then the whole Pete/Threads/Always blah blah blah was meaningless...and her character will devolve into someone who is all work/all the time...something Jacob never wanted for her and something she realized in season 7 she didn't want for herself either.
    EDIT-argh, can't green ya yet, hun. Sorry.

    Wow. Abso-smurf-ly Uber. So well put. That's exactly the case. Anni and I had a great discussion about this IRL a few times, it's one of those plot points they wrote into canon (with threads) that, even if they want to move forward from it, they'd have to set a few things straight as a result, and they can't very well dismiss that so-called 'emotional epiphany' (to borrow a great term) that Sam had during Threads. Lets say they did leave Jack behind (for whomever else), it would be disrespectful to Sam's character to simply have her fawn over "the new guy" (or gal! ) - or even declare herself perpetually and/or blissfully unattached - without closing the Jack door once and for all. And they can't do that unless Jack actually shows up for a scene with her. Which is why people like Joe mention that Carter's love-life won't be explored much (if at all) for the forseeable future. That truly is pretty contingent on a spot or three with Rick in the room at the same time. As a Sam/Jack pro-ponent, I think that's pretty a pretty cool bit of leverage we've got there. But as a Sam Carter fan, I'm disgruntled with the fact that I'm positive we won't be seeing much (if anything) more to Sam's inner-character-development (which we won't have to extrapolate ourselves) the rest of this season at all. The producers have said as much; Carter, in their minds, had her season "last season". This season is apparently the (d)evolving "Ben Browder" show; with a really cool supporting cast. Hm. Poor Chris Judge, I remember an interview with him where he (smilingly) said he remembered the early days of SG-1 being "Rick (and those other three mooks!)". He was so excited about season nine. Apparently, however, in the eyes of the producers, he's still a mook. Lets rename them like Borg shall we? Lets call Chris, "2 of 3" and be done with it.
    Last edited by minigeek; 13 October 2005, 06:22 PM.

    Live On Stage in Toronto - August 8,9,10 2008
    ~all proceeds to benefit charity~


      Originally posted by Dani76
      I couldn't agree more with you guys. Some nice hand to hand combat would be awesome, a sword fight would be even better. But I guess, TPTB don't think that that is something for a "woman". I don't know, I am getting really frustrated with that whole issue, no matter whether it's the leadership problem or what kind of things they give each character to do. It seems it was more equal before. That's why I got so interested in the Sam character to begin with, she was one of them, it was not the three guys and the girl. She got to do the "cool stuff", too. Now it seems as if they are stepping backwards in the "emancipation process" of the show. Maybe it's because of the many changes in the ranks of TPTB. It's just really disappointing.

      Here is some "hand to hand combat" Sam.

      Yup, those were the days.
      Great post and we're back to singing, "Those were the days, my friend, we thought they'd never end ...." Yes, we seem to be going in the wrong direction for sure. Sex the female objects up and let the boys play with their swords!


        Originally posted by ChopinGal
        Thanks, AD. Although, regarding Camelot ...
        I'd much rather see Carter slinging the sword like that Mermaid in Warsaw! JM's "Amanda as scientist and adventurer" may translate into AT looking in a test-tube and getting excited over something in her lab ... Let's put the sword in her hand, for godsake!





          Originally posted by Strix varia
          Nice legs, Coley. Very nice indeed.

          Nice dog, too.
          Gosh, I'm jealous ... you didn't tell me I had nice legs when we were in Intercourse!


            Originally posted by jerin

            Non-shippers, I'm sorry, but I think all the shippers have converted me. I used to be a non-shipper, especially after seeing Kerrie or whoever that was in Threads, but maybe it's cuz I'm a hopeless romantic, or maybe it's cuz AT & RDA are really good actors. they've converted me. Hides from flying objects being thrown at her from non-shippers.

            *looks smugly at AD*




              Originally Posted by LaCroix:
              I know I'm getting old and my vision isn't what it used to be. But did Darren delete Sharso'plenty thread about Mitchell as leader? Because I can't find it anywhere.
              Nah, your vision is fine. I can't find the thread either. I suppose it was deleted, but I have to say that I'm disappointed to have missed the final salvo. I'm not sure what was said to finally warrant killing the whole thread, but it must have been pretty damn entertaining. Guess I'll have to find somewhere else to get a laugh now.


                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                Thanks Strix...and I think you've made a great point with this.

                They went down the path of telling the story so that one walked away with the impression they cared for each other and wanted more. And since they did, they need to follow through with it for the sake of the Carter character and validate her struggles.

                At this point with Jack not around and no longer her CO, the argument of whether or not they belong together or whether or not she and Jack have feelings for each other or is there chemistry between them is completely moot. So shipper, non-shipper anti shipper...whatever...none of that matters anymore. It's now about how they need to be true to the character and what she experienced and what they spent so much time on last season.

                Just acknowledge it and put and end to this part of the debate...which I think they want to but ignoring it actually makes her look worse. Have an on screen acknowledgement now and then...and I don't mean beat us over the head with it but some subtle nods to say yes, she went through these things and this is who she is now...that way the emotional struggles and conflicts she endured will not have been in vain.

                Something on screen in this regard can only strengthen Carter overall as being a rounded out person who isn't all about her work and isn't all about her personal life...she'd be balanced.

                My big fear is that they're going to swing the pendulum too far the other way and completely ignore what she went through. But this would make her as unbalanced as only showing her personal side and actually would be a poor attempt to try to turn back the clock to the early seasons where we didn't know as much about her or relate as much to her...she'd just be the superhero brainiac who saves the day...and like I said would be an unbalanced portrayal of Carter because the can of worms was opened and they can't shove them back in. Just deal with it is what it is. And to ignore it would be wholly unfair to her character and to her fans who went through it with her.

                I want to see the Carter who went through it all and is still standing. I love seeing Kickbutt!Sam and Scientist!Sam...but I want to see that she didn't go though all of that emotional turmoil in vain and a few acknowledgements sprinkled about next season would be completely appropriate and again would validate what she endured. And frankly, I think we as her fans are due that respect since they chose to highlight this aspect of her personna.
                Wowza! An excellent dissection and proposition ... yes, we all deserve better and none more so than the character herself!


                  Originally posted by majorsal
                  does anyone have amanda's newest interview in the official stargate sg1 mag, issue #7? if so, can you tell us what amanda said?

                  Sally this magazine is not set to hit the news stands until Oct 25th. People that have subscriptions to the magazine may get it early. I used to have a subscription but after every issue arriving 1 or 2 weeks after the newest issue was on the news stand I did not renew this year.
                  My View From The Peanut Gallery


                    Originally posted by Dani76
                    THANK YOU!!! My thoughts exactly, but I was still hoping that I was reading it the wrong way.

                    ... Please, someone tell me, that I am reading it the wrong way.
                    I copied PDL's words from the transcript posted on the main page of GW ... you can read the entire interview there. I was also trying to make sure that I didn't represent it out of context when I copied those excerpts. There is also an audio version. But I had no desire to listen to it.


                      Originally posted by jckfan55
                      I would agree that the sex fiend aspect is probably a defense mechanism for V. and some of her comments are funny. I just think the writers missed the boat by not exploring it more. If you're going to have a character for *several* episodes, for gosh sakes, you should do more than write one liners. I suspect Vala would let her guard done around Sam and they could work together well. there was a glimmer of mutual respect in that one episode, but the opportunity was lost to do more. Of course for all we know, there was a scene with the two of them that was lost on the cutting room floor, just like the important scene in Ascension was.

                      Speaking of which, I nominate either Ascension or Foothold for our next Sam episode viewing. What say Samandans?

                      Oh, and I also was appalled by PDL's comments. Sexy outfit so who cares what she says? He was probably trying to be funny--but for me "trying" is a description of his "humor" most of the time. (ducks) Supporting cast? RDA was a name, so yes, they were going to put him above the title. But in practice it was really an ensemble show.
                      DUH ... what "important scene in Ascension" got cut?!! Inquiring minds want to know ...

                      On that note, I think we should watch Ascension this weekend. Foothold was just on Monday night. I vote for Ascension especially after you tell me where the missing scene was supposed to go!


                        Originally posted by Skydiver
                        how we used to judge people videoing at gatecon was simply if they held theri camera up for more than a few seconds, well then they weren't just taking a picture

                        as to vala's defense mechanism, i can see that, i can see her using her body and sexuality to get what she wants. and we can't even use our own cultural taboos to judge her. just because earth western culture frowns upon an individual selling/using his/her body as a source of income, that's not to say that everyone else in the galaxy does

                        i wouild like to see her without her 'protective shell'. i think there is a lot more to her....however comments like PdL's don't exactly encourage me that we'll ever see it. Peter is hysterical and a nice guy. he's funnny and very likeable...and has the attitudes and sense of humor of a hormone ridden neanderthal.
                        Yeah, PDL should really leave the funny stuff to his DAD! Dom is frellin' hilarious!

                        I'm inclined to think that PDL wasn't really thinking. I'm also guessing that he's not see anything else Claudia has done. She does have fabulous comedic timing and can say so much with one look (much like Amanda). Again, I think he's going for the "horny teenage boy" factor with crude comments like that.
                        I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                          Thanks Strix...and I think you've made a great point with this.

                          They went down the path of telling the story so that one walked away with the impression they cared for each other and wanted more. And since they did, they need to follow through with it for the sake of the Carter character and validate her struggles.

                          At this point with Jack not around and no longer her CO, the argument of whether or not they belong together or whether or not she and Jack have feelings for each other or is there chemistry between them is completely moot. So shipper, non-shipper anti shipper...whatever...none of that matters anymore. It's now about how they need to be true to the character and what she experienced and what they spent so much time on last season.

                          Just acknowledge it and put and end to this part of the debate...which I think they want to but ignoring it actually makes her look worse. Have an on screen acknowledgement now and then...and I don't mean beat us over the head with it but some subtle nods to say yes, she went through these things and this is who she is now...that way the emotional struggles and conflicts she endured will not have been in vain.

                          Something on screen in this regard can only strengthen Carter overall as being a rounded out person who isn't all about her work and isn't all about her personal life...she'd be balanced.

                          My big fear is that they're going to swing the pendulum too far the other way and completely ignore what she went through. But this would make her as unbalanced as only showing her personal side and actually would be a poor attempt to try to turn back the clock to the early seasons where we didn't know as much about her or relate as much to her...she'd just be the superhero brainiac who saves the day...and like I said would be an unbalanced portrayal of Carter because the can of worms was opened and they can't shove them back in. Just deal with it is what it is. And to ignore it would be wholly unfair to her character and to her fans who went through it with her.

                          I want to see the Carter who went through it all and is still standing. I love seeing Kickbutt!Sam and Scientist!Sam...but I want to see that she didn't go though all of that emotional turmoil in vain and a few acknowledgements sprinkled about next season would be completely appropriate and again would validate what she endured. And frankly, I think we as her fans are due that respect since they chose to highlight this aspect of her personna.

                          Über, have you considered writing the ptb and telling them this? use your first post and then this one.




                            Originally posted by Skydiver
                            gonna get a little action huh???
                            *snickersnort Sky, you crack me up!
                            I prefer to be called Sunny, Sun or SK. Thanks.


                              Originally posted by Jeffer
                              Hey hows it going this is my first time to this Thread and

                              Sam would be hot in a Parka and a big puffy hat
                              Welcome, Jeffer ... how about this?!


                                Originally posted by ChopinGal
                                Sounds great to me! I noticed that Teyla is getting her fair share of physical combat and mixing it up with the guys on SA. Another plot idea: send Carter to the Pegasus Galaxy (or wherever) and let her and Teyla battle their way out of a situation! Oh, heck, throw Vala in for good measure ... the Three Galactic Musketeers!

                                I am so wanting some good fight scenes ... do you think my estrogen bubble has gone berserk and my androgens are rising?!
                                When you come visit, CG, we'll put you in armor and teach you to fight.

                                My LJ

