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Original Starship Design Thread

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    Originally posted by rosstaylor
    1. if i didn't make that deadalus on sketch up, where did i get it from, as there is othing that good in the warehouse
    2. i offered up the aurora base bit cos i havent been bothered to carry on.

    3.after over 10 hours i cannot not be bothered to put my rail guns on properly.

    4.i did look at other peoples models for bits, as inspiration, but the design is based completely on pics of the sicfi
    5. how could i take the doors off your columbia it is not in the warehouse and i cannot get a pic big enough to see your doors
    6.if you look at my other designs i'm not as poor as some people who have posted pics

    7.anyone with enough time could do what i did.
    if you want i can post a more basic model too, or possibly the components, bridge, sub light engines etc

    personally its not has good as would like anyway, the bottom is that good, it missing the more finer detalis that i set out to capture but realised it looked s h it like that

    by the way nice hatak, could do with a better texture on the black part
    Eh..for some reason it looks a lot better with the edges changed to the color you had them at. I feel all bad now for saying you didnt make it. >> I'm just gonna shutup now.

    And the Ha'tak is nice. It's not my model though.


      Originally posted by immhotep
      That being said, even a Ori technology on the rands level still is beyond us, not only in size but also in technology, we dont know what powered the device or what technology it has behind it.
      Well, they didn't really cover all that many details of the weapon in one episode. And really, the only technologies that Earth has a strong understanding of are naquadah reactors, crystaline computers, and the use of trinium, which hasn't prevented us from using our partial understanding of other technoliges to integrate them in to our weapons and operations, which includes the Stargate itself.

      But were also working under the assumption this is a technology the Ori actually use, as opposed to something they simply cooked up for Rand.

      Wed be better off trying to reverse engineer the hataks or hive canons.
      Except for the fact that the satellite weapon is potentially more powerful and already engineered for a technology base lower than ours. Chances are it is easier to reverse-engineer, even if we understand its working principles less.

      also the 'talon canon' was much larger than the promethius, i dont think we can miniturize it to fit an alkesh. seeing as the promethius was much larger than an alkesh... wed can to shrink hollywood style to get any weapon.
      1. Replace the massive capacitor banks with a naquadah reactor.

      2. Use more advanced Earth technology; think of how computers once took up entire rooms and now a wrist watch has more computing power.

      3. Streamlining the design to remove the "crudeness" mentioned by Carter.

      4. No one is saying it has to be as powerful as the satellite.

      5. Still removing the ship's primary weapon to make room for it.

      Its just implausable, just replace the talon canon with a gatebuster deployment system and you have a brilliant bomber craft. Why do people insist on putting something 'extra' on our ships..?!
      In that case, an unmodified Al'Kesh is perfectly adequate. You would just need to add an Asgard matter transporter to deploy gate-buster nukes. But the whole point of having a talon cannon is to deploy something for which most of our enemies (save the Ori themselves) have no countermeasure.

      the gatebusters would take up much less soon than any other weapon system, esspecialy the talon canon.
      Well, there is no reason that both couldn't be deployed.
      Last edited by david3565; 02 October 2006, 11:23 AM.


        Keep in mind that even the Caldonians (is that the right spelling?) didn't have complete specks on the weapon, so niether do we. Also, the weapon had to be activated by a prior. It was not said that he activated just the powersource, which means there is likelly something in the designs that will prevent the technology from being usable untill a prior comes allong to activate that particular component. This probably involves something we can't replicate, much less identify without complete specks on the satelite. This would make using the technology difficult at best, if not impossible for the time being.

        As for the weapon's firepower, I'd always thought that it was essentially a more primative, or crude as Carter put it, version of the Ori Cruiser's main gun, and that data from Prometheus's encounter with the satelite gave us the ability to modify the shields on the Daedalus class ships to be more effective against Ori weapons.


          Originally posted by cooky
          Keep in mind that even the Caldonians (is that the right spelling?) didn't have complete specks on the weapon, so niether do we. Also, the weapon had to be activated by a prior.
          Actually, it was Jarrod Kane from Rand who suppiled them with the incomplete plans and then the Caledonians supplied them with more detailed plans when they fled the Prometheus to Caledonia, which I assume would be complete plans, or as close as possible.

          From what I remember of the show, it was Rand who bult all or the vast majority of the weapon. In which part of the episode was it mentioned that a Prior activated it? I don't remember that part.

          Originally posted by cooky
          It was not said that he activated just the powersource, which means there is likelly something in the designs that will prevent the technology from being usable untill a prior comes allong to activate that particular component.
          As I remember it, Rand sent a radio signal to activate and charge the weapon. Rand's president also threatened that they would simply build another satellite if that one was destroyed.

          Originally posted by cooky
          As for the weapon's firepower, I'd always thought that it was essentially a more primative, or crude as Carter put it, version of the Ori Cruiser's main gun, and that data from Prometheus's encounter with the satelite gave us the ability to modify the shields on the Daedalus class ships to be more effective against Ori weapons.
          Granted, it could be, and it does make sense, but I don't know why the Ori would allow even a crude version of the weapons contained on their ships to be leaked like that. Because of that, I see it as a different class of weapon. As I remember, the Daedulus class ships simply have improved shields, which the Prometheus didn't have.


            cooky's correct, they told of a prior coming and activating the satalite in stages, during construction and overseeing it. And then at the end he activated it, we also know that it probley requires an ATA like gene like Ori ships do.
            You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
            Stargate : Genesis |
            Original Starship DesignThread
            Sanctuary for all |
            11000! green me


              dont we still have the priors blood


                yeah but that blood isnt exacly the same thing as what we did with the ATA gene therapy, or is it? anyone?
                You are the fifth race, your role is clear, if there is any hope in preserving the future it lies with you and your people ~ 8years for those words
                Stargate : Genesis |
                Original Starship DesignThread
                Sanctuary for all |
                11000! green me


                  I have a challenge for the incredible rendering savants of this thread, not me I don't count.

                  Make at least three vessels for an alien race that has never contacted (nor knows about) any other race (alien or otherwise) including the ancients, don't have hyperdrive technology, have only recently discovered inertial dampeners, use Electromagnetically accelerated projectile weapons(railguns/coilguns) as their primary weapons, and have not developed shield technology either.

                  Also at least one of the ships has to be non-military in nature and mission.

                  Do you think that you're up to this challenge?
                  Last edited by Daryl Froggy; 29 November 2009, 09:02 AM.


                    Ok, well, that settles the argument then. No cannon. I do, however, have a backup. Here's the modified design:

                    ~Seraph* class planetary defense ship~

                    ~Type: Small hyperspace-capable starship; based around the Al'kesh
                    ~Designation: X-401
                    ~Users: United States Air Force, Royal Air Force, Russian Space Service, People's Liberation Army Air Force
                    ~Builder: Northrop Grumman/Newport News/Soyuz Fleet Systems
                    ~Technology Base: Tau'ri/Asgard/Ga'ould/Wraith/Ancient
                    ~Naval Classification: Fighter-Bomber
                    Standard Al'kesh Dimensions
                    ~Displacement: ?
                    -Officers: 2
                    -Enlisted: 14
                    -Maximum: 45
                    -Standard Al'kesh powerplant
                    -Mk. II Naquadah reactor (redundant powerplant)
                    -Standard Al'kesh sub-light inertial drive
                    -Asgard/Area 51 hyperspace window generator
                    -Asgard matter transporter
                    -Maximum Acceleration: 59.72 PSL
                    -Maximum Hyperspace Velocity: 611 lightyears/hour
                    -Maximum Hyperspace Endurance: 94 hours/top speed
                    -Hyperspace Generator Recharge Rate: 2.1 minutes between jumps
                    ~Ship Systems:
                    -Computer: Wraith bio-hybrid computer system; Standard Al'kesh Crystalline-based computers; AEGIS Networking System
                    -Life Support: Standard Al'kesh Life Support
                    -Sensors: Standard Al'kesh Sensors
                    -Navigation: Stargate Network Common Coordinate Alignment Datalink
                    -Communications: Standard Ga'ould/Jaffa subspace communication systems
                    -Two liquid naqahdah-powered staff cannons (standard)
                    -Surface bombardment plasma discharger (standard)
                    -Two retractable trinium-titanium alloy launch tubes with twelve ASASN (Advanced Strategic Anti-Ship Nuclear; pronounced "assassin") missiles
                    -Asgard Shields
                    -Naqahdah-alloy armor (standard)
                    -Sodan Cloaking Device
                    X-401-01 - USS Abaddon (Active)
                    X-401-02 - USS Astaroth (Active)
                    X-401-03 - USS Leviathan (Active)
                    X-401-04 - USS Metatron (Active)
                    X-401-05 - HMS Raguel (Active)
                    X-401-06 - HMS Sandalphon (Active)
                    X-401-07 - HMS Zadkiel (Under Construction)
                    X-401-08 - RFS Chamuel (Under Construction)

                    Technical and Historical Notes:

                    With the recent outbreak of war between the Lucian Alliance and Earth, the near-loss of the Prometheus, and the expulsion of the Atlantis expedition by returning Ancients, a growing concern developed among the governments participating in the Stargate program about the relatively thin measures for Earth's defense. Fearing the potential loss of the Antarctica outpost--Earth's last means of defense against full scale invasion--a joint program was set in to motion to create a stop-gap.

                    The principal requirements were that this new platform be able to defend against capital ships--specifically Ha'tak-class--and that it could be built quickly in relatively substantial numbers. Hearkening back to the original X-301 project, designers settled on adapting an existing platform, the medium-range Al'kesh bomber, which possessed impressive maneuverability, and more importantly, was being fazed out of many of the Free Jaffa Nation's front line fleets, making a supply of ships available at a cheap cost.

                    The Archangel class vessels retain many of the Al'kesh's Ga'ould-based "bare essentials"--communications, life support, and sensors--as well as its weapons systems, but has also received extensive modifications. Its primary computers and power systems have been replaced with Wraith bio-hybrid technology (mainly harvested from Wraith darts) giving it the ability to literally heal from damage (the Ga'ould based systems are reconfigured as backups). Asgard-based shields, a hyperspace-window generator (replacing the standard Al'kesh hyperdrive), and matter transporter have also been added, along with a Sodan-based cloaking system.

                    The most notable addition to the platform is the ASASN missile. Armed with a Mk. II "Gate-Buster" naqahdah-enhanced nuclear warhead, it utilizes a modified Deathglider inertial drive and Tel'tak cloaking system, obtained from damaged ships supplied by the Free Jaffa or on the open market. The missiles are designed to accelerate rapidly from their horizontal launch tubes and immediately cloak, "defeating" the shields of a larger ship by simply obscuring their presence.

                    An Archangel is meant to operate in squadrons of four against single motherships, breaking down in to formations of two when required. It is supposed that a single Archangel could take out a Ha'tak class vessel, but training exercises and simulations have shown such tactics to result in unsustainable losses.
                    Last edited by david3565; 05 October 2006, 12:07 AM.


                      my name - ARCANGEL




                          Originally posted by Aroura-Gate
                          here is my interpertation of the angel called the arc angel because it was the final and ultimate version heres a link to the model if any one wants to download itand here are some pics

                          the big guns

                          and the power

                          i hope you enjoy
                          i modeled a ship for some one but i called it the Arc Angel because of the persons back story


                            Ah, ok.


                              Right I have come with two designs ideas for my angel ancient ship. These are basic model that I have done tonight, over the past few hours. They are far from omplete. But I have got a problem I cannot decide which one should be the angel. So I am going to ask you lot deside for me.

                              remember one is slightly more developed than the other.

                              Design one is base on puddle jumper cylinder sought of design, this the lease developed one and if choosen I continue down the same design path of using the puddle jumper as a guide.


                              The second one different it more lke a vessel base wraith design.


                              Well please give feed back on the designs, and choose your favourite one. Hopfully over thenext couple of week if time allow I will developed which ever is the favourite.

                              Also as for request of designs for a alien carft which it no hyperdrive or shield, and a electro magnetic or rail guns, well I have a idea for a design of such craft.

                              It should be interesting to design, it will most likely be sought of design base on our current designs which excist into day world, or which could be built in the twenty to fifty years, base real world technology. But I put this project in the long hall and constintract on my work and learnign java, and python over the next few weeks.



                                I've begun working on my second favorite ship, teh Aurora..this ones gonna take me a while, but I'd like to know what everyone thinks of what I have so far. Believe it or not, that actually took a long time to do.

