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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by scaryperson
    sleeping......longer than i should have.....eeep
    6th form, lessons and such
    work....working and suck

    I swear you posted a pic back on page 407ish???????

    but i like my shippers closer to home......

    Yeah I ment I haven't posted it anywhere else on the web before today.
    ..close to home well maybe PT isn't moving here right now..

    What's in your calendar for tomorrow? Hope you'll be here !
    Last edited by Sir Ruff; 22 February 2005, 04:37 PM.


      Originally posted by Catysg1
      the kiss was a 3 stages kiss..and long...they got to know each other pretty quiclky I think ...and she kissed him first ..then he kissed her ....then they looked at each other ...they both kissed again before falling on the floor ..and then sparks ...they had sex in the puddlejumper and Made Daniel and Teal'c wait ...Shame it was not the real one though

      all the pics in page 236.....237

      Yeah - loved that bit.
      Lamo when Sam said she fancied Daniel! Jack's face was fantastic. Then "I lied!" and plants one on him. She is one LUCKY woman.


        Originally posted by Catysg1
        the kiss was a 3 stages kiss..and long...they got to know each other pretty quiclky I think ...and she kissed him first ..then he kissed her ....then they looked at each other ...they both kissed again before falling on the floor ..and then sparks ...they had sex in the puddlejumper and Made Daniel and Teal'c wait ...Shame it was not the real one though

        all the pics in page 236.....237

        thanks Caty M2
        for explaining that better. Though everything took place in AU timeline, I would like to think positive on the situation. We will be having AT for 15 eps and RDA for 4/5. If the PTB can just do something to continue that thought after the PJ sparks and on to DC. I know I am really pulling straws but I love our S/J so much.

        avatar and sig by flidget


          Originally posted by gatebee
          thanks Caty M2
          for explaining that better. Though everything took place in AU timeline, I would like to think positive on the situation. We will be having AT for 15 eps and RDA for 4/5. If the PTB can just do something to continue that thought after the PJ sparks and on to DC. I know I am really pulling straws but I love our S/J so much.
          Me too. That's why we're here

          Is it confirmed we get RDA for a few eps or is it just wishful thinking? *crosses fingers so tightly they won't come undone again *


            Originally posted by Sir Ruff
            Yeah I ment I haven't posted it anywhere else on the web before today.
            ..close to home well maybe PT isn't moving here right now..

            What's in your calendar for tomorrow? Hope you'll here !
            Yes, but only on two short occasions (working again)

            I will come and see you Sir Ruff....i'll be on again in full swing on Saturday, and all next week! so



              Originally posted by MajorSam
              Just finished watching Moebius again, first chance to post:

              I DONT' KNOW WHAT TO THINK!!! :EEK: I mean... there was some damn hot kisses/makin out going on but it WASN'T REAL!?!?!??!!!!!! I mean... and then in OUR timeline the whole "You have to pack!" with the smug looks.... I'll stick with some of you guys saying She's movin in!!!

              But why the hell do PTB have to do this!?!??! Yes we got makin out, but NOT REAL! We got visual, but NOT CONFIRMATION, because we didn't see OUR people!!! So... so the anti's got all they wanted... (so help me if they're whining about AU Sam/jack!!!!) but we... we got half shafted... I don't know if I should be super happy, or on the verge of death!!!

              *wanders off in daze muttering to self*

              Poor, poor MS ... I wandered over here to see how all the shippers were taking this and read through all the spoilers at the Moebius 2 thread - won't see it in the states for a few weeks. From what I've read, it sounds like the "real thing" has still not occurred ... that's a shame .... you'll all have to keep baking those shipper cookies you do so well.

              Peace! CG


                Originally posted by scaryperson
                Lol I loved that too

                Did you win that video award thing? If it hasn't been announced yet, when will it be?

                There are awards from many sites ..I entered some videos in one site about 6 months ago..and I got an award for the Jack video section and an award for the Sam video section ..The awards are on my site now I actually didn't know ..Somebody really nice told me yesterday I went to pick them up straight away ..they were waiting patiently for me



                  with M2 ending like that, basically leaving us with an AU kiss and sex on the PJ floor, then Threads with Sam packing, and RDA smiling, he has to be back

                  avatar and sig by flidget


                    Originally posted by Catysg1
                    There are awards from many sites ..I entered some videos in one site about 6 months ago..and I got an award for the Jack video section and an award for the Sam video section ..The awards are on my site now I actually didn't know ..Somebody told me yesterday I went to pick them up straight away ..they were waiting patiently for me

                    *wanders off to have a look* back soon


                      Originally posted by scaryperson
                      Yes, but only on two short occasions (working again)

                      I will come and see you Sir Ruff....i'll be on again in full swing on Saturday, and all next week! so


                      Yaaaaay Always fun talking to you What does Tan stand for by the way?


                        Originally posted by Kazan
                        M2 part 4

                        Jaffa are approaching the PJ.
                        Sam is working on it but not yet finished.
                        Jack radios Daniel to say they have a problem.
                        Jack is going to take off but can't. Sam finally manages to get clock working just before the Jaffa arrive but then it fails. The Jaffa start shooting .
                        They take refuge in the back of the PJ. Sam reckons the PJ could explode.

                        Sam says "wait, if we do not make it....." and kisses Jack.
                        Jack - Wait a minute, I thought you liked Daniel
                        Sam - I Lied!!!
                        Jack grabs her and they have a big kiss!!!

                        Tealc and Daniel arrive along with all the locals to overwhelm the Jaffa.

                        Back inside PJ. Daniel says Jack you can come out now.
                        Jack "in a minute" - he kisses Sam again and they go down to the floor of the PJ to make out.
                        The time machine fsparks in the background and sam says - "I can fix that"

                        Cuts back to OUR REAL SG1 back at the SGC. They are watching the original tape. They have succeeded in returning the time line.
                        Sam goes to take the ZPM to the science team.
                        Jack says no I'll take it and then looks at her and says.....
                        "YOU HAVE PACKING TO DO".
                        Sam smiles back at him.

                        CUT to Jacks Cabin and the fishing scene again - the same as THREADS.

                        Sam and Jack are sitting side by side - the sam conversation as before (this is great, we should have done it before etc)
                        Then from behind Sam and Jack, we see a fish jump in the pond. Sam and Jack look at each other - "thought the tape said there were no fish"

                        Then Daniel and Tealc arrive same as from Threads.

                        OK - so no complete I Love you etc but OH YES THEY ARE SOOOO TOGETHER - NO DOUBT IN MY MIND!!!!!!

                        ENd credits

                        spoilers for s8's threads and moebius part two

                        well, i don't know how i feel exactly. i AM disappointed that the kiss was between the alternates, but the stuff in threads still happened, which means pete and kerry are gone and sam and jack are making overtures to get together.

                        i'm *really* surprised that questionable makeout between the alternate sam and jack really happened. i know the alternates aren't our sam and jack, but to kiss and make out during a mission... and then to add that i don't give a peanut about an alternate version that i'd only be able to connect with for two episodes...


                        what i'll do is what i always do; find a way of dealing with a disappointment.

                        the minuses:

                        *it was all the alts doing the big shippy stuff.
                        *our sg1 died in the rebellion? did all of them? how did daniel get out of it?
                        *no OUR sam and jack new shippy stuff. (i guess?)

                        the pluses:

                        *threads still happened. pete and kerry are goooooone.
                        *sam and jack still went fishing. (which implies a breakthrough for their relationship and where it might go)
                        *we didn't SEE our sg1 die!.

                        here's another thing that came to mind, and that i posted on the s/j list.

                        (c/ping it over)

                        do you think this alternates liking each other and going for it was a nod to the shippers? what i mean is we saw the alternates (without any of the regs being an issue) like each other right away and DO something about it. could this be a way of the writers showing us that without the regs, sam and jack would have been together immediately? it looks like the alternates did more in their short relationship than our sam and jack have done it 8 bloody years!

                        well, like i said, i'm not really sure how i feel about things. i'm not totally disappointed because we'd be warned about this alt s/j kiss already, but i still hoped they wouldn't do something like that. so, once again... i'll be hoping/praying for another chance of seeing what i've been wanting for 8 + years... a REAL sam and jack relationship between the REAL sam and jack.

                        i guess it's time to start getting ready for season 9...

                        on a scale of 1 to 10, 10 being happiest... i'm a 7. we got ship (though it's alts that i don't give a crap about), and pete and kerry are gone. i'll adapt and reassemble and all the other stuff you do to carry on without murdering or using small furry animals as juggling toys. :-p

                        todays the first day of reassembling.





                          CATY! Thank you! I am QUITE hot and bothered by this second set of photos. This proves it to me. Without RDA next season, there just is no reason for me to watch anymore. I think I'll have to tell them that at the con this weekend too. Wish some PTB were coming....


                            MajorSal - I took the
                            alt Sam & Jack getting it on so quick to be an indication of that's what our S&J would do if there were no regs in the way - afterall, they are them - kinda. Afterall, they are together in ever AU, so they must be in every AL too. I just want to SEE it in this one!



                              You know how Sam always says you cannot change alot of things in AU because it would change the RT. Well since they made out in the PJ and then the next scene was Threads with Sam packing, their relationship also have change.They are together now just like the way they changed the lake having fishes.

                              avatar and sig by flidget


                                Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                                Hmm. Mixed reviews. I only highlighted a sentence or two here and there...

                                It's funny to see posts like this:

                                Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text Spoiler text

                                But I'll be good not to overdo it on the spoilers... I want to enjoy the episode when I see it in, what, 2 months???

                                At any rate, I'll keep my mind on happy, shippy thoughts:

                                um.... is this pic really from the episode?

                                CAN I HAVE WHAT SHE'S HAVING??? PLEASE????

