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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post
    Yay! I wanted to record the first ep, but our recorder broke last week, so But we should get a new one this week, so hopefully by episode 2 or 3, I can set everything up not to miss one ep!
    I think you probably need to see the first ep since I gather it explains things so that Primeval newbies know what's going on You can probably download it easily where you are.

    I luckily finished work earlier than planned last night, so I could catch Castle live. So good!

    *huggles Josi* Keep some of that bouncing for the actual weekend!
    I'm still watching Castle, but still not that excited about it. And what the heck has Beckett done to her hair?

    Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
    Excellent! I will be expecting a full report as soon as you have seen it. and be sure to bring it to AT6 for a Woohoo premiere.

    Where can I download it/watch it?
    I've pmed you


      Very proud of my painting so far... will take a photo of Ellie's room when I get around to it today, I think it looks great!

      Originally posted by LadyGalaxyJ View Post

      *huggles back*
      Did you receive the email I sent you about a week/two weeks ago?
      Yes I did, thought I'd replied to it I'll do that today at some point

      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
      *bounces in*

      I've got it!!! I've got the first ep of PNW!! WooHoooooooo!!!!!

      *does a crazy happy dance*

      Quick question..... is Primeval (New world and the UK one) something that Ellie could watch?

      Originally posted by josiane View Post
      *bounces about AT6*
      *bounces some more*
      *bounces higher*
      *hits head on ceiling*
      *bounces with Josi*
      although not as high because I'm actually kinda nervous about meeting you guys. Don't normally do well with new people - socialising isn't exactly my forte....
      Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


        Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
        Very proud of my painting so far... will take a photo of Ellie's room when I get around to it today, I think it looks great!

        Yes I did, thought I'd replied to it I'll do that today at some point

        Quick question..... is Primeval (New world and the UK one) something that Ellie could watch?
        I think it is, but someone with kids and experience should know for sure.

        *bounces with Josi*
        although not as high because I'm actually kinda nervous about meeting you guys. Don't normally do well with new people - socializing isn't exactly my forte....
        You should be, these guys are insane!!!!

        Kidding, not to worry Everybody's lovely
        Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


          Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
          Very proud of my painting so far... will take a photo of Ellie's room when I get around to it today, I think it looks great!

          Quick question..... is Primeval (New world and the UK one) something that Ellie could watch?
          I wood say no - at least not until you've seen it first so that you can judge whether she'd be ok with it - I believe it has a 14 age limit on it.

          *bounces with Josi*
          although not as high because I'm actually kinda nervous about meeting you guys. Don't normally do well with new people - socialising isn't exactly my forte....
          Aw, don't be nervous - everyone that has met us has survived with their sanity intact



            Good morning! I was going to download that dinosaur bit with the special effects and sounds, but I was running late and didn't want to wait for the huge filesize. Maybe tonight.

            Have a great day everyone.


              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
              I wood say no - at least not until you've seen it first so that you can judge whether she'd be ok with it - I believe it has a 14 age limit on it.
              Ah, ok thanks. Won't be putting that on the Media Player just yet then!

              Aw, don't be nervous - everyone that has met us has survived with their sanity intact

              Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
              You should be, these guys are insane!!!!

              Kidding, not to worry Everybody's lovely

              Hey, I don't even like it when someone new starts at work! If you ask anyone I know they'd tell you that next week is a really big deal for me.... I don't even go to Works Christmas Party because it involves a lot of people in one space :O

              Right! Back to painting... upstairs is done (apart from a little touching up)
              Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                But........... we're not people, we're WooHoos! And we are all looking forward to meeting you and Jakie and welcoming you into the fold

                At least you're starting off with just a small group - there will only be 12 of us for dinner


                  Originally posted by Madness reigns View Post
                  Ah, ok thanks. Won't be putting that on the Media Player just yet then!

                  Hey, I don't even like it when someone new starts at work! If you ask anyone I know they'd tell you that next week is a really big deal for me.... I don't even go to Works Christmas Party because it involves a lot of people in one space :O

                  Right! Back to painting... upstairs is done (apart from a little touching up)
                  Aww *hugs* I had this whole speech of horror planned...
                  Nothing to worry about since you practically know everyone that's gonna be there!!!!
                  And plus, it's your b-day so ALL of the attention will be on you, and you know you.
                  Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                    Shhh! Dee - you can't tell her what happened the first time you met us, it might scare her off


                      Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                      Shhh! Dee - you can't tell her what happened the first time you met us, it might scare her off
                      Darn it! Don't remind me, I finally managed to block it...
                      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                        Aww *hugs* I had this whole speech of horror planned...
                        Nothing to worry about since you practically know everyone that's gonna be there!!!!
                        And plus, it's your b-day so ALL of the attention will be on you, and you know you.
                        PLEASE make a speech! Oh think of the embarrassing photographic opportunities


                          *blows broccoli smoke at Dee* There, that should fog up your brain enough so that even if you remember it, it won't seem so bad


                            Originally posted by Sarai View Post
                            PLEASE make a speech! Oh think of the embarrassing photographic opportunities
                            I shall!!! But do know that it does involve you! *giggles*

                            To MR, Sarai tends to threaten with murder... just an FYI....

                            *angelic smile*

                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            *blows broccoli smoke at Dee* There, that should fog up your brain enough so that even if you remember it, it won't seem so bad
                            Ah, you know me too well

                            This seems like a moment for a song!!!
                            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                              Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                              I shall!!! But do know that it does involve you! *giggles*

                              To MR, Sarai tends to threaten with murder... just an FYI....
                              Sometimes, she doesn't just threaten - we have had the odd WooHoo disappear, never to be heard of again *cough*Oma*cough*

                              *angelic smile*
                              And that's something else MR and Jakie need to watch out for - the clue is in the name

                              Ah, you know me too well

                              This seems like a moment for a song!!!

                              You do realise that the surviving beatles are now waaaaay too old to come to anybody's rescue? Although, Ringo might send Thomas and the Fat Controller to save you


                                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                                I shall!!! But do know that it does involve you! *giggles*

                                To MR, Sarai tends to threaten with murder... just an FYI....
                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                Sometimes, she doesn't just threaten - we have had the odd WooHoo disappear, never to be heard of again *cough*Oma*cough*

                                I am being severely misrepresented here! It's clearly a ploy to cover up your own 'devilish' tendencies...

                                You believe me MR...don't you?


