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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Congrats to her.
    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



      It's a beautiful animal and she looks fabulous! I've ridden, but to be perfectly frank, horses have always scared me a little.



        Horses terrify me too - Suz is always trying to persuade me to let her teach me to ride Wrex (her own horse) but he's so BIG I'm just not confident that I could ever control him


          *wanderz in and flops on the couch*

          I wish it was the end of August. *dreamz of Mumford and Sons*


            I baked some brownies today *puts out a plate* thought I'd share.
            Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



              yum! brownies...

              Today's bits:



                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                Martin on Sanctuary:

                Horvath and Wood say it wasn’t a surprise that Sanctuary didn’t come back. They knew it could go either way to a renewal or a cancellation. “Either outcome was possible,” says Horvath. “And we knew it would take a while to find out.” Wood adds that the writing was on the wall. “It was fuzzy and we weren’t really sure what it said, but the writing was on the wall.” Also contributing to the renewal being an unsure thing was that the show had already wrapped production on its fourth season in August when it started airing on Syfy, and they hadn’t gone back into production yet this spring, which meant they’d miss the fall lineup this year if they were coming back.
                Wood adds that although the network did give them feedback that their fourth season was the best they’d done, the financial considerations of going into a fifth season weighed out in the end. Wood is proud that the network realized how viable being able to pull off a show like Sanctuary was, and that Syfy has since copied their model on subsequent shows because of Sanctuary’s success.

                Thanks for sharing that. It bugs me a bit though that Syfy has "copied their model" but then cancels the show that provided the model. (Yes I'm still bitter that they cancelled it. )

                Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                I baked some brownies today *puts out a plate* thought I'd share.
                Oh! Brownies? That cheers me up a little. I love brownies. *grabs a corner piece* Thank you!

                Originally posted by josiane View Post
                Thanks Six! *noms cake*
                You're welcome.

                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                About now the Special Features from the S4 dvds will start popping up - please, if you're posting anything about them, remember to use spoiler tags - I don't want to know anything until I get my dvds. Thanks
                I just watched bloopers and some deleted scenes on youtube.

                (*thinking to self* "do I need to spoiler this comment too? She did say anything. hmmm. Just going to play it safe." )

                They were great. Some of the deleted scenes would have added a lot to the episodes if they'd been left in. Glad they decided to put them on the dvds for us. But it's also sad seeing these knowing it's the last season.
                Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                  *noms a brownie*

                  Yes NumberSix, I do mean spoiler any info about the Special Features - playing it safe is the best way to go Thank you


                    My understanding is that SyFy wanted another season of Sanctuary, they (i.e. the people at Sanctuary, not the network) just weren't able to get the proper funding to make it since their main funding source the previous seasons backed out.

                    Syfy buys the rights to air the show, they do not provide funds to make it.


                      Originally posted by antoa View Post
                      My understanding is that SyFy wanted another season of Sanctuary, they (i.e. the people at Sanctuary, not the network) just weren't able to get the proper funding to make it since their main funding source the previous seasons backed out.

                      Syfy buys the rights to air the show, they do not provide funds to make it.
                      Is that the way it is for all the shows SyFy airs then? They don't pay anything to make the shows, just buy rights to air them? Who do they buy the rights from?
                      Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.


                        from the owners/producers of the programming


                          So in Sanctuary's case, that would be M.A.D. ?
                          Thanks to yamiinsane for my lovely sig.



                            Had a great 4th. A bunch of coworkers and I and our SO's rented canoes and paddled as close to the fireworks barge as we could legally get. It was amazing to feel like the fireworks were going to rain down on you (and it did pour down rain for the first 10 minutes!).

                            Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post

                            MoB you're definitely my hero, you'll find your setting soon, I have no fear *huggles tight* until then we're still here

                            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                            Welcome new people!



                            I get a bit like that since I moved, too. I only notice it on my days off.

                            Good luck with your 8 days straight! *huggles*

                            All of you guys have made such wonderful artwork.
                            Thanks! It's weird, isn't it?

                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            I now have a spiffy new shower - much better than the one I had

                            And after being here for two hours, the guy that fitted it came into the kitchen and said "Who is that guy? He looks familiar." So I told him. Turns out he's a BIG Amanda/Stargate/Farscape fan, so I made coffee and we had an interesting chat about how each of us got into scifi He was really jealous when I showed him the pics of me with Amanda and told him about the set tour and how lovely she always is Apparently his fave pic of her is the one with the flag - it's obviously not just her acting abilities that he admires

                            Originally posted by NumberSix View Post
                            Thanks for sharing that. It bugs me a bit though that Syfy has "copied their model" but then cancels the show that provided the model. (Yes I'm still bitter that they cancelled it. )

                            Originally posted by antoa View Post
                            My understanding is that SyFy wanted another season of Sanctuary, they (i.e. the people at Sanctuary, not the network) just weren't able to get the proper funding to make it since their main funding source the previous seasons backed out.

                            Syfy buys the rights to air the show, they do not provide funds to make it.
                            What Antoa said. Sanctuary isn't really a SyFy show, IIRC. The show is owned/principally funded by another group, and they weren't making money in it, and tv IS a business, so they decided to pull the plug. SyFy is the USA distributor of the show, but not the biggest money for it.

                            come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                              Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                              Tinnec you can be The Ninja Woohoo! I like ninjas

                              Laurie happy for you!
                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              Sounds good Laurie It'll be great if you can find somewhere to settle *crosses fingers*

                              Jakie, good to hear the thumb is better

                              *hugs Luvnjoe for sucky day*

                              Tinnec, need you to decide on your name - only 9 posts to go!

                              Thanks Padme

                              Waiting for the plumber/electrician to come and put in the new shower - can't wait!

                              *does a happy dance and wanders off to see what the littlies are doing*
                              The Foxy Ninja Woohoo? lol
                              *think think think*

                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              I now have a spiffy new shower - much better than the one I had

                              And after being here for two hours, the guy that fitted it came into the kitchen and said "Who is that guy? He looks familiar." So I told him. Turns out he's a BIG Amanda/Stargate/Farscape fan, so I made coffee and we had an interesting chat about how each of us got into scifi He was really jealous when I showed him the pics of me with Amanda and told him about the set tour and how lovely she always is Apparently his fave pic of her is the one with the flag - it's obviously not just her acting abilities that he admires
                              That is awesome!! I love conversations that come up like that! Once, I had a discussion with a girl on Black Friday about the Eragon books just to kill time.

                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              Martin on Sanctuary:

                              Horvath and Wood say it wasn’t a surprise that Sanctuary didn’t come back. They knew it could go either way to a renewal or a cancellation. “Either outcome was possible,” says Horvath. “And we knew it would take a while to find out.” Wood adds that the writing was on the wall. “It was fuzzy and we weren’t really sure what it said, but the writing was on the wall.” Also contributing to the renewal being an unsure thing was that the show had already wrapped production on its fourth season in August when it started airing on Syfy, and they hadn’t gone back into production yet this spring, which meant they’d miss the fall lineup this year if they were coming back.
                              Wood adds that although the network did give them feedback that their fourth season was the best they’d done, the financial considerations of going into a fifth season weighed out in the end. Wood is proud that the network realized how viable being able to pull off a show like Sanctuary was, and that Syfy has since copied their model on subsequent shows because of Sanctuary’s success.

                              And about PNW:

                              A primary consideration for Wood was what to do with his Sanctuary crew. PNW was a perfect fit—Horvath was already attached to the show, and it was on the same Vancouver lot as the Stargate series and Sanctuary. Wood signed up. “The ability to move our crew [to another show] was a really big part of it for me,” he says. “[With PNW,] we have a Sanctuary/Stargate hybrid crew. Virtually everyone here worked on one [or both] of those shows.” He adds that when you spend 13-14 hours a day with your crew for six months, they become your work family. Another member of the family since the Stargate days is Amanda Tapping, who has joined the show as one of the four resident directors for the first season’s 13 episodes.

                              Wood was excited to be involved on the ground floor, of PNW as the director on the first episode. “Being able to do the premiere episode was important to me,” he says. “Making that transition visually and continentally [from the original] was important to me … to put the changes in to get to the new world.” He says that similar to what he did with Stargate Atlantis and Sanctuary, he wanted to “visually manipulate [the show in] a certain way that was story friendly [and] production friendly and the shootability of it was such that you wouldn’t get tired of the areas you were in and the look that you had.” He was also mindful that he didn’t want to wear out his audience with a visual style that was too frenetic or boring. “We wanted to move far enough away from the original that it felt like it was a breath of fresh air.”

                              Taken from here.
                              What does the writing was on the wall mean?

                              Grr! Sanctuary would be not that expensive!! It's all green screen! That's as cheap as you can get, I imagine!

                              What is PNW?

                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              'Afternoon Padme

                              Suz was thrilled to be allowed to ride Toby, the stable's top horse........

                              Look at the veins popping on the horse! Wow! And that's pretty neat!!

                              Originally posted by antoa View Post
                              My understanding is that SyFy wanted another season of Sanctuary, they (i.e. the people at Sanctuary, not the network) just weren't able to get the proper funding to make it since their main funding source the previous seasons backed out.

                              Syfy buys the rights to air the show, they do not provide funds to make it.
                              Yay SyFy! Good for you for being supportive! Interesting about SyFy and Sanctuary and rights.

                              Who dared to back out? I heard if there'd been a fifth season they might've made it their last as they were hoping for at least five seasons....?


                                Phew! Long long day. I was doing the daycare after the camp, and I got this wave of nostalgia! One of the kids had to wait even after the daycare service was over, and his dad finally came around 6. And I just remember when I used to go the summer camps and school how *I* was that lonely kid whose parents couldn't come early because they were working late. Aww. *squishes kid* I felt his pain.

                                Originally posted by Nolamom View Post
                                Sounds like we've got a lot of upbeat news all around - healing thumbs, new showers, shoulder *might* be getting better...hey Laurie - how's rehab for the hand going? I noticed you're typing a lot more
                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                It's about time, don't you think?

                                Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                                About now the Special Features from the S4 dvds will start popping up - please, if you're posting anything about them, remember to use spoiler tags - I don't want to know anything until I get my dvds. Thanks
                                OMG I had *forgotten* Sanctuary was coming out this month! Shame on me! I've been so busy. The months flew by!
                                Live Peace. Speak Kindness. Dwell in possibility.
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                                Beautiful avi and sig are birthday presents fom josiane!

