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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Hm. I think I'll rewatch last night's ep of House. *sigh* I hate losing all my fave shows over the summer!


      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
      *sighs and picks up LJ's discarded clothes, moaning something about "setting a bad example"*

      You know Benjabubs does "naked bouncing on the bed" every morning before we get dressed. It's almost a ritual for him. I reckon he and Lizzie would get along really well.

      Now see I really like that. I like it a lot.
      I had a feeling you might I almost wrote 'Cags loves Hand P0rn' on it, but decided to be a bit more discreet

      Woodnight Josi.

      I too am off to bed. My jaw is still bloody killing me, and it's all swollen up now too. I swear that dentist was a butcher! I'm going to take more of those painkillers-that-make-me-fuzzy and hope I feel better tomorrow.
      Just watch out it doesn't get infected! Straight to the doctor for antibiotics if the swelling and pain haven't lessened by tomorrow. Voice of experience

      For now, whack some whisky on it and drink some more so you sleep


        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
        Hm. I think I'll rewatch last night's ep of House. *sigh* I hate losing all my fave shows over the summer!
        Me too *sob*

        I want moooooooooore....right NOW!

        *le sigh*


          *huggles Trek for FB ickyness*

          *huggles UKers for heatwave and volcanic dust clouds* The heat is already on here and it's not even near as hot as it is supposed to get

          Originally posted by jumble View Post
          Great sigs Jumble!

          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
          *runz through thread nekkid*

          Andy says the interview "went pretty good, I think." It will be a couple of weeks before we hear anything. Red tape, and all that.
          *crosses fingers for Andy*

          Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
          *dodges clothes Cags threw*

          *watches nekkid daughter run through RL living room*

          She learns fast

          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
          *sighs and picks up LJ's discarded clothes, moaning something about "setting a bad example"*

          You know Benjabubs does "naked bouncing on the bed" every morning before we get dressed. It's almost a ritual for him. I reckon he and Lizzie would get along really well.

          Now see I really like that. I like it a lot.

          Woodnight Josi.

          I too am off to bed. My jaw is still bloody killing me, and it's all swollen up now too. I swear that dentist was a butcher! I'm going to take more of those painkillers-that-make-me-fuzzy and hope I feel better tomorrow.
          Cags, go nag your dentist and he will check if everything is ok. Don't wait for later, it took me a month to recuperate from the removal of my wisdom teeth; it was not fun
          Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            Hm. I think I'll rewatch last night's ep of House. *sigh* I hate losing all my fave shows over the summer!
            Tell me about it. I already miss Bones, and the season finale hasn't even aired yet...
            As for House. (Don't click, reply to spoiler underneath!)
            So they finally did it? Got together I mean? Cool. I've watched a few eps, and found it interesting, but it has never really been on my "Gotta watch it" list. I did ship them though. I think I've mentioned before how impossible it is for me not to ship someone in a tv show. No matter the show, I just gotta ship someone. iz both a gift, and a curse...


              Funnily enough, I am really excited about my summer shows that are about to start
              Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
                Hm. Human error makes planes crash more often than ashclouds do and people don't worry about that much. (OK, I do, but most people don't ). So... Maybe the restrictions are a bit too strickt. On the other hand, if one single plane was to crash because of particles all hell wood break loose.

                I hate planes.

                And I have no idea what the point of this post was
                Me toooo Nad, me toooooo.

                And EWW spider talk...ewwww....

                My Fanfiction My Sam/Jack vids (yahoo) My LJ
                Thanks everyone for my b-day icons and sigs!
                Nobody can make you feel inferior without your consent. ~Eleanor Roosevelt


                  *Hugs Nik for FB woes*
                  *Hugs Woohoos for spider... uh... stuff*
                  *Hugs rest of Woohoos for whatever they may need it for*
                  I need a leetle bit of help.
                  I need to know the best BB moment(s) in the following eps: (List could get lengthy )
                  The Boy in the Tree.
                  The Man in the Wall.
                  A Man on Death Row.
                  The Girl in the Fridge.
                  The Woman at the Airport.
                  The Woman in the Car.
                  The Superhero in the Alley.
                  The Woman in the Garden.
                  The Man on the Fairway.
                  The Woman in the Tunnel.
                  The Man with the Bone.
                  The Graft in the Girl.
                  The Soldier in the Grave.
                  The Titan on the Tracks.
                  The Mother and Child in the Bay.
                  The Boy in the Shroud.
                  The Truth in the Lye.
                  The Girl in Suite 2103.
                  The Man in the Cell.
                  The Girl in the Gator.
                  The Man in the Mansion.
                  The Bodies in the Book.
                  Spaceman in a Crater.
                  The Con Man in the Meth Lab.

                  I've seen most of these, but it was at least a year ago, and memory isn't working right now.
                  That should be all of them. Thanks for any help, this is for a personal project of mine. Kinda, and I have to finish it soon, like, I shouldn't have left it to the last minute kind of soon. Thanks!
                  *Huggles Woohoos again*


                    Originally posted by jumble View Post
                    It's ok Sarai, we're not going to Australia

                    Besides, if there are nasty big spiders in Canada, you'll just have to scream really LOUD and hope Dan hears you
                    Awwww, but Jumbly!!!

                    It's true though...big big spiders here! But the big ones are nice and fuzzy and friendly. Its the itty bitty ones bith the red bums that are bad! bad bad bad...

                    (I just had a lot of coffee so I'm a bit bouncy! bounce bounce bounce...I like words with B in them...bounce)

                    bum bounce bum bounce! hehehehe

                    ....*huggles everyone*...*nekkid*....

                    weeee, Doctor Who night tonight! I hope I get really scared, I never get scared...although I tried watching Dr Who once before while drunk and the whole thing was just way too trippy! Add scariness and hot male and this may be an interesting story in the morning...perhaps I should sneak in here while he's here...(the hot male, not Dr Who...though he too is a hot male...hmm...)

                    Anywoo, gtg back to uni....hooooooooraaaaaahhhhhhh...not...

                    Love you all with big bits of huggles!


                      *giggles and huggles Bekki*

                      *runs through thread nekkid*
                      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                        Originally posted by Valerie_Jackson View Post
                        *Hugs Nik for FB woes*
                        *Hugs Woohoos for spider... uh... stuff*
                        *Hugs rest of Woohoos for whatever they may need it for*
                        I need a leetle bit of help.
                        I need to know the best BB moment(s) in the following eps: (List could get lengthy )

                        I've seen most of these, but it was at least a year ago, and memory isn't working right now.
                        That should be all of them. Thanks for any help, this is for a personal project of mine. Kinda, and I have to finish it soon, like, I shouldn't have left it to the last minute kind of soon. Thanks!
                        *Huggles Woohoos again*
                        I love Bones. I really do. I wouldn't miss an episode for anything.


                        ...if you put a gun to my head I couldn't tell you the name of a single episode.

                        *thank you hugs to woohoo's* Prayers and support are much appreciated.

                        Life is weirdly frustrating at the moment.

                        I almost lost my sister last night. She had an allergic reaction to something (possibly a bug bite) and almost suffocated.
                        I live two hours away.
                        Waiting for word on how she was doing and if she was even alive was one of the most frightening things ever.
                        She is fine now although she is still swollen and she feels like she has the flu. The flu thing is a side effect of the shot they gave her.

                        More weirdness. Feel free to skip.

                        The doctors sent Lisa home. No rehab. No true diagnosis. Basically it was "we don't know what's wrong with you" "we think it may be MS" "The steroids seem to be working because you haven't gotten any worse" "we're sending you home".
                        Did I mention that she is addicted to the painkillers she was on right up until the moment they released her?
                        Have I mentioned that I believe that most doctors are a necessary (and even that is debatable) evil?

                        On the bright side I caught two thieves in the last two weeks. One at the big shop and another at the little shop. The shoplifter at the small shop had $400 worth of wine in her purse. One bottle alone was $160. Opus One Cabernet. Never had it and probably never will as it is way out of my budget.

                        The other thief was an employee of the big shop. We had an emergency and needed to use her at the little shop last Saturday. She stole $200 from the register but was clever enough to disguise it in a legitimate way. The problem for her was that the little shop is MY SHOP DANG IT and I know that baby through and through so I immediately saw something funny. I reported it to the owners and we looked at receipts and the security video for the days she worked. Long story short. Since February she has stolen over $6000 from the big shop. $1000 of it in one day alone. She was supporting her boyfriends Oxy habit. I doubt he'll be waiting for her when she gets out of jail.

                        Amidst all of this fun we had to replace the computer that crashed last week and I am also training a new employee. Catching the two thieves was a great training lesson in itself. "What not to do if you want to keep your job and/or stay out of jail."


                          Still not clicking the House spoilers. Watched the first fifteen minutes and then my daughter wanted to play Barbies. What a decision, Barbies or House. Barbies won. The look on my daughter's face while we were playing was priceless.

                          You shouldn't read posts about spiders and then go to bed. Not a pleasant dream to have. Want to have that House one again.

                          *hugs to Cags for her tooth and to Bree for her weirdness* Though, Bree, that could be taken the wrong way.

                          Just watched the V Season Finale. Awesome! Another thing I watched tonight, which I said I would never do, is Glee. I thought it would be like High School Musical. I watched it after American Idol (Casey needs to go home) and thought, wow, I like this show. I enjoy musicals and these actors can sing. Definitely not like Disney.
                          I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


                            Morning Woohoos!

                            Thanks for the advice last night Jumble (and the 69 banner... huh, how'd I miss that? ). I'm not really a whisky lover so... do you reckon tequila will suffice?

                            It still hurts like crazy today and, uh, I probably should not have prodded it just now. I don't think it's infected though; just bruised. The root broke when he was pulling it out so he had to really dig around to get that bit out so I really should not be surprised it hurts. It seems less swollen today so I'll leave it another day and if I'm still in pain tomorrow, go nag the GP (but I really, really do NOT want antibiotics becuase none of them agree with me.)

                            Bree *huggles* for your weird week. Very odd about Lisa after all that? Hmm! So is there any follow up planned? This must be so frustrating all round.
                            And *huggles* for your sister too. How scary! Glad to hear she's okish now.

                            I had a dream about Woohoos last night. Can't for the life of me recall what exactly it about was but we were all on one of those mad chase like adventures like in "It's A Mad Mad Mad Mad World" I woke up feeling warm and fuzzy about it, I know.
                            Last edited by Cagranosalis; 19 May 2010, 01:46 AM.


                              Sorry I can't catch up atm
                              My eyes/head hurt after the fridge door smashed into my face. I'm surprised at how much it's still hurting, actually.

                              ...they say these come in threes right? Because the neck, the face....

                              I will go back and read them when my eyes settle
                              Made by the lovely Jakie


                                *hugs all*

                                *runs a bit around...nekkid of course*

                                *goes outside to get a tan*

                                instead of in RL where I have to sit inside and pretend to like and be interested in this class

