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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by starlover View Post
    (((Nad))) That's why I already left it as it was, this afternoon...they make the problem bigger than it is IMHO.

    And I didn't post any pictures of anyone
    Actually, I'm getting into the groove.
    Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

    Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


      *sigh* Keeping the peace. Besides, I'm tired from our Ship Thread Therapy session to have a picspam fight.


        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        Actually, I'm getting into the groove.
        I couldn't resist the urge to post anymore as well and made a short post!

        Btw is it just my or is GW incedibly slow? I even got an error...


          Originally posted by starlover View Post
          I couldn't resist the urge to post anymore as well and made a short post!

          Btw is it just my or is GW incedibly slow? I even got an error...
          Me too.


            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            jumble has been showing a disturbing amount of interest in Joe today. Maybe her trip to see Michael will remind her how much she likes green eye and she'll return with a renewed love for Martin. Meanwhile, I'm just gonna' play with her mind a bit. (er...jumble and I are quite good friends and all this is just in good fun, btw).
            We are? It is? So no fighttothedeathinaringofredjello then? *iz sad* Martin and Joe might have enjoyed that................

            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            I'm petitioning the mods for a "Nad kicked us out of the Martin Thread so now we have to Thunk Here" thread...

            Originally posted by starlover View Post
            Or a "A thunk thread for all PTB except Martin because he has his own thread"

            That's not funny
            I thought it was

            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
            (((Jann))) We are all united in our love for TPTB! Don't forget your Shippy Hippy montra...


            I am at one with the hippiness...
            So, how come you haven't joined the S.H.I.P. ?

            Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
            And I'd be here all alone, for jumble wood have crossed over to the Joe side...
            Actually, I like that idea...
            That just sounds so sexy...
   I like Joe. I luuuuuuuuuuurve Martin! BIG difference

            What I most like about Joe is his way with words, and snark, as in.....

            "Sherry writes: “Just saw the trailer…not impressed.”

            Answer: Well, I guess that’s it, everybody! Strike the sets! We’re wrapping up production and going home." *huggles Joe in a purely sexy friendly way*

            And in case anyone hasn't seen it SGU Trailer

            *gets dragged away from GW by georgeous green-eyed blond guy* Bye


              Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
              Trying to catch Joe's giggle?!
              Yeah. UhHuh.

              I should write a sequal...

              A day in GW's Only Thunk Thread:

              A: Did anyone see this RDA pic? *drools*
              B: Oh, that's nothing compared to this new Bubu picture. Ayeeeee!
              A:But Bubu hasn't got silver hair.
              C: ...So? *Drools over Bubu*
              B: Hey! You just drooled over Bubu, you <mod snippy>
              Mod: Snipped for curses
              B: <mod snippy> isn't a curse! I'm certain C would love to <mod snippy> Bubu!
              Mod: It's dirty.
              C: Oooooh yeah... Dirrrrty!!!!! Woo hoo!
              D: You guys misspelled Wood and WooHood.
              C: PTB shouldn't be thunked.
              E: ...Martin should.
              D: Well said, E! *high five*
              A: Did anyone see this RDA pic? *Happy Dances*
              F: Oh yeah, Amanda looks Hawt on it! Rawww.
              B: Amanda looks hot when dressed in Bubu.
              A: Ewwwww.
              G: Michael Shanks. Need I say more?
              D: Please don't.
              H: Who are we thunking today?
              D: Martin.
              A: RDA
              B: Bubu as always
              H: Oh.
              H: When are we thunking Coopie?
              C: When Netu freezes over. PTB shouldn't be thunked.
              G: Michael Shanks!!! Ooooh, those legs!
              A: I think RDA has nice legs. Very Manly.
              H: You know who has manly legs?
              C: Amanda? jk
              H: Coopie.
              D: Ewwwwww
              C: I like Amanda's legs better.
              D: Oh, Martin just yelled and cut! HubbaHubba!
              I: Who?
              B: Beau Bridges.
              D: huh?
              B: Beau Bridges has sexy legs.
              A: Have you seen this RDA pic?
              C: He's wearing boxers. You know what they say about boxers?
              A: Take 'em off?
              C: Good production
              D: Martin gives good productions
              F: Amanda pics from behind the scenes of Sanctuary:
              D: I see Martin's bum! WoooHooood! Gooood.
              I: Who's Martin?
              F: I like Amanda's hair. Bed head
              H: Coopie has sexy hair.
              C: RCC is bald.
              I: Who?
              C: Amanda Tapping.
              B: Amanda isn't bald... That wig's just for her role.
              C: Amanda's bald? Sexy.
              B: no, you said...
              D: I framed Martin's bum!
              G: I framed naked Shanks.
              J: I framed old people.
              A: Oh, let's not feed that troll.
              C: Trolls. Trolls are hot. Are there any trolls in SGA?
              B: No, only those delicious wraith... Spoilered for size:
              C: *thunk*
              A: New RDA pic, with Shep!
              I: Shep!!!!!!! I would so do...
              K: Where's Siler? dan has the most sexy wrench. EVER.
              D: Ooooh... Siler and Major Wood... Now that's an image.
              LOL! Very nice.


                Originally posted by jumble View Post
                We are? It is? So no fighttothedeathinaringofredjello then? *iz sad* Martin and Joe might have enjoyed that................

                I thought it was

                <shippy snip snip>

                *gets dragged away from GW by georgeous green-eyed blond guy* Bye
                Woaw...I can't read lots of words without spaces! I thought you said Fred Jello!


                Have fun being dragged away by your gorgeous green-eyed blond!


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  What I most like about Joe is his way with words, and snark, as in.....

                  "Sherry writes: “Just saw the trailer…not impressed.”

                  Answer: Well, I guess that’s it, everybody! Strike the sets! We’re wrapping up production and going home." *huggles Joe in a purely sexy friendly way*

                  And in case anyone hasn't seen it SGU Trailer
                  Sweet! Joe certainly knows how to deal with those...people

                  Oh and I liked that trailer; not much information in it, but it does show the dark nature of the show.

                  *gets dragged away from GW by georgeous green-eyed blond guy* Bye
                  Bye *waves* I gather from this small piece of information that he knows about your GW addiction?


                    *runs in* *drops pic*

                    Oh yes Jann he knows about my addiction He's cool

                    *runs out*


                      Hi jumble! *waves* Having a good weekend?

                      I'd really rather not do the fighting in jell-o thing. Think we can avoid that? *shoos Martin over jumble's direction, grabs Joe & hangs on tight*

                      EDIT: Woohood! Go us! 400 pages!


                        Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                        Hi jumble! *waves* Having a good weekend?

                        I'd really rather not do the fighting in jell-o thing. Think we can avoid that? *shoos Martin over jumble's direction, grabs Joe & hangs on tight*

                        EDIT: Woohood! Go us! 400 pages!
                        Of course, we wooshippers can co-exist without coming to blows *grabs Martin and waves goodbye to Joe* It's ok, you'll be quite safe with Luvnjack

                        Yes, 400 pages WooHoooooood!!

                        Um, what else? Oh yeah, Michael's thoughts on Martin OT

                        "Ok, so I get that you have a bit of an obsession with this director guy. Should I be worried? Should I be jealous? I don’t think so…….. just as long as he stays in Canada and you stay in the UK I don’t see a problem!!!"


                          Originally posted by jumble View Post
                          Of course, we wooshippers can co-exist without coming to blows *grabs Martin and waves goodbye to Joe* It's ok, you'll be quite safe with Luvnjack

                          Yes, 400 pages WooHoooooood!!

                          Um, what else? Oh yeah, Michael's thoughts on Martin OT

                          "Ok, so I get that you have a bit of an obsession with this director guy. Should I be worried? Should I be jealous? I don’t think so…….. just as long as he stays in Canada and you stay in the UK I don’t see a problem!!!"

                          LOL! You'll have to cancel that trip to Canada you had planned! Michael sounds very cool.

                          OK, what Martin-esque things are we most looking forward to in Movie 3? I think Major Wood is a given, but what else? Blocking? Lighting? Martin Wood commentary for 2 hrs?


                            Originally posted by luvnjack View Post
                            LOL! You'll have to cancel that trip to Canada you had planned! Michael sounds very cool.
                            Shhhhhh! He's looking over my shoulder And yes, he is And he says "A bird in the hand and all that"

                            OK, what Martin-esque things are we most looking forward to in Movie 3? I think Major Wood is a given, but what else? Blocking? Lighting? Martin Wood commentary for 2 hrs?
                            Oh that most of all, but a lot of Martin in the bts wood also be good.

                            And I guess they could throw in some S/J confirmation, you know, just to keep it interesting Martin wood of course direct the scene perfectly, and in the commentary tell us all about how and why he did it that way *sigh* Is it 2010 yet?

                            Ah, dinner's ready, got to go.

                            He comes to my house and he cooks. I go to his house, and guess what? HE COOKS!!!!


                              Jumble - nicee weekend
                              I hope every Woohoo also enjoy the weekend

                              I think in Movie #3 I expect Martin...Major Wood to wear shorts, sandals and smile a lot!!! Wood be great!
                              I also enjoy the trailer - I was scarred what wood the cast look like in it, I thought there's no handsome( my type) guy- but it convinced me it could be cool
                              Yay for SGU!!!
                              sig thanks to Luci


                                Haven't posted in here lately but I do check in from time to time to see what's goin' on. Just thought you'd like to know that when I'm in Vancouver for the Creation con in April three fellow GWers (Antoa, PengYn and SamJackShipLover) and I will be going on a set tour of Sanctuary and having lunch with Amanda Tapping. Hoping we will get to see Martin in action (or at least saying "action" )!

                                Thanks to Pengyn, SamJackShipLover and Mala for the sig.

