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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by es! View Post
    YAY to sleeping in
    What's "no children tea"?
    What she said.

    josiane, do you drink and punt? Can you get pulled over for that? I would like to see a police officer chase a bunch of drunk ladies at a hen-do while punting. That would be funny.
    I used to trek amongst the stars, now I gate to them


      Happy Birthday Brad!!!!

      Bekki, I am not obsessed about Doctor Who but David Tennant is yummy!!
      Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
        OK, you know I'm going to ask you for a link so can do it and then geek out over it. (Yes, where most children at school, yearned to be sports stars or prefects, I was insanely proud of my buffed up 'Librarian' badge. I could almost fangurl you, Josi, for having my dream job. )
        And the website is LibraryThing It's free up to 200 books, $25 for unlimited. I'm on there as josiane I haven't added any books to it for a while, but I've got 413 books catalogued so far...

        Originally posted by Treknik View Post
        What she said.

        josiane, do you drink and punt? Can you get pulled over for that? I would like to see a police officer chase a bunch of drunk ladies at a hen-do while punting. That would be funny.
        Heck yeah! Plenty of Pimms & Lemonade And I think the police etc entirely expect people in punts to be under the influence of alcohol!
        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post

          *scrolls back up to stare at LJ's sig.*
          Just posting for your thunking convenience...


            Since it hasn't been explained yet...childrens tea is for the UKers breakfast tea...which is a sort of tea in which they put milk(just the normal regular milk...). The Dutch people call this "childrens tea" because we put milk in the tea for kids so it is a bit cooler for them and they don't burn their tongues. It was a joke on the last shipmeet...I(as dutchy) had to laugh at all the UKers drinking "childrens tea"

            *runs out again*



              Ugh. GW hasn't worked properly since I got home. I dunno what happened but it was so slow that it just wouldn't load. I'm a bit behind... and I need to post pictures!
              Made by the lovely Jakie


                Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                Just posting for your thunking convenience...

                Always appreciated.


                Where was I? Oh.. yeah...

                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                And the website is LibraryThing It's free up to 200 books, $25 for unlimited. I'm on there as josiane I haven't added any books to it for a while, but I've got 413 books catalogued so far...
                Hmm, *looks at bookcase* yes, I'd need to upgrade. I'm the kind of person that has difficulty sending even crappy old second hand Mills and Boon to the charity shop.

                Heck yeah! Plenty of Pimms & Lemonade And I think the police etc entirely expect people in punts to be under the influence of alcohol!

                You know all that talk of punting last night had me off on a trip down memory lane. There's a line in a song my Marillion about punting (on the Cam in that case) and I ended up not going to bed but getting out the old CDs and ripping some Marillion stuff and having a good old listen.

                And, umm, I was once told (although don't know how true it was or if it's still true now) that there are no drink/driving laws applicable to boating. The couple we used to house share with had a small boat that we took up the river on pub cruises regularly and, um, we all got quite merry!

                Originally posted by starlover View Post
                Since it hasn't been explained yet...childrens tea is for the UKers breakfast tea...which is a sort of tea in which they put milk(just the normal regular milk...). The Dutch people call this "childrens tea" because we put milk in the tea for kids so it is a bit cooler for them and they don't burn their tongues. It was a joke on the last shipmeet...I(as dutchy) had to laugh at all the UKers drinking "childrens tea"

                *runs out again*

                love the description of tea. Can I just clarify that the ONLY correct way to drink tea is with milk. That's the English way. Yes.


                  Children don't drink tea!

                  I hope you've all had a good day Work was boring, actually. Busy, but boring.

                  Aside from that one moment where I had an argument with a dude who wanted to jumpstart this car on the forecourt... aside from that, a rather dull day!
                  Made by the lovely Jakie


                    I just recently tried putting milk on my tea, I must say I prefer it

                    Soo, I should be studying for finals but they don't officially start till Tuesday
                    Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                      Yay, yessika for liking the good stuff!

                      I think one of these pictures might make GW wonky. But they're going behind a spoiler anyway. These are some piccies from my day out yesterday.


                      ^ This dude was funny. This is Friar Tuck, and as it is written, the dude is a drunk. Likes his booze. He kept falling off his horse. And his fight with the Sheriff of Nottingham was hilarious.

                      Guess who?

                      Me and my friend, Sara. Being silly -- OKAY, I was being silly with the ice cream. Om nom nom. Look how sunny it was at the start? I purposely picked out sunny pictures...

                      But you can see that it rained!

                      Because that little cardigan was my cover from the rain!

             did he get in there?

                      Because it's the dude's birthday!

                      Last edited by m_wendy_r; 02 May 2010, 01:53 PM.
                      Made by the lovely Jakie


                        Love the pics, Wendy!

                        Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                        Hmm, *looks at bookcase* yes, I'd need to upgrade. I'm the kind of person that has difficulty sending even crappy old second hand Mills and Boon to the charity shop.
                        Totally with you there

                        love the description of tea. Can I just clarify that the ONLY correct way to drink tea is with milk. That's the English way. Yes.

                        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                        Children don't drink tea!

                        Um, I did From about the age of 8 or 9, with lots of milk & sugar I have been a tea-addict most of my life

                        Right, I'm off to bed, seeing as I have to work tomorrow despite the bank holiday It's term-time and the students have exams coming up, so we're open regardless Night all!
                        Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                          Josi, I wasn't allowed tea until I was 12, I think.

                          Don't even ask about coffee!
                          Made by the lovely Jakie


                            I've drinking tea all my life

                            Coffee, I don't really like that much but I started with coffee when I was about 8, it was very diluted mind you
                            Sig by Everlovin My YT|My other vid site|My LJ|My Photobucket|My ImageShack|"Stargate is life, Sam and Jack are happiness, Shippers are almighty" by hlndncr


                              Lovely pics Wendy, glad to see you had such a good time

                              Do I see Nad lurking down there? *waves frantically*

                              The rain held off long enough for the sun to shine on the bbq and I'm totally stuffed with chicken and chocolate cake

                              Sadly, Suz's guinea pig (Gip) died last night so she was pretty upset But she still has Joey and Becky, who are bouncing with health and mischief


                                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                                Oooh, I forgot! I had a Martin dream the other night

                                Sadly, the only thing I remember was someone telling me Martin was coming for lunch and wood be bringing Michael Jackson with him
                                Michael Jackson.... But I loved the video...nicely done.

