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    Originally posted by Sir Ruff
    hmm.. I'll have to check that
    lol, i don't know, but I guess I just always assumed it was his preference to be referred to that way. being a very non-military person, i always thought he didn't want to be treated military.

    ~~Close To Crazy~~
    Psychotic Kitten
    'we can all read between the lines'


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      I think she'll go off world but not all the time ..I don't think she would want to either ..and she can be of great value and be a strong independant woman off base too ....I'm not saying that I want to see her like that and I didn't mean behind a desk ..I think she 'll be travelling from SGC to Washington a lot ..for work and pleasure .. ..but I think that the character we knew in the ealier years has grown as a mature woman ..and I think TPTB will take that into consideration ..What would be the point to have a life with Jack now if she is blowing her face up in the next mission!!!! ...

      ....and I reckon this is why TPTB is bringing some new people along so that Sam can do other things ..and spend time with Jack off screen mostly but I think we'll see them on screen too at work in Washington does not mean it 's gonna be less exiting for her ..she just does not have to risk her life so much ..she did it for 8 years that she has what she wants (Jack) she may just want to spend more time on a scientific project like
      building their own Stargate I 've heard that was a spoiler too in season 9 ..and she can still kick A$$ Most of the time if somebody interrupts her ....not Jack's As$$


      I don't know, I do understand where you are coming from, but it's still not what I want for her. It'll be like Jack in season 8 all over again for me. I want to see lots of team missions through the gate in season 9, and without her, even if its only some of the time, wouldn't seem right for me. I do hope she does make plenty of washington trips too But not at the expense of her credibility either. Unfortunately, as much as I love to see ship, i've come to the point where i'm going to expect a lot of it to be off screen, otherwise people will be all 'grr Samgate grr' and I dont want that for her, I want her character to regain a little bit more respect after the whole s8 fiasco.

      ~~Close To Crazy~~
      Psychotic Kitten
      'we can all read between the lines'


        Originally posted by Sir Ruff
        Got me there
        I think it was correct of Alt Jack to call Sam Carter and that's just a mistake that he didn't call Daniel Jackson... I mean he called Kawalsky Kawalsky and so on.. I don't know why he had changed his ways for Danny

        OOPs I think I made a mistake ..I think that Alt Jack should have
        called Alt Sam "Sam "and not "Carter "....she was not in the military ..and again this is a big miss opportunity from TPTB to even show a bit more of the chemistry because believe it or not ..I think if Jack could call Sam "Sam" it will make a big impact on the chemistry level and vice versa
        and that's a real shame's only a name's not like they were jumping each other at every minute of the episode

        Anyway , it 's only a minor point of view I suppose .....but I hope they'll call each other "Sam "and "Jack" in season 9 premiere .



          Originally posted by Catysg1
          OOPs I think I made a mistake ..I think that Alt Jack should have
          called Alt Sam "Sam "and not "Carter "....she was not in the military ..and again this is a big miss opportunity from TPTB to even show a bit more of the chemistry because believe it or not ..I think if Jack could call Sam "Sam" it will make a big impact on the chemistry level and vice versa
          and that's a real shame's only a name's not like they were jumping each other at every minute of the episode

          Anyway , it 's only a minor point of view I suppose .....but I hope they'll call each other "Sam "and "Jack" in season 9 premiere .

          I was thinking about this, and maybe
          Carter stuck because she was introduced to him as doctor carter, and he just dropped the 'doctor' part, cause we know how much he [sarcasm]loves[/sarcasm] scientists, and maybe he didn't want a reminder that the woman he had the hots for, at the time, was a scientist.
          I dunno, it's not a perfect explanation, but it made sense to me at least lol.

          ~~Close To Crazy~~
          Psychotic Kitten
          'we can all read between the lines'


            Originally posted by Catysg1
            OOPs I think I made a mistake ..I think that Alt Jack should have
            called Alt Sam "Sam "and not "Carter "....
            .....but I hope they'll call each other "Sam "and "Jack" in season 9 premiere .

            I'm hoping that he will call her
            Mrs. O'Neill. And what would she call him - Mr. O, or the big O ?

            What do you think?
            Distinguished Service Ribbon Goa'uld Campaign
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              This is such a funny face I have to post it here as well. Hope you don't mind

              M2 spoiler ahead!



                Originally posted by Blaise
                I don't know, I do understand where you are coming from, but it's still not what I want for her. It'll be like Jack in season 8 all over again for me. I want to see lots of team missions through the gate in season 9, and without her, even if its only some of the time, wouldn't seem right for me. I do hope she does make plenty of washington trips too But not at the expense of her credibility either. Unfortunately, as much as I love to see ship, i've come to the point where i'm going to expect a lot of it to be off screen, otherwise people will be all 'grr Samgate grr' and I dont want that for her, I want her character to regain a little bit more respect after the whole s8 fiasco.
                I'm just speculating there and considering AT's conditions too .
                Me too but do you trust TPTB ??!!.. me not really and we need to be prepared for the worse to come ..

                Also AT will be missing for 5 episodes so far ..who knows it won't be more !!! nobody knows and she may want to have more time too with her new baby once he/she has arrived ..we'll never know how she feels until it's there ...and I have a feeling that she may even stay away more than 5 episodes ..Again I hope ..but in that case ..they'll have to find a story to explain that too ....

                When she is there (ON SCREEN)..then ..she can kick A$$ again but to risk her life at every mission considering she has done it for 8 years ...and now that she has Jack she may just want to do something else carreer wise too...and pass the torch to somebody else .. (that's where the new colonel comes in (BB/Cameron Mitchell) to cover when she is not around )who knows !!! I'm just speculating because I think Sam will be off screen a lot in season 9 too ..that's all ...and I don't think we 'll see much of Sam and Jack either ..We may get lucky to have one scene though .



                  Originally posted by Catysg1
                  OOPs I think I made a mistake ..I think that Alt Jack should have
                  called Alt Sam "Sam "and not "Carter "....she was not in the military ..and again this is a big miss opportunity from TPTB to even show a bit more of the chemistry because believe it or not ..I think if Jack could call Sam "Sam" it will make a big impact on the chemistry level and vice versa
                  and that's a real shame's only a name's not like they were jumping each other at every minute of the episode

                  Anyway , it 's only a minor point of view I suppose .....but I hope they'll call each other "Sam "and "Jack" in season 9 premiere .

                  Just jumping in here!

                  I agree with you Caty
                  I really want them to call each other by their first names. After 9 years I don't see the harm!
                  But as for the season 9 premiere. We won't have Sam and Jack in it will we??? If Amanda is not doing the first 5 episodes, we won't see them??? Unless they can shoot a few scenes when she gets back (wishful thinking I know )!? I haven’t read many spoilers for season 9 anyway (not that there are probably a lot!) Like you said, we probably won't see much of them anyway, it will be mostly off screen!

                  Last edited by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules); 26 February 2005, 06:08 AM.

                  By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

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                  My Myspace


                    Originally posted by Zoser

                    I'm hoping that he will call her
                    Mrs. O'Neill. And what would she call him - Mr. O, or the big O ?

                    What do you think?
                    Yeah ..that would be cute .. without even knowing that they actually
                    got married ..just imagine !!! ..the next phone call Sam gest ..chevron guy comes in and says to Sam :

                    Chevron Guy "Colonel O important call for you"

                    Subtle but sure

                    That would be great specially if it's like 6 months later or something



                      Originally posted by Catysg1
                      Yeah ..that would be cute .. without even knowing that they actually
                      got married ..just imagine !!! ..the next phone call Sam gest ..chevron guy comes in and says to Sam :

                      Chevron Guy "Colonel O important call for you"

                      Subtle but sure

                      That would be great specially if it's like 6 months later or something

                      LMAO!!!!!!!!! That's be hilarious!
                      I think it would be nice to see a little something like that though



                        Originally posted by scaryperson
                        LMAO!!!!!!!!! That's be hilarious!
                        I think it would be nice to see a little something like that though

                        How about a little Hand shot on both O'Neill and Carter showing the wedding bands
                        And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                          Originally posted by Blaise
                          I was thinking about this, and maybe
                          Carter stuck because she was introduced to him as doctor carter, and he just dropped the 'doctor' part, cause we know how much he [sarcasm]loves[/sarcasm] scientists, and maybe he didn't want a reminder that the woman he had the hots for, at the time, was a scientist.
                          I dunno, it's not a perfect explanation, but it made sense to me at least lol.

                          I still think we should not excuse TPTB for that ..that was pretty lame I thought considering that he told her to
                          call him Jack too ..and she never did call him Jack what was the point of that line??!!! What did it mean ?!!

                          I was expecting for her to call him Jack at least once ..but Nada ..the last time she called him Jack and she was our sam and in the military ..was the lost city why not have her call him like that too once in Moebius 2 specially between the Alt Sam and Jack .

                          I don't see the tptb reasoning behind that unless pi$$ing off the shippers a bit more ..but that's just me ..and vice versa was even worse hearing Alt Jack Calling Alt Sam "Carter" .



                            Originally posted by Sir Ruff
                            This is such a funny face I have to post it here as well. Hope you don't mind

                            M2 spoiler ahead!


                            I loved that face! Very funny! (but did make me cringe a little)

                            Sam's face with all it's quirky expressions when she was going to tell that guy off for stealing her study
                            now that was funny!



                              Originally posted by Sir Ruff
                              This is such a funny face I have to post it here as well. Hope you don't mind

                              M2 spoiler ahead!


                              Love the whole sarcastic look on jacks face
                              And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                                Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
                                How about a little Hand shot on both O'Neill and Carter showing the wedding bands
                                Ooooo, that's another good plan, i really think TBTB should be reading through these, and taking use of them.........


