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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Sounds too much like hard work to me But if that's what you enjoy doing (and doing it really well ), who am I to disagree?

    I think you're more artsy than you realise


      *hugs WooHoos*
      *extra hugs for hectic wooks and general Meh*

      Yay for the car, Wendy!

      Awesome job on building Martin, Nola
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Yay for the car Wendy! Woohoo!

        Beautiful arty nola! That's amazing! I'm not that good with rebuilding bodyparts!

        *runs around nekkid*

        I got a borin' life atm so not much to say


          Great. I'm the uncool Muppet.
          Uncool, but Orange. There's that...

          And because it's Fugue Friday, I sang that.
          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


            Thank you everyone! I'm still bouncing about the car... (I'm not sure this will end anytime soon).

            Jann, you can swap lives with me for a day if you'd like. I'd like a nice, boring day. Just one.

            Nad... an uncool muppet?! I don't believe it!
            Made by the lovely Jakie


              Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
              Jann, you can swap lives with me for a day if you'd like. I'd like a nice, boring day. Just one.
              Sure. You can switch with me for a day. You do have to do my mandatory tasks though(groceries, household, puppy) But it's pretty good!

              Watching the voice (of Holland) now with my mom.


                Woohoo, well done on the car Wendy! What did you get? More importantly, what colour is it and what are you going to name it?
                (For the record, my first car was called Monty and he was black).

                Nola, that Martin building is simply awesome! Really, great job. I would not have known what bit you'd made without the comparison to the original. Well done you, you clever, clever Woohoo.
                Now, if you can build men, do you think you could see your way to building a complete, preferably fully functional Martin? You can give the bulk of it to Jumble to, er, play with but save the hands for me, ta.

                Second thoughts (since I am currently listening to the latest Snow Patrol album) Jumble can have all of Martin if I can have Gary Lightbody. *sigh* It's so so wrong but want his babies.


                  Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                  Woohoo, well done on the car Wendy! What did you get? More importantly, what colour is it and what are you going to name it?
                  (For the record, my first car was called Monty and he was black).
                  Since I'm sure Wendy has more sense than to be up this late - it's a blue Vauxhall Corsa, as yet unnamed

                  Nola, that Martin building is simply awesome! Really, great job. I would not have known what bit you'd made without the comparison to the original. Well done you, you clever, clever Woohoo.
                  Now, if you can build men, do you think you could see your way to building a complete, preferably fully functional Martin? You can give the bulk of it to Jumble to, er, play with but save the hands for me, ta.
                  Thanks for the thought, but I'd rather not have a substitute, no matter how well built

                  besides, what use wood he be to me without his hands?

                  Second thoughts (since I am currently listening to the latest Snow Patrol album) Jumble can have all of Martin if I can have Gary Lightbody. *sigh* It's so so wrong but I want his babies.


                    Thank you guys so much for the compliments on the Martin-building project. It was fun. I'd love to get really good at it.

                    The ballet today was wonderful. Maeryn didn't even fall asleep this year - what a big girl she's getting to be! The symphony played the music and the local professional ballet company performed the major roles supported by lots of youngsters. The costumes were lovely and the dancing was terrific. One guy was shirtless during the Arabian number - hubba hubba - what muscles! My daughter and I were both drooling just a little bit.

                    Today's bits:



                      Watched Fugue tonight and I liked it!
                      I was pleasantly surprised....this episode was really good. Got to hear Jim Byrnes (Magnus's father) for the first time and he has a great voice. AT has a really nice voice. And Pascale Hutton was amazing. Apparently she has opera training and it showed. Even Will's voice wasn't bad. Only one that didn't sound as good as he normally does was Henry. Needs his guitar I guess. Definately a thumbs up for this episode.


                        *hugs WooHoos*

                        Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
                        Thank you everyone! I'm still bouncing about the car... (I'm not sure this will end anytime soon).
                        Can we see it?
                        (No, I did not mean ''is it invisible'', I was hinting at a picture... )

                        Nad... an uncool muppet?! I don't believe it!
                        'T is true.

                        Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                        Thanks for the thought, but I'd rather not have a substitute, no matter how well built

                        besides, what use wood he be to me without his hands?
                        *mutters something about...*

                        Now. Fugue. If I'm not back in an hour...
                        I'll be outside.
                        Singing to my neighbours.
                        Send back-up.
                        Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                        Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website




                          I thought the ep in itself was nice. It was touching and sweet at times.
                          Could really have done without most of the singing, though. They sounded fine, but it really distracted me and it made me wish that the *had* gone for silly.
                          There were two singing moments I did like and those were the video conference scene (which was silly ) and that wonderful scene with Amanda and Jim Byrnes. Now *that* was beautiful!

                          Didn't hate the ep, but the singing mostly made me cringe. I'll probably re-watch and just skip those parts.

                          Nice buns, though.
                          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                            I haven't watched Sanctuary yet...
                            I thought to share with you my latest drawings... ...Since you told me to keep drawing...and I did. You have no idea how easier it's to draw on good paper!!!

                            My vids Sig made by me


                              *sneeks out of lurking mode after watching Fugue*

                              I actually kinda liked it.... though I like the musical Buffy episode too so.... *shrugs*

                              There wasn't as much singing as I thought there was going to be and the singing parts didn't last too long either. It was lovely to see Jim Byrnes again, and his scene was so touching and such a lovely song too.

                              I watched the conference scene 3 times purely because it made me laugh - for some reason it reminded me of the 'Morning Report' scene from the Lion King!

                              Would have loved to have heard Robert Lawrenson (Declan) sing - not just the slight rapping?/rhyming thing he did during the conference, and I am a bit confused as to why Gavin didn't belt out a tune or two - everyone else seemed to be

                              Overall not the worst musical episode ever.

                              *return to lurking mode*
                              Last edited by Madness reigns; 26 November 2011, 10:24 AM.
                              Thank you ladygris for my lovely sig and avi


                                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

                                *mutters something
                                What? He needs his hands for hugs, surely?

                                Now. Fugue. If I'm not back in an hour...
                                I'll be outside.
                                Singing to my neighbours.
                                Send back-up.
                                I've only just got it, so not clicking those spoilers - yet

