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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by Leo1 View Post
    Knocks on door of Woohoo House bearing gifts of broccli and wine.I'm new to the neighbourhood is there room for one more woohoo?Hellooo, anybody home?
    Originally posted by Leo1 View Post
    Hello everyone!After lurking for almost two years I finally decided to join the madness,so that's one less mysterious guest you all need to worry about.I have to go again since it's 1:30 pm here in South Africa and I should be working.Oh,and one last thing :MARTIN WOOD IS AWESOME!!(but not as awesome as Amanda Tapping)."See" you all later.bye.
    Welcome Leo!
    I agree, Amanda is awesome!

    Originally posted by jumble View Post
    *runz in and bounces on the couch*

    Loooook what my SS sent me.......

    *squishy huggles Bree*

    "Peace, love and Martin Wood" What more could I want?

    And it's puuuuuuurrrrppppllllllle!!!!
    Glad you like them Jumble!

    Now look what my Sekrit Santa Sarai gave me!

    SO awesome! Thank you Sarai!

    Edit: Happy Birthday Chemmy!


      Happy Birthday, Chemmy!!!!
      Welcome, welcome, Leo!

      Happy Sekrit Santa Gift Day?

      Look what Jann made for me!

      Along with three fabulous wallpapers - which I would post if I knew how to make them into thumbnails

      Thank you, Jann, for the fabulous gifts *squishy huggles*

      Merry Christmas

      Josi, I'm envious of your homebaked mince pies!
      Made by the lovely Jakie


        Glad you like them Wendy(again)!

        Sarai those are beautiful! Love the soft coloring!

        Lemme see if I can work out the thumbnails...
        (just an option in PB)



          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
          Happy Birthday, Chemmy!!!!
          Welcome, welcome, Leo!

          Happy Sekrit Santa Gift Day?

          Look what Jann made for me!

          Along with three fabulous wallpapers - which I would post if I knew how to make them into thumbnails

          Thank you, Jann, for the fabulous gifts *squishy huggles*

          Merry Christmas

          Josi, I'm envious of your homebaked mince pies!
          Those are lovely. Amanda is so adorable with her glasses.


            Welcome Leo!!!!

            And I'm looooooooooooooooving all the art!!! Everything is soooo beautiful

            Wonderful vid MoB!
            Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


              WOW! Now I know why my wife says I need to check in every day. I read all the posts and took lots of notes.

              1. Thank you Wendy, Oma, Bekki, Cags, Devilish Me and Yessika for the Birthday wishes and thanks to everyone for the hellos and Jumble for the squishy hugs.

              2. Welcome Leo, Merry Christmas, Merry 5th day of Martinmas, Happy Birthday Chemmy and Dan.

              3. All the artwork is awesome, I don't have a secret santa but I wish all of you the best.

              4. For those of you who are feeling under the weather I hope you feel better.

              5. Ignore my wife about not working while posting, she works harder than anyone I know.

              6. I know the snow across the pond has been tough but I am jealous.

              7. Sarai I LOVE the movies and EVERYTHING about them and remember in Kill Bill - Uma addressing Vivica Fox "That be just about square" While she moves her fingers in a not complete square.

              8. MOB - I don't nurse anymore but I did my OB training in Bridgeport. I respect what you do soooo much, expecially where you are.

              9. Jumble - You deserve to be praised for your love

              10. Cags - I did not mean to come between you and Dan (LOL)

              Thanks for letting me post, I feel better, I have been feeling very unwanted being out of work but this has cheered me up. I promise to visit a lot more often.

              Huggles to all of you



                Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                Welcome Leo!!!!

                1. And I'm looooooooooooooooving all the art!!! Everything is soooo beautiful

                2. Wonderful vid MoB!

                1. Agreed!

                2. Thank you!

                come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                  Originally posted by jumble View Post
                  Ah, right Nope, we're booked for 8pm - three courses plus coffee and mince pies
                  Hope you're having a lovely time, and merry Christmas to Suzy and Mike as well!

                  Mmm..... with Yorkshire puddings? Roast potatoes? Roast parsnips? *drools* I'm soooo hungry!!!

                  But I bet you haven't got Chocolate & Grand Marnier Tart with raspberry couli.........
                  No I'm afraid our expertise somewhat prohibits the Grand Marnier Tart . However, I have whipped up my annual Chocolate Orange Roulade for desert after dinner tomorrow .

                  The full menu was...
                  Topside of Beef cooked with just a little olive oil and seasoned with salt and pepper
                  Roast Potatoes
                  Maple Syrup and Mustard Roasted Parsnips
                  Broccoli, Carrots, Creamy Leeks and...
                  Homemade Yorkshires

                  Nom nom nom. But I have to say I'm absolutely knackered....

                  Hope you're all having fun wherever you are wonderful Woohoos!

                  *twirls out*


                    Welcome Leo! Noohoos are always welcome.

                    *huggles Leo*

                    Yeah. Get used to it.

                    Thank you Bekki and Dee for my SS. Quite why I ended up with two I...well, I ain't complaining sinec they're both beyond awesome! Methinks I may just go on about Martin's hands just a teensy tiny, eeny, weeny little bit... and you guys have picked up on that.

                    From Bekki:

                    From Dee:

                    Martin's Hands, SS Pressie for Cags

                    *iz very happy*

                    Glad you liked yours Sarai. Sorry I can't YT it as the audio is disabled. But will try putting in on LJ in a moment... watch this space... here vvv


                      Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                      Welcome Leo! Noohoos are always welcome.

                      *huggles Leo*

                      Yeah. Get used to it.

                      Thank you Bekki and Dee for my SS. Quite why I ended up with two I...well, I ain't complaining sinec they're both beyond awesome! Methinks I may just go on about Martin's hands just a teensy tiny, eeny, weeny little bit... and you guys have picked up on that.

                      From Bekki:

                      *iz very happy*

                      Glad you liked yours Sarai. Sorry I can't YT it as the audio is disabled. But will try putting in on LJ in a moment... watch this space... here vvv
                      Cause we love you

                      And don't forget Nad since she helped out with my pressie *giggles*
                      Big thanks to josi for avi and sig


                        Originally posted by Devilish Me View Post
                        Cause we love you

                        And don't forget Nad since she helped out with my pressie *giggles*

                        Indeed she did. Which makes it even more special and sublime.

                        Here's a linky to my video for Sarai:


                          Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                          Indeed she did. Which makes it even more special and sublime.

                          Here's a linky to my video for Sarai:
                          I can't see it

                          come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                            Opps sorry, privcy settings. Try it now.


                              Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                              Opps sorry, privcy settings. Try it now.

                              come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                                Originally posted by Cagranosalis View Post
                                Indeed she did. Which makes it even more special and sublime.

                                Here's a linky to my video for Sarai:
                                Big thanks to josi for avi and sig

