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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    I've just applied for a shared ownership place - lovely two bedroom flat just at the south edge of Oxford that I went to see earlier this evening. There's a long way to go in terms of satisfying the housing agency's eligibility test and of course also sorting out the mortgage, but fingers crossed! If it goes through I'd be purchasing 40% of it and paying rent on the other 60%, with the option to purchase further proportions of the total value in future, which makes it more affordable and means I get more space/better location for my money. I saw a place yesterday in Abingdon which was full price but much smaller and less nice and would mean lots of commuting.

    *bites fingers nervously*
    Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


      Glad to hear MoB is okay! I also saw it on her FB account! It's horrible what happened there! Two people who I stayed with in the US while I was sick(uncle and aunt of Brentz) were also there! Luckily the wife was still running when it happened and the husband was near the finish line/where the bomb went off, but he didn't get injured either. He is also an ER doctor and immediately tried to help, but sadly enough one woman who he tried to help passed away. He did managed to help a few other people. It all sounded horrible!

      Josi I hope you get the place! *crosses fingers*


        Sounds good Josi *crosses fingers too*

        Of course, you realise that having more space means that you'll be having visitors staying over, don't you?

        *waves to Jann*


          Oh for sure! There would most definitely be room for a woohoomeet if it all goes through And if not this flat then I will be buying something at some point, just a case of when it all works out
          Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


            *waves back at Jumble*


              *Waves at everyone*

              I got a new mattress today! Yaaay!


                LJ will be sleeping well tonight!

                Fingers crossed for Josi's new home.

                Nice artie re-do Jumble

                So tragic about Boston, amazing number of folks jumped right in to help others. That's what I love - when things are at their worst, the very best in people comes out.


                  Originally posted by josiane View Post
                  Oh for sure! There would most definitely be room for a woohoomeet if it all goes through And if not this flat then I will be buying something at some point, just a case of when it all works out

                  Originally posted by Luvnjoe View Post
                  *Waves at everyone*

                  I got a new mattress today! Yaaay!
                  Now that's definitely worth celebrating

                  Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                  LJ will be sleeping well tonight!

                  Fingers crossed for Josi's new home.

                  Nice artie re-do Jumble
                  Thank you

                  So tragic about Boston, amazing number of folks jumped right in to help others. That's what I love - when things are at their worst, the very best in people comes out.
                  Yes indeed - we call it The Dunkirk Spirit

                  *Fingers crossed that nothing untoward happens in London today*


                    I decided to redo the sig and avi to match the wp..............




                      Oh love the new look. Very colourful (Jumbleised some might say. ) I like the fact you kept the square in the square but in a different way.


                        Thanks Cags

                        I wanted to keep all the same elements as the wp - I think it worked


                          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                          Thanks Cags

                          I wanted to keep all the same elements as the wp - I think it worked
                          Very nicely done Jumble....your "artistic" gene is showing!


                            Thanks Laurie I've been so uninspired lately, I thought I'd lost my artistic gene


                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              Thanks Laurie I've been so uninspired lately, I thought I'd lost my artistic gene
                              I fear mine's gone walkabout these last few weeks One thing you can guarantee about muses/mojos/artistic genes, they sure do come and go as they please

                              Thanks for the finger-crossing and things for the flat everyone. Here's hoping!
                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                                Fingers crossed, Josi!
                                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic


