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The Martin WooHoodStock Thread

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    Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

    I haven't been misbehaving!


    *goes to look for the secret cake*
    How will you know where to find it? It's a secret.

    I should probably go to bed so I can get better - since I have the dreaded cold again.
    Made by the lovely Jakie


      Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
      How will you know where to find it? It's a secret.

      I should probably go to bed so I can get better - since I have the dreaded cold again.
      Oh right. That wood mean that I don't know it exists either...

      *hugs again*
      Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

      Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


        Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post
        Oh right. That wood mean that I don't know it exists either...
        That could be confusing...

        *hugs again*
        *hugs back*
        Made by the lovely Jakie


          You go out of this thread for one second and everyone is eating/stealing your cake already. Nothing left of it

          Originally posted by Jumble View Post
          Proves my point - you've been misbehaving all along
          Nope...I was just baking a cake! Which is good!

          Only the really badly behaved ones
          And I'm not part of those!
          Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
          ...that sounds so good!
          It is!

          *huggles Wendy for her cold*


            Originally posted by m_wendy_r View Post
            That could be confusing...

            *hugs back*

            Originally posted by Jumble
            I'm pretty sure I've never seen those either because I'm absolutely certain I wood have noticed and remembered mention of Martin sleeping with any WooHoo so you must have been holding out on us

            I feel a letter of apology is due at least one of OBPTB

            Sleep well Wendy - hope you feel better soon *hugs*
            You responded on both
            Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

            Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


              Good evening WooHoos!

              Careful huggles of Wendy - don't want to catch your cold.

              Apple/cinnamon cake all gone now? I guess I got here too late. *licks plate* good crumbs.

              Thanks for the votes of confidence about my observation. I tend to get all worried about these things.

              Another two bits of wisdom for the evening:



                Originally posted by DutchIndeed View Post

                You responded on both
                I did? The memory must be worse than I thought

                @ Nola's word of wisdom


                  I know it's after midnight in the UK, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAI! *hugs*

                  Rough day today. It was busy, which is fine. But I watched a bunch of doctors strongarm a woman into having an unnecessary c-section today. She clearly didn't want it, and there was no medical indication for it, but they chipped away at her all day until she relented and had the section. I didn't realize how much it upset me until I was in the car on the way home. I was wondering why the day seemed so hard, and then it hit me. Glad to have the day off tomorrow to relax and recover. Also recording for my album tomorrow night, which is a major happiness booster.

                  And, here's my new custom corset. Andi cheered me up by lacing me into it tonight.



                  come tweet with me! LJ Friends Creative LJ* AO3 * banners by my talented friends


                    Originally posted by MidwifeOnBoard View Post
                    I know it's after midnight in the UK, but HAPPY BIRTHDAY SARAI! *hugs*

                    Rough day today. It was busy, which is fine. But I watched a bunch of doctors strongarm a woman into having an unnecessary c-section today. She clearly didn't want it, and there was no medical indication for it, but they chipped away at her all day until she relented and had the section. I didn't realize how much it upset me until I was in the car on the way home. I was wondering why the day seemed so hard, and then it hit me. Glad to have the day off tomorrow to relax and recover. Also recording for my album tomorrow night, which is a major happiness booster.

                    And, here's my new custom corset. Andi cheered me up by lacing me into it tonight.


                    Sorry for the bad day. Sounds as if the doctors wanted to "schedule" the birth their way.
                    Woot! for the corset! that's bada$$!


                      All right, what is all this arguing about desserts. I put enough out for everyone and it should last for some time. But if you need more.....

                      Some cakes:

                      Some good food:


                      And here's your broccoli (so no more complaints):

                      Oh and a big hug for everyone (and this isn't even my birthday!)


                        Lookies at all that food! So not good if you're trying to loose weight!

                        *huggles MoB* So bad that women get talked into a C-section. But I must say cool corset!

                        *runs around nekkid*


                          *hugs WooHoos*

                          *hugs MoB for the bad day*
                          Must not have been very pleasant.

                          Love the corset, it looks very cool

                          Originally posted by starlover View Post
                          Lookies at all that food! So not good if you're trying to loose weight!
                          Ah... the beauty of virtual food.
                          Being original is difficult when you can't stop quoting your favorite tv show, For crying out loud!

                          Letters to TPTB - The Martin Wood Thread - WooHoodStock Guide -S.H.I.P. Website


                            Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                            Come on Sarai, we must have made up for the naughtiness by now - where's that broccoli???
                            What, I have to sleep sometimes?! Ok, ok, I relent *throws snacky goodness*


                              Evening all

                              Originally posted by Jumble View Post
                              It is, why try to fight it?
                              I don't know. Occasionally I just feel compelled to, even though I know it's pointless You know me too well

                              *hugs MoB for the rough day* That sounds tough to deal with, especially when it's so against everything you believe in. Poor woman Yay for the corset to cheer you up though - looks awesome
                              Artwork for All | Sig & avi by JadedWraith


                                *runs in*

                                Squee!! Lookie at my birthday pretties from Josiane and Jumble

                                *squishy huggles you both*


