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The Sam & Jack Shippers' Archive

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    Originally posted by stargate barbie
    ok, here goes. i know i'm gonna get kicked out of the shipper club for this but;
    i can't believe how negatively this episode has been percieved. i for one quite enjoyed moebius, and while not the best season finale of all time, i still liked it. and how can we complain so much about this
    first of all i think TPTB owe us nothing, at least not the way its being made out in some cases. they have given us a mostly amazing show for the last eight years. and they've given us more or less everything they can give us so far, and i have a lot more faith in them now then i did at the start of the season. we got them fishing, we got a pretty bloody good kiss, we got some serious flirting, we got a lot. how can we possibly think we got screwed over!? the only thing i'm not pleased about is the fact that they killed jacob in threads.

    i'm sorry guys but i had to say this, because, although i haven't read all the posts here, most of what i have read has been really negative about all this. and you're talking to little miss negativity here. i win prizes for it!

    i thought we got so much great stuff out of this, and i for one would like to stand up and say a very big THANK YOU!!! to TPTB for everything they've given us, especially in the last half of season 8.

    sorry again, but i just had to say it. feel free to involve me in debate over this, but i came back here hoping to see some relieved and happy or at least happier shippers.
    Well, you won't get kicked out by me (or maybe I will be kicked out too after this post ) cause I totally agree with you

    I understand why some people may be angry after M2 because they expected so much. As for me I didn't expect this episode to be extremely shippy and I'm happy with what we've got (even if I've not watched it yet )
    What I will remember after this season, shippiness speaking :
    Pete's gone, Kerry's gone (didn't stay long ;-)), Sam and Jack aknowledged their feelings for each other (the infirmary scene in Threads showed that IMO), they FINALLY went fishing, and they seem happier and closer than we have seen them for a long time.

    About all the things we haven't seen, there's still fanfics

    So yes, I'm happy with the way this season ended

    I just wanna add something : I understand also why some other people don't really like to come to this thread since M2 aired cause it's sometimes depressing to read all those negative posts where people are so angry/deceived that they decide it's over, no more SG1 for them.
    Positive posts are much fewer and sometimes drowned in all the other posts.
    I think I'm enough open-minded to listen to all opinions, even if I don't agree with all of them.
    But I understand why suekay took these opinions so hard. She may have reacted a bit too harshly, but I think she may have expressed also what some others thought. Everyone has his/her ups and downs, and suekay is certainly down at this time so don't blame her As for myself, I hope she won't leave this thread cause she's a very nice girl
    Flo ~ FBI - Proud Shep Thunker - Proud member of the Ship Ship Hooray Special Ops Team !


      Originally posted by galaxy
      Okay, again: some nice moments of Beneath the surface...

      The whole ep in general...because once in all the years there stands nothing between them, no regs, no akward feelings, no responsibility, no feeling of guilt, no Pete or whatever else there might be, that keeps them apart...they feel completely comfortable with each other.

      And then the incredibly sad end can really see their frustration and sadness about being forced to give that up! That's so sad!!!
      When she says: "Sir..." and he repeats "Sir." with this look in his eyes....I wanted to cry. LOL

      Oh and two funny scenes from this ep, when they are talking about dreams:

      DANIEL: Did you have the same dream?

      JACK: About you?

      SAM: NO, About the shimmering circle of water.

      JACK: No. My dreams are about --- (looks at Sam) other things.

      and later:

      JACK: Anymore dreams?

      DANIEL: I saw that pool of light again, except this time we were all there. Including TOR.

      JACK: I dreamed about mining --- naked. (Puts the slop on bread in his mouth.) (Sam looks at Jack)

      Hahaha...that was great and SHIPPY!!!

      I really laughed my ass off at that especially the naked line
      And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


        Originally posted by shelsfc
        LOL!! do have great accents!!
        How true! Sean Connery - don't ya just love him
        Billy Boyd - cute accent

        Ya know, audio for these posts could be very revealing - uh I mean interesting!


          Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
          You know, it never occurred to me that I might actually be on someone's ignore list.

          After all, I post such pearls of wisdom. Who'd want to miss out???

          Okay...I have a question and I hope it's not a stupid one, but is "ignore list" symbolic or is there really a ignore list????
          (okay I'm sure this is a stupid question but I dare to ask though.. )


            Originally posted by PoeticTragedy
            Lol sounds like you had fun well Ive been sorting out my little excursion to london today and work but then i came home have watched a few episodes of stargate and just been playing my guitar for a bit devising a new happy shipper song
            I did. I just needed to have some fun. I needed to be with friends, I needed to be cheered up (not that I don't get cheered up by here to of course )!
            Cool! A happy shipper song sounds good, and judging by some posts that have been posted, I think we could all do with a happy song!


            By Jenomac over @ Livejournal

            My Livejournal

            My Myspace


              Originally posted by galaxy
              Okay, again: some nice moments of Beneath the surface...

              The whole ep in general...because once in all the years there stands nothing between them, no regs, no akward feelings, no responsibility, no feeling of guilt, no Pete or whatever else there might be, that keeps them apart...they feel completely comfortable with each other.

              And then the incredibly sad end can really see their frustration and sadness about being forced to give that up! That's so sad!!!
              When she says: "Sir..." and he repeats "Sir." with this look in his eyes....I wanted to cry. LOL

              Oh and two funny scenes from this ep, when they are talking about dreams:

              DANIEL: Did you have the same dream?

              JACK: About you?

              SAM: NO, About the shimmering circle of water.

              JACK: No. My dreams are about --- (looks at Sam) other things.

              and later:

              JACK: Anymore dreams?

              DANIEL: I saw that pool of light again, except this time we were all there. Including TOR.

              JACK: I dreamed about mining --- naked. (Puts the slop on bread in his mouth.) (Sam looks at Jack)

              Hahaha...that was great and SHIPPY!!!

              Oh yeah! Love that look at the end - makes you want to cry doesn't it? Ship and humour in one massive dose. It rarely gets any better


                Originally posted by Oma-1
                Hmm - hadn't thought of it like that. If all your posts are this good why have you been away!

                Please continue to grace us with your presence

                btw - I love your tag - lol
                thankya. i've been away cos i'm really busy with school and whatnot.

                and on a completely unrelated topic, in response to another post by someone else and i'm just to lazy to post seperately:
                i don't have anyone on my ignore list. i dont' see the point and i think in a way its kinda rude.


                  Originally posted by galaxy
                  Okay...I have a question and I hope it's not a stupid one, but is "ignore list" symbolic or is there really a ignore list????
                  (okay I'm sure this is a stupid question but I dare to ask though.. )
                  aaah its cool galaxy there is an ignore list I think if someone is in your ignore list then you dont see their posts
                  And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                    Originally posted by Twisted Angel (Sam_rules)
                    I did. I just needed to have some fun. I needed to be with friends, I needed to be cheered up (not that I don't get cheered up by here to of course )!
                    Cool! A happy shipper song sounds good, and judging by some posts that have been posted, I think we could all do with a happy song!

                    Have you seen the first line we have
                    And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.


                      Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                      Welcome Sam/JackForever!

                      We are happy to have you join us.

                      And don't worry about the language thing. I have a problem with it too sometimes and English is my native language.

                      The good news is that the only language you need to speak fluently on this forum is that of Shipuguese (or is that Shippian? or Shippinese?)

                      lol! fortunately we don't care about spelling here! goob jog doo!


                        Originally posted by Sam/JackForever
                        Hello !
                        I'm new here and I just want to introduce myself. So, HI!

                        I'm not really "new" here, I actually check out the forum almost every day...for many months now...
                        I have to say that I'm really impressed. There are so many shippers out there and it's just great to see how different people from all over the world get together at this place.
                        I am a huge shipper! I cannot live without it.

                        I want to thank you, because each and every one of you is to blame that I am totally addicted now. Thank you!

                        I don't know what I would do without this thread!!

                        Sam and Jack forever!!

                        PS: English is not my native language, so please excuse my mistakes.
                        WELCOME, WELCOME, WELCOME and enjoy posting lots

                        avatar and sig by flidget


                          Originally posted by gatebee
                          Good morning, good afternoon and good evening. Just dropping in for a quick look around.
                          Gatebee, this is for you to use...



                            hi guys,

                            Don't care if i have to take my girls to school in the morning and there isn't any snow (boo hoo) i am in the middle of a stargate marathon,i am on season 3 shipper moments but i must admit i love 'in the line of duty' but hey i will be on my most fav episodes son D&C WOO can't wait woo hoo.......




                              Originally posted by ÜberSG-1Fan
                              Welcome Sam/JackForever!

                              We are happy to have you join us.

                              And don't worry about the language thing. I have a problem with it too sometimes and English is my native language.

                              The good news is that the only language you need to speak fluently on this forum is that of Shipuguese (or is that Shippian? or Shippinese?)

                              Aawwww, Shippinese sounds cute. Let's call our language Shippinese! YAY!


                                Originally posted by wynter
                                hi guys,

                                Don't care if i have to take my girls to school in the morning and there isn't any snow (boo hoo) i am in the middle of a stargate marathon,i am on season 3 shipper moments but i must admit i love 'in the line of duty' but hey i will be on my most fav episodes son D&C WOO can't wait woo hoo.......

                                hey wynter
                                And all these bad dreams, I wake up to the light. And when I can't sleep, I wake up to your eyes.

