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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by Catysg1
    BreRen I'm an x-files addict ( I didn't like the give up the baby story line either and I think nobody did ..I didn't like the ensemble cast coming to the show either but I liked all the rest ...) There was a tremedous amount of ship in all episodes and the lines were perfect ..."You are my one in 5 billions " "You're my touchstone" "If it rains sleeping bags you may get lucky" ....ECT....all that stuff was brilliant
    The last episode "The truth" was full of ship ..
    no love scene obviuosly as such but they do end up in the same motel as the pilote , with some sensual moments
    and I liked it .

    Now yes Jack did get
    the catch of the day at the end of Moebius 2 or shall I say Threads !!!!..

    I really love both shows equally ....I would not say one is better than the other but more ship in the x-files .....and they both messed up (the x-files with the baby arc ( Adoption) and introduction of new characters and Stargate with love triangle and soon something else season 9 I expect ).

    I did say though in a post earlier ..that Stargate offers a very important choice in varietes in the making of videos ..because I think any songs would fit , banter and because of the love triangle we can now make other things to about stress in relationship and wrong partners ect.... ..ect... ..but also it's a team show so there are other interesting action scenes you can use to and make it more team work.

    Ahh vids... I'm only just getting into making those myself--I've done two now! And I have one I have been working on for... almost a year now! Akk! To Meat Loaf's I'd Do Anything For Love, and I think I can finally finish it now thanx to Threads!

    Hmm.... vid bunnies flying, gonna go work on that!
    Love and hot fudge,
    Bren Ren
    My stories!



      Originally posted by Anubis
      That's right Bev, they needed to actually SHOW Sam dealing with more tough decisions and see how she reacts, but it never appeared, surprising enough! Either the writers can't actually WRITE it or they're trying to concentrate on throwing the show downhill.

      It does look like it specially with season 9 coming soon with hardly any RDA and limited AT

      Oh well was good when it lasted

      There will always be another show around the corner
      I'm looking forward to watch "Lost"when it airs soon in the UK ( don't know when but hopefully soon!!)
      I've heard a lot about Josh and the drooling bucket so I can't wait to see him in there .
      and I've heard it was a great show ..I saw some threads here and elsewhere full of thousands of posts when it starts here ..I'll catch up on those threads ..can't wait ...I even joined the "Lost"website already but haven't posted yet.



        Originally posted by dipsofjazz
        I agree with you. Sam earned her promotion, and is now in charge of SG-1. What the writers failed to do in S8 was to show us her actually in charge!I want to see kick-ass Sam back, I want to see how she copes with making the tough decisions. I also want to know that she's in a happy relationship with Jack! We could have both...or at least, we could if only we had decent writers!
        Can I jump in to say I totally agree with you. For me one of the worst things TPTb did to Sam was to undermind her as a soldier. Yes they promoted her but never let her actually be in command,take military decisions and lead her team through the gate . I still reel at the way she was undermined by mini Jack and the pilots in S7. We need to see Sam as a capable officer in the field, commanding the respect of other military men and not just Teal'c and daniel. Then, if they decide her knoledge and expertise in all things cientific and gate related are too important to be put at risk in everyday missions I would expect her to fight against it until she is overruled by someone like the president. I don't think Sam has any problems about her scientific acceptance but I always thought she feels a need to justify her military worthiness , beeing a woman in a man' world and all that.
        So if they are going to take Sam away from regular gate missions ( and I accept that real life may have a part in it if At is spending time with her baby ) then the least TPTB can do for her caracter is to make her go with her military abilities restaured.


          Originally posted by Catysg1
          It does look like it specially with season 9 coming soon with hardly any RDA and limited AT

          Oh well was good when it lasted

          There will always be another show around the corner
          I'm looking forward to watch "Lost"when it airs soon in the UK ( don't know when but hopefully soon!!)
          I've heard a lot about Josh and the drooling bucket so I can't wait to see him in there .
          and I've heard it was a great show ..I saw some threads here and elsewhere full of thousands of posts when it starts here ..I'll catch up on those threads ..can't wait ...I even joined the "Lost"website already but haven't posted yet.


          It does, Caty. S9 seems to keep looking worse now the closer it gets, but there's still a small percentage of it going well, if the writers can actually DEAL with it well. With a bit of luck, it will turn out just "ok" but I won't get too hyped about the season. I'm looking more forward to what Sky will be airing throughout the year and when they'll be airing S2 of Atlantis. But I can't say as I'm too bothered if I see S9 or not .. I don't expect much in ship OR the overall episode quality.



            Originally posted by jafacakes
            Can I jump in to say I totally agree with you. For me one of the worst things TPTb did to Sam was to undermind her as a soldier. Yes they promoted her but never let her actually be in command,take military decisions and lead her team through the gate . I still reel at the way she was undermined by mini Jack and the pilots in S7.
            Oh, don't get me started on that episode. Again, I think it was really bad writing, and made Sam look so bad.
            Originally posted by jafacakes
            We need to see Sam as a capable officer in the field, commanding the respect of other military men and not just Teal'c and daniel. Then, if they decide her knoledge and expertise in all things cientific and gate related are too important to be put at risk in everyday missions I would expect her to fight against it until she is overruled by someone like the president. I don't think Sam has any problems about her scientific acceptance but I always thought she feels a need to justify her military worthiness , beeing a woman in a man' world and all that.
            So if they are going to take Sam away from regular gate missions ( and I accept that real life may have a part in it if At is spending time with her baby ) then the least TPTB can do for her caracter is to make her go with her military abilities restaured.
            I realize that Amanda may want to cut down on her schedule, and it may be easier on both her and the writers if she does more scientific work, but I still hate the fact that at the start of S8 we had her promoted to being commander of the elite SG unit, only to have stories that never give us the chance to see her command! We could see what she has learned from watching Jack in command, as well as showing her own form of leadership. It's just another wasted opportunity, along with all the shippy ones we could have had.


              Originally posted by dipsofjazz
              I realize that Amanda may want to cut down on her schedule, and it may be easier on both her and the writers if she does more scientific work, but I still hate the fact that at the start of S8 we had her promoted to being commander of the elite SG unit, only to have stories that never give us the chance to see her command! We could see what she has learned from watching Jack in command, as well as showing her own form of leadership. It's just another wasted opportunity, along with all the shippy ones we could have had.

              Exactly a reason that I no longer have too many hopes for ANY episodes in the future, no matter how much we're promised, it will never be anything we actually WANT to see, just something pointless to fill a few scenes.



                There's so much going on in this thread in the last few days and I have a limited time to post but just want to say something broadly, not aimed at anyone.

                For those that are full of animosity recently just remember the hours of joy that stargate has brought to us and all the great fluffy things that make us smile years after first seeing them.

                Remember that we don't write the show and that just because things are exactly the way you want them to be.
                Spoilers mobeous: Although I was disappointed, TPTB were aiming at us, don't forget that, but in many people's minds they got it wrong. Well we have another season to make it up. And yest I am aware of people's absence next year. But what is Life without Hope!?

                Anyway we're not five years old so we should grow up a little and be happy and remember as much as I'm obsessed with it, it's still tv.
                And as people have been mentioning X-Files on this thread recently, I could have easily abandoned it after season seven but would have missed out on so much and am a happier person to this day because of the X-Files. Really am.

                Take care all. Sorry for not posting much. I usually am so happy reading your posts and feeling some togetherness(I know how corny that is) so please everyone, be happy!


                  Hey there

                  Everybody o.k

                  I'm just dropping in to ask you to share in the second part of my birthday festivities......Well really i'm just showing you a pic of my cake but u can pretend its reall if you want to

                  So here it is ;

                  Enjoy, i know i will once i have recovered from the stupid amounts of alcohol i consumed last night.

                  speak to you soon


                  United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                  honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                    Cool cake. And I had to eat a picture of me as a baby for my 18th!


                      yer my mum was frobiden from the use of ANY baby photos, thankfully she complied without the use of violence

                      United we stand,Divided we fall. - The Shipper Family
                      honoured member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team


                        Originally posted by nalex1013
                        Cool cake. And I had to eat a picture of me as a baby for my 18th!
                        All things considered, I'd rather eat Jack.

                        Oops, wrong thread...

                        Love and hot fudge,
                        Bren Ren
                        My stories!



                          Great cake misstweedle dee and great pics I'm glad you found a good pic for it

                          What was inside the cake ??? not Jack !!!



                            Love the cake Leanne!!!

                            RL's been a bit well...a bit of a mess recently. But never fear...

                            ...I'm sending you the P&P for the DVD, and a little something to say thank you!

                            Anywho...I'm back from shopping...I actually bought a skirt! People will think I've gone crazy!

                            I agree about Sam...I loved her character in the first seasons but from about halfway through season seven...she's been a little...blank.

                            Another thing - where has her wardrobe gone????? She used to dress casually with minimum make-up (because she's stunning without it).

                            Now she's wearing fluffy pink Jackets and a lot of make-up.

                            She seems a lot more introverted too...She used to stick up for things she believed in and she loved to confuse Jack (what's with the worm part???). Now she just does what she's told...

                            Saying that...I think from Threads onwards...
                            she's been acting like herself again...

                            ...especially when she ordered Jack around in Moeb1!
                            Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)



                              *watches tumbleweed roll past*

                              Where have the shippers gone???

                              If someone doesn't start talking about them...

                              ...they may have to TALK *gasp* to each other *gasp*!
                              Part 2 coming very soon!! (this is a fic btw, not the Fandemonium novel)


                                i'm here...
                                i just don't have anything to post right now!!
                                oh, just watched the moebius kiss again and it was so cute with the sparks flying and the shippy music...

